Sunday, September 5, 2010

3.5 My First Published Work

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(This was originally published on "" and was moved to this blog in 2011.)

Who Do You Love?
by UnknownFriend7


The health insurance reform debate in congress is not about giving all Americans access to affordable health care, with the intent of keeping people healthy, it's about expanding the influence of government to keep people under control. It always comes down to the root of all kinds of evil better known as money. When people are presented with the CHOICE of riches vs. the well being of others, riches usually wins. Illegal Drug Dealers cause great suffering in the lives of their drug users (sacrificing lives to make money) working on The Streets Of America, and in the same way unknown to most, so do The Major Players in The Medical Industry who are The Legal Drug Dealers working in The Homes Of America. It is the same thing in a different form.

A REVOLUTIONARY HEALTH BREAKTHROUGH (Was discovered a long time ago.)


By SUPPRESSING the KNOWLEDGE of a cheap and very powerful DAILY THERAPY TREATMENT that keeps the body in PERFECT HEALTH, the legal drug dealers are SACRIFICING THE HEALTH AND LIVES OF AMERICANS for the sake of preserving the GIGANTIC PROFITS of their PATCH and PRESCRIPTION medical system. Because of lobbyists, we have all those bills to protect those pills, for our ills, with their side effects. Dr. Suzy Cohen, a licensed and practicing pharmacist, has written a book, "DRUG MUGGERS," in which she reveals how prescription drugs rob your body of essential nutrients that prevent disease and enhance your health. (Without a sufficient supply of these nutrients in your body, you eventually begin to show even more symptoms than you had when you started taking the drug in the first place!) This allows more pills to be prescribed in the future.


People generally use these terms interchangeably but they are not the same thing. America has a MEDICAL industry not a HEALTH CARE industry. A MEDICAL industry promotes medicine. Always remember that: A MEDICAL INDUSTRY PROMOTES MEDICINE. A HEALTH CARE industry promotes HEALTH and CARE of the body. A HEALTH CARE industry would be about CURES and PREVENTION of disease and conditions, using things like Massage Therapy, Natural Health, and Alternative Medicine which would KEEP PEOPLE OUT of the hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics. We are being deceived into thinking that we only need MEDICINE for our HEALTH. Its just like Chris Rock said in his stand-up comedy routine titled, "Bigger And Blacker," "Ain't no MONEY in the CURE, the MONEY is in the MEDICINE. That's how a DRUG DEALER makes his MONEY. On the comeback." (CONTINUOUS PATRONAGE aka PEOPLE COMING BACK TO BUY MORE OF YOUR PRODUCTS) People are SUFFERING and DYING daily from HEALTH CONDITIONS like AIDS, CANCER, and HEART DISEASE that they could PREVENT at HOME by themselves with VERY LITTLE COST. But the problem is this: This DAILY THERAPY that causes THE BODY TO CURE ITSELF is not selective at all by just curing one AILMENT at a time, (TAME-ABLE) it causes TOTAL HEALTH in all the CELLS of the BODY which cures everything. (WILD) An UNCONTROLLABLE CURE will shut down the whole trillion-dollar-a-year profits of the MEDICAL industry or DRASTICALLY REDUCE ITS SIZE, and TRANSFORM it to a HEALTH CARE industry. Its an all or nothing deal. The problem is choice: To heal or drug deal?


LIBERTY - n. RIGHT TO CHOOSE: the freedom to think or act without being constrained by necessity or force.
TYRANNY - n. CRUEL USE OF POWER: cruelty and injustice in the exercise of power or authority over others.

I DO NOT think that DOCTORS go through all the years of MEDICAL school, all the long hours, and all the stress of their jobs just for the MONEY. Like fire fighters, they do their jobs because of the satisfaction they get from saving lives and making a difference in the world. It's the LOVE in the HEART that INSPIRES PEOPLE to ACT for the WELL BEING OF OTHERS even to the POINT OF DEATH like SOLDIERS and everyday HEROES in moments of crisis. But as the KNOWLEDGE of this AT HOME THERAPY (Regarded as "The GREATEST HEALING MIRACLE of all time) INCREASES, a CONFLICT of INTERESTS is established in the MEDICAL industry. To HEAL or DRUG DEAL? This next statement is going to be shocking for some people so brace yourself. Even though the main ingredient in this THERAPY has been given the GRAS designation (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the FDA itself: When American doctors use this COMPLETELY SAFE HEALTH THERAPY in their MEDICAL practice to CURE DISEASES and CONDITIONS, the FDA threatens to REVOKE their MEDICAL license, and have even shut down their MEDICAL practices!! The FDA wants EVERYBODY on some type of DRUG for the REST of their LIVES. They must have placed a BAN ON CURES. Its like matter colliding with anti-matter. This natural OXYGENATING SUBSTANCE that causes TOTAL HEALTH in all the CELLS of the BODY can be administered for LESS THAN SIX DOLLARS A YEAR per person. The FDA, the legal DRUG DEALERS who control the American MEDICAL industry, is NOT CONCERNED with the COST of our HEALTH CARE, which is an industry that does not exist YET in America the Beautiful, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. DRUG COMPANIES have an ACTIVE CAMPAIGN to DISCREDIT and spread MALICIOUS UNTRUTHS about this substance THAT EVEN THE FDA DEEMS AS SAFE. The problem is choice: We the People vs. our Government, LIBERTY vs. TYRANNY?


We are living in very dangerous times in America and around the world. The Bush administration expanded governmental power under the guise of fighting terrorism. The Obama administration is expanding governmental power under the guise of protecting industries that are "TOO BIG TO FAIL." I am sure he classifies the MEDICAL industry as such. Governments encourage job growth in industries they regulate as servants of this global economic system that is designed to cause human suffering because a lack of freedom. The Global Economy is defined as TOO BIG TO FAIL because those holding governmental power do not believe in the ability of the people to live peacefully among themselves without the influence of governmental control. The markets might transform into something unrecognizable to the Global Economic System of things. So people have to suffer to support the jobs in the Global Economy. Drug dealers need sick people, liquor stores need alcoholics, insurance agencies need drunk drivers, weapons manufacturers need wars, etc.. There is no choice between these CONFLICTS OF IDEAS for "the Powers that Be." Governments choose riches over the well being of their citizens because "the Powers that Be" who run them do not know of AN ALTERNATIVE LIVING SYSTEM. The Global Economy is TOO BIG TO FAIL. If you have read this far then WELCOME to the REAL WORLD: The Matrix of Money. Its an all or nothing deal. The problem is choice: Human Freedom In A Family of Love (aka Kingdom Of Heaven) vs. The Global Economy?


"So you are telling me that the reason My Family and I CAN NOT be TOTALLY IMMUNE to any SICKNESS OR DISEASE that may come upon this earth, even a headache or toothache, and live a VERY LONG LIFE full of ENERGY for LESS THAN SIX DOLLARS A YEAR is because The Ruler of Governments who maintains Jobs in the Global Economy that is run by his Global Control Freaked Self does not want me to? Are you KIDDING ME?! Are you REALLY KIDDING ME?!! JESUS CHRIST is LORD of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!!!! and I am going to get mine for sure!"

The DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are Created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (Who said that: Our life is in our blood. (Oxygen) Leviticus 17:11 We just need to get enough of it from our blood into all the cells of our body for TOTAL HEALTH.) with unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. THAT WHENEVER ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT BECOMES DESTRUCTIVE TO THESE ENDS, IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR TO ABOLISH IT, AND TO INSTITUTE NEW GOVERNMENT, LAYING ITS FOUNDATION ON SUCH PRINCIPLE AND ORGANIZING ITS POWERS IN SUCH FORM, AS TO THEM SHALL MOST LIKELY TO EFFECT THEIR SAFETY AND HAPPINESS."

So you see, our Founding Fathers put it down from the beginning of this country that We the People as American Citizens are to be: The Defenders of the Constitution. From the Bush to the Obama administration we now have a Government Gone Wild! Our Government is supposed to represent and act on behalf of what is best for the Citizens and not for its own agenda.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." -- George Washington the Father of America

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the Government to restrain The People, it is an instrument for the People to Restrain the Government - lest It come to Dominate our Lives and Interests." -- Patrick Henry another Founding Father

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." -- Thomas Jefferson

"When people have the right information they will make the right decisions." -- Thomas Jefferson

"People do what they think is best, given their current knowledge, in any given circumstance."
-- Sten Morten Anderson

"You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith."
-- Mary Manin Morrissey

"HEALING is a result of LOVE. It is a FUNCTION of LOVE. Wherever there is LOVE there is HEALING. And wherever there is no LOVE there is precious little--if any--HEALING." -- M. Scott Peck "People Of The Lie" pg. 44

Trinity: "It's the QUESTION that DRIVES US, Neo. It's the QUESTION that brought you here. YOU KNOW THE QUESTION, just as I did."

THE PROBLEM IS CHOICE: To Act or Not to Act?

MEDICAL INDUSTRY (We still love you!)

In a Perfect World, a Stranger is just an
Unknown Friend.


It is very, very important that you read the posts in numerical order.
Scripture quotations are from 1984 NIV of The Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.
The RefTagger Tool uses the NKJV of The Holy Bible for Scripture Quotations.

True Worship
In the sixth chapter of Matthew, Jesus commands us to do certain things privately to please our Heavenly Father instead of publicly to look good to men.  Giving to the needy, praying, and fasting are to be done privately, in secret, when only you and God know what you did.  We all have a public self and a private self.  Our behavior changes when we are around people to put up false fronts and project an image.  At work, we act differently when the boss is around.  Sometimes we won't do certain things unless someone is there to see us do it so we can get the credit for doing it.  This is just image manipulation.  Its the same thing with dating and being in a relationship, we put our best self forward.  We naturally get distracted by people and constantly do things to impress them.  Our private self is who we really are, and that's when we focus on God the most, when we are alone.  When our private self equals our public self, then we are "keeping it real" all the time.  To the saying, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," you can add "praise, and worship" to get "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, praise, and worship."  So when we perform good deeds, or acts of love, when only God can see us, and we are not trying to impress anyone but God, that is how we worship God in spirit and in truth.

1 John 4:16  "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. (17)  In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him."

Our Collective Responsibility
Proverbs 4:7  "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.  Though it cost all you have, get understanding."

Everyone should seek wisdom on their own, but most people don't know this and so they will not do this at all because of our natural selfish ignorance.  It is the responsibility of those who know and understand to share their knowledge with those who don't know.  You can't force Love or Wisdom on anyone, but you can give them information and let them decide if it is useful or not.  All you have to do is believe that God made people rational and therefore:

"When people have the right information, they will make the right decisions."-- Thomas Jefferson


 "People do what they think is best, given their current knowledge, in any given circumstance."  -- Sten Morten Anderson

"When someone shares something of value with you and you benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others."

The more we share our wisdom, the better the world will be.  Ideally we want a culture of people sharing wisdom freely and building each other up instead of trying to exalt themselves over their fellow man.  So when you freely share useful information with others, they will do the same for you.  This is called "edifying each other" or Mutual Edification / Reciprocal Edification.  Edify -- v.  to instruct or benefit, especially morally or spiritually.  Hopefully, if we:

Sow Seeds Of Wisdom to Reap
better behaved Seed Sowers 
who will do the same, 
because in a system, 
what goes around comes around and 
you Reap what you Sow.

How often could you drive your car if each of the thousands of components had to decide whether or not to obey commands when you wanted to use it?  Thank God we can only make non-living, and therefore automatically obedient, things.
The Problem Is Choice.

Click here to continue to my 
first published work:

Saturday, September 4, 2010


It is very, very important that you read the posts in numerical order.

Scripture quotations are from 1984 NIV of The Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.
The RefTagger Tool uses the NKJV of The Holy Bible for Scripture Quotations.

Fallen Nature Mental Tunnel Vision
Human beings do not naturally think of themselves as being part of a larger system.  Our natural way of thinking is about the very small picture of, “myself and right now” instead of the very big picture of, “everyone in the system and the future.”  This Very Selfish Ego Based Way Of Thinking causes great dysfunction in a system which causes us to have very many problems with each other.  So unlike the very wise ants who naturally function as one (Proverbs 6:6, 30:24-25), because of our Fallen Human Nature, we are naturally very dysfunctional.  You can see some evidence of this condition in a busy hotel lobby where you can watch groups of people standing in circles talking to each other while blocking everyone else around them from walking down hallways or through the lobby.  You will see the same thing in any crowded area with heavy foot traffic. Even The Internet itself was based on The Intellectual Scientific Trust Of College Professors who shared information with each other. The network architecture was based on the trust among the professors (Thinking about "Themselves and Right Then") and it expanded very rapidly before they realized that The Trust Based Network Architecture allowed for Computer Viruses to spread. The Internet became too widespread to make major changes without causing severe problems. (A Google Chromebook Laptop Computer solves "The Internet Security Problem" starting at $199) You can see it in traffic where cars block intersections, block entrances, cut each other off, do not use courteous turn signals, and engage in road rage.  Even the 2008 U.S. Economic Meltdown was caused by years of greed with executives thinking about the immediate "right now" huge profits of sub-prime mortgages and not there long term "future" affect on the whole economy.  You can see it everywhere because people are, for the most part, naturally ignorant of their impact on other people and seeing the big picture.  It is like we all are in our own individual reality most of the time and our biggest problem is that we do not naturally have the power to notice our dysfunctional problems.  It is not in our Fallen Human Nature to work together as one like the very wise ants.  So in emergencies, when unplanned large scale coordinated responses are necessary because of critical conditions, we really struggle like our U.S. Government did in The 2005 Hurricane Katrina Response, even after severe communication problems between Government Agencies where discovered after The 9-11 Terrorist Attacks.

The Scientific Model `
When a system is well designed, it produces effective results regardless of the people using it.  This explains the rapid development of Computer Information Systems and Technology, which are results of The System Of Science.  What has been learned in a branch of knowledge is passed to the next generation to be built upon, instead of always starting over.  Science gives us more Technological Developments that create more Social System complications while we have not mastered the discipline of Human Systems Interactions at all.  "Without spiritual enlightenment of the divine truth of Christ, all other knowledge is ultimately irrelevant." -- from "Rediscovering The Kingdom" pg. 89 by Myles Munroe.  (I highly recommend that you read this book!)  What is needed, to combat the chaos from our natural selfishness and lack of discipline, is the spreading of information that governs Human Systems Interactions in the system of life.  This is the function of love, to govern Human Systems Interactions and maintain peace.  Love is a discipline.  Unfortunately, there is no well designed system, or any system at all, that helps people grow in The Discipline Of Love and Maintain Peace with their fellow man.  Our natural selfishness also causes us to be unaware of our big picture human condition so we do not notice that, with each generation, we are starting over with learning how to love each other. (Ecclesiastes 1:11) Non-living things are easier to systematize than living things and the closest thing we have on the human side is Many Different Religions and Great Confusion about God / Love.  By The Grace Of God within me, I have learned--by Direct Spiritual Enlightenment--that this Non-Systematization of The Discipline Of Love is not happening by accident at all.  I've been called to do something about our Human Condition and cut through The Great Confusion about God / Love.

The Nature Of Knowledge
Nature and knowledge have some parallels.  In agriculture and spiritual knowledge, things have to be planted, grown, and tended to like crops on a farm.  When you watch a disaster movie, like "I Am Legend" (2007), you realize how much we need the masses of people to keep whole industries alive; they are like crops of knowledge.  Sports, entertainment, and commercial industries have farm systems that find and develop talent to keep the knowledge in those fields alive.  And also, the more you use certain knowledge, the deeper it is planted into your mind.  If it is planted deep enough, it goes into long term memory and stays with you for a lifetime.  Not using the knowledge is like slowly digging it out.  We have to use it or loose it.
Seed For Replication 
 1 Corinthians 9:11 "If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?"

God gave us a reproductive system to be fruitful and multiply.  Fruit with seed in it is a very effective system of reproduction as any one seed can potentially become thousands of trees in a few years.  Knowledge can follow the same agricultural pattern.  By attaching a SEEDING PHRASE like, “share this with as many people as you can,” to any verbal information gives the information a means to reproduce, multiply and spread to others.  A life of its own so to speak.  Spiritual information printed on a sheet of paper is food for one.  Spiritual information printed on a sheet of paper with a SEEDING PHRASE like, “Please share this” in bold print at the top and bottom of the page can feed five thousand.  Physical things take years to replicate, spiritual things can take only a few minutes.  People naturally think, “this information is just for me,” without realizing it so the flow of good info. stops or goes slow.

Tongue Power

Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

The primary and secondary meaning of this verse is confession into salvation (Rom. 10:10) and the power of words to affect people’s emotions. (Proverbs 15:1)  How you say something can help, hurt, have very little, or no affect on a situation; it all depends on the your listener's State Of Mind.  I will discuss a third aspect of the tongue.  The tongue is a Mechanism To Communicate words.  If you write or type something, your hands become The Communication Mechanism.  By substitution we get, “The communication of words has the power of life and death.”  For example, giving someone wisdom about how to handle a potentially dangerous situation before hand, could save lives.  Or teaching someone to always buckle up in a car and to ask, “is everyone buckled up?” while doing so, could save lives when one such trained person gets in a car where people never buckle up and they become involved in a serious accident.  Only God knows where the knowledge goes after we teach someone something.

1 John 3:17  "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"

This verse is about sharing your material possessions with someone in need if you have the love of God in you.  How much more should this apply to spiritual possessions, which is the useful knowledge and understanding we possess mentally.  When we share or give away material possessions, we lose the amount we give away.  This is not so with spiritual possessions, when we share or give away wisdom, we also keep it for ourselves.  We get to give and keep what we sow and reap.  But by us being naturally selfish, we will not think about sharing anything with anyone.

Collective Functionality
Acts 2:44 “All the believers were together and had everything in common. (45) Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.”

The closer you get to God, the less you become attached to this world and the things in it and you grow into sharing everything.  Love produces humility, edification, and Collective Functionality.  Collective Functionality is a phrase that describes a group of people functioning together as one.  A step toward this would be people developing the habit of sharing all the mental and physical responsibilities and resources in getting things done.  When Functioning Collectively, reminders and verification of knowledge and tasks done are not perceived as incompetence, its just insurance of accuracy and of accurate communication.  Also, possible frequent improvements to methods require constant updates and verification of training.  An example: When a group of five people work collectively behind a desk in a building, the first thing, that would be very different, is that everyone “thinks out loud” about anything concerning the job.  This creates a small network of instant communication, updates, input, and feedback.  If one person gets a request for an important task to be done in fifteen minutes, that person would put that task “in the air” for all the group to share and everyone would write it down.  Fifteen minutes later, that person stays focused and gets the task done and ideally would receive four reminders while only needing one if they had forgot.  Another example would be four teenagers riding in a car to a new destination needing to be on time.  Instead of having just one driver and three passenger “tourist” using their mp3 player, portable video game, and texting for the whole trip, you can have a driver and three driver helpers who would all know the directions, help watch the surrounding cars, and switch from using their entertainment to being driver helpers based on level of confidence hand signals from the driver.  An “Arrive Alive Swat Team” as opposed to a possible “Nightly News Tragedy.”

A Collective Mental System can be modeled after a heavy duty physical object.  A heavy duty object uses stronger materials than a regular duty object and everything is reinforced.  A heavy duty Collective Mental System would use multiple highly trained people to reinforce each others functionality.  Since knowledge is based on a use it or lose it principle, rarely used information will have to be constantly reminded and updated.  So when someone tells you something that you already know, especially when trying to Function Collectively, don't take it as a sign of incompetence; it can serve four purposes:
1)  It gives you the information if you didn't know it.
2)  It can remind you of something that you once knew but forgot from non-use.
3)  It can be an information update if something has changed from what you already knew.
4)  It can give you a better understanding about what you are doing or how to teach it to someone else.

You can never be too sure about anything in a rapidly changing information environment, so constant reminders and updates ensure Collective Functionality.



Scripture quotations are from 1984 NIV of The Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.
The RefTagger Tool uses the NKJV of The Holy Bible for Scripture Quotations 
(Just hover The Cursor over A Bible Scripture and RefTagger will show it to you.)

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

The Holy Bible, New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved.

( About Me / UnknownFriend7
While attending The Georgia Institute Of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia as an Information & Computer Science Major and being very impressed with our technology, I wondered, "Then why are there so many problems in the world?" The answer was eventually revealed to me which was, "Because we didn't make ourselves. Everything that man makes can be improved and mastered because we have a great understanding of our own technological creations.  The Supercomputer Of The Human Mind is not man-made."  For personal reasons, I dropped out of college to seek answers about what is really going on down here.  After you learn to read on an adult level, you can educate yourself about a lot of things, especially in The Information Age.  After reading The Holy Bible multiple times all the way through--from Genesis to Revelation--using 3 different versions (NKJV, NIV, NASB), I've learned to trust God because He really knows what He is doing.  He told me that He didn't give me a high powered mind to "Specialize in Artificial Intelligence and put people out of work." like I planned to do after college; He can put it to a much better use.  I have learned that Love is A Discipline and A Blog can be used to do Computer Programming in a different form.  The UnknownFriend7, This Blog, and Reaching Out To People does not come from myself, it comes from The Anointing Of The Holy Spirit Of The Lord Jesus Christ who lives within me. )

“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” John 17:17
1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 “Test everything. Hold on to the good.
(22) Avoid every kind of evil.”

sanctify -- (transitive verb) : to set apart to a sacred purpose.
sacred -- (adjective) 1 : very holy 2 : highly valued and important : deserving great respect.
purpose -- (noun) : the aim or goal of a person : what a person is trying to do, become, etc..

Rock Solid Foundation
1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."
John 7:18  "He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him."

First things first.  My purpose in writing this blog is to obey my Lord And Savior The Lord Jesus Christ who is "The Word" of God, and God is "The Infinite Holy Spirit Of Love/Light/Power/Life" who is The Creator and Ruler Of The Universe. We all were made by The Infinite Spirit Of God/Love for The Purpose Of "Glorifying God By Loving Him And Each Other" and most people will respond very positively--I mean with Absolute Intense Delight--to This Program about The Truth About God/Love.  You will also be very grateful for this because reading through and understanding This Whole Spiritual Program will allow you to enjoy life much, much better while you are in A Body Of Flesh.  And very hopefully, from your New Or Improved Relationship With God/Love/Life, you will also develop great confidence in Your Spirit eventually being placed in A New Body Of Spirit which will allow you to enjoy Everlasting Life with God/Love by becoming one of His Many Always Obedient Children.  Obeying God/Love at all times is always the most important thing that any Living Being can do in The Universe.  By obeying The Command Of The Lord Jesus Christ, I am also allowing Him to restore the very much needed Proper Glory to His Holy/Sacred Name through me, which will make this world a much better place to live in for everyone.  This level of obedience comes from many years of Spiritual Growth in my quest to become more like The Lord Jesus Christ by yielding to His Holy Spirit within me which gives The Anointing, Of His Presence Within Me, greater ascendancy.

glory -- (noun) : public praise, honor, fame.
honor -- (noun) : 1. respect that is given to someone who is admired : 2. good reputation : good quality or character as judged by other people.
ascendancy -- (noun) : a position of power in which someone can control or influence other people.

Second things second. Whatever you read or hear about from anywhere, compare it with what you already know and understand to be true and research new information to verify the accuracy of it for yourself. ("Test everything.") You can never be too sure about anything, especially in a rapidly changing environment.

If the information is brand new to you and very, very useful, then you will probably have A Strong Positive Reaction to it; this means that your heart has really been searching for this Mental / Spiritual "Love At First Sight" and you probably didn't know it.  When this happens, FIRST: Note The Exact Location of "Your New Love
so you can return to HER.

Proverbs 4:6 "Do not forsake WISDOM, and SHE will protect you; love HER, and SHE will watch over you."

(1st: "Get HER Phone Number" to Stay In Touch) You don't want to have any regrets about any "Missed Opportunities" for Life Changing Enlightenment since you were just doing some "Very Casual Reading" without having any real "Time For A Date" because you didn't expect to run into "Any Ideas Worth Dating" and really didn't expect to run into "The One." SECOND: Copy, Paste, and Print "The Words Of Wisdom" out so you can have a hard copy to take with you.  We automatically live by the well known principle of "Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind" so if you place The New And Important Information where you can see "Your New Love" everyday, then you will think about HER much more often and learn whatever lesson SHE has to teach you. (2nd: "Study HER Picture" to Remember HER Face) Women absolutely love being "thought about when you are not in their physical presence" and the best way to prove this to HER is being able to "Recall Every Word She Spoke To You From Memory" (Proof Of Intense Listening) which is also like "Being Able To Draw HER Face From Memory."

Proverbs 8:11 "for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with HER."

You have to study the new "Words Of Wisdom" to allow The New Thought Patterns enough time to sink deeply into your mind and remain with you forever.  When you can accurately recall "The Words Of Wisdom," from memory then SHE has really, really become a part of you and you know what that means.

(3rd: You have "Married HER" because you are now "Spiritually One" with HER.)

The more you use these New Thought Patterns, the stronger the connecting bonds between the concepts in your mind become (Brain Muscles) because they are initially weak and easily forgotten.  And the moral of this story is that Strong Positive Relationships Produce Happy Marriages And New Offspring / Results and it all starts in our mind. (New Thought Patterns produce New Results/Children) This is called "Digesting Spiritual Food" and just like Physical Food, you can only take in so much at one time.  But if you find that you have been "Staving For This Particular Flavor Of Spiritual Food" (Psalm 34:8) and you can't stop reading/eating because of your Large Spiritual Appetite, then eat very slowly and take breaks so you can Mentally Digest as much as you can. (Starving For The Truth About Love)

We process information through our "Mindset," so what the information means to each individual is "relative to their life experiences" that started very early in their Family Of Origin.  How you react to something depends on what you have been through.

So on the other hand, if the information is brand new to you and it is very hurtful, then you will probably have A Strong Negative Reaction to it; this means that your heart has really been trying to avoid This Truth which causes "Hate From Fear At First Sight." If or when this happens, then this means that something is wrong with your mindset because I am revealing The Truth to people so you have some "Hidden Emotional Issues" to deal with.  I know that this is a very bold statement to make, and I'm very sorry if any part of The Truth offends you, but I have to tell the truth.  A sure way to Guarantee Failure is to try to please everyone in A Very Dysfunctional World; dysfunctional people create a dysfunctional world and therefore they will not like being told that they are dysfunctional. (Jeremiah 17:9)  So if The Truth feels like "a lie to you" and it hurts very much then, The Truth will appear to be Wisdom's Sister to you--her name is "Folly.Do the same for "Folly" as you initially did for Her Sister Wisdom and Note Her Location so you can AVOID HER FOR NOW. (Proverbs 9:13) She will eventually have to be RE-VISITED and dealt with by someone who can help you get rid of her by using sincere love, sensitivity, and compassion.

Proverbs 9:13 "The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge.

If you do not agree with any part of The Truth, then don't worry about it; just accept what you can for now.  People have a tendency to have an all or nothing approach to Spiritual Things which is like saying, "If don't like every product in a store, I won't shop there." which does not make sense at all.  Pick and choose your items from this "Wisdom Buffet Of Spiritual Food" just like you would do at a restaurant.  And just like a little child's taste for foods, your Spiritual Appetite will grow as you grow spiritually and become much more comfortable with These New Ideas that come from A New And Much Deeper Understanding Of Spiritual Things.   

I am purposely writing this blog in A Very Simple Style because I want as many people as possible to understand it. (This is not the norm when things are communicated, as you will learn.) But someone else may have a simpler explanation for certain concepts than mine, and if so, please leave a comment to improve communication.  Please ask someone to help you get a better mental grasp of any concepts that required extra work for you to thoroughly comprehend.  And also, please look up all words that you do not understand in The Merriam-Webster's Learners Dictionary that uses very simple adult level definitions of words for those who are learning English as a second language.  This is also very good for Confused American Speakers Of Their Native English Language. (You might want to add a Bookmark to it in your Web Browser.) I use it first before I check other Online Dictionaries because of its simplicity.

Non-fictional written words can and should be re-read slowly, as many times as necessary, to gain a better understanding of the information, especially the totally new things.  So please, please make sure that you understand every word and every concept that you are reading very thoroughly before you continue reading; "100 Percent Accuracy Of Understanding / Comprehension" MUST BE YOUR GOAL while reading this and any other Non-Fiction. (I really can not emphasize this enough!!) Fiction is designed to be entertaining; so it allows you to get away with "not understanding minor details about the very many detailed descriptions" and you can still follow the plot and still enjoy being entertained.  You probably will never encounter those misunderstood details ever again.  This is not so with Non-Fiction which is "Mind Programming" and you will eventually apply what you have learned to very many Different Life Complications And Interactions; so if there are any "Fuzzy Details" in your understanding, then they can sometimes produce weird results in you reactions.  Here are The Three Symptoms Of A Misunderstood Word:

1) You have gone completely blank on what you have just read.
2) You are feeling nervous.
3) You lose "Your Reading Flow" and become Less Enthusiastic, Less Focused, or Disinterested.

If you experience any of these, then you must go back to a point where you did not have any trouble understanding and find out where you started having trouble; The Misunderstood Word will be in between.  You must find it and look up the correct definition for The Misunderstood Word in that particular sentence.  There will always be one; there are no exceptions to this. (And always remember The Emotional Bailout if your Comprehension / Understanding just shuts down in general.)

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, whenever you have to make A Major Decision about anything in your life (whether you understand it or not), make sure that you take as much time as you need to Seek The Advice And Experienced Input from Those Whose Judgment You Trust.  Very hopefully, your #1 Advisor IS or WILL BE God's Holy Spirit.  (Who also works through people.)

Proverbs 19:20

   Listen to advice and accept instruction,
      and in the end you will be wise.

The more you learn, the better your mind is equipped to make decisions.  As you become more Mature Spiritually, you will increasingly Learn To Think For Yourself and you will become more confident in Your Ability To Make Better Decisions in more situations.  This process is called Mental / Spiritual Growth.  And through the process of sharing information while seeking advice, input, and a better understanding of things, you also help everyone who is listening to the conversation as well.  This process of exchanging ideas back and forth and mentally sharpening each other's understanding is called Edification and it is just like two knives sharpening each other. 

Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

Edify -- n. to instruct or benefit, especially morally or spiritually; uplift.

Edification opens up the mind and allows for a deeper understanding of things and this allows people to think better for themselves as well; especially in new situations where they have to apply what they have learned when they do something for the first time.  Because of our God given rational minds, everyone desires to always be surrounded by "people using Sound Judgement" instead of the "very hidden Temporary Insanity" that creates chaos in the world.  Whenever you receive information from any source, ". . . take with you only what feels accurate and truthful to your own heart." (The Source of this quote will be revealed much later.)

Unverified Assumptions about The Truthfulness Or Accuracy Of Information allow deceptions into Our Belief Systems.

Acts 17:11  “Now the Bereans were of more NOBLE CHARACTER than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and EXAMINED the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.”

John 7:17 "If anyone chooses to do God’s will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own."

Notice that by forming this Rock Solid Foundation, I'm using THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE TACTICS of a Hustler, Con-Artist, Crook, Swindler, Scammer, etc. who are people with the Intent To Harm You in some way.

algorithm [( al -guh-rith-uhm)] -- n.  A set of instructions for solving a problem, especially on a computer.


Main Entry:  discovery
Definition:    treasure; invention
Synonyms:  algorithm, breakthrough, godsend, innovation, machine, method, principle, process, way.

The Anatomy Of A Scam
   Scam -- n. Evil being done.           vs.  Blessing -- n. Good being done.
Involves 1 to 4 Of These Elements
1) Information Advantage              vs.  Information Sharing
2) Isolated Impaired Judgement    vs.  Sound Group Judgement
3) Rushed Decision                         vs.  All The Time You Need
4) "Trust Me"                                  vs.  "Test Everything"

1) Information Advantage
The Scammer knows something that The Person Being Scammed (aka The Mark) does not know.  This something is usually about "a weakness in The Mark" or about "a hustle that is very difficult to understand or see through." So to maintain this Information Advantage, The Scammer must hide as much information about how he runs his scams as possible and therefore, he scams people while they are Isolated (no witnesses) and purposely uses confusing fast talk that he always changes to hide the understanding of things. A Scammer has "The Art Of Confusing People" down to a science and has learned how to handle your questions and objections before hand by changing the way he describes things ("Fast Talk"); this creates "A Rapidly Changing and Confusing Environment" in your mind.  Politicians and Sales People use these tactics the most and many Advanced Sales People will prefer to talk to you "live and in person" (to read body language) as opposed to over the phone.  This is the deal with "Test Driving A Car" so that your body language and emotions can be read (Hidden Information Advantage) to manipulate you.  And as another example, you have The "Information Advantage" Scam Elements of Very Complicated Language and Small / Fine / Hidden Print that is used to deceive or hide things. (Political Laws, Sales Contracts, The Language Of Law, etc.)  This blog is Written in Simple Terms on a Public Forum and asks you to Share Ideas with others to Increase Your Understanding.

sound -- (adjective) healthy : free from mistakes: showing good judgement.
impair -- (verb) to injure: to make something weaker or worse. 

2) Impaired Judgement
The Scammer knows that when you are Very Emotional, your judgement is not as sound as when you are very calm so they use this information to their advantage by Promising Something, that is usually too good to be true, to make you become Emotional.  Or they will time their offer to the exact moment when you are very weak, upset, or Emotionally Vulnerable and this is when your judgement is Less Mentally Stable / Unsound.  This blog is helping you to Strengthen Your Judgement so that your mind will be more sound and stable which will allow you to feel better because of your much better understanding of life.

3) Rushed Decision
After your judgement becomes Impaired, you are pressured to act quickly while you are Mentally Off Balance while the Scammer's potentially counterfeit offer is evil disguised as good.  Sometimes we act on a whim--spur of the moment--when we are excited and we later change our minds after we calm down so if a decision is right for you it will stand up to the test of more time being passed.  A person with your best interests in mind will give you time to sort out your feelings.  Rushing a decision puts you under more stress and weakens your judgement even more..  This blog encourages you and your advisers to take as much time as you need to understand everything.

4) "Trust Me"

The Scammer usually wants you to Buy something or Give Them something IMMEDIATELY using A Certified Form of payment while you have to Wait and "Trust Them" to get your Something Promised or hoped for LATER in Un-Certified Form like a very large check that could take two weeks to bounce.  This trust me first is very crucial to a scam.  If something is not a scam, then you will get your promise FIRST--in A Certified Form--and give them what they want LATER.  Very good products do not have to be sold by a salesman, they sell themselves and they are usually given to the customer for a free trial period with a guarantee.  When something is Excellent, people will automatically "Spread The Word" by word of mouth; so Excellent Products Or Services Sell Themselves.  This blog is asking you to test and verify everything with the help of those you trust while being freely offered on a public forum.

It is much harder to Scam someone with written words instead of a live interaction.  A written Scam has to use Very Complicated And Confusing Language (To Hide Real Meanings and Confuse) and/or Very Small/Fine Print (That makes the words practically HIDDEN and not likely to be read. We usually just have to "Trust Them" because everything is increasingly complicated.) There are Two Possible Reasons for telling you about The Anatomy Of A Scam: (1) Out of Love to help you protect yourself and share The Wisdom with others. (2) To Set You Up by building up your trust because I have A New And Extremely Revolutionary Scam.  Revolutionary Methods allow you to get rid of all the other previous competition because you are Changing The Era; so for a limited time, you can "Pretend" that you have their best interest in mind by exposing "The Old Scams" only because you have "A New Scam Form" before your Revolutionary Scam is detected.  And if this was the case, I very certainly would not be telling you about this reason #2 which means I only have Pure Motives; if not, I would only be claiming #1 and repeating it throughout.  This Anatomy Of A Scam covers all scams in all forms (including Relationships) and once you have X-Ray Insight to see through the skin and into The Bone Structure Of A Scammer, you can clearly see through The Very Many Different Costumes That Evil / A Scammer wears.  

The Nigerian Scam:
A Very Successful Scam since the 1920's (the same thing in different forms)

We are in The Information Age which makes it much easier for Scammers to target victims and tailor their scams to prey on certain vulnerable people.  And with Multiple State Power-Ball Lotteries in the United States, many people are unknowingly being conditioned to get very excited about "Potential Large Sums Of Money" because they see or hear about people coming into very large Lottery Winnings much more often. This helps make their judgement less stable. ("This could be MY LUCKY BREAK.")

So whatever Emotional Backstory Mentioning Large Sums Of Money that A Stranger From A Foreign Country uses, The X-Ray Vision Scam Insight is the "Trust Me" Scam Element: You Wire Transfer Certified Funds while their "Very Large Cashiers Check" From A Foreign Country Takes Weeks To Bounce in Banking Systems Communication Confusion.  So you lose all the Certified Money that you wired and you have to pay back whatever money you may have spent from their Very Large Check That Takes Weeks To Bounce.  

The Nigerian Scam: 
(1) Some very long story usually about Foreign Officials (with money to burn) trying to avoid Embarrassment from Some Complicated Situation and they need your help.
(2) ". . . so just Deposit This Cashiers Check of $60,000 and wire me $10,000. You keep the rest." (for helping them)
(3) You deposit The Foreign Cashiers Check.
(4) It clears with your bank after a week or two.
(5) You very happily Wire Transfer $10,000.
(6) You start spending from the $50,000.
(7) Your bank informs you of a problem with The Very Large Cashiers Check.
(8) The Scammers might ask you to wire a little more money to fix the problem or they completely disappear.
(9) You lose all the money you wired plus all the New Money that "you were temporarily spending" which turned out to be Your Old Money or A New Loan.
(10) Most people will keep things like this to themselves because of their Embarrassment which helps maintain The Scammers Information Advantage of:

(1) This has happened to thousands of people for many years but nobody told you.
(2) So you "Learned The Hard Way" that A Cashiers Check is "The Same As Cash" only in America. A "Foreign Cashiers Check" is A Scam that can't be prosecuted by our American Government; different countries, different laws.
(3) You "Learned The Hard Way" that a Foreign Cashiers Check can take weeks to bounce. (We are creatures of habit and "Cashiers means Cash" in our mind.)
(4) You also "Learned The Hard Way" about our Federal Banking Laws that state:

   (1) When you deposit a check into your bank account, you are responsible for any withdrawals made against that check, even if the check turns out to be counterfeit.
   (2) Under federal law, banks are required to make funds available to their customers within strict time frames, even if it takes more time for the bank to verify that the check is valid. (This is A Set-Up For Failure.)
   (3) When you deposit any check into your bank account, you are, in effect, vouching for the validity of the check because the bank may be required to give you access to the funds before it has an opportunity to check the item itself.
   (4) If the check you deposited later bounces or turns out to be counterfeit, the bank has every right to deduct the funds from your account. 

Federal Laws 2-4 makes The Foreign Cashiers Check A Very Long Delayed "Deposit-al Illusion" and "The Certified Funds" were not really Certified at all because of The Federal Banking Laws; in this case Certified means "able to be wired because the money was in your account at the time of The Wire Transfer." But in reality it was only Counterfeit Electronic Money which just "Appeared To Be In Your Account."  The Very Big Problem with this is that no one is Required By Federal Law to tell or show The Person Depositing The Foreign Check These Federal Laws 2-4 at the time of the deposit. These Federal Laws are probably buried in The Deposit Agreement Pamphlet when the account was opened, probably many years ago. A Required Reminder Reading Of Federal Laws 2-4, Right Before Foreign Check Deposits Only, is not too much to ask.

And The Moral Of The Nigerian Scam Story is:
If someone in A Foreign County had Pure Motives and really wanted to give you some money, then they would figure out a way to Simply Wire Transfer Funds To You without asking for any of your Personal Information or Account Numbers.

The Nigerian Scam uses these Information Advantages:
Three False Beliefs held by The Average American Citizen who is Financially Illiterate
(1) All Cashiers Checks are the same as cash.
(2) It is impossible for A Check to take weeks to bounce. (especially Cashiers)
(3) All Federal Laws are established to protect The Citizens from harm.

These three assumptions are true most of the time; but when A Special Situation comes along, believing these three lies can cause very much chaos.

There is a very big difference between Hidden Deceitful Darkness VS. Completely Exposed Truthful Light. Ignorance Empowers Fear/Evil and Information Sharing Empowers Love/Good.

"Love always protects." (1 Corinthians 13:7)

By the Grace Of God, I have been given the ability to apply principles that I have learned from programming computers in college to other parts of life to improve things for everyone involved.  And when parts of A Computer Program accessed A Very Crucial Data Base that must remain 100% Accurate at all times, we were trained to verify the Accuracy Of That Data Base BEFORE and AFTER we used it.  This is a form of testing the accuracy of something by asking questions.  Our Belief System is very crucial to us having A Very Positive Attitude about life so it is very important that it remains 100% Accurate and this is what I am Investigating / Testing through this blog by The Grace Of God.  If someone gets upset or angry because you are very suspicious of their intent, then be very aware of a scam and ask even more questions.  True love asks you to "Test Everything" to help improve communication and understanding while A Scammer gets offended because Their True Intent of spreading distrust, confusion, and fear--that Destroys Relationships/Communication--is in danger of being detected.  Good does not hide it self because it knows that it is good for people and asks those people to help it become even better at being good for people.  So True Good will appreciate being thoroughly Tested, Verified, and Improved because it is operating from Pure Motives and it creates Good Relationships between people because of Continuous Verified Trust.  Evil always has to disguise itself as something else (A "Counterfeit Good") to deceive with Impure Motives because it knows it is bad for people and hates the test of exposed light very much.

Ephesians 1:17  “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”

Proverbs 4:7  "Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom.
                         Though it cost all you have, get understanding."

2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, (17) so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

2 Timothy 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

When I started my search for answers to life’s problems, I knew I should go to THE SOURCE OF LIFE, our INSTRUCTION MANUAL, The Holy Bible.  The universe is way too complex to be here by chance and I have learned that The Holy Bible is the oldest, most sold, and most authenticated book on the planet.  It is also the most misunderstood, misconstrued, and controversial book on the planet.  (The reason for this will be addressed later.)  You have to READ IT FOR YOURSELF and DRAW YOUR OWN CONCLUSIONS. I very highly recommend that you read the whole Holy Bible.  I was very surprised by what was and was not in The Holy Bible when I read it for the first time.  I can’t see myself standing before our Creator, seeking life in His universe, without having read our INSTRUCTION MANUAL at least once all the way through.  It all comes down to a WILL TO LIVE.

Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

Worldview Faith
The closest thing I have found to subjective proof of God’s existence will come in a later post of this blog.  For those who don’t BELIEVE in God, you will KNOW there is and always was a God when you stand before Him and give an accounting of your life. (Romans 14:11-12) Time, which is temporary, will tell.  Very hopefully, you will find a way to believe in God and develop a very good relationship with Him while you are in Your Body Of Flesh; establishing a belief in God on The Day Of Judgement is way too late.

THOUGHT EXPERIMENT: There is no going back in time individually, it is an all or nothing deal, so either we all go back or none of us go back.  We all get one shot at each moment of life. (How many times have you heard the desire to repeat a part of life by someone saying, "If I only knew then what I know now?")  If we all could go back in time, our knowledge would go back with us as well, and everything would just repeat itself.  It would be like rewinding a DVD and expecting it to play differently.

Since we all spend a very limited amount of time in the universe with very limited knowledge, each of us has to use our ABILITY TO REASON AND UNDERSTAND THINGS to DRAW OUR OWN CONCLUSIONS about the ORIGIN and FUTURE OF LIFE; this is called our WORLD VIEW.  Our WORLD VIEW governs our approach to living our life.  Since we were not there to bear witness to the ORIGIN OF LIFE, we all have to BELIEVE SOMETHING about how we got here.  The key to happiness is developing A Very Positive Attitude and the key to A Supercharged Very Positive Attitude is having A 100% Accurate Belief System About God / Love / Life.

Ecclesiastes 7:25 “So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly.”

Mental Vision
handmaiden -- (noun) something that is necessarily a servant to another.
invariable -- (adjective) not changing or capable of change : staying the same : not variable.
invariably -- (adverb) always.

Knowledge is infinite and life is very complex.  We all have FREE WILL that we exercise as we MAKE OUR OWN CHOICES and interact with each other.  Freedom and discipline are indeed handmaidens; without the discipline of genuine love, freedom is invariably (always) non-loving and destructive.” -- from “The Road Less Traveled” by M. Scott Peck pg. 159. (I highly recommend that you read this book!) This explains our chaotic world because, after Adam and Eve sinned, no one is born with a naturally loving character (Romans 5:12) and we are completely unaware / ignorant of the natural selfishness of our character.  Adam and Eve were created in A Perfect State Of Mind and they were completely unaware of themselves as separate entities; they felt connected to God and everything in the universe in A Mental State Of Oneness.  The way God originally created Man and Woman was very good and He said so in Genesis 1:31.  They did not have the ability to notice themselves as separate individuals just like a newborn infant feels as one with their mother and everything else.  They had adult bodies and the humility of A One Year Old Toddler; and just like a one year old,

Genesis 2:25 "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."

When you are not able to notice or understand something with your conscious mind, then you can not "see that something" mentally; it is beyond your Mental Comprehension or your Mental Vision so you are totally unaware of it.  Again, if something is in your eyesight but it makes no difference to your mind, then it is invisible to you and you can not notice it because it does not show up on your Mental Radar.  Our Mental Depth Perception is in our minds and our understanding of things is called our MENTAL VISION (also known as WISDOM) With greater Wisdom / Mental Depth Perception you can see into things mentally much deeper than the average person.  Something has to happen to our minds to allow us to become aware of our own flawed human characteristics and behavior, just like something happened to Adam and Eve's minds when they disobeyed God to allow them to notice themselves as naked individuals.  When your "eyes are opened" mentally, and you now have "a mental understanding" of something that you could not understand before, then you have had An "Opening Of Your Mind's Eye" aka A "Revelation" (or Realization).

Genesis 3:7 "Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves."

This was the birth of The Individual Self aka "The Ego" and the introduction of The Knowledge Of Evil into our knowledge base.  This was also a change from The Original Perfect State Of Mind that God created Adam and Eve in, and this was not good at all as we have been learning the hard way throughout our Very Miserable Human History.  We were much, much better off not knowing anything about Selfishness which came with the knowledge of Evil.  Losing The Wisdom Of Oneness that God originally created us in was a very terrible Fall From The Grace Of God.  We all have learned "The Hard Way" that sin causes suffering from The Holy Bible and our knowledge of human history.  Because of a lack of biblical understanding, our problem throughout the ages has very truly been about "What is a sin?" and also "understanding God's will for mankind."  Our natural ignorance of our selfishness and other human character flaws has been greatly exploited to cause great human suffering as you will learn.

By understanding The Anatomy Of A Scam and by obeying and applying the "Be Very Scientific Command" of "Test Everything" in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, we will be able to See Straight Through The Most Sinister Scam Of Them All: The Practice Of False Religion with False Religious Rituals, Customs, and Traditions.  (The most effective way to hide something is to "Cover It Up" under "A Counterfeit Version Of That Something" because most people will stop looking for what they think they have already found.) This will allow us to bypass The Very Evil Distraction Of False Religion and get to The Real Power And True Spirituality Of True Religion that comes from Genuine Love From A Pure Heart by The Grace Of God.  And then we can be Truly Connected to The Power From Heaven just like The Lord Jesus Christ had when He was on this Earth in A Body Of Flesh.  With Christlike Character comes Christlike Power.  This blog will expose "The Scammers" and The Next Blog will focus on Increasing Our Spiritual Power, by The Grace Of God.

The Scheme Of Things
What most people don’t understand is that EVERYTHING IS A SYSTEM.  The Solar System, The Educational System, Agriculture, The Human Body, and The Human Biological Cell are some examples of systems.  When INFORMATION is COLLECTED and ORGANIZED, the mind can SEE PATTERNS and get a BETTER UNDERSTANDING of how systems interact with each other.  (This is the essence of computer programming.)  Once you understand that everything is a system you can also see that systems operate on the principle of Input And Output or "Seed Time and Harvest Time." So to get different results from any system, you have to change something.  Something must change.  Either you have to change how the system works (usually very hard to do) or you have to use different Inputs / Seeds.  Sometimes you might have to do both but the crucial point is: Something has to change in a system to get different results.  There is no way around this very simple truth.

When things are DISORGANIZED, our MENTAL VISION is BLOCKED or BLURRY, and when things are HIGHLY ORGANIZED, our vision is more CLEAR.  With clear mental vision, organized information, we can SEE PATTERNS and INCREASE our UNDERSTANDING of what is happening, why things happen, anticipate when they will happen, and prevent certain things from happening when we understand a particular system.  This is called "getting things down to a science."  When we have a GREAT deal of UNDERSTANDING about something, it can be MASTERED.  You have MASTERED something when you can teach someone else how to do what you can do so I fully intend to show you how to tap Directly Into The Source Of Wisdom in this blog.