Wednesday, October 27, 2010


It is very, very important that you read the posts in numerical order.
Scripture quotations are from 1984 NIV of The Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.
The RefTagger Tool uses the NKJV of The Holy Bible for Scripture Quotations.

Matthew 19:17  "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good.  If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."

A Lesson From Geometry
Here is a TRICK QUESTION and a GOOD CONVERSATION STARTER about this topic.
Ask someone with a straight edge, paper and pencil:

"Can you draw a line and then draw half of a line on this piece of paper?  Here is a straight edge to help you." (A ruler, book, pencil, clipboard, envelope, index card, business card, etc.)

Most people will draw a LINE SEGMENT and HALF of that LINE SEGMENT.  If you remember from Geometry, LINES are infinite and have no measurable length, no beginning, and no ends, which is represented by the arrows on the ends.  There is no such thing as half of infinity.

A LINE represent the lifespan of God.  God is INFINITE, unlimited, and His lifespan is ETERNAL with no beginning and no end.  Our life in the flesh would be represented by the dashes of a LINE SEGMENT, the blank spaces being periods of unconsciousness when we are sleep.  We are spirits inside of fleshly bodies and have "the breath of life" in us. (Genesis 2:7)  The oxygen in the air keeps us alive and is delivered to all the cells of our bodies by the blood from our lungs. (Leviticus 17:11,17:14) Our flesh is a very advanced chemical process and we need food for energy and sustenance, and we also need sleep to recharge our batteries.  Our life is dependent on us having enough oxygen in the air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, and sleep to remain functional.  Our form of life is very fragile, we can die in many ways because we are mortal and can have the life knocked out of us.  Everlasting Beings have spiritual bodies and can't die because they are indestructible and immortal. (Luke 20:36) They have A SPIRITUAL BODY that is made out of a life giving energy substance so their life is not dependent on anything; they don't need oxygen or food to live and they are always conscious because they never sleep.  Imagine a living being that does not breathe, and therefore has no blood, and can live in any temperature or climate.  Having LIFE IN YOU and BEING MADE OF LIFE are two very different things.  Angels were created as Everlasting Beings, so their life has a beginning but no end which would be represented by A RAY in Geometry.  After 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 is fulfilled, the dashes of our LINE SEGMENTS (Flesh) will turn into RAYS (Spirit) and we will "ENTER LIFE" by becoming immortal.

1 Corinthians 15:51 "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— (52) in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. (53) For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality."

Life in the flesh is an illusion.
Although we are alive right now, we do not exist---yet.  

The Physical Universe is temporary and it is just a womb for life.  The Spirit World is the eternal world where real life exists.  In this day and time we are more ready to accept that The Physical World is superimposed on an unseen Spirit World because our Scientific Technology has advanced enough so that WE KNOW that there are lots of unseen things in the empty air. Our "physically empty air" is full of Radio, Television, Remote Control, Cell Phone, Wireless Internet, and Satellite Signals--and God knows what else.

A Lesson From Math Equations 
2 Corinthians 4:18  "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

             Temporary Existence = Non-Existence
      Things that Live and Die = Things that Never Existed

          Returning to Nothing = Nothing

Knowing that you will be remembered well by the living makes you feel good while you are alive, but non-existent things have no thoughts or feelings. "How does my imaginary friend feel about how I will remember him?" is an invalid question.

James 4:14 "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

First God created the everlasting angels in the spirit world and everything was perfect.  After an unknown amount of time, and for NO REASON, Satan (aka The Devil) SNAPPED MENTALLY, became jealous, and rebelled against God wanting to be equal to Him.  He took one third of God's angels with him in his rebellion against The Infinite God Of Love. (Ezekiel 28:11-17, Isaiah 14:12-14 and Revelation 12:3-4)

 It is pure MENTAL INSANITY to think that you can defeat an Infinite Being and this is what happened to Satan's Mentality.  The symbols > , < , and = are for comparing FINITE things.  You can not compare anything to ∞ INFINITY.  Anything compared to INFINITY, no matter how many or how big, is like comparing something to nothing.  This universe that we live in is INFINITE.  Using our God given ABILITY TO REASON we can DEDUCE that either the universe is INFINITE or it is limited by some type of barrier.  Our minds can REASON that, "If there is a barrier, then how thick is that barrier?"  The universe would still be INFINITE because it would be filled with a barrier of INFINITE THICKNESS.  Either way you look at it, you have to CONCLUDE that the universe is INFINITE.  My Computer Background Image (or Wallpaper) is The Sombrero Galaxy (M104) to remind me daily that our Earth is floating in INFINITE SPACE.  Using our ABILITY TO REASON we can CONCLUDE the following:

1. Things that are created are FINITE, which means limited.
2. Things that are created have a beginning.
3. Created things may or may not have an end.
4. Created things are always less than their creator.

5. Things that are NOT CREATED are INFINITE, unlimited.

 Only God can say,
"I have been here
since before there was a here to be at."  

Now The Problem Is Choice
Adam and Eve where created everlasting even though they were made of flesh.  They would not have died if they had not disobeyed God.  They had knowledge because Adam named all the animals that God created. (Genesis 3:20) They only knew how to think of good.  All the trees in The Garden Of Eden affected their bodies except the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil.  This tree affected their spirits which control their minds.  God created them with A Perfect And Blessed State Of Mind, they couldn't think of evil and therefore couldn't do evil.  Since God threw Satan to the earth before it was recreated for man, Satan was the original ruler of the earth. (See Revelation 12:9 and in Genesis 1:2 "was" should be "became" and the Genesis record is of a recreation of the earth.  Read "Angels: Knowing Their Purpose Releasing Their Power" by Charles and Annette Capps to understand this.  This explains the very huge difference between the estimated scientific age of the earth (millions of years) and the estimated amount of time that man has been on this earth according to religion. (less that ten thousand years))  Adam and Eve where immune to the influence of Satan.  There minds had to be pre-wired to not think evil.  They could not connect the word "kill" with the word "man" in their minds.  If you suggested this to them they would respond with, "I don't understand what you are saying." They also didn't know how to be selfish at all (naturally thinking of "myself right now") and they always thought about everyone in the system and the future Now we absolutely know how very precious this state of mind is; we would be living in An Absolute Paradise instead of our war ridden chaos.  Satan is still the ruler of this world because he controls the airways. (Ephesians 2:2Now we have to choose good over evil.  Also note that man and woman where perfectly equal before they sinned.  God placed man over woman as part of her punishment. (Genesis 3:16)  We are halves of a whole being and incomplete without each other.  We also now have A Fallen Human Nature and our natural way of thinking is Selfishness and Ignorance about our own personal problems.

It seems that when you make living beings with free will, they have to learn the hard way of how blessed they are by their Creator when they are given perfect conditions.  It is a recurring theme in life that when you are given something, you don't appreciate it as much as something you have to work hard for.  This includes life itself.

The Purpose Driven Life

"The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren 2002 is the richest spiritual book I've come across thus far in my life.  I very, very highly recommend that you read and study this very juicy book.  Next to The Holy Bible, this is the best aid to spiritual growth and developing Christ-like character which is The Discipline Of Love.  The only way to become a RAY OF LIFE is to surrender YOUR FREE WILL to OUR SPIRITUAL LIFELINE The Lord Jesus Christ.  God, The Creator, exists as The Heavenly Father, The Lord Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.  These Three Divine Entities are not all "co-equal" as defined in The Christian Doctrine Of The Trinity because The Lord Jesus Christ clearly stated that The Heavenly Father is greater than all and greater than Himself. (John 10:29, 14:28)  So The Christian Doctrine Of The Holy Trinity Of God just needs to be updated for biblical accuracy by removing the "co-equal" part.  All of those terms are references to THE INFINITE SPIRIT OF LOVE which exists as a FAMILY and governs Human Systems Interactions.  Human Systems Interactions are better know as RELATIONSHIPS.  Here is an excerpt from page 78:

"The act of personal surrender is called many things: consecration, making Jesus your Lord, taking up your cross, dying to self, yielding to the Spirit.  What matters is that you do it, not what you call it.  God wants your life--all of it.  Ninety-five percent is not enough."

John 14:6  Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." 

The best thing you can do on earth in the flesh is to "Let go and let God." Trying to navigate your way through a chaotic world can be personally overwhelming.  When you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, you begin the process of growing to become a tool in the hands of God, who among many things, is the Spirit Of Love and Wisdom.  You are effectively allowing The Holy Spirit Of God's Love to come live inside of your heart.  Everyone who has done this wishes they had done it sooner--I know I did.  It really lifts a lot of weight off your heart and as I continue to grow spiritually, I would not recognize myself from a few years back let alone before I was Born Again.  Fallen Nature Selfish Flesh could not obey God and write this blog.  After you have done some very deep thinking about your plight in life, aka "soul searching," and you conclude that you need some very serious spiritual help, then just sincerely pray this simple prayer and really mean it:

"Lord Jesus Christ I believe that You died on the cross for all of my sins that I am asking You for forgiveness of, and I accept You as my Lord and Savior.  Please fill me with a hunger and thirst for Your Love and Wisdom."

Then immediately tell someone that you have been born again (Spiritually) and are saved. ( From the consequences of sin which is death. )  If you have just done this, then welcome to the Family Of God my Brother or Sister in Christ, and I'll see you in ETERNITY!!!  Hallelujah!!!  ( Go to "" after you're done with this blog and make sure you read "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren immediately. )

Another excerpt from pages 82-83:

"Everybody eventually surrenders to something or someone.  If not to God, you will surrender to the opinions or expectations of others, to money, to resentment, to fear, or to your own pride, lusts, or ego.  . . . You are free to choose what you surrender to, but you are not free from the consequences of that choice.  E. Stanley Jones said, 'If you don't surrender to Christ, you surrender to chaos.'  Surrender is not the best way to live; it is the only way to live.  Nothing else works."

And from "People Of The Lie" by M. Scott Peck page 162

"Mental health requires that the human will submit itself to something higher than itself. To function decently in this world we must submit ourselves to some principle that takes precedence over what we might want at any given moment. For the religious this principle is God, and so they will say, "Thy will, not mine, be done." But if they are sane, even the nonreligious submit themselves, whether they know it or not, to some "Higher Power"--be it Truth or Love, The Needs Of Others, or The Demands Of Reality. As I defined it in The Road Less Traveled, "Mental health is an ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs." " 

Now don't worry if you do not feel strongly enough to surrender your life to The Lord Jesus Christ right now because you probably still have a very distorted view of who God is and what He expects from us.  And with a very distorted view of God, it does not make sense for most people to surrender their life to Him (and focus on doing His will) so this is why we live in A Very Chaotic And Conflict Ridden World.  I have done a lot of Nonfiction Reading and I keep coming across this phrase: "Many people believe . . . but nothing could be further from the truth." so your distorted view of God comes from your unseen Enemy, Satan, who "controls the airways." When you see the light, you will immediately want to "Get Your Spirit Right" and live in "The Light Of The Truth" all the time because it will all make perfectly good sense for you to surrender your life to The Lord Jesus Christ then.  So please make sure you keep reading!!

An Extremely Painful Late Revelation
The only problem I have with  "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren 2002  is that it teaches the immortality of all spirits, which is not true at all.  Just like in mainstream Christianity, Pastor Rick Warren teaches in error that if you don't spend eternity with God, you will spend eternity burning in hell with The Devil and his Demons. (Fallen angels.)  THIS IS NOT TRUE AT ALL and it mostly comes from making a false assumption from these two Scriptures:

Revelation 20:10  "And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

Revelation 20:14-15 "Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. (15) If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."

The false assumption is: Since the Devil will be tormented forever, and sinners are thrown in the same lake of fire, then the sinners must burn in the tormenting fire forever as well.

The difference is the nature of the spirits that are thrown into the everlasting lake of fire.  Everlasting Spiritual Beings can not be destroyed, but they can suffer for an eternity which is much, much worse than death.  You are better off having never existed than suffering in extreme torment for an eternity.  Our spirits inside our bodies of flesh are not everlasting, and everlasting torment is everlasting life but verse 14 refers to this punishment as The Second Death.  The Lord Jesus Christ would not have said the phrase, "If you want to ENTER LIFE" in Matthew 19:17 if we already had Everlasting Life which is real life.  Also, Jesus Christ said

Matthew 10:28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather, be afraid of the One who can DESTROY both soul and body in hell."

To DESTROY something means "to put an end to it" or "to extinguish it" and it is the exact opposite of "to create something."  Using our POWER OF SOUND REASONING, this does not MAKE SENSE and it is NOT RATIONAL to be destroyed and burn forever.  Burning forever is Everlasting Torment and Destruction is The Permanent End Of Your Consciousness.  You will find that if something does not MAKE SENSE RATIONALLY, it is not from God.  The Devil and his Demons have been committing extremely terrible acts of evil (using Evil People) and wreaking havoc in people's lives for centuries.  Giving Temporary Humans and Everlasting Demons the same fate--Everlasting Torment--is not fair or just, and thank God it is NOT TRUE AT ALL.  

So in the worst case scenario, no human being will burn in hell forever; they will eventually die for The Second and Last Time.

God loves us much, much better than what is being relayed to people and He is being greatly misrepresented by Mainstream Religion.  This unrealized lie is designed to keep people away from God.  God's love for us gets tremendously better than what is being portrayed in the churches so please, please keep reading!  All of our unknown weaknesses are being severely exploited to cause great suffering in this world.  After you learn the full truth, your life will get much better with A Peace Of Mind and Excitement about God's Very Great Love for His Precious Children for sure!  Hopefully, God / Love is making more sense to you already.

There are two types of birth, natural and spiritual.  There are also two types of death, Natural (Your spirit leaving your body.) and Spiritual. (Your spirit / consciousness leaving the universe--well, not really leaving. The energy that was your consciousness (on a trial basis) will just return to God's control and you will cease to exist.)  The Holy Bible refers to The Saints who die as falling asleep. (Acts 7:60) Only God can wake us up from The First Death of our spirits leaving our bodies to The Day Of Judgment. (Luke 8:52-56, Revelation 20:12) When you die, you will be unconscious until your next conscious moment.  Being dead for 5 days or 500 years is the same thing, you will not be aware of the passage of time.  It is like being fast forwarded to the future, your next conscious moment. (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6)

Some people say that the second death means separation from God, but God is Love and Love is Life.  Separation from God means separation from life, which is unconsciousness.  The Second Death is the last time someone will return to unconsciousness and cease to exist for eternity.  How long someone suffers in that lake of everlasting tormenting fire before they die again depends on the life they have lived.

What is the best thing in the universe?  The Love of God.  What is the worst thing in the universe?  The Wrath of God.  Everyone will have to answer to their Maker and you choose which side of Him you will deal with by how you live your life.  Our strongest will is our built in will to live.  Our mind / body is an organism of survival and it will make extraordinary adaptations to preserve itself in extreme situations.  This includes saving up energy for an adrenaline rush when life threatening emergencies arise which allows the body to do superhuman things in order to survive.  Your mind will also make extreme adaptations in order to survive.   No one chooses to be born in the flesh; but life in the flesh is such that even in our chaotic world, the good things far outweigh the bad things and life is still worth living.  If we lived in a perfect world, your will to live would increase greatly.  When God prepares a new heaven and earth for us for eternity, your will to live would be multiplied much, much more. (Revelation 21:1)  But unfortunately, very many people will learn how very strong their will to live is during The Second Death which is way too late.  Time goes by very fast when we are having fun and extremely slow when being tormented.  The more you think about The Second Death, the more you will be inspired to avoid it.  The mental anguish of knowing that you missed out on Everlasting Mystical Ecstasy, the extreme pain of the torment, and hoping for the relief of death, has got to be an unimaginable agony.  Thank God for The Lord Jesus Christ and I'll have nothing to do with that nonsense.

In this Physical World
womb of life,
The Problem Is Choice
We Do Not Exist.
I plan to title the next blog entry "The Non-Existence Of God Is Impossible."  


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