Saturday, September 4, 2010


It is very, very important that you read the posts in numerical order.

Scripture quotations are from 1984 NIV of The Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.
The RefTagger Tool uses the NKJV of The Holy Bible for Scripture Quotations.

Fallen Nature Mental Tunnel Vision
Human beings do not naturally think of themselves as being part of a larger system.  Our natural way of thinking is about the very small picture of, “myself and right now” instead of the very big picture of, “everyone in the system and the future.”  This Very Selfish Ego Based Way Of Thinking causes great dysfunction in a system which causes us to have very many problems with each other.  So unlike the very wise ants who naturally function as one (Proverbs 6:6, 30:24-25), because of our Fallen Human Nature, we are naturally very dysfunctional.  You can see some evidence of this condition in a busy hotel lobby where you can watch groups of people standing in circles talking to each other while blocking everyone else around them from walking down hallways or through the lobby.  You will see the same thing in any crowded area with heavy foot traffic. Even The Internet itself was based on The Intellectual Scientific Trust Of College Professors who shared information with each other. The network architecture was based on the trust among the professors (Thinking about "Themselves and Right Then") and it expanded very rapidly before they realized that The Trust Based Network Architecture allowed for Computer Viruses to spread. The Internet became too widespread to make major changes without causing severe problems. (A Google Chromebook Laptop Computer solves "The Internet Security Problem" starting at $199) You can see it in traffic where cars block intersections, block entrances, cut each other off, do not use courteous turn signals, and engage in road rage.  Even the 2008 U.S. Economic Meltdown was caused by years of greed with executives thinking about the immediate "right now" huge profits of sub-prime mortgages and not there long term "future" affect on the whole economy.  You can see it everywhere because people are, for the most part, naturally ignorant of their impact on other people and seeing the big picture.  It is like we all are in our own individual reality most of the time and our biggest problem is that we do not naturally have the power to notice our dysfunctional problems.  It is not in our Fallen Human Nature to work together as one like the very wise ants.  So in emergencies, when unplanned large scale coordinated responses are necessary because of critical conditions, we really struggle like our U.S. Government did in The 2005 Hurricane Katrina Response, even after severe communication problems between Government Agencies where discovered after The 9-11 Terrorist Attacks.

The Scientific Model `
When a system is well designed, it produces effective results regardless of the people using it.  This explains the rapid development of Computer Information Systems and Technology, which are results of The System Of Science.  What has been learned in a branch of knowledge is passed to the next generation to be built upon, instead of always starting over.  Science gives us more Technological Developments that create more Social System complications while we have not mastered the discipline of Human Systems Interactions at all.  "Without spiritual enlightenment of the divine truth of Christ, all other knowledge is ultimately irrelevant." -- from "Rediscovering The Kingdom" pg. 89 by Myles Munroe.  (I highly recommend that you read this book!)  What is needed, to combat the chaos from our natural selfishness and lack of discipline, is the spreading of information that governs Human Systems Interactions in the system of life.  This is the function of love, to govern Human Systems Interactions and maintain peace.  Love is a discipline.  Unfortunately, there is no well designed system, or any system at all, that helps people grow in The Discipline Of Love and Maintain Peace with their fellow man.  Our natural selfishness also causes us to be unaware of our big picture human condition so we do not notice that, with each generation, we are starting over with learning how to love each other. (Ecclesiastes 1:11) Non-living things are easier to systematize than living things and the closest thing we have on the human side is Many Different Religions and Great Confusion about God / Love.  By The Grace Of God within me, I have learned--by Direct Spiritual Enlightenment--that this Non-Systematization of The Discipline Of Love is not happening by accident at all.  I've been called to do something about our Human Condition and cut through The Great Confusion about God / Love.

The Nature Of Knowledge
Nature and knowledge have some parallels.  In agriculture and spiritual knowledge, things have to be planted, grown, and tended to like crops on a farm.  When you watch a disaster movie, like "I Am Legend" (2007), you realize how much we need the masses of people to keep whole industries alive; they are like crops of knowledge.  Sports, entertainment, and commercial industries have farm systems that find and develop talent to keep the knowledge in those fields alive.  And also, the more you use certain knowledge, the deeper it is planted into your mind.  If it is planted deep enough, it goes into long term memory and stays with you for a lifetime.  Not using the knowledge is like slowly digging it out.  We have to use it or loose it.
Seed For Replication 
 1 Corinthians 9:11 "If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?"

God gave us a reproductive system to be fruitful and multiply.  Fruit with seed in it is a very effective system of reproduction as any one seed can potentially become thousands of trees in a few years.  Knowledge can follow the same agricultural pattern.  By attaching a SEEDING PHRASE like, “share this with as many people as you can,” to any verbal information gives the information a means to reproduce, multiply and spread to others.  A life of its own so to speak.  Spiritual information printed on a sheet of paper is food for one.  Spiritual information printed on a sheet of paper with a SEEDING PHRASE like, “Please share this” in bold print at the top and bottom of the page can feed five thousand.  Physical things take years to replicate, spiritual things can take only a few minutes.  People naturally think, “this information is just for me,” without realizing it so the flow of good info. stops or goes slow.

Tongue Power

Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

The primary and secondary meaning of this verse is confession into salvation (Rom. 10:10) and the power of words to affect people’s emotions. (Proverbs 15:1)  How you say something can help, hurt, have very little, or no affect on a situation; it all depends on the your listener's State Of Mind.  I will discuss a third aspect of the tongue.  The tongue is a Mechanism To Communicate words.  If you write or type something, your hands become The Communication Mechanism.  By substitution we get, “The communication of words has the power of life and death.”  For example, giving someone wisdom about how to handle a potentially dangerous situation before hand, could save lives.  Or teaching someone to always buckle up in a car and to ask, “is everyone buckled up?” while doing so, could save lives when one such trained person gets in a car where people never buckle up and they become involved in a serious accident.  Only God knows where the knowledge goes after we teach someone something.

1 John 3:17  "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"

This verse is about sharing your material possessions with someone in need if you have the love of God in you.  How much more should this apply to spiritual possessions, which is the useful knowledge and understanding we possess mentally.  When we share or give away material possessions, we lose the amount we give away.  This is not so with spiritual possessions, when we share or give away wisdom, we also keep it for ourselves.  We get to give and keep what we sow and reap.  But by us being naturally selfish, we will not think about sharing anything with anyone.

Collective Functionality
Acts 2:44 “All the believers were together and had everything in common. (45) Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.”

The closer you get to God, the less you become attached to this world and the things in it and you grow into sharing everything.  Love produces humility, edification, and Collective Functionality.  Collective Functionality is a phrase that describes a group of people functioning together as one.  A step toward this would be people developing the habit of sharing all the mental and physical responsibilities and resources in getting things done.  When Functioning Collectively, reminders and verification of knowledge and tasks done are not perceived as incompetence, its just insurance of accuracy and of accurate communication.  Also, possible frequent improvements to methods require constant updates and verification of training.  An example: When a group of five people work collectively behind a desk in a building, the first thing, that would be very different, is that everyone “thinks out loud” about anything concerning the job.  This creates a small network of instant communication, updates, input, and feedback.  If one person gets a request for an important task to be done in fifteen minutes, that person would put that task “in the air” for all the group to share and everyone would write it down.  Fifteen minutes later, that person stays focused and gets the task done and ideally would receive four reminders while only needing one if they had forgot.  Another example would be four teenagers riding in a car to a new destination needing to be on time.  Instead of having just one driver and three passenger “tourist” using their mp3 player, portable video game, and texting for the whole trip, you can have a driver and three driver helpers who would all know the directions, help watch the surrounding cars, and switch from using their entertainment to being driver helpers based on level of confidence hand signals from the driver.  An “Arrive Alive Swat Team” as opposed to a possible “Nightly News Tragedy.”

A Collective Mental System can be modeled after a heavy duty physical object.  A heavy duty object uses stronger materials than a regular duty object and everything is reinforced.  A heavy duty Collective Mental System would use multiple highly trained people to reinforce each others functionality.  Since knowledge is based on a use it or lose it principle, rarely used information will have to be constantly reminded and updated.  So when someone tells you something that you already know, especially when trying to Function Collectively, don't take it as a sign of incompetence; it can serve four purposes:
1)  It gives you the information if you didn't know it.
2)  It can remind you of something that you once knew but forgot from non-use.
3)  It can be an information update if something has changed from what you already knew.
4)  It can give you a better understanding about what you are doing or how to teach it to someone else.

You can never be too sure about anything in a rapidly changing information environment, so constant reminders and updates ensure Collective Functionality.


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