Saturday, December 31, 2011


"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."
Not just alone in a room,
be alone in a building for this very long one.  Way alone.
Scripture quotations are from 1984 NIV of The Holy Bible unless otherwise noted.
The RefTagger Tool uses the NKJV of The Holy Bible for Scripture Quotations.

Matthew 9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (37) Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. (38) Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

John 7:18 He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him. 

The Four Stages Of Spiritual Growth
Romans 14:15 "If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. (16) Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil. (17) For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,"

This verse is about a person of stronger faith not offending someone of weaker faith who considers eating certain foods to be a sin.  This principle applies to everything about our relationship with God, so imagine this scenario:  A newly enlightened man stands up in a church service to give this testimony,

Snoop Dog: "Man y'all motherfuckers are crazy.  Jesus wants us to fuck the shit out of each other!"
(Snoop is Mr. "I don't love them hoes.")

The Truth is like the ground that we all walk on.  The more lies you believe in and the longer you believe in the very big lies, the higher you are pulled up into the air in a net of bondage and confusion.  Time is like gravity and it is The False Belief Of Lies that makes you come crashing back to The Truth, so that it hurts.  Believing in lies makes the truth hurt or, under special circumstances, feel very good.  A person that is high in the sky has to be brought back to the ground of truth carefully and gradually.  So please, please, please be very, very careful with your new True Reality Freedom and don't publicly make any Radical Speech or Behavior Changes immediately, which can really scare the shit out of the people you have known for a while who are still very deceived.  They will assume (from their False Beliefs) that Satan has taken over you if you very selfishly make immediate Radical Behavior Changes.  Until we at least free all the minds of those who are in our own personal Circle Of Influence, we have to stay undercover and be very sensitive to the souls who are still trapped in The False Reality of The Matrix Of Money.  They gotta get with The Program. (Reading to right here is what we meant as a stopping point in the beginning of Post #9.)

In "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck, he lists four stages of spiritual growth. After ten years of practicing psychotherapy, he noticed that frequently religious people, at the end of the therapeutic process, left his therapy as atheists, agnostics, or at least skeptical people and the atheists, agnostics, or skeptics frequently left as deeply religious people.  He was confused until he realized that we are not all in the same place spiritually.  The four stages that he divides people into make more sense when you consider that we all are engaged in Spiritual Warfare.

Stage 1: Chaotic / Antisocial
M. Scott Peck puts most young children and about twenty percent of adults (when the book was published) into this stage of undeveloped spirituality where people are generally incapable of loving others.  The adults in this stage really don't give a fuck about anyone else and their relationships with people are all essentially manipulative and self-serving.  He puts the pure evil people, People Of The Lie, at the bottom of this stage and notes that some of them rise to become presidents or influential preachers.  

These type of motherfuckers are pure evil spiritual hustlers ("Thieves In The Temple") who don't empower people with deep spiritual insight and then encourage them to share their wisdom with others like they should, which advances The Kingdom Of Heaven, but instead they get people emotionally hyped up in a very entertaining but spiritually watered down church service that mostly repeats what you already know in a different form. (Ephesians 4:14) Satan's main goal is to distract people from The Truth and he does this in the most effective way by giving people a counterfeit truth.  If you're not getting anything new, then nothing will change in a world full of problems.  And if you don't see/understand The Big Picture, then you can't see/understand that something is very wrong spiritually, so you will not be looking for anything new. When your truth that you believe in is a lie then you are trapped in a Catch-22 Invalidation.  This happens when people don't get to know God personally for themselves by studying The Holy Bible and are scared to question "His Representatives" on earth.

In this stage, Satan really exploits our weakness of being lazy and selfish by mostly distracting us from Spiritual Growth, which is the very best thing for us, with all kinds of entertainment.  Churches have mostly been filled with older people because, spiritually, most young people naturally take The Road More Traveled of Spiritual Procrastination"The average lifespan is 75 years or so, so I'll live life my own way until I start getting old." This is the flesh being mentally lazy and naturally taking the path of least resistance.  Procrastination is the norm for things we don't want to do; at work managers don't have to tell people to "take it easy, you're working way too hard" because of the nature of the flesh.  You can better understand why Jesus Christ said, "though you are evil" in Matthew 7:11 because this Noble Character Life Attitude is not natural to our flesh at all since The Fall Of Man,"I'll work very hard on disciplining my self immediately so I can help as many people as I possibly can." Because of our Fallen Nature, we have The Spiritual Blindness of an inability to see our own flaws and our inability to see or focus on The Big Picture mentally makes it easy for Satan to exploit us.  So the flesh mentally can't see or comprehend "40 years from now dying of lung cancer" so it smokes cigarettes, "this second hand smoke could be killing someone else, but I need a fix right now" so it smokes around non-smokers inside a room, "I got a month to do this project, so it can wait" so it procrastinates until, "My project is due tomorrow and I haven't even started it" or The Noble, "I have to live with my fellow man, so I should discipline my actions to set a good behavior example which could become a cultural norm" so it does what it wants to do.  What you don't know, you can't see mentally and if you don't think about your ignorance, then your Third Eye Is Completely Blind.  People don't know or seek spiritually important things naturally because the (Fallen Nature) flesh simply does not care because it is naturally evil by being lazy and ignorant of it's own condition and impact on other people.  Evil is just malignant spiritual laziness.

Ephesians 4:25 "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body."

We must also speak truthfully to ourselves because even when we try to examine ourselves, our introspection is biased because of Jeremiah 17:9 "the heart is deceitful above all things . . ." Knowing this, those who are truly trying to grow as much as they can spiritually, very wisely give those around them The Free License To Very Gently Correct Any Negative Behavior that they notice.  This also has the benefit of correcting many false assumptions and false perceptions of intent.  If you practice this, you might notice that a lot of our "logical conclusions" are really just "assumptions from our own point of view" and you also might notice that "their is something that is interfering with our relationships to each other" aka Satan.  If you are going to assume something, like everyone does at times, always assume something positive to maintain a Positive Attitude.  If being corrected by people really upsets you (or just the thought of it), then some hidden evil is going on and you are not humble and meek like you're supposed to be because you have too much self pride, at least in that particular area of your life.  The truth is reality and if you hate being exposed to The Light Of The Truth about your own behavior being pointed out, then there is some evil darkness there inside of you that needs to be purged. (Matthew 6:22-23)  Adolf Hitler would not look at the horrors of The Holocaust that he caused because evil is extremely self delusional (People Of The Lie) and it avoids The Light Of The Truth.  "There are small Hitlers around us every day."  

It starts with our Worldview Of Life which establishes our approach to living life, our Attitude.  Attitude determines what we constantly think about (Our Mental Focus), how we treat others, how we react to others, and also how we choose to react to what happens to us in life.  A Positive Attitude Of Love makes us continually seek The Reality Of The Truth in everything, constantly think positive thoughts, and constantly exhibit positive behavior towards ourselves and others even when they have treated us badly.  An Attitude of anything else, besides love, is The Default Negative Attitude Of The Deceitful Selfish Flesh.  Romans 7:14-24 tells us that The Flesh is A Body Of Death and we have a law of sinful evil already at work in us that causes us to do things against our will.  So because of our Fallen Nature, we all start with A Spiritual Deficit In Our Character and a major self deception is not choosing a side in The Invisible Spiritual War; a supposedly Neutral Position which does not exist.  If you are not with The Lord Jesus Christ, then you are against Him. (Matthew 12:30) So being ignorant of all of this, People Of The Flesh will naturally start trying to impress other flesh by pridefully projecting a false self image, aka "Your Representative." (from "Bigger And Blacker" by Chris Rock) When you tell a lie to someone, you create A Situational False Reality in the mind of the person or people you lie to.  You don't believe the lie yourself, so you remain in one reality while others mentally see you in another reality when they believe your lie.  You will always remember the truth about yourself and now you also have to use additional memory for the lie you told concerning that situation. (most habitual liars have bad memories) Now you have the additional stress of maintaining multiple realities and you usually have to protect A False Reality by telling more lies to the same people or even more people which creates even more mental chaos.  If it gets to complicated, instead of coming clean with the truth, you might start avoiding those people you have lied to trying to protect your false image.  Some people may become fascinated with the power to manipulate people by creating False Realities with lies because on TV, in movies, and in some books, lying is presented as creative fun where it mostly creates funny entertaining drama and excitement.  

This is some very insidious, straight hustle, evil bullshit because it desensitizes people to lies and makes people very comfortable with them.  But the truth is that persistent lying is dabbling in the occult because Satan is "the father of lies." Lying just draws the enemy to you.  Nobody is perfect and everyone lies every now and then which is normal.  But persistent lying is an Ego attempt to control or manipulate people which is evil cooperation with The Enemy.  So since we all are engaged in The Collective Intercourse Of Communication, then what goes around comes around and our words and body language will have an affect on peoples minds and emotions now and in the future.  Lies are like The Air Force of a Spiritual Invading Army Of Demons.  Some people get very angry and upset because of being lied to and most people don't know that they should immediately vent their frustration in some way instead of harboring it and let it fester which can poison your spirit.  This shit gets very complicated when you have unresolved anger and bitterness from people in personal relationships which can lead to having an unforgiving spirit and a negative attitude which causes a person to dwell on negative thoughts and see and react to things negatively. (The Enemy moving in.) This can be made much worse when the person runs into more Ignorant and Selfish People Of The Flesh who piss them off even further on most days (having no Holy Spirit Fruit of "Patience / Longsuffering" in their heart) and this could cause people to start isolating themselves. (Divide And Conquer) Isolated people can then be constantly bombarded with negative thoughts which, if believed, cause negative emotions.  Harboring these persistent negative emotions invite the Demonic Heavy Artillery into a persons spirit by moving from Demonic Oppression, to Obsession, Control, Possession, and Satan's eventual goal for all of us--death by suicide.  So just know this, wherever there are many lies, then there are many Demons inside or around those people.  Satan and his Demons are Lying Spirits.  (John 8:44) An example of an Angel functioning like a Demon is 1 Kings 22:19-23.  And where are most of the lies in a society?  In All Levels Of Government (City, County, State), and especially The Federal Government by Politicians, The Corporate Business World, The Justice System, and The Media.  All of our ruling institutions are over run by The Enemy.

There are many Demon Controlled or Possessed people all over this world who are obsessed with having the power to dominate and control people using violence.  Their obsession with power causes them to seek high positions of authority and this is why, for many years, we have had Religious Wars, Military Wars, Terrorists, Violent Gangs, Violent Drug Lords, Serial Killers, and Domestic Violence (which is mostly from Men against Women and Children).  You can't fight A War On Terror (The Invisible Spiritual War of Good vs. Evil) with Physical Military Infantry and Weapons because Flesh And Blood is not the Enemy.  This is A Spiritual War Of Thoughts, Ideas, and Information Control.  Believing many lies in your mind, especially the deep ones about core principles, can cause mass confusion and dysfunction in your brain; and over a period of time, under the constant anxiety and stress, your brain can become chemically imbalanced because it was made by The Truth Of Our Living God Of Love and it was designed To Process The Truth In Loving Behavior.  A chemically imbalanced brain, that is filled with False Realities, can become delusional and lose touch with objective reality. (We have been there and done that in December of 1997 during our second test by Satan that took us to A Mental Hospital for three days.) So believing many deep and severe lies can also lead to all kinds of psychological disorders which drugs will be prescribed for; these drugs are made by People Of The Flesh who have very limited understanding of the human brain, that they didn't design, which can make the psychological condition even worse.  All of this Global Suffering is caused by Ignorant People Of The Flesh trying to impress other Ignorant People Of The Flesh with lies and they really, really need God's Holy Spirit Of Truth dwelling in them.  We all are still here only because The Grace Of God watches over us every day, all the time, because He loves us very much.  Whatever you try to impress, focus on, or attain is your worship of your own personal God.  People Of The Flesh don't "walk by faith" and stay focused on God's Love (using Spiritual / Mental Vision) they walk by human eye sight and what they see is what they try to impress, which is other human flesh.  Satan inspires People Of The Flesh to make Idols Of Men And Women and they don't realize this at all which makes it worse.  Like The Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 4:10 "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' "

Stage 2: Formal / Institutional
M. Scott Peck states that in this stage, people escape the chaos of their being by submitting themselves to the governance of some institution.  The institution may be a prison, the military, a corporation or some other tightly structured organization.  But most people submit themselves to The Church to govern their lives and the majority of churchgoers and believers are in this stage.  He states these two characteristics of Stage 2 behavior. (Comments in parentheses () are by UnknownFriend7.)

"One is their attachment to the forms (as opposed to the spirit / essence) of their religion, which is why I call this stage "formal" as well as "institutional." They are in fact sometimes so attached to the canons and the liturgy that they become very upset if changes are made in the words or the music or in the traditional order of things.(Like the resistance to Kirk Franklin's music fiasco.) 

We noticed that "biblical Jews, Scribes and Pharisees type, fake, shallow spiritual understanding, Religious Hustler type of shit" in the church that The Lord Jesus Christ hated dealing with as well when He was on this earth.  ("Thieves In The Temple") They are just going through the religious ritual motions and not loving each other deeply from the heart, which is evidenced by a strong willingness to freely, very happily, and sincerely offer to help people along with a desire to share things. 

"Another thing characterizing the religious behavior of Stage 2 people is that their vision of God is almost entirely that of an external, transcendent Being.  They have very little understanding of the immanent, indwelling God--the God of the Holy Spirit, or what Quakers call the Inner Light."

This level of spirituality, while being better than nothing, is still not the real deal at all people.  You are not getting, or encouraged to seek, a deep understanding of the spiritual principles that govern "a change in our fleshly selfish way of thinking" which changes our behavior.  What we did to grow spiritually all those years was 1) Pray The Lord's Prayer daily, 2) Read The Holy Bible daily, 3) Meditate on what we had read all the time (to put it in long term memory), and we 4) Fasted weekly by going completely without food, only drinking water, for at least 24 hours to increase our faith in The Lord Jesus Christ and to increase our understanding of His character and biblical principles.  We think that fasting allows the body to focus all of its energy on Digesting Spiritual Food when it has no Physical Food in the digestive tract to focus its energy on. (The longest we've fasted for is 84 hours which is 3.5 days.) Long fasts, beyond 48 hours, are really unnecessary now for everyone; it only takes 24 hours for your body to empty itself of food so 48 hours would be 24 hours without any physical food at all in your body.  You can build up your ability to fast for longer periods of time by starting with 6 hours, and when you have no headaches or lack of energy, increase by 6 hours until you reach 24 hours. (Spiritual Strength Training) It becomes easier and easier to do, just like lifting weights, as your spirit gets stronger.  Once we realized that The Lord Jesus Christ's Presence inside Of Us was manifesting itself every time we got scared (1 Corinthians 13:7 "it (Love / Jesus Christ) always protects"), we stopped fasting (mourning) to "increase our faith" because then we had Real Evidence Of His Existence because we actually felt The Presence Of His Anointing Energy inside of us activating every time we get scared. (Matthew 9:15) Our Faith/Strong Belief in God was confirmed and we moved into Personal Knowledge Of God's Existence from our Experiences with Him and feeling His Presence inside of us.

Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” 

So we will always feel His Presence and this puts us in a completely different reality than most people and we sincerely hope that You--The Blog Reader--grow spiritually enough to experience The Indwelling Presence Of The Lord Jesus Christ like this for yourself.  This is a "Special Work" because of The Nature Of The Task but there are no Special People at all because of The Nature Of God/Love.  The Lords Prayer is all that we prayed for years because we never fell for that lying religious statement of, "It is just a model prayer of how we should pray." but Luke 11:2 says, "He said to them, "When you pray, SAY:" "

There are all kinds of lies being taught in Christianity because the enemy does whatever he can to keep us from The Truth.  When we heard a very financially struggling member of the church, that we attended while growing up, give her testimony about being in serious financial need but "making sure she is going to pay her $200 towards The Pastor's Appreciation" we knew that was not right at all and it was time to go.  That Pastor should have immediately declined "her Appreciation" in front of the congregation to relive her of additional financial burden and her emotional burden of guilt but he didn't do that at all.  They were worshiping the pastor which is another Form of Idolatry.  Satan specializes in making Idols Of Men/Women.  What has been the default dress code of most churches for years?  Dress clothes and suits, which is business attire which is supposed to be a mark of financial success.  And that's what most or all of today's churches are a business that traps your mind into thinking about and focusing on Money (an Idol) instead of Love (a Spirit).  The Lord Jesus Christ didn't overturn the tables of the money changers in Matthew 21:12 because He was having a bad day, He knew that shit was not supposed to be in His Father's House at all.  We think that the reason why you can't worship God/Love and Money is because worshiping anything besides God is an act of The Flesh, which causes your mind to stay Compartmentalized With Information and it keeps you trapped in your ways of thinking, (Creatures Of Habitual Thought Patterns) becoming "a slave to sin" and therefore, your mind is trapped into believing in money.  A confused and divided mind/heart produces A Confused And Divided Body of believers.  But worshiping The Spirit Of God/Love Integrates your mind and frees it up to think with increasing Integrity which causes us to transcend our need for money.  

There is a big difference in Religion/Forms and Spirituality/Essence and this is why Jesus Christ did not get along well with the Jews, Scribes (teachers of the law), and Pharisees in The Gospels because He knew they where Religious Hustlers and not the real deal like He was, and that's also why they hated Him because He made them look bad spiritually.  Jesus Christ knew they where "Evil men disguised as Good" and the Enemy has the church still focusing on looking good to men on the outside (who are Physical/Forms) which is Idolatry instead of looking good to God on the inside by exhibiting Christ-like character (who is A Spirit/Essence) which is Spirituality. (Matthew 6:1)

Religion is a straight hustle and it is very superficial with practically no spirituality.  It has people focusing on Things which are Rituals, Forms, Traditions, Customs, Church Music, People, Money, etc. which is very well hidden Idolatry. (The worship of Idols)  This is also why there is so much religious division and confusion and also why we've had many wars in the name of Religion because it is run by Evil Spirits who are Religious Hustlers.

Let's examine three of the very many lies taught by religion

1) A Certificate Of Water Baptism is given for what?  Proof of your head getting wet by some Pastor.  How does that change your way of thinking, which changes your behavior, to be more Christ-like?  It doesn't, it just gives you something to display on your wall to other People Of The Flesh.  The other three baptisms change your behavior by changing the way you think.  They are 2) The Holy Spirit3) Fire, and 4) The Heaven On Earth Baptism. (all Four Elements are covered: Earth, Water, Fire, and Spirit/Wind) And also, being attached to Forms, religious people in this stage automatically think about Water Baptism when they read the word "baptism" in The Holy Bible.  But in Mark 10:38-39, when Jesus Christ says "drink the cup" and "be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with" He is talking about "going through an experience" which is what John's water baptism of repentance is symbolic of, the coming indwelling of The Holy Spirit Baptism of Salvation that Jesus Christ brought with Him.  This is also what Jesus Christ meant in "The Great Commission" of Matthew 28:19-20.  So in Acts 19:5, "On hearing this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus." this means that the act of "hearing The Word/News" about the Lord Jesus Christ was itself, the experience of hearing/learning new information.  Learning New Information gives you a New Mindset and puts you into a New Reality.  In the same way, You (The Reader Of This Blog) were baptized into "the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" which is the same thing as "The Gospel Of The Kingdom" in Matthew 24:14 when you read/heard Post #9 and mentally you went through "an experience of finding out The Truth."  Reading is hearing in your Mind's Voice and you can't look at a written word without reading/hearing it speak to you; the written word transcends space-time and it is a constant voice.  You can see how the confusion over whether to use the word "into" or "in" in Acts 19:5 causes people to focus on The Form of Water Baptism.  Being "Baptized in water" makes sense literally speaking but being "Baptized into water" does not sound right. The word should be "into" (like in the 1984 NIV) because baptisms are supposed to be mental shifts in your thinking process and you are supposed to mentally shift/transfer from one State Of Mind into Another State Of Mind which is also moving from One Reality into Another Reality.

2) "You're not supposed to judge." (Matthew 7:1-5)  This complete misinterpretation by taking the verse out of context causes people to be totally ignorant about the behavior of their fellow man which keeps them in Spiritual Infancy.  Looking at the Whole Context of the verse,  Jesus Christ meant you should judge yourself about a matter before you judge someone else about it, just don't be hypocritical.  If you feel comfortable enough with someone to gently correct their behavior, then you should surely expect them to gently critique your behavior as well, even about another completely different matter which would be a defense mechanism.  Romans 14:4 is talking about judging someone's behavior based on your standards when they are different from someone else's standards about other minor points of the Christian faith which are Food and Special Holy Days.  This is just An Evil Spirit Of Division that causes people to "fear being corrupted by the wrong doctrine" because they really don't know God personally and they are greatly deceived by straying away from the doctrine of The Grace Of God.  Level Two Religion Based Rituals (Idolatry) is based on The Ego False Belief that "God's love can be earned by practicing Religion/Rituals" and they unknowingly operate from "The Fear of losing God's love" if their religion/rituals are changed.  This Fear from The Ego (Sinful Nature/Flesh) causes all the different Religious Denominations.  This is the same "evil disguised as good" that Jesus Christ dealt with in The Pharisees and it is still around today.  A "Loving Way Of Life" is all about the way you treat people 24/7 which is based on your Character/Mindset that God sees all the time and that has nothing to do with the food you eat or the holy day you observe to be on Your Best Behavior in front of men. (Forms/Idols)  And Romans 14:10 and Romans 14:13 is about the selfish Final Judgement of Life or Death that people very arrogantly use against their fellow man as if they were God and have the authority to do this--this is exactly what Satan always does When people do this they are Finally Judging their fellow man--from A Superiority Complex--relative to what they believe about their own personal relationship with God and assuming that God's Final Judgement will be generalized to everyone else according their own personal relationship with Him.  This is a straight lie.  God gives everyone individual strengths and weakness at birth and only He knows what is A Fair Expectation Of Growth for each one of us, considering our starting place and the environment we grew up in, to give His Final Judgement of Life or Death that will be very personalized.  So on The Day Of Judgement, God is the one and only person who is qualified to render A Final Judgement on His creation.  (see Matthew 25:14-30 "The Parable Of The Talents") But calmly telling your fellow man how they could have handled a particular situation better (Edification) is not judging them personally or finally, it is judging that particular act, and it should not be met with anger--from hidden evil pride--if it is done at the right time and in the right way. You're just trying to present a better behavior standard for those who are outside and watching us because Gods's indwelling Holy Spirit is supposed to make a difference in our behavior and we are expected to bear Fruit Of The Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  And in 1 Corinthians 6:1-8,  it is very clear that God expects us to grow in Wisdom to be able to live in peace together and to be able to judge disputes between The Saints when and if they happen.

1 Corinthians 6:1 "If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints?"
1 Corinthians 6:7-8 "The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? (8) Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers.

So first of all we are supposed to be learning how to live in peace with each other and learning how to selflessly not do any harm to each other.  But if we do have a dispute, we are supposed to try to resolve it immediately between each other.  If we can't, then we are supposed to take our dispute before Other Saints to make a judgement about our dispute.  And finally, if that is not enough, then the whole church is supposed to make a judgement in the case like The Lord Jesus Christ said in 

Matthew 18:15-17 
A Brother Who Sins Against You
(15) "If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. (16) But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ (17) If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector."

In verse 16, "the testimony of two or three witnesses" is two or three other Brothers / Saints making their judgement about the matter.  And then the whole church is supposed to make their judgement about the matter as well in verse 17.  Like we have said before, "evil will not listen to reason" so treating them like "a pagan or a tax collector" means that they are Evil Impostors disguised as good and they are not your Brother / Fellow Saint (Matthew 12:50) because actions speak louder than words and "by their fruit you will recognize them."

A lawsuit is a very serious dispute and those Saints were really acting like People Of The Flesh / World who do not have "their treasure laid up in heaven" if they are suing each other.  When you are truly secure in knowing that you will inherit The Whole Universe, then you become much less attached to the things of this world and it is easy for you to be wronged or cheated. (1 Corinthians 6:7) So we are supposed to grow in our ability to discern spiritual matters and make sober judgments because this is what our future holds.

1 Corinthians 6:2-3 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? (3) Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!

So with a very shallow Stage 2 understanding of Spiritual Matters, The Religious False Belief in the taken completely out of context lie of "We are not supposed to judge" is just the Spiritually/Physically Lazy, Ignorant, and Selfish Flesh not taking responsibility for Edification and Spiritual Growth.  Spiritual Growth causes us to seek a much deeper understanding of things, see patterns, and grow in Wisdom so we can make better Decisions / Judgments because we understand The Scheme Of Things.

Believing that "We are not supposed to judge" means that your are giving yourself an excuse to remain Ignorant Of Important Spiritual Laws which keeps you in Spiritual Infancy by stopping your Spiritual Growth.  If you support this False Belief, then you are telling your mind that: 

"We are not supposed to grow spiritually, we're just supposed to go through the Religious Ritual Motions of going to church to look good to each other and "not judge / remain ignorant" of each others problems, and not learn how to make the world a better place to live in.  We're not supposed to increase understanding, we are just supposed to maintain this Spiritual Run-A-Round."  Man please!!! Believing this One Very Big Lie slows down your Edification And Spiritual Growth greatly!

Undercover Evil always resists looking at The Big Picture and will get angry if you try to remove anything that Increases Our Self Pride or Causes Division because it wants to Divide And Conquer instead of Unify.  Evil always resists things that are good for people and it will make all kinds of excuses to keep things the same--which is currently a very dysfunctional non-system of things--aka "Chaos."

3) The Abundant Life (John 10:10) this is a complete fallacy because the words are transposed (switched around) from the biblical text.  "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."  In this verse, Jesus Christ is talking about Everlasting Life, which is real life and not a switched around term of An Abundant Life in the flesh.  This reinforces the business disguised as a church hustle of the selfish dependence on money instead of the collective dependence by The Family Of God on The Love Of God.  Way more people will receive Everlasting Life as a result of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and sending us The Holy Spirit in this age than there were people in The Old Testament who were becoming pleasing to God, which was a very, very few number of people; and therefore they (the sheep, meaning us/people) may have it (Everlasting Lifemore abundantly. (a great increase in the number of people being saved from death) This fallacy has people focusing on there individual pursuit of The Idol Of Money which can get you material wealth which is a great distraction from The Truth.  People working together as a collective will have a very Abundant Life in The Kingdom Of Heaven, and the pursuit of money keeps us from focusing on that.  If you are not being taught How To Win Spiritual/Mental Battles against Spiritual/Mental Satanic Strongholds (False Beliefs/Thought Processes), which Gains Spiritual/Mental Territory and Advances The Kingdom Of Heaven, then you are wasting your time.  Everything else is giving you a spiritual run around because The Kingdom Of Heaven solves all of our problems. (Matthew 6:33) In a world with no money, everyone owns everything and that is your true Abundant Life and Everlasting Life.  No one is teaching that money is a weapon that is used by Satan against us because they can't tell you what they don't know.  When your mind is trapped into thinking that the only way to spread The Message Of The Kingdom Of Heaven (which is not being preached) is sitting in a building listening to a sermon by "paid to preach" Preachers who also have to take up a collection of money to pay for the building, then you are very distracted and trapped in a severe Demonic Stronghold.  They are not getting these revelations because they are deceived into thinking that "godliness is a means to financial gain" (1 Timothy 6:5) and have no part in the ministry of The Truth.

Acts 8:20-21 Peter answered: "May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! (21) You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God."

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