Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sow S.O.W. Landing Page

Start your
Mental Journey to
The Knowledge Of The Truth
with Post #1

“People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.” ― John C. Maxwell (Christian Author, Speaker, Pastor)

reassure -- (verb)
1. to make (someone) feel less afraid, upset or doubtful.
2. to restore confidence to: to free from fear.

"Evil is powerless if the good are unafraid." -- Ronald Reagan

(Please read This Whole Page before you Click On A Link)

Our Built In Lie Detector
Your Reasoning And Decision Making Process should always rule over your Emotions Or Feelings (Psalm 4:4, Ephesians 4:26-27), but they both serve an important purpose. Your Thoughts And Feelings work together to serve you. Monitor your feelings closely. Trust and "believe that they are true to you personally" because they always are. You don't have to act on all of your feelings (sometimes you will be acting on lies), but you should always trust them because: How you feel is always exactly how you are supposed to feel according to your Current Thoughts that help put you in Your State Of Mind. Your feelings can reveal hidden Negative Thoughts Or False Beliefs (Darkness) that make you feel bad and cause problems, with how you Communicate to yourself and others, when they are triggered by The Light Of The Truth.

Anxiety -- (noun) 
fear or nervousness about what might happen.

If you just started feeling a high level of Panic, Anxiety, Worry, Stress or Fear WHEN YOU LANDED ON THIS WEB PAGE then please "Stop Believing The Lies In Your Head!!" because you are exactly where you need to be to set your mind free. (To my fellow Brother And Sisters In Christ: If you are feeling very afraid right now then ask yourself, "Would The Holy Spirit Of The Infinite Living God Of Love/Light/Power Inside Of You be afraid of anything at all?" God did not give us A Spirit Of Fear (2 Timothy 1:7), so if You Are Afraid, then Your Feelings are Proof that you have been Greatly Deceived about Many Crucial Things About God/Love for a long time. If this is so, then The Panic is from The Enemy's Lies And False Beliefs, that are Hidden In Your Mind/Heart, That Are About To Be Exposed And Removed By The Truth after all these years so "Peace be with you" and may you be very blessed. If necessary, very boldly use The Sword Of The Spirit to make yourself feel better immediately!!!)

All Human Beings were made by The Truth (The Infinite Living God Of Love/Light/Power) for The Truth (About God/Love) that is about to be revealed to you. This is why A Lie Detector Test works on us because Lies/False Beliefs register in our Minds as Negative Feelings (at different intensity levels, depending on Our Degree Of Infestation) and they can be measured in our bodies.

Joy -- (noun) A feeling of great happiness. (The Positive Extreme)
Indifference -- (noun) Lack of interest in or concern about something. (Neutral)
Terror -- (noun) A very strong feeling of fear. (The Negative Extreme)

So depending on where you are spiritually, you could already be feeling anywhere from Extreme Joy to Extreme Terror; most likely you are somewhere in between which includes Indifference. While reading This Blog, if you suddenly become overwhelmed with Bad Feelings--Darkness--triggered by you being exposed to The Light Of The Truth, to the point that it becomes too difficult for you to understand anything, then click on The Purple Blog Title "Sow Seeds Of Wisdom" at The Top Of Each Post to return to This Landing Page and click on the link below. (This will change the order that some of this information is learned, for those who are already having Serious Emotional Problems with this, and it will direct them to another website to get help with Healing Themselves Emotionally. After an Indefinite Emotional Healing Delay, they can eventually return and read through this in a much better State Of Mind. You will learn The Exact Same Information in due time if you are feeling Emotionally Stable while reading this.) Those who really need The Emotional Bailout will probably not be able to comprehend anything at all because of Their Mental State Of Severe Distress. Please trust me on this right now, and be very honest with yourself about how you are truly feeling; because if you are already feeling Emotionally Stable but you read The Emotional Bailout anyway out of curiosity with no Spiritual Background, then you could learn about some things WAY TOO EARLY in Your Mental Journey; and without The Proper Emotional Security Build-Up that you will gently receive by reading this in the right order, you could become very frightened and then you will really need The Emotional Bailout because you did not follow the insructions. (Crawl, Walk, and then Run--You Very Precious Child Of God.) You really could be slowing yourself down on your Mental Journey to The Knowledge Of The Truth, with A Time Consuming Fall From Fear, by not following the instructions. At the right point, I will tell you when I think you know enough To Be Fully Prepared so you can "Read The Emotional Bailout" without any problems and I will insist that you Click On The Exact Same Link, later on--OK? :-) You Very Precious (and Very Curious) Child Of God. I'm just trying to keep you from harming yourself and Avoiding These Very Critical Issues Altogether does exactly that--we all get hurt and suffer greatly because of Ignorance. Those who really need The Emotional Bailout have probably been feeling very horrified--from time to time--for a long time in their lives anyway without knowing why; so intense Real Life Fear is probably nothing new to them. This Blog will more than likely trigger Their Highest Level Of Fear Intensity. So if you have been unknowingly, "Suffering In Silence" then I am very glad to help you.

The Emotional Bailout
From Strong Negative Feelings
That Are Triggered By Exposure To The Truth

You will clearly see that I had Some Very Serious Help From God Above while writing this (Some Serious Emotional Security), against some Unknown Hidden Emotional Opposition inside of me (at the time) as well, that I tell you about in This Blog. I just want you to understand that, because of The Nature Of The Subject Matter and My Statement at the end of "The About Me" in The First Post (which makes all this possible), this is A Very Extremely Unique Blog and this is why it might trigger Very Intense Emotional Reactions in some people. I added This Paragraph, the above "Lie Detector" Introduction, and The Emotional Bailout to this Landing Page after meditating about some of my own Real Life Experiences, including my experience with writing this, that are recorded in This Blog. Blog Publishing allows me to update and change this as my understanding of things increases. ("the process of increasing your understanding of things" is called Spiritual Growth.) So I realized that I would be very "Ignorant From Inexperience" (Naive) to think that All Blog Readers will be left completely alone to enjoy The Truth that has been hidden from us. Very hopefully, most people will have no problems at all while reading this. Whether you need an Emotional Bailout or Not, you will be very blessed either way because we are finally dealing with The True Source of all our problems. So let's get to it.

Welcome To The Truth About God/Love/Light/Life
The person who led you here really cares about you and making this world a better place to live in. We all share the Common Ground of being Human Beings who are just trying to live in peace with each other on this earth. There are certain things we all need to know to be able to do this and when our institutions--Churches, Schools, Governments--fail to teach us these very important things, then we must network and teach each other.  When people become inspired, they will make the effort to enlighten their fellow man because our Rational Minds have a built in Will To Live in Love, Peace, and Harmony.

You are about to take A Mental Journey to The Knowledge Of The Truth about what is really going on behind the scenes on this earth. Make sure you read The Posts in the order they are written. You will need all of the information in these Ten Posts with concepts that build on each other. This Program is designed to build up your trust in this information.

After reading through This Program, you will have a much more Enlightened Mindset about The Issues Of Life. After you finish reading all The Posts, you will be so excited about living life anew that you will have trouble sleeping! To feel better all the time you have to be able to think better all the time; believing very many lies prevents you from doing this and causes very much Chaos, Misery, and Suffering in this world. This is why A Mental Journey to The Knowledge Of The Truth is very, very necessary.

Knowing The Truth About God/Love gives you the answers to The Three Very Big Questions:

(1) Where did Human Life come from?
(2) Why is Human Life on planet Earth?
(3) Where is Human Life going?

So please click on The Blue Link below to The First Post and let your journey begin!

(And when you return, use The Navigation Links at the Top Of The Posts to continue Your Mental Journey.)

"What you know, affects how you feel.

Blank Post #1

Blogger always shows 
The Most Recent Posts 
under The Landing Page.

This Post Is Intentionally Blank because if you hit End you will see Something, so I'm hiding the ending with Nothingness.

A whole bunch of Nothing to Protect Something

The End Of The Nothingness

Blank Post #2

Blogger shows The Last Two Posts
under The Landing Page.
Here goes Nothing again.

 The End Of Nothing used to protect Something.

Click here for Post #1