Saturday, December 31, 2011


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 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest."
It's very crucial that you read this very long post alone.
So please give yourself some time and privacy for this one, you will need it!
Scripture quotations are from 1984 NIV of The Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.
The RefTagger Tool uses the NKJV of The Holy Bible for Scripture Quotations.

Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (29) Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (30) For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

John 7:18 "He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him."

I'd like to dedicate this post to all the Social Workers, those who work in the Criminal Justice System, and the Battlefield Soldiers who constantly see the horrors of our Invisible Spiritual War.

"God Is Good"
Clarification and Purpose
First of all, I need to make something much more clear than I have in previous posts because of my inaccurate communication.  All human beings are in this Spiritual War together and those who are deceived do not know that they are deceived.  Pastors can't tell you what they don't know and I may have unintentionally made it seem as if some people are willfully cooperating with the deception.  I have been deceived about some things before and I know very well what it is like to believe in the wrong things.  So when I have said things like, "evil disguised as good, stunted spiritual growth, counterfeit truth," and "people are mostly getting a spiritual run around," in the churches, etc. I am referring to the Evil Spirits that are the cause of this and not the Deceived People who are affected by them.  To knowingly cooperate with a deception, which is being an Evil Person, is completely different from being deceived unknowingly.  Love requires us to always assume the positive attitude that people are trying to do the best they can with what they have and I'd like to apologize to any Pastor or Congregation Member I may have unintentionally offended.  I am just an imperfect messenger.  The most important thing to remember is that we all are fighting Evil Spirits that affect people's Thought Process and not The People themselves; Flesh and Blood is not your enemy. (2 Corinthians 4:18Ephesians 6:12)

One of the things I was once deceived about was 1 John 4:18:
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

At one time, I misunderstood this to mean that you should not have any fear of anything, including death, and this troubled me for a few weeks until the Lord told me personally that, "The only ones who have no fear of death are those who can not die." meaning the eternal spiritual beings of God/Love, the Angels and Demons which made a lot of sense.  We are supposed to be afraid to die because of our strong will to live.  I was taking the verse out of context and over generalizing it and both of those are not good to do.  Satan really does a lot of deceiving and manipulation by having people take scriptures, comments, sound bites, etc. out of context.  This verse means if you are made perfect in love, then you should not have any fear in your personal relationship with God/Love and you will have complete confidence of success on Judgment Day because in this world you already live in God/Love and God/Love lives in you.  My hope for you from reading, meditating on, discussing, and acting on this blog is that, IF YOU DIE during these End Times, before you "fall asleep" you will be 400% sure that there is a God/Love in Heaven and 300% sure that you have a great relationship with Him which will allow you to be resurrected to Everlasting Life.  (And please, please do not act on any part of this Post #9 before you at least read the first section of Post #10 or preferably all of it.)

Satan and his Demons have turned their Everlasting Life into a curse of everlasting torment and God/Love is using them to prepare us for an eternity of love, peace and extreme ecstasy. (Revelation 21:3-5) Satan, our purely evil and completely insane enemy, uses whatever he can to destroy or severely distort the relationship between individual people and God/Love which affects how they relate to their self (their self esteem), and how they relate to other people.  So The Spiritual War is fought in everyone's individual mind first and foremost, and your primary battle is your concept of God/Love and how you relate to Him.  If you meditate on the truth, it will make more and more sense to you and you will grow into having full confidence in the truth.  Our false beliefs will not go away without a fight and I struggled somewhat with one part of this post at first, before I started writing it; but the more I meditated on the truth the more sense it made to me and it became easy for me to let go of our "Very Well Hidden Collective Slight Insanity" that is caused by our false beliefs.  The truth just makes a whole lot of sound reasoning good sense and I now have no problems at all with any part of this post.  Our spiritual weaknesses have been exploited terribly.  From "The Invisible War" by Chip Ingram pg. 38:

"Paul's observation gives us great insight into where the majority of this battle occurs. Most of it is between our ears. Our minds, our belief systems, our worldviews--this is where the enemy aims. If we had any doubt that this is what Paul is thinking, we can find another penetrating insight earlier in 2 Corinthians"The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God" (2 Corinthians 4:4 NASB). In this verse and many others, the battle is for the spiritual comprehension that takes place in the mind."

It is also fought externally, like what happened to me in post #7, and we really, really need The Sword Of The Spirit (memorized scriptures) which is our only offensive weapon in this Spiritual War.  (Again, read "The Invisible War" by Chip IngramYou do not have to worry about being attacked as intensely as I was by Satan in Post #7 and you will learn why this happened to me later in this post.  In this post, I get to show you how much freedom we truly have in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so we can really enjoy life like He wants us to.  The full extent of the extreme goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ has purposely been hidden from us, for a very long time, by unseen evil spirits in an Invisible War and I have been commanded by Him to restore much more honor to His Holy name.  It will most certainly be my pleasure to do so!  (The reason I ask you to read this alone is so you can be free to express yourself without spoiling the "Once In A Lifetime Experience Of Finding Out The Real Truth About God" for those who have not read this yet.) Everyone is in this Spiritual War against unseen evil spirits who hide themselves in people and hide the truth from people.  I am exposing These Hidden Evil Spirits and revealing The Truth so expect some very serious controversy because The Lord Jesus Christ is The Truth and He was very controversial when He was on this earth in the flesh.  This is because The Hidden Evil spirits that rule this world will not like being exposed.

Luke 3:16  "John answered them all, 'I baptize you with water. But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.' "

I mentioned being baptized by fire in Post #7 and what that baptism did was remove the physical burn of passion within me, that intense sexual tension that builds up in our flesh and has to be released--the itch of intense physical desire that we have to scratch.  This is what Paul meant in (1 Corinthians 7:7 "I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that.") Paul wrote most of the New Testament and the Lord has me writing this blog so this must be necessary for Him to establish a Spiritual Link with His chosen writers.  So the importance of reading this blog in order is to establish a spiritual authority. (1 Corinthians 2:6-13) I knew when I started writing this that if I wrote about ordinary things, people will not read it, but if they see "the deep things of God" they will know that this blog did not come from an ordinary human mind.  The Spirit Of The Lord that is inside of me allows me to write these very deep spiritual truths. (Mark 1:22 "The people were amazed at His teaching, because He taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.") We burn with passion--the fire of desire--for each other because Hebrews 12:29 "For our God is a consuming fire." (also Deuteronomy 4:24, Deuteronomy 9:3For me, the strong physical desire for women has been transformed into a more controlled, spiritually inspired, desire for women and The Lord knows I am a much, much more emotionally stable person than I was before my baptism by fire.  I could not have gotten this job done without being baptized by fire.

For those who know me personally, this has caused me some severe problems in my "different kind of marriage" with my wife.  I didn't understand the full extent of this when I first got married and I would not have gotten married if I did.  My wife and I fell in love from the inside out; I was not her type at all physically and she was not my type as well, although we both considered each other physically attractive.  We both agreed that marriage was about spiritual growth and knew that the Lord had prepared us for each other from our individual experiences with God before we got married.  At the beginning of our relationship, both of us also had the experience of being in a time warp when just talking to each other; we both experienced this many times--what seemed like 30 minutes of just talking to each other was actually 2 or 3 hours--so I knew she was the one.  We also agreed that, according to The Holy Bible, there is no such thing as divorce.  So we both have made a firm commitment to our spiritual growth and my wife has told me many times that,"You are honest to a fault." which is only because of The Holy Spirit Of Truth that is in me.

Previously I have mentioned that to shut down a country with "In God We Trust" printed on the weapon of money, you have to shut down the churches in order to shut down the people's loving character development.  I am bothered by the fact that every Sunday morning is the most segregated time in America because real love is supposed to be color blind, which tells me that something is not right at all with the churches.  I grew up in a black Pentecostal Church that provided a lot of emotional excitement on Sundays and very little spiritual substance--increased understanding of spiritual things--that you can apply outside the church.  I found that to be the case in many other churches, especially the black ones.  So although black people have many churches, they also have the most devastated families and communities in the country.  Considering what we as black people have been through in America, then logically we should be the most tightly knit race in the country.  So have you ever wondered why there is so much black-on-black murder, crime, violence in the ghettos, lack of black racial unity, black out of wedlock births, very little black family life, poor black school systems, black men in prison, etc., etc.?  Why almost everywhere in the world it seems like it is a curse to be a black person?

Because Satan knows 
who Black People really are
and in Spiritual Warfare
you defend against
the biggest threats to you
by Constantly Attacking Them:    

1) If Adam and Eve where white, as it is universally depicted in just about all illustrations everywhere, then from Genetics, the whole world would be white.  The most famous man in the world for decades died in June of 2009 and the whole world saw him fade from black to white as he grew up.  You see many black people with Vitiligo--depigmentation of the skin--that turns them white and shows how white skin can come from black skin.  So where are the white people with pigmentation of the skin to show us how black skin can come form white skin if Adam and Eve were white?  There is no such thing and there never has been.  White people can only produce other white people.  This makes most of the people in this world very greatly deceived by believing in this lie.  -- People Of The Lie.

2) Leviticus 13:39 "then the priest shall look; and indeed if the bright spots on the skin of the body are dull white, it is a white spot that grows on the skin.  He is clean."

First of all, how can a White Spot grow on already White Skin?  A spot on the skin means that the skin is of a different color than its normal color.  A "dark white" or "tanned" person can be described as having dull white skin.  If the Jews of Leviticus looked like the Jews of today, then how can a DULL WHITE Spot on the skin BE BRIGHT in relation to the rest of their skin?  This means their skin must be much darker than "dark white" or "tanned," their normal skin color must be very dark to make "dull white" appear as bright in relation to their natural skin color.  The Jews of today do not accept Jesus as the Christ/Messiah (The Anointed One = "Christ" in Greek and "Messiah" in Hebrew) and, as The Holy Bible tells us, they are the Antichrist:

1 John 2:22 "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son." (also 1 John 4:3)

2 John 1:7 ". . . many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist."

Like I have said before, "Most of the things in this world are a hustle." -- People Of The Lie.

3) "In God We Trust" The racism that people from other countries say they have not seen or experienced until they came to America can be explained by the intensified Spiritual War that is going on over here because of that sentence that is printed on Satan's weapon of money that he uses against the whole world.  Think about the behavior of some greatly deceived white people in the past: The Nazi Germany Holocaust, killing the American Indians for their land, Black American Slavery, The Civil Rights Struggle, The KKK, South African Apartheid, Serial Killers, Satanic Worshipers, Dare Devils, etc., and you can see the common evil theme of a fundamental disregard for human life.  Skinheads want to incite a Race War because that would be the quickest way to get rid of black people in America.  Satan preys on excessive pride and people who fall for the deception of thinking that they are superior to others always do Extreme Evil and never do any Superior Good.  This type of behavior has nothing to do with race people, this is Good vs. Evil and Spiritual Warfare.  Satan hates all of us and has been using the white people who fall for The Superiority Deception to do most of his bidding.  White people ARE NOT evil or the devil at all, as some black people have been deceived into believing!!  (As in Black Muslims and in Black Liberation Theology which both have elements of hate.)  Flesh and Blood is not your enemy!  If the world had only one race, then Satan would find another excuse for us to hate each other like Tall vs. Short people; he will always find something to use as an excuse to Divide And Conquer us.  Racism is the second biggest hustle out there. (See the 1987 movie "Cry Freedom")  We all have been People Of The Lie thanks to "Satan, who deceives the whole world." (Revelation 12:9 NKJV) 

While I'm on the subject of race, think about our Mother Earth--everything above the ground comes from the ground--except most of the water and this includes human beings. (Genesis 2:7) We are God's technology and the most advanced thing we can make from Mother Earth is a computer.  God made our brains, bones, and blood from the earth so his engineering is way ahead of ours by far.  Think about the soils of the earth that fade from the agriculturally richest one of Black, to Brown, Red, Yellow, and White skin color.  Now mentally, start from the white light of the sun through the blue sky and white clouds to the white snow capped mountains where blue eyed white people, with their extra insulation of white fat cells, deal with the extreme cold much better than black people and excel in Skiing, The Winter Olympics, and Ice Hockey.  You then move to the dark soil of land where the lean and fast twitch muscles of the brown eyed black people excel athletically in Track and Field, Basketball, and Football.  At last, you arrive at the white sands of the beaches that meet the blue oceans where you see blue eyed white people sunbathing (trying to return to home base) and excelling in Swimming and Water Sports because they float better with their extra white fat cells.  We all are supposed to be here, so put black and white together and use the Gray Matter in your heads to stop this nonsense!!!

A little more Black Elemental Truth: All Mother Earth lifeforms are Carbon based.  Carbon can appear as soft black graphite or very hard white diamond.  When you look at the background of our Infinite Universe, you see black Carbon behind the white lights of the stars.  The white clouds turn into to black Carbon thunder clouds of power before a thunder storm. (Deuteronomy 4:10-12Carbon is the source of power in the fossil fuels of oil and coal; control of oil provides economic power in our Global Economy.  The black moles on our brown skin are a reminder of our power of Carbon origin, real black people, not dark brown people.  Carbon-12 is the standard by which all Atomic Masses are measured and we have The 12 Months of The Calendar Year, The 12 Hours on the face of an Analog Clock, The 12 Notes Of Music, The 12 Apostles and The 12 Tribes Of Israel who have great physical and spiritual power and Satan knows this because he has been on this earth since before we were created. (Revelation 12:7-9Graphite comes for the Greek word--the language that The New Testament was originally written in--to write.

An invitation I posted on Young Ron's FB page--written in 2 minutes:

U know u gotta flow
    that's unnatural gee.
The same spirit in you.
    The same spirit in me.
I need a witness dog
    to "Where The Bible Came From?"
Link your work on my blog
    Sow Seeds Of Wisdom?
A partnership, 
Young Ron, UnknownFriend7.
    Let people see
    thru u and me
Come downloads from Heaven.

Spiritual Warfare is a war of words/information/ideas (John 6:63which are found mostly in books, and those who know me know that all I do is read and meditate on nonfictional spiritual books because searching for wisdom is my passion and I have a great hunger and thirst for important spiritual knowledge.  Important spiritual knowledge sitting on a page anywhere does nothing for anyone unless it is uploaded into people's minds, talked about and maintained in discussions, and acted on which brings the knowledge to life and changes the culture.  The fact that the underclass, of all races, is extremely ignorant and very violent is not by accident, it is by intentional Spiritual Warfare design.  Evil can be defined as malignant ignorance; it strives to maintain itself by causing some people to hate knowledge and to remain ignorant and it is always violent.  Evil causes people to react with violence when someone comes around them displaying knowledge to defend and maintain itself in that spiritual territory by scaring knowledgeable people away; this creates a lifestyle of street gang violence--where you are respected for being "hard" because you are feared for having a violent reputation which makes for a short lifespan or a lifetime in prison; this makes severely ignorant people very dysfunctional to a society because they take no responsibility for their actions and always blame other people or "the system." This is a sure sign of the presence of evil in a person--blaming others and accepting no responsibility for your actions--this attitudes comes from "The Accuser Of Our Brothers" aka Satan. (Revelation 12:10)  When someone has a negative attitude, which causes them to react to things negatively and choose to be a victim, they feel like they are always under the pressure of an attack because they lack inner peace (A Fruit Of The Holy Spirit) and in their distorted minds their violence is justified because they perceive almost everyone as a threat.  Ignorant people instinctively know they should have knowledge and being made aware of their ignorance triggers the evil in them to react to maintain its spiritual territory.  So forbidding slaves to be taught how to read, inner city schools being terrible at educating (along with the very dysfunctional parents), no book stores being in the ghettos but plenty of liquor stores, comedians joking about "books being like Kryptonite to black men,"etc., etc. are all spiritual strongholds that keep a huge disproportion of black men in the prisons or cemeteries and these strongholds are by Satan's design to keep black people down by hiding the truth about our power as a people because he wants to destroy the whole human race.  It's the same thing with the evil practice of witchcraft, and the violence that comes with evil, like in Haiti and the countries of West Africa.  The strongest evidence of who we are as a people is Satan's universal attack on us which bears witness to our identity.  He causes us to attack each other frequently with self destructive black on black crime.  I've always said that, "Based on how we treat each other as a people today, if the racial situation in America was reversed, white people would still be slaves in 2011." Satan is getting a lot of ignorant cooperation with his evil plot from all races of the world, especially black people.  In Spiritual Warfare, you have to shut down The Spiritual Special Forces by encouraging them not to read spiritual information. 

Hosea 4:6 "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.  . . ."

More Freedom
Proverbs 16:16 (NIV 2011) "How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!"

The tendency to avoid difficult issues makes people remain in spiritual infancy.  When you have wisdom, you know how to analyze something and make good decisions because you understand what is going on.  When you don't have the spiritual insight, you have to be told what to do which is incomplete without understanding why you should do it.  You need to have an understanding of the system (Wisdom) to know what to do (Knowledge) and why you should do it (Wisdom/Understanding) so you can make adjustments to your behavior as things change and affect the system (Wisdom). The reason we need understanding or insight is that life is very complex and dynamic and it is always changing, so what is wise in one situation my be foolish after a few changes have been made to that situation (as in Chess) and those who are ignorant would not even notice the changes or have the discernment to know what to do.  Your discernment / judgement / reasoning process is what is most important because very few principles are correct in all situations because of life's complexity.

You are going to find many lies and distortions in the church as a whole and especially in black churches which is Satan's biggest threat and therefore they get attacked the most by evil.  Satan has all the churches distracted from preaching the only message that Jesus Christ preached: The Gospel Of The Kingdom Of Heaven.  Much of what is thought to be from the Spirit Of God in a church is just a Tradition Of Man. (see Isaiah 29:13-14)  All of the "Whooping," and the ego ridden "Watch this now, watch it!" along with the jokes, stylish suits, theatrics and the slow emotional delivery make up an entertaining show that helps keeps us distracted from the truth about God.  But profound words (Wisdom) can just be written or just whispered and they will still "shake your spiritual foundations" because they make you grow spiritually by giving you a much better understanding of the scheme of things. (Wisdom)  Your Spirit/Soul/Essence is searching for Wisdom, which you might not consciously realize, which causes you to react strongly to it when you do find important spiritual knowledge (Wisdom) that helps you to function better in the world.  A few of the added to The Holy Bible lies that I grew up with in a black Pentecostal church are: it's a sin for women to wear pants, it's a sin for women to wear make up, God inspired "Holy Music" (there is no such thing) and wild dancing in the spirit or "shouting."  Yeah that's right I said shouting.  If it is not A Gift Of The Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-10) or A Fruit Of The Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22) then it IS NOT from The Holy Spirit.  And also, if it is not written in The Holy Bible anywhere or follows biblical principles, then it is not from God at all and it is a spiritual lie that has been added to The Holy Bible which creates a false belief.  To masquerade something (or as someone) as coming from God, when it is not, is called blasphemy and "using the name of the Lord in vain." Satan specializes in doing this. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)  He has discovered that counterfeits are the best way to deceive people and to hide the truth from them.  Since Romans 13:10 says "Love does no harm to its neighbor." and the last Fruit Of The Spirit is Self Control, then why would someone who is supposedly "filled with The Holy Spirit Of God" and shouting have to be restrained by people surrounding them to keep them from hurting themselves or from hurting someone else because it is obvious that they are out of control?  That is not The Spirit Of Love dancing wildly out of control in the Pentecostal Churches, that is evil disguised as good and arrogantly celebrating the undercover infiltration.  It's a Demonic joke and when you see your Father's House being mocked, you stay away.  People are not being given A Deep Spiritual Understanding of biblical principles in The False Religious Churches and they are probably scared that they might be  "blaspheming against The Holy Spirit" IF THEY ASK QUESTIONS for clarity about The Doctrines And Beliefs of their particular Denomination, so they don't grow into Spiritual Maturity by gaining "Wisdom" which is "A Deeper Understanding Of Something." (I will explain what "Blaspheming Against The Holy Spirit" is in the next blog but for now, JUST KNOW THIS ABOUT IT: IF YOU ARE WORRIED that you might have Blasphemed Against The Holy Spirit then "you being worried about it" IS PROOF THAT YOU HAVE NOT DONE IT. It IS NOT something that you can mistakenly do AT ONE TIME, it is a long process.  It is also what Satan and his Demons have done.) This is exactly how evil works, it keeps you cut off from other resources (Divided), dependent, confused, controlled, and scared (Conquered and suffering form Battered Woman Syndrome) so you will be distracted and ineffective in this Spiritual War because if you can't see/understand what is going on, then you will not know what to do.  You should be getting empowered by Wisdom to become a Leader which is the purpose of this blog.  This is not blaspheming against The Holy Spirit, this is understanding this Spiritual War that we are engaged in and seeing an infiltration by the Enemy.  Matthew 7:7 says "seek and you will find" (Wisdom) not "wait in the pews until someone brings it to you."  All of those deceptions I listed above, and there are many more, were added to The Holy Bible by man which Deuteronomy 4:2 tells us not to do.  Adding to it is just as bad as taking away from it.  When someone tells you that something is in The Holy Bible, they should be able to show you where it is; and it should be simple to follow the explanation of that something.  To know that "something is not in The Holy Bible and has been added," your eyes have to have seen all the places where it is not to verify that statement for yourself which means you have to read the whole thing for yourself to make yourself an Authority on The Holy Bible.  Then you will not have to just trust what someone has told you (Dependency) about what is and is not in there, you will know for yourself from your experience of reading it and will not have to hope that someone is telling you the truth. (Dependency)

The Global Economy is a gigantic hustle that makes people compete against each other economically which is a form of warfare so all the tithe for prosperity, biblical finances, etc. is a hustle by evil spirits affecting very, very deceived people which includes many pastors and their congregations.  People are greatly deceived by believing that money comes from God/Love.  Remember that hustles have you seriously believing in the wrong things.  Prosperity preachers are not evil they are just very genuinely deceived because they lack a deep understanding of the scheme of things.  (Search "tithing manipulation" on YouTube especially the ones by J34Contenders and RINGOTVHD) Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers because He was angry and offended that His Father's House Of Prayer was being turned in to a place of business. (Matthew 21:12-13) Money does not follow the agricultural model of life like Wisdom and Knowledge does and The Holy Bible does mention "Spiritual Seed" in 1 Corinthians 9:11.  No where in The Holy Bible is a tithe linked to money and there is no such thing as A Financial Seed.  How can tithing be so important when Jesus Christ said nothing about paying tithes in any of The Four Gospels?  The kicker is that pastors should not receive a salary from a church to teach, preach, or reveal things from The Holy Bible. (2 Corinthians 12:14-16) You don't see today's pastors following Paul's example of not being a financial burden to the early churches and fully taking care of himself by other means, even though he had a right to be taken care of with their food and shelter.  So if a pastor is receiving a salary from the tithes and offerings of his congregation for revealing The Word Of God, a gift that he received freely from God, then he is in violation of the principle set forth in Acts 8:18-24 of not charging people money for access to the benefits of The Power Of God, which is very evil and the worst kind of hustle. 

1 Timothy 6:5 "and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain."

So the pastors and prosperity preachers want people to follow The Old Testament principle of tithes (which never were of money and only went to the tribe of Levi priests) while they are not following The New Testament principle of not being a financial burden to the church. (read 1 Timothy 6 about The Love of Money)  Many people tithe, and tithe, and tithe but when they go to their church in financial need they are denied the very little help they ask for.  Do research among your church going peers by asking questions (Galatians 5:22 "Test everything.") and judge for yourselves about the promise of financial prosperity from tithing to a church.  The only way to have an ongoing increase of your income in Satan's Global Economy legally is to keep getting raises, keep making successful investments, or maintaining a successful business that provides a good or service.  Winning a lottery is not an ongoing increase in income, it is just one large lump sum that you might be able to retire on.  Does tithing magically increase your luck or business skills?  No it does not and if you are confused as to why you are not prospering financially it is because you are believing in the wrong thing, along with your teacher, and both of you are being hustled by evil spirits.  Economist can tell you that increasing the cash flow of an individual or a business is a science that is governed by economic principles which include the supply and demand of different markets and tithing to a church is not one of these economic principles. (Proverbs 4:7 NKJV "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding."Collecting tithes--which are like pressured "faith fees"--and keeping a portion for yourself is a form of business.  After paying the necessary bills of a church, every cent of the rest of the tithes should go to the needy and everyone should see where every cent of the collected money is going without having to ask.

"When Christianity began in Palestine it was a FELLOWSHIP. When it moved to Greece it became a PHILOSOPHY. When it moved to Italy it became an INSTITUTION. When it moved to Europe it became a CULTURE. And when it moved to America it became a BUSINESS. The problem with that is Jesus designed the church to be a body and whenever a body becomes a business it's called PROSTITUTION!" -- Pastor Jasper W. Williams III 10-26-11 (from his Facebook Page)

Prostitution -- n. 2. base or unworthy use, as of talent or ability.

Money is stored up power to get people to do things for you and that is what God/Love is for.  The Global Economy is not going away until Jesus Christ returns to establish His Kingdom on this earth.  Obeying the two greatest commandments creates a Global Family who do things for each other out of the love and wisdom in their hearts.  It is an all or nothing type deal, and in The Kingdom Of Heaven, there is no money.

Another global deception is profanity/vulgarity in languages, "bad words" that most people believe that God does not want us to use also known as "cuss" words.  There is simply no such thing and they are "traditions of man" and not "sins against God." Sin causes suffering and only God has the authority to define what is a sin because he is The Creator of the Creation.  No man has the power to define or declare something as a sin.  And again, there is no command in The Holy Bible that says anything like, "In all of the languages there are certain words you should not say." Such a command would have definitely been in The Old Testament and in all Human Languages, the meaning and usage of certain words often change with time.  God examines and judges "the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7Hebrews 4:12) so He works on a much deeper level than the words we say to others.  We can be deceived by people's words but you can't fool God by saying things with your mouth while believing other things in your heart.  If the idea ("God The Father" from post #5) is the same then the symbol pointing to that idea--which is the expression of the idea ("The Son" from post #5)--makes no difference and is just a matter of choice.  The hustle is that "how you choose to express your self" somehow "makes you a bad or worse person" which is another of many straight lies that causes guilt and division among people:
                The IDEA                                              The EXPRESSION        
"the waste that comes out our anus" = poop, poo poo, do do, bowel movement, stool, feces, manure, fecal matter, shit, etc.

One Father (on the above left) can have many Sons (on the above right) which means "a thought/idea" can be "expressed in many different/creative ways."  The above is an example of something being "the same thing in a different form." We use words to indicate the degree or intensity of feeling and you hear some people say, "I was so mad I could have cussed." It is not a sin to have intense feelings but it is a sin to lose your self control at anytime. (Psalm 4:4Ephesians 4:26)  So getting angry enough to cuss is not a sin but losing your self control to the point of hitting some one, or something like that, is a sin.  It is the same thing with drinking alcohol which The Holy Bible allows. (Leviticus 10:9Numbers 28:7, etc.)  Jesus Christ converted water into very good quality wine in John 2:7-10 and He drank wine in Matthew 11:19.  And also, 1 Timothy 5:23 tells us to drink wine for better health and yet some Christians still believe that drinking alcohol is a sin because evil deceiving spirits are interested in creating division, confusion, and avoiding the truth.  They will not listen to reason because they know that the truth is good for people. (Matthew 18:15-17) That is why they had Our Lord Jesus Christ crucified for no reason; He was very good for people.  You can drink and get buzzed or tipsy but you shouldn't get drunk and the Self Control of The Holy Spirit will help you.  God/Love understands that we refer to (The IDEA /Father) "a person who is really getting on our nerves at the time" as a (The WORD/Son) "motherfucker, bastard, or son-of-a-bitch, etc." because He is just, understanding, and way cool like that.  This was revealed to me simply as: "All that shit is the same shit." a long time ago and I've been cussing with a very clear conscience ever since because that sentence is that same as "All that stuff is the same stuff." when in your heart, God/Love knows that, in that situation, shit means stuff.  This was the beginning of my understanding of God/Love The Father and The Son.  Satan has Sinners and Saints deceived and feeling guilty by believing that "the will to express yourself in a certain way means that you don't love God/Love as much as you should" which is another bold face lie and better know as some motherfucking bullshit.  Corrupt communication is that which destroys people's good name, reputation, or relationship with others which is character assassination and is very hard to recover from because people (of The Flesh) have a tendency to pour gas on gossip and it spreads like fire.  Remember that the function of God/Love is to build great relationships by increasing the flow of communication between two or more people and individual self expression is a personal choice like hair styles and fashion.  Now that you have a better understanding, which gives you more freedom, remember Romans 14 and temper your language to your surroundings and don't let your language cause your brother to fall. (And as with anything, if you still don't feel comfortable with cussing then don't cuss; you probably need more time to adjust your thinking and hopefully one day your mind will be free. To each his own and it is always just a matter of personal choice.)  Whatever you believe, make sure you are comfortable with it and have a clear conscience about it because of Romans 14:23.  If you believe something is a sin then it is counted as a sin to your conscience.  People in the streets cuss and keep it real and what type of people did Jesus Christ hang out with when He was on this earth in the flesh?  Those who are sick and need help the most, the street type people.  Cuss words are another hustle to keep people in the church, who can be deceived into thinking that they are "too Holy to speak like that," from being comfortable around people who really need spiritual help, which is very weak faith anyway. (Divide and Conquer)  Satan has everyone, Saints and Sinners, deceived about a lot of things.  Gambling is another added to The Holy Bible lying sin because the word, phrase, or concept is not in there.  The end result of people gambling is a group of people giving money to a single person which is not a sin.  If the end result is not a sin then how can letting chance or skill decide who gets the money be a sin?  Now if you become addicted to gambling or anything else and it is causing you or others in you life problems then that is a sin. (1 Corinthians 10:23-24) If Satan can get you to believe A Fatal Deception like "Drinking water is a sin," then you would either be a living, oppressed, thirsty all the time, feeling guilty all the time, miserable, and severely Deceived Saint or a Dead because of Obedience To A Lie and Fatally Deceived Saint. (The victim of a deadly Double Bind Invalidation) Like all spiritual things, the deeper you get into The Holy Bible, the better it gets.  So drink and cuss responsibly because God/Love is good. (And prepare for me to "keep it real" later on in this post.) 

"God Is Great"

Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. (15) Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp-stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. (16) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

In these three verses, Jesus Christ wants The Church / Body Of Christ to put the "love of God in their hearts" on display so that those who are outside can see it and not hide it in a building.  Currently, in the disorganized collection of confused churches, congregation members have to invite people to their church to have a chance at increasing their church membership.  People are social creatures by nature (the reason Facebook is so popular) and we are drawn to love like bees to honey; so when the love of God starts flowing right, you will not be able to keep people out of The Church / Body Of Christ or have enough buildings to contain them--that's why you have to put "New Wine" into "New Wineskins" that have Extremely Flexible Borders so they can't burst.  Our survival instinct makes us run away from bad things and we naturally run too good things like two year old children.

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