Saturday, December 31, 2011


(Post #10  Part 4 of 9)

We The People Of The Truth

Revolution - N. 1) A Dramatic change in ideas or practice. 2) Drastic change or action, often in politics.

In a nutshell people, "We gotta stop fucking around so we can really start fucking around to the glory of God."

The "They" that Kevin Trudeau was talking about his book title was the corrupt Government Officials, Agencies, and Other Organizations. (As in The 1988 movie "They Live"We now understand that Demonic Evil Spirits are behind the government corruption that Kevin, many other book authors, and many Conservative Radio Talk Show hosts have been talking about for years.  The same Evil Spirits that caused The Very Oppressive Tyranny Of The British Empire that our Founding Fathers rebelled against to start The United States Of America have caused our government to become very oppressive to our Economy with Massive National Debt that affects The Value Of The Dollar that is damaging our Constitutional Republic that gives us our Live In Freedom way of life.  This battle goes all the way back to The Garden Of Eden and it is time to shut these Evil Spirit Bastards down so we can live A Glorious Lifestyle.

While doing research about our Election Fraud we learned that The Antichrist Counterfeit Jews control most of The American Mass Media.  This is why you never see any reports of missing black people (The Real Biblical Jews) on The National News.  The Counterfeit Jews make up only 2% of America's population and 0.25% of the world's population but they have always held a very abnormally high percentage of the major positions of power. (see Who Controls America? and Who Rules America?)  This is the Lying Demonic Spirit Of The Antichrist who has the very deceived and Counterfeit Jews of today running very tightly controlled Networks Of How To Make Money, Staying In Power, And Maintaining Control Of People.  They absolutely deny the existence of The New Testament, The Lord Jesus Christ who was "The Messiah," and God's Holy Spirit Of Truth that He sent to mankind that makes this Re-Educational Blog possible.  Antichrist = AntiLove and the spirit of The Antichrist is ruling this world from behind the scenes in this Invisible Spiritual War though the hustles of the very powerless Idolatry of Religious Rituals and Money.  You can't serve God and Money and this spirit of evil had Herman Cain's campaign for president stopped through the false accusations put out in The Mass Media.  This behind the scenes conspiracy against The True Biblical Jews is not know by The Counterfeit Jews along with all the other behind the scene evil; it is being done by Satan with thought implants and manipulations.  How very ironic is that now that you know The Truth which should have allowed:

While those two women were holding that press conference at that podium, Herman Cain should have been free enough to interrupt them and run A Train on one of them along with his Campaign Manager while saying this into the microphone, "If you vote for The Cain Train, we will implement two 9-9-9 plans that will lead to more jobs in this country than people to work them and it will also help you live very Sexually Satisfying Wifestyles."  And Chelsea, Hillary, and Bill Clinton should have been free to lead the country in A National, Butt Naked, Pledge Of Allegiance To Freakiness featuring Monica Lewinsky giving The First Dick some very serious Super-Head while Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has his lips and tongue buried deeply into Hillary's Pubic Hairs which would inspire Anita Hill and Chelsea to start a very creative 069-69-6900 Social Impurity Plan for The Freaky States Of America.  Motherfucking sexual harassment--man please!!!  That evil Antichrist Son Of A Bitch got the whole world very sexually repressed. 

You can now see why it is a very good idea to keep The Church and The State separated because when "The Demonic Powers That Be" who are controlling both of them come together, much more insidious evil gets done while being disguised as good.  Therefore any current Religious Political Organizations are not to be trusted at all as is any institution. (Test everything) If you are not Connected and In Tune with The Spirit Of God and what He is doing in the world, then you can easily fall for an "evil disguised as good trap" like Peter would have done when he didn't want The Lord Jesus Christ to be killed and resurrected in

Matthew 16:23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men."

From Peter's very limited and small minded point of view, he didn't want Jesus Christ killed because He was very good to The Disciples and The People by always teaching and healing them.  He couldn't See/Understand The Big Picture which is God's Divine Purpose with his natural mind and anything that is contrary to God's will is evil.  Peter was fleshly thinking about "himself and right now" instead of The Big Picture Of God's Purpose Of Our Salvation In The Future so his very selfish and ignorant "Save Jesus from dying" good was actually Satan in disguise and very evil.  Remember that evil always wants to keep us from what is good for us and Satan tried to KILL Jesus Christ when He was a child through King Herod and then "he wanted to SAVE His life" as an adult through Peter to keep Him from fulfilling His life's purpose--Satan is just an insane, evil, and very sneaky bastard and this is why he inspires lying powerticians to change their positions--"flip flopping"--to try to stay in power.  God/Good does not change but evil has to change all the time to manipulate people and stay in power.  There are many evil disguised as good traps in America like the documentary "Capitalism: A Love Story" by Michael Moore in which he Demoncratically espouses 1) Government Regulation, 2) Unions and 3) That Citizens Are Automatically Entitled to certain standards of living by society like High Paying Jobs, Healthcare, etc. which should be given to them.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to work for or even desiring to have these things, it just the Demonic Attitude and approach to obtaining them is where the problem and misunderstanding occurs.  We have already covered the first two and The Attitude behind the third one is the source of the problem: developing Unrealistic Expectations From Society because you have Pridefully Decided That You Are Entitled To Whatever You Think Is Fair.  This is a self imposed mental set up (An Unknown Self Imposed Mind Fuck/Invalidation) for frustration and anger (welcoming Demons) when society as a whole will never agree with your un-communicated, arrogant, and very selfish point of view.  ("Let me work hard to start a company to give you your demanded lifestyle Mr. Demoncrat because you are The Man as A Labor Union Of One Person--oh Great One."--Man please!) This is the exact same very arrogant attitude that caused Satan and his Demons to Very Insanely rebel against God and how he earned his Eternal Damnation.  What gives you the right to demand anything from anybody with that Internal Promoted-To-God-Selfish-Mentality? (Satan disguised as your ego.) Motherfucker please!!!  You are supposed to be very humble and meek.  So if you humbly set the goals of A High Paying Job, Good Benefits, Healthcare, etc. for yourself by writing them down so you can focus on them, then you will seek them, by learning from and networking with those who already have them, and you can eventually obtain them if you are willing to work hard enough.  So you can now see the big difference in the Ideological attitude of Demoncrats and True Conservatives.  Demoncrats Pridefully Demand and will not appreciate what they think should be given to them and will eventually demand more and more (Taxes, Entitlements, Lobbyists, Earmarks, Massive Budget Deficits) and True Conservatives are willing to work for whatever goals they can obtain. (The Innovative and Cutting Edge Private Industry)  Attitude is everything.  The problem is there is no True Conservative Political Party in America, we just have Modified Demoncrats disguised as Republicans.

"After all is said and done, much is said and little is done."

There are at least three very good reason for this: 
1) The Flesh is naturally lazy--so little will be done especially with a Counterfeit And Dysfunctional Message.
2) Most people have very, very poor listening skills--so much is said but very little is heard.  
3) What little is heard will soon be forgotten if it is not immediately written down (Captured), constantly reviewed to be placed in permanent long term memory, and acted on.

This is another very big problem with the current religious church system, they are very focused on the Forms of "preach to them" with A Preachers 1) Mouth in a 2) Building from Romans 10:14 and 3) Israel being A Plot Of Land in The Middle East.  The Children Of Israel are a group of people just like The End Time Church / Body Of Christ and when one of them hooks up to their Creator, they write things like The Holy Bible and Sow Seeds Of Wisdom that Satan is very afraid of.  The Spirit Of Wisdom creates Crucial Written Intelligence in A Spiritual War Of Ideas which shuts down the ignorance that evil depends on.  Here are some very major advantages of The Written Word which continually Preaches To The Mind through The Lamp Of The Body Eye.

1) If it is written, it is in long term memory and can be spread like a fire because
2) It can be copied and focused on by the eye which relieves memory stress.
3) Written words speak to your mind only when you look at them so you chose what you hear and will listen to by your Lamp Of The Body Eyes.
4) You can re-read and compare ideas on a page to get a better/deeper understanding of how ideas relate to each other--see patterns.
5) Written words are very instantly portable--you can easily take them with you.
6) Written words can be read or studied in silence.
7) Written words can be indexed by Books, Pages, and Highlights for easy retrieval.

Imagine trying to replace a page of text with a group of people who have memorized one sentence each.  This would work okay for story telling but it would be very terrible for learning and studying.

The Four Stages Of Learning New Information
1. Unconscious Incompetence—this is the stage where you don't know that you don't know.
2. Conscious Incompetence—this is the stage that you know you don't know.
3. Conscious Competence—this is when you know that you know,
but you have to consciously think about it.
4. Unconscious Competencethis is when it is second nature; this is when the information is part of you; this is when you know it just as easily as you know your own name; this is when it is fully internalized and it is just automatic. (A Very Good Habit)

Nonfiction is not designed to be read in the same manner as a fictional novel. Novels are read from beginning to end, and once you know the outcome, there is little reason to read it again.  Fiction is designed to be entertaining, not educational.  But nonfictional information has no plot or story line to follow; it is supposed to educate not entertain.  Nonfictional information is the most effective when it is read at least twice because most people get a better understanding of the material the second time through.  And remember, everything is much better when done in groups. (Matthew 18:20) It is sort of like when you watch a movie for the second time, you notice a lot more verbal and physical details because you know the plot and can focus your attention else where the second time around.

Our Kingdom Mandate 
Action Plan
(Green The Action Of A Spiritual Revolutionary War

(A link to a simplified copy of this list will be provided at the end of this blog.) 
1)  Intelligence is the most important thing in warfare so print yourself a hard copy of all Ten Posts of this blog.  If you can't copy and paste them directly to A Word Processor, then try copying and pasting them to A Notepad or Clipboard Type Program first, and then to a Word Processor like we have to do on our computer.  You can take out some blank lines and use smaller print to save paper and ink.  (This is the only "One Time" step and the rest are ongoing for a while.)

2)  Pray The Lord's Prayer every night at 9 pm Eastern Time (8 Central, 7 Mountain, 6 Pacific, etc.) with the always growing End Time Church / Body Of Christ / Citizens Of The Kingdom.  After that, ask God to send Angels ahead of you to prepare the way for you to spread The Good News Of The Kingdom Of Heaven, which Reconciles The Creation To The Truth About Their Creator, and to be with you and give you The Wisdom To Wisely Spread The Message Of This Testimony.  The longer we can keep this Grass Roots Revolutionary People Movement out of the Mass Media and The Federal, State, County, and City Government the better.

   "Our Father 
     in heaven, 
      hallowed be 
      your name, 
your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today 
our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 
     And lead us not 
      into temptation, 
   but deliver us 
      from the evil one,
     for yours is the 
      kingdom and the 
     power and the glory
       forever. Amen."

3)  Cell Activator - ". . . we need to form Love Cells of people who do good." (Post #8Everything is much better in groups and The Rationality Of Love starts with at least two people. (Matthew 18:20) This counters Satan's Divide And Conquer Tactic big time and also the natural laziness of the flesh.  Your spouse or significant other would be a good starting place.  Just like your spirit gets lifted as soon as you find out that "You are NOT the only one suffering with this problem" when someone shares their "hidden personal businesswith youyour spirit will be greatly lifted when you are reminded daily that you are never alone in trying to help people when you receive individual calls from every member in your Love Cell or if you are on a scheduled Daily Accountability Call as a group with your Love Cell which can range from 5 individual people to 5 couples of people.  Let the cells unite in The Phenomenon Of Community and let God direct them.

You have a relationship with yourself and you have to prove to yourself that you can get things done--which develops "A Can Do Spirit In You"--by Making, Managing, and Problem Solving "Personal Daily To Do Lists" with each other.  Since we are creatures of habit, to change our habits (from our habitual thought patterns) we have to write things down on a check list and get them done or "make it happen" with determination.  A Task list focuses our minds and helping each other manage our time increases our self confidence and gets accomplishing tasks down to a science / system as we share our improvements with each other.  This will develop your Leadership Skills because your To Do List will grow, from very simple tasks, and change with time and as your list grows too big, you will have to delegate tasks and responsibilities to others or let some things go.  When you delegate tasks you can train people to do the same things you did to grow.  This is the essence of running a business. 

4)  Operation In God We Trust  (Because "man is not fit to rule.")
We have got to dump those Satanic Lying Evil Spirit Bastards who are really running Washington D.C. through The Political Parties and affecting our lives.  So register to vote immediately and click on the "Help Us Fire Congress!" link below to The GOOOH Website.  GOOOH stands for "Get Out OOur House" and is pronounced like the word "go." GOOOH will allow you to:

1) Help select your Representative - while being considered yourself if you like
2) Hold your Representative accountable
3) Replace career politicians with true representatives
4) Take the money out of politics

Once we get some Citizens Of The Kingdom in Congress who are United In The Phenomenon Of Communitythen God will be ruling The United States Of America and He will give us The Wisdom to institute Very Serious Political Reform which is very much needed.  GOOOH is organized for The House and we can easily communicate which Senate Member to vote for in each state as well.  We need to dump all Politicians at the State, County, and City levels also to let God rule through Community as well.  Dump All Politicians in 2014!!! (For their own and our own good.)

And if you just happen to see Herman Cain's name on the ballot then,
Make Very Sure That You Vote For Herman Cain!

1 Thessalonians 5:21 "Test everything. Hold on to the good. (22) Avoid every kind of evil."

If only it were that easy then we would be done with this section but Satan's thirst for power goes way beyond political manipulation through lying politicians.  Our Federal Constitutional Republic is only as good as the validity of our elections and there has been a tremendous amount of trusting without verifying for many years in this area just like with everything else.  There is no telling what the will of the people has been in the past 30 years and we all have to go all the way in taking control of our future.  So taking back our government starts with taking back our elections.

We are going to need some help in this section and will have to update the links to more effective ones later.  But to quote a watchdog of American Election Fraud since 1979, "When someone is insisting on counting your votes in secret -- then you've got a problem." A very big problem indeed and our Federal Constitutional Republic has very likely been a lie very recently as well.  It is 1776 again people and we really have to press The Reset Button on America The Beautiful.  The Citizens who cast the votes are supposed to have the power to elect but for years, 99% of our votes have been cast on computers that absolutely can not be trusted at all.  Computerized voting does not give The Voter a receipt of his/her vote, a tracking number, and it doesn't leave a paper trail.  These computers can be programmed with an actual "Honest Vote Mode" where it will report on the screen and the print out of the actual votes that were cast on it during an audit, but only the programmers who have access to "The Black Boxes" know what is actually being added up and reported as "The Official Vote Count" which the Citizen Voters or even The Election Officials do not have access to at all.

The only way to ensure an honest election is to have The Paper Ballots always kept in Public View and have them hand counted by The Citizens Themselves and to have the results Immediately Posted at each precinct.

We really need some people already heavily involved in politics to get active in making it easier for The Citizens to take over the Republican and Democrat stronghold of each and every one of the 3,100 + Election Precinct in America.  We all have to become very politically active this year and when they see a record number of Registered Voters, they should see a Revolution coming!!! 

(Right-Click to open these in A New Tab.)

5) "Offer you bodies as living sacrifices." (Romans 12:1-2)
Click on the link at the end of this post to order Nutrition and Weight Management Products from Herbalife.  All of the products are very effective and The Weight Loss Programs 1) Speeds Up your Metabolism 2) Controls your Appetite 3) Gives you great nutrition and 4) Increases your energy level greatly.  We have tried the basic program and lost more than a pound a day, felt 20 years younger energy level, and after only one week of being on these Products--our shit barley stank, we are very serious about this.  You will replace 60 meals per month on The Weight Loss Programs so you will just be shifting some of your monthly food expense to Herbalife Products.  You can lose at least 40-50 pounds per month on The Ultimate Program alone and even more if you use your increased energy level to exercise daily.  Your body will be transformed to your ideal body weight (Lose or Gain) with great results and you will stay on these products for life.  After your great success using the weight loss / gain / maintenance products, try many of the other products because they all are very good for the human body. Use your increased energy level to exercise daily (add Herbalife 24 Products) and do plenty of stretching to increase your flexibility which is very sexy.  Between The Cure For All Diseases and The Herbalife Nutrition Products you will have two products in your body that are working at the cellular level.  Become as Healthy, Immune From Disease, Energetic, Physically Fit, and Gloriously Sexy as you can so you can become A Very Wonderful Spiritual and Physical Blessing to someone else.  You will need all the energy and strength that you can get to enjoy True Holy Communion In The Kingdom.  When you are Mentally and Physically ready to ". . . Be about your Father's Business," then you should Sign Your Death Certificate.  Your conscience will let you know that "It is a sin to keep all this Spiritual and Physical Goodness to yourself" and you will thoroughly enjoy spreading God's love--so

6)  Get some business cards to Distribute Free Wisdom.  You can do this alone or in small groups and you will be setting more "Minds and Bodies" free by spreading The Knowledge Of The Truth about The Lord Jesus Christ and Our Heavenly Father which makes the world a better place after they reprogram their minds with this.  This is Spiritual Agriculture and God is also the Lord Of This Harvest as well just like He controls The Harvest In Nature so all you have to do is just Sow The Seeds and the results will be in God's hands. (Matthew 9:38, 2 Corinthians 9:10) You will probably also want to distribute some of your own Personal Business cards to "Certain Special People" so you can personally follow up with them quickly and become "Highly Interactive" once you get your body ready to be ". . . about your Heavenly Father's Business."  Start with your spouse or significant other and get them "to promise to read the whole thing--including the One Page Links" and not to make any preconceived judgments while reading it--just keep an open mind.  If you invite someone here electronically, at least talk to them over the phone and get them to promise this to you before you tell them where The Truth is.  Remember, the enemy wants people to stay away from what is good for them so you have to be creative and make it personal and follow up with The People In Your Circle Of Influence to make sure they are reading this.  Ideally you should follow up with everyone you invite here when you can.  

Here is the kicker: The Link at the end of this blog currently connects to Our Online Store for orders.  As we move up in the company's marketing plan very quickly, we will invite our customers to become A Health And Nutrition Distributor under us in the company as well.  So as this message spreads, The Link will be switched to Your Online Store and The Store's Of Others who you lead to this and they will be customers of your stores who can do the same.  Everyone earns money from the sales of the people under them in the company's marketing plan so your success is our success and vice versa and all the online store look the same.  We plan to fully automate this process and as a worst case scenario, we will manually switch the link ourself to take care of our customers on a "first come first serve basis" as we all move up in The Companies Very Wonderful Marketing Plan.  This radically evolves and transforms Their Very Effective Business Model and Team Building Program and you will just be an Order Filler along with those who you spread this message to as well.  All you have to do is place the order to be shipped to your customers and schedule appointments to coach them on the phone about how to use The Products just like we will do with you when you place an order from our store.  (Which is basically "just follow the directions" and they have A Very Good Troubleshooting Manual that is ready to be printed out.) The Company makes this process very, very easy to do by having prepared the way for you with everything you need to say and do ready to be printed out (A Very Effective System) so there is no thinking required on your part at all, just follow the directions and use the tools provided by The System to schedule and follow up with people.  This will Move You Up In The Company's Marketing Plan with us as well along with those who will be placed under you and it will be the easiest money you will ever make.  This blog is The End Time Church Body Of Christ's Advertising And Team Building Plan in The Herbalife Company.  Millions of people worldwide will be very interested in this message and therefore, We All Will Make A Ridiculously Insane Amount Of Money as we spread The Knowledge Of The Kingdom Of Heaven to the world which teaches people to depend on God's love instead of man's Satanic inspired Global Economy Of Money.  This forms A New Matrix Of Money from distributing These Wonderful Bodybuilding Products, that people will re-order monthly for the rest of their lives, and it will form only once with millions of people in it.  So you are being empowered with The Wisdom and The Wealth to change people's lives in the USA and other countries of the world.  We will have plenty of money to build "The New Worship Compounds" that will be completely paid for from the beginning.  Please do not let monetary wealth and power keep you from inheriting The Whole World and The Infinite Universe when The Lord Jesus Christ returns to establish The Kingdom Of Heaven on earth where there will be no money.  Citizens Of The Kingdom Of Heaven will be responsible for the very noble cause of Instituting God's Government on earth which includes The Redistribution Of Wealth to those who are in need.  (Not Satan's Lying Demon Controlled Governments.)  Notice the very big difference with the current wisdom distribution system of the very confused churches: 

You are freely empowered with Knowledge and Wisdom to affect very positive change in the world and You Can See Very Clearly how the money your are asked to Invest In Yourself First will benefit you immediately by making you a much more Effective Agent For Spreading The Love/Wisdom/Word Of God in The Body Of Christ and you will be more happy with yourself in God's Plan For Our Lives aka The Kingdom Of Heaven.  The only other money you are asked to invest is purely for The Outreach Ministry of Restoring The Reputation Of Jesus Christ's Holy Name and His Very Wonderful And True Message Of The Kingdom Of Heaven to His Creation.  By Being Obedient To God's Commands, we all get blessed with A Better Mindset, A Better Body, Much Better Relationships, and A Much Better Living Environment aka The Kingdom Of Heaven while gaining True Riches and Financial Wealth to be a blessing to those who are in need.  
It is all good only when it is all God.

Our Company Name: A Seed Of Wisdom
A Front Of The Card Message:
I'm sharing this with you because I have found it to be
                         (1) Very Different
              (2) Very Eye Opening (3) Very Powerful
                    (4) A Very Wonderful Blessing
Our Company Web: 
A Company Address Line 1: You will probably do the  
A Company Address Line 2:  same after you read it.

A Back Of The Business Card Message:
Our Company Name: A Seed Of Wisdom
Going to church is supposed to fulfill our need to live a
better life. But people are not living a better life in this
                 this world full of problems.
"Most of the things in this world are a hustle."
Our Company Web: 

Use the above Company Name and Web--the rest is just a suggestion--and design you own business cards to get people to read this information.  Design your own business cards at:
7)  Since God is always good to us, we must remain faithful, and be good to God with Bold Obedience to His commands.
1 John 3:17 "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"
Matthew 25:37 "Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? (38) When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? (39) When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
(40) The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ "

We know very well that charitable deeds are supposed to be done in secret, to impress God and not men, but this is written to show people The Depth of a Renewed Mind and A Paradigm Shift in the Human Thought Process.  The Lord knows that we have had this in our heart since we were a teenager because He put it there (Philippians 2:13): The Lord Jesus Christ gave mankind the solution to The Homeless Problem when He told The Parable Of The Good Samaritan.  Putting homeless people up in a hotel or inn today would be very expensive so we made a promise to ourselves that as soon as God blesses us with a house of our own, we will very definitely move Him into it FIRST in The FORM of A Homeless Person.  When we help God/him/her get back on their feet so they can move out, we will get another "God In The FORM Of A Homeless Person" off the street and continue to do so until we can't find and more which means "Our Lord And Savior--In The FORM Of A Homeless Person--is fully take care of in this country."  Citizens Of The Kingdom can at the very least pool their money to pay for extended lodging somewhere (A Marriott Residence Inn or A Suburban Lodge) or build Homeless Shelters or A Homeless Room Addition to their houses to get "God in the FORM of a homeless person" off the street. (1 John 3:18) When The Word gets out that people (The End Time Church Body Of Christ) are ending homelessness in the cities, everyone's spirit will be greatly lifted and people will become inspired to do even more good.  When Homeless People become "The Hot And Desired Commodity" instead of "The Abundant Life of Luxury Homes, Cars, and Private Jets" then we will know that The Spirit/Love/Thought Process of God is really moving in this country.  This is gaining "The Spiritual Territory of Patterns Of Thinking" for The Lord Jesus Christ and this Advances The Kingdom Of Heaven.  This will also lift the burden and unspoken fear of--in a worse case scenario--being homeless in people's heart which will greatly Combat The Dependency On Government Entitlements.  God can easily coordinate this and everything through The Community Phenomenon.  Now hopefully you can very clearly see how Satan has to shut down the churches, that are supposed to be "The Love Of God Factories,to shut down a country through a very huge--Entitlement Driven--National Debt in Satan's "live by the numbers" Global Economy.  The Church is supposed to have A Complete Social/Life Security Plan for all of its members, young and old, and The Citizens Of The Kingdom with the love of God in their hearts are supposed to be the ones who "Redistribute The Wealth" because they know that God is always watching us:

Psalm 33:
(12) Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,
           the people He chose for His inheritance.
(13) From heaven the LORD looks down
           and sees all mankind;
(14) from His dwelling place He watches
           all who live on earth—
(15) He who forms the hearts of all,
           who considers everything they do.

Matthew 15:3 "Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? (4) For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.’ (5) But you say that if a man says to his father or mother, ‘Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is a gift devoted to God,’ " " (Parental Social Security Program)
Acts 2:44  "All the believers were together and had everything in common."
Acts 6:1 "In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food."
1 Timothy 5:16 "If any woman who is a believer has widows in her family, she should help them and not let the church be burdened with them, so that the church can help those widows who are really in need."
James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
1 John 3:16 "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. (17) If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on himhow can the love of God be in him? (18) Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

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