Sunday, September 5, 2010

3.5 My First Published Work

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(This was originally published on "" and was moved to this blog in 2011.)

Who Do You Love?
by UnknownFriend7


The health insurance reform debate in congress is not about giving all Americans access to affordable health care, with the intent of keeping people healthy, it's about expanding the influence of government to keep people under control. It always comes down to the root of all kinds of evil better known as money. When people are presented with the CHOICE of riches vs. the well being of others, riches usually wins. Illegal Drug Dealers cause great suffering in the lives of their drug users (sacrificing lives to make money) working on The Streets Of America, and in the same way unknown to most, so do The Major Players in The Medical Industry who are The Legal Drug Dealers working in The Homes Of America. It is the same thing in a different form.

A REVOLUTIONARY HEALTH BREAKTHROUGH (Was discovered a long time ago.)


By SUPPRESSING the KNOWLEDGE of a cheap and very powerful DAILY THERAPY TREATMENT that keeps the body in PERFECT HEALTH, the legal drug dealers are SACRIFICING THE HEALTH AND LIVES OF AMERICANS for the sake of preserving the GIGANTIC PROFITS of their PATCH and PRESCRIPTION medical system. Because of lobbyists, we have all those bills to protect those pills, for our ills, with their side effects. Dr. Suzy Cohen, a licensed and practicing pharmacist, has written a book, "DRUG MUGGERS," in which she reveals how prescription drugs rob your body of essential nutrients that prevent disease and enhance your health. (Without a sufficient supply of these nutrients in your body, you eventually begin to show even more symptoms than you had when you started taking the drug in the first place!) This allows more pills to be prescribed in the future.


People generally use these terms interchangeably but they are not the same thing. America has a MEDICAL industry not a HEALTH CARE industry. A MEDICAL industry promotes medicine. Always remember that: A MEDICAL INDUSTRY PROMOTES MEDICINE. A HEALTH CARE industry promotes HEALTH and CARE of the body. A HEALTH CARE industry would be about CURES and PREVENTION of disease and conditions, using things like Massage Therapy, Natural Health, and Alternative Medicine which would KEEP PEOPLE OUT of the hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics. We are being deceived into thinking that we only need MEDICINE for our HEALTH. Its just like Chris Rock said in his stand-up comedy routine titled, "Bigger And Blacker," "Ain't no MONEY in the CURE, the MONEY is in the MEDICINE. That's how a DRUG DEALER makes his MONEY. On the comeback." (CONTINUOUS PATRONAGE aka PEOPLE COMING BACK TO BUY MORE OF YOUR PRODUCTS) People are SUFFERING and DYING daily from HEALTH CONDITIONS like AIDS, CANCER, and HEART DISEASE that they could PREVENT at HOME by themselves with VERY LITTLE COST. But the problem is this: This DAILY THERAPY that causes THE BODY TO CURE ITSELF is not selective at all by just curing one AILMENT at a time, (TAME-ABLE) it causes TOTAL HEALTH in all the CELLS of the BODY which cures everything. (WILD) An UNCONTROLLABLE CURE will shut down the whole trillion-dollar-a-year profits of the MEDICAL industry or DRASTICALLY REDUCE ITS SIZE, and TRANSFORM it to a HEALTH CARE industry. Its an all or nothing deal. The problem is choice: To heal or drug deal?


LIBERTY - n. RIGHT TO CHOOSE: the freedom to think or act without being constrained by necessity or force.
TYRANNY - n. CRUEL USE OF POWER: cruelty and injustice in the exercise of power or authority over others.

I DO NOT think that DOCTORS go through all the years of MEDICAL school, all the long hours, and all the stress of their jobs just for the MONEY. Like fire fighters, they do their jobs because of the satisfaction they get from saving lives and making a difference in the world. It's the LOVE in the HEART that INSPIRES PEOPLE to ACT for the WELL BEING OF OTHERS even to the POINT OF DEATH like SOLDIERS and everyday HEROES in moments of crisis. But as the KNOWLEDGE of this AT HOME THERAPY (Regarded as "The GREATEST HEALING MIRACLE of all time) INCREASES, a CONFLICT of INTERESTS is established in the MEDICAL industry. To HEAL or DRUG DEAL? This next statement is going to be shocking for some people so brace yourself. Even though the main ingredient in this THERAPY has been given the GRAS designation (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the FDA itself: When American doctors use this COMPLETELY SAFE HEALTH THERAPY in their MEDICAL practice to CURE DISEASES and CONDITIONS, the FDA threatens to REVOKE their MEDICAL license, and have even shut down their MEDICAL practices!! The FDA wants EVERYBODY on some type of DRUG for the REST of their LIVES. They must have placed a BAN ON CURES. Its like matter colliding with anti-matter. This natural OXYGENATING SUBSTANCE that causes TOTAL HEALTH in all the CELLS of the BODY can be administered for LESS THAN SIX DOLLARS A YEAR per person. The FDA, the legal DRUG DEALERS who control the American MEDICAL industry, is NOT CONCERNED with the COST of our HEALTH CARE, which is an industry that does not exist YET in America the Beautiful, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. DRUG COMPANIES have an ACTIVE CAMPAIGN to DISCREDIT and spread MALICIOUS UNTRUTHS about this substance THAT EVEN THE FDA DEEMS AS SAFE. The problem is choice: We the People vs. our Government, LIBERTY vs. TYRANNY?


We are living in very dangerous times in America and around the world. The Bush administration expanded governmental power under the guise of fighting terrorism. The Obama administration is expanding governmental power under the guise of protecting industries that are "TOO BIG TO FAIL." I am sure he classifies the MEDICAL industry as such. Governments encourage job growth in industries they regulate as servants of this global economic system that is designed to cause human suffering because a lack of freedom. The Global Economy is defined as TOO BIG TO FAIL because those holding governmental power do not believe in the ability of the people to live peacefully among themselves without the influence of governmental control. The markets might transform into something unrecognizable to the Global Economic System of things. So people have to suffer to support the jobs in the Global Economy. Drug dealers need sick people, liquor stores need alcoholics, insurance agencies need drunk drivers, weapons manufacturers need wars, etc.. There is no choice between these CONFLICTS OF IDEAS for "the Powers that Be." Governments choose riches over the well being of their citizens because "the Powers that Be" who run them do not know of AN ALTERNATIVE LIVING SYSTEM. The Global Economy is TOO BIG TO FAIL. If you have read this far then WELCOME to the REAL WORLD: The Matrix of Money. Its an all or nothing deal. The problem is choice: Human Freedom In A Family of Love (aka Kingdom Of Heaven) vs. The Global Economy?


"So you are telling me that the reason My Family and I CAN NOT be TOTALLY IMMUNE to any SICKNESS OR DISEASE that may come upon this earth, even a headache or toothache, and live a VERY LONG LIFE full of ENERGY for LESS THAN SIX DOLLARS A YEAR is because The Ruler of Governments who maintains Jobs in the Global Economy that is run by his Global Control Freaked Self does not want me to? Are you KIDDING ME?! Are you REALLY KIDDING ME?!! JESUS CHRIST is LORD of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!!!! and I am going to get mine for sure!"

The DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are Created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (Who said that: Our life is in our blood. (Oxygen) Leviticus 17:11 We just need to get enough of it from our blood into all the cells of our body for TOTAL HEALTH.) with unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. THAT WHENEVER ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE TO THESE ENDS, IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT, AND TO INSTITUTE NEW GOVERNMENT, LAYING ITS FOUNDATION ON SUCH PRINCIPLE AND ORGANIZING ITS POWERS IN SUCH FORM, AS TO THEM SHALL MOST LIKELY TO EFFECT THEIR SAFETY AND HAPPINESS."

So you see, our Founding Fathers put it down from the beginning of this country that We the People as American Citizens are to be: The Defenders of the Constitution. From the Bush to the Obama administration we now have a Government Gone Wild! Our Government is supposed to represent and act on behalf of what is best for the Citizens and not for its own agenda.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." -- George Washington the Father of America

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the Government to restrain The People, it is an instrument for the People to Restrain the Government - lest It come to Dominate our Lives and Interests." -- Patrick Henry another Founding Father

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." -- Thomas Jefferson

"When people have the right information they will make the right decisions." -- Thomas Jefferson

"People do what they think is best, given their current knowledge, in any given circumstance."
-- Sten Morten Anderson

"You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith."
-- Mary Manin Morrissey

"HEALING is a result of LOVE. It is a FUNCTION of LOVE. Wherever there is LOVE there is HEALING. And wherever there is no LOVE there is precious little--if any--HEALING." -- M. Scott Peck "People Of The Lie" pg. 44

Trinity: "It's the QUESTION that DRIVES US, Neo. It's the QUESTION that brought you here. YOU KNOW THE QUESTION, just as I did."

THE PROBLEM IS CHOICE: To Act or Not to Act?

MEDICAL INDUSTRY (We still love you!)

In a Perfect World, a Stranger is just an
Unknown Friend.

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