Saturday, December 31, 2011


(Post #10 Part 7 of 8)

We all are commanded to be Law Abiding Citizens of our country in Romans 13:1, 6-7.  But we also have to remember that we will have to answer to our Creator on The Day Of Judgement concerning our Everlasting Life and In The Law Of Our Minds, we should have a very clear conscience towards God while living The Glorious Lifestyle that we are supposed to be living on this earth. (1 Corinthians 4:4So obeying The Law Of Our Minds (Our Conscience) is much more important than obeying the laws that were created by corrupt men (Politicians / Power-ticians) in the very corrupt governments of this world that are currently ruled by Satan.  As you can see, man's Satanic Inspired Evil disguised as good Marital Laws And Global Economy Civilization does not have our best interests at heart at all like God's Kingdom Of Heaven Glorious Lifestyle does. ("You were made by God/Love for God/Love") Like we said before in Post #9, The Veil of 2 Corinthians 3:14-18 affected the people of The New Testament Times, so even they couldn't understand The Glorious Lifestyle that we are supposed to live from The Old Testament.  But they did limit The Men In The Positions Of Church Leadership to having only one wife in:

1 Timothy 3:2 Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,

1 Timothy 3:12 A deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage his children and his household well.

Titus 1:6 An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.

This was probably because of the amount of time that they would have to devote to the early Foundational Christian Churches and extra wives would cause them to have to neglect something.  But this is also proof that a man is allowed to have more than one wife because why would they specifically limit a man to only one wife if he was already not allowed to have more than one by some biblical command?  We have read the 1984 NIV Holy Bible twice and we have not read the 2011 version of The NIV Holy Bible where the translators show bias to our present day customs in their oversimplification of these verses instead of what the 1984 NIV and the NKJV biblical texts read that have the phrases "the husband of but one wife" (1984 NIV) and "the husband of one wife" (NKJV).  As you might have noticed throughout this blog, when we obey God by acting on our faith, which is just A Confirmation Of A Belief, He reveals more of Himself to us and gives us more of His grace (see Matthew 25:14-30); this is the deal with The Spiritual Breakthroughs and Peeling Off The Layers of The Superiority Deception.  This is the ultimate result of Spiritual Growth:

Increasing our capacity 
to receive God's grace 
through humble obedience.  

When we have mastered this quality, becoming a 24/7 Completely Yield Vessel To God's Grace (24/7 Flow-Through), then we will become "A Child Of God In The Flesh" which is "(A Whatever Your Name Is) Version Of The Lord Jesus Christ/Love." Satan always attacks our spiritual weaknesses and for women this is one of his primary deceptions that he uses against them because of the nature of their existence.  Since God created and designed women specifically to be pleasing to men, this is what He commands them concerning their God Given Beauty

1 Peter3:3 "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. (4) Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."

So by the nature of their existence, women need and crave attention from men and it usually starts with a physical attraction; but God wants all women to focus on their Inner Beauty/Character. (and men also) What most women don't realize at all is that when they are praising, criticizing, or being jealous of another woman's physical appearance, they are just judging God's Art Work.  It is the same thing with men also.  Our wife has told us that if you have a group of women spending time with each other every day, they will be fine until you add one man to the group; then they will automatically start fighting with each other for his attention (from Genesis 3:16) and it all starts with how they look and dress.  This keeps their Mind's Eye/Spiritual Vision closed because they remain focused on their Natural/Physical Beauty that they can not control (without surgery) instead of what they can control which is their Inner Beauty/Character.  By this, we mean that a woman cannot control how her face and body develops; she can control how she presents her face and body though and she can also control How Her Spirit Grows which is her Inner Beauty/Character.  A pretty face and body usually works against spiritual growth because people will put up with a lot of extra crap from a beautiful woman because they are very nice to look at; a "A Visual Drug" so to speak so just looking at them makes you feel better.  A man will put up with way more crap from a beautiful woman than another woman would to "Keep The Hope Of Experiencing The Visual Drug Alive."

So from the time that women are little girls until adulthood, without realizing it, they habitually think for years that "they grew their face pretty" when the get the many compliments about how beautiful God made them; not their parents, or their grand parents. (Taking credit for God's work.) If they never take the time to meditate on this fact long enough to plant it in their minds deep enough, which allows them to act on this, they will always be very "stressed by all the serious competition." But once they realize this truth they can ease their minds because they then realize that you have to play with the cards that God dealt you and it is very crazy to be mad at or jealous of how God caused another woman's face and body to grow.  It is always foolish to worry about things you can not control. (Matthew 6:24-34)  He made many women "Very Breath-Takingly Stunning" and very few of them "On The Other End Of The Spectrum." Either way, they should immediately give God the glory when they are complimented on how beautiful God made them.  When they accept this rational truth they can develop a very cool and self confident demeanor which is very sexy to men; this comes from their Inner Adult/Masculine side and opposites attract.

We all are very spiritual beings and the enemy has been distracting us from focusing on our spiritual side for a very long time.  Our Spirituality And Sexuality are very closely intertwined and our spirits have been dysfunctional because deep down inside--whether people knew/acknowledged it or or not--God was not known as The Way Awesome God That He Is because of our False And Very Distorted View Of Him given to us by Satan's Religious Hustlers.  The easiest way to spot these evil spirits is to look for signs of A Big Religious Ego from Spiritual Leaders in these very deceived churches, especially the black ones.  We encountered two of them on one of their Facebook Page and were amazed at how they (1) praise and support each other, (2) try to manipulate their followers with scare tactics about what to believe, (3) don't have a clue about what Sound Kingdom Doctrine is at all, (4) can't or just don't distinguish what is good about something and what is bad about it (it all or nothing to Level 2's because they are motivated by Fear especially of the new and unknown), and most importantly, (5) they DO NOT give the glory and credit for what they know and what they are doing to The Lord Jesus Christ all the time.  That last point is very crucial because God gives His grace to the humble and resists the proud (1 Peter 5:5) while Satan has to flee from the humble and seeks the proud.  And black people, especially black men, are well know for their egos by wanting to look good in their Cars, Clothes, Shoes, in Sports, as Entertainers, and unfortunately as Pastors, Deacons, Bishops, etc..  Looking good to other people on the outside (Idolatry) is a very big part of the black culture and this is how Satan keeps us down as a people.  All Pastors are caught in a very insidious mental trap because they don't realize that their judgement is severely distorted and biased when it comes to True Kingdom Theology.  How can a Pastor see that "Money does not come from God" when the enemy has them believing very strongly that "the tithes and offerings they are receiving and benefiting from is God's way of blessing them for the work they are doing" instead of "the weapon against mankind" that it truly is?  So they need to keep the congregations worshiping in the church buildings to keep collecting the money and this really slows down The Advancement Of The Kingdom.  By the Grace Of God, He kept us out of that Severe Mind Trap Stronghold Religious System so we can see clearly about what is really going on.  It is the same thing with our Congressional Leaders and the well established "custom" of overspending the taxpayer's money while they receive many "lifestyle perks" from their positions.  Pastors are in the same situation that The Tobacco Company Executives were in by denying for decades that "smoking was addictive" because their judgement was severely corrupted by the billions of dollars they were making from the sales of unhealthy cigarettes.  In the same way, Pastors of Religion are unknowingly keeping their congregations Spiritually Sick by reinforcing The False Belief In The Idol Of Money.

Science and Religion are both supposed to be about "The Search For Truth" and Satan is working both of them to keep us very confused.  The Global Economy is the result of his system of science.  From "People Of The Lie" by M. Scott Peck page 40-41

   "Science has also steered clear of the problem of evil because of the immensity of the mystery involved. . . . Theirs is a "left brain" analytical style.  Their standard procedure is to bite off tiny little pieces at a time and then to examine such pieces in relative isolation. (Compartmentalization) They prefer little mysteries to big ones.
    Theologians suffer under no such compunction. Their appetite is as large as God. The fact that God is invariably larger than their digestion does not deter them in the least.  To the contrary, while some seek in religion an escape from mystery, for others religion is a way to approach mystery. The latter are not loath to employ the reductionistic methods of science, but they are also not reluctant to use more integrative "right brain" means of exploration: meditation, intuition, feeling, faith, and revelation. For them the bigger the mystery, the better."

Developing the habit of always meditating on finding ways to help people is one of the best things you can do to grow spiritually and the command for this Constant Meditative Prayer is in

Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

If your intent and internal motivations are truly to help people, then God will see your heart and He be with your Spirit and give you the Wisdom of what to say, how to say it, and when to say it so that your tongue (or writing hands) will always be a blessing to people.  This is where this whole blog stems from.  Remember Two Fruit Of The Spirit are Gentleness and Self Control which allow you to do this

Galatians 6:1 "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted."

Religious Hustlers will not do this. (Romans 8:6-8) The Scripture says "you who are spiritual" but those who are carnal/fleshly/ego driven can't help but to react with anger.  Most evil spirits will defend Their Mental Territory False Beliefs with a lot of angry and intense emotion which they will lie about with an excuse like, "I can't be calm about this, I have to get excited when it comes to defending the Christian Faith!!" But the plain truth is that the ego is hostile to the humility of love.  Now you know that some very crucial things that These Lying Evil Spirits have been teaching you about The Holy Bible, Marriage, and The Kingdom Of Heaven is not true at all but they will try their best to "keep you believing in the same old dysfunctional lies" with whatever excuse, fear, manipulation, and intimidation that they can think of.  Expect them to lie severely and try to disparage this blog in anyway they can because they are an enemy of The Truth and whatever is good for the people. (Romans 8:7-8)  A person of Integrity will very calmly say something unbiased like this, "Read it and judge for yourself where you think it came from." and will let you make up your own mind which completely empowers you to use your own judgment because they have nothing to hide. (Good does not need to be hidden.) But evil disguised as good will Politic and take things out of context, lie, distort the truth, omit some things, add some things, etc., etc. and say that "We are just trying to protect you from harm." when they really are just deceiving you by not allowing you to think for yourself which keeps your mental discernment weak (Infancy/Dependence) because the mind is like a muscle--the more you use it the stronger it gets. (Hebrews 5:14) Evil has to lie to keep people away from something that is good for them.  When people believe these lies without doing any research of their own, just like spreading rumors and gossip, they also spread lies and contribute to the chaos in the world through their ignorance and laziness. (Unverified Hear Say) Remember how they treated The Lord Jesus Christ when He was on this earth in the flesh. (Matthew 26:59-60) This is just The Politics Of Power and Manipulation that Satan always uses to sway public opinion about something because he hates The Truth and you have to expect evil to do what it has always done. ("Be Prepared")  Their passion is evil disguised as good and that hyped up emotional style of worship with no substance is what has people in a spiritual mess in the first place; its just A Grand Distraction From Spiritual Growth.  So remember that you are supposed to correct and restore people gently but evil will get angry and try to pass it off as Passionate Love but hopefully by now you really know The Truth that, "By their fruit you will recognize them."

Holy Spiritual Communion

Ecclesiastes 1:
(9)  What has been will be again,
         what has been done will be done again;
         there is nothing new under the sun.
(10) Is there anything of which one can say,
         "Look! This is something new"?
       It was here already, long ago;
          it was here before our time.
(11) There is no remembrance of men of old,
          and even those who are yet to come
       will not be remembered
          by those who follow.

Holy - adj. dedicated or devoted to the service of God/Love and The Body Of Christ.
Spiritual - adj. relating to the spirit or soul and not to physical nature or matter; intangible.
Communion - n. interchange or sharing of thoughts or emotions; intimate communication.

Our last Spiritual Breakthrough allowed us to reveal even More Truth About Marriage From The Holy Bible--the foundation of a Country/Civilization--and we opened it up even further from what we did in Post #9.  When a man learns The Truth about how God really wants us men to enjoy life in "Holy Matrimony," then he will very gladly get married (Old Testament Style--A Simple Mental Commitment/Covenant) and stay married to his Multiple Wives while being able to keep all of his Girlfriends, Lovers, and still have the freedom to enjoy the Too Sexy Others.  As a teenager, we used to believe in error that "Two virgins getting married is what made the Matrimony Holy" and we learned a long time ago that This False Belief was a straight lie because it is Your State Of Mind that makes you Holy and not The State Of Your Body Of Flesh.  Deceived Dude also helped us to see the Set Up For Failure that was built into that Satanic Lie.  The False Reality Of The Matrix kept people in their Ego Driven Lower Self and the marriages and relationships in general were under Satan's Very Manipulative Sway because they were all driven by the negative emotion of fear in The Emotional Love Game Of Unnatural Faithfulness To Only One Person At A Time because of Unknown Compartmentalized Thinking.  Fear produces all the other negative emotions of Anger, Jealously, etc..  These Three Negative Emotions were The Root Cause Of Battered Women Syndrome and they also caused people to commit Crimes Of Passion when they used to lose their Self Control in a Satanic Inspired Emotional Rage.  But the purpose of allowing a man to be "Swimmin' In Women" is to inspire his Spiritual Growth much faster into his True Higher Self With Integrated Thinking From Connecting To The Feminine/Child Side Of His Mind which Increases His Capacity To Love greatly. (Vice Versa for women) This allows The Love Of God In The Kingdom Of Heaven to spread spiritually to others like The True Fire Of Passionate Love that it is.  

Exodus 24:17 "To the Israelites the glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain."

Deuteronomy 4:24 "For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God."

This is why all honest human beings are truly sexually insatiable towards the opposite sex because we all burn with The Passion Of Love in our hearts that we have to learn to control. (1 John 2:15-17)  We all are just Straight Whores if we can admit the truth about ourselves from The Holy Spirit Of Truth (John 15:26) that we all need because of our present Fallen Nature has us naturally having a Fleshly/Sinful/Naturally Selfish heart that is "deceitful above all things" (Jeremiah 17:9) that Satan is manipulating greatly in this Invisible Spiritual War.

If you think deeply about how children learn language, the very first language that they learn is Body Language that babies and toddlers learn to pick up on before they learn to speak.  We have noticed this with our sons as they were growing up.  A baby starts to bond with their mother before birth because they are sensitized to Their Mother's Voice while they are still in her womb.  Then they learn to recognize their Mother's Face; when an infant looks at you and smiles for The Very First Time--this is one of life's most precious moments that has to be experienced to be understood.  God designed The Mother to receive A Child's Very First Smile.

The next thing they learn is how to react to Your Facial Expressions/Features aka "Your Countenance" (Genesis 4:5-6, 12:11 NKJV) to gauge your mood; as a toddler they use this and the rest of The Body Language to communicate with their parents and they also use their own gestures before they learn to speak. They also learn to pick up on Voice Tone, Volume, and The Speed Of The Sounds from their Parents Voice to gauge their emotional state before they understand what they are saying. This nonverbal level of communication is mostly subconscious and it is very, very hard to fake Body Language because we were made By The Truth Of God/Love for The Truth Of God/Love. As we leave "The Innocence Of Childhood" and grow older and more "Sophisticated/Adult-Like," we learn to use Fake Facial Expression, Fake Voice Tone, and Fake Words to Communicate Falsely With Lies from our Naturally Deceitful Heart and this is why Lie Detection Methods work, because of The Subconscious Body Language Of The Truth. The reason that "Hearts Don't Lie" is because The Truth is built into our Subconscious Mind and we can communicate Emotionally/Spiritually on a much deeper level than we can with our words because Our Heavenly Father (Ideas/Thoughts) is greater than His Only Begotten Son The Lord Jesus Christ. (The Word/Expression Of The Ideas/Thoughts)

From "Further Along The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck 1993 pg. 18-19
     "The story of the Garden of Eden is, of course, a myth. But like other myths, it is an embodiment of truth. And among the many truthful things the myth of the Garden of Eden tells us is how we human beings evolved into consciousness.

When we ate the apple (ASSUMED Fruit; we don't know what kind it was) from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, we became conscious, and having become conscious, we immediately became self-conscious. That was how God recognized that we had eaten the apple--we were suddenly modest and shy. So one of the things this myth tells us is that it is human to be shy.

I have had the opportunity, through my career as a psychiatrist and more recently as an author and lecturer, to meet a great number of wonderful, deep-thinking people, and I have never met such a person who was not basically shy. A few of them had not thought of themselves as shy, but as we talked about it, they came to realize that they were in fact shy. And the very few people I have met who were not shy were people who had been damaged in some way, who had lost some of their humanity.

It is human to be shy, and we became shy in the Garden of Eden when we became self-conscious. When this happened to us, we became conscious of ourselves as separate entities. We lost that sense of oneness with nature, with the rest of the universe. And this loss of the sense of oneness with the rest of creation is symbolized by our banishment from Paradise.


      When we were banished from Paradise, we were banished forever. We can never go back to Eden. If you remember the story, the way is barred by cherubims and a flaming sword.
      We cannot go back. We can only go forward.
      To go back to Eden would be like trying to return to our mother's womb, to infancy. Since we cannot go back to the womb or infancy, we must grow up. We can only go forward through the desert of life, making our way painfully over parched and barren ground into increasingly deeper levels of consciousness."

So there are just two basic emotions, Love and Fear; all the other Positive Emotions stem from Love and all the other Negative Emotions stem from Fear.  God created mankind, Adam and Eve, in The Emotional Ecstasy State Of Oneness With The Universe; The Mindset Of Love.  They were completely immune to Satan's influence (Hidden From Evil) because in this Love State Of Blissful Unconsciousness, God/Love was Automatically making all the Right/Perfect Mental Choices for their Inner Adult/Masculine Side which caused perfect harmony with their Inner Child/Feminine Side which put them into Their True Higher Self State Of Mind because their Egos did not exist. (aka Satan) Evil/Satan/The Ego/False Lower Self could not exist in their minds and therefore they were Perfect / Immortal Beings by always being constantly Mentally Connected to The Infinite Spirit Of Love Very Deeply in Mystical Ecstasy.  

Genesis 2:25 "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."

So Adam and Eve were created with the innocence of an Human Infant Baby while being a Fully Grown Adult Mentally and Physically.  This is all represented symbolically in our human development where an infant is blissfully happy by feeling that they are One With Everything; and then the infant becomes terrified of abandonment from its mother (Fear) as soon as it realizes that it is a separate entity from its Mother.  An infant is all emotions but has no ego.  A two year old toddler will walk around naked without realizing that he or she is naked and will have no shame.  But unfortunately, "The Terrible Twos" is when our Fallen Nature exhibits itself and The Toddler, especially boys, will act in defiance of their parents will by expressing a will of their own; this is where the ego starts to develop.  From "Healing Your Aloneness" by Margret Paul and Erika Chopich 1990, we have learned that the Words, Tone Of Voice, and Body Language of Adults and Children are already affecting our Newborn Infant's deep seated Mental Belief Development--we are unknowingly already programming these little infants because we think they are totally unaware of our words and actions but it is us who have been ignorant of the fact that, even as little infants, we have been affecting Their Mental Belief Development for all these years.

"Going forward through the desert of life . . . into increasingly deeper levels of consciousness" means that we have to Grow Spiritually to learn that we have to "die to ourselves" (Ego) and mentally go forward from our "don't know what we are doing" Conscious Minds to deeper and deeper connections to "our built in Love Of God" Subconscious Minds and become Reunited As One. (Global Family Reunion) We think this is what "The Fire In Our Mind" has been doing throughout this blog, burning deeper and deeper mental paths of thought into our Feminine/Child/Subconscious Mind. The Community Phenomenon does this as well and when we connect to the built in "Kingdom Of Heaven" in our minds, we release a great deal of Sexual Energy that comes with our Re-Connection To Our Spirituality because our ego's keep us from Intimate/Heartfelt/Deep Emotional Connections to each other. Demons are just Ego Barriers To Communication with The Divine Love Of God that is built into all of our minds. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) The "Mystery Book" that we withheld the title of in Post 10.5 will be revealed later. Like we have said before, we are not really in control of what we put in this blog; we are just trying to submit to God's will. We thought we were close to finishing this a long time ago but we have been learning that God wants to reveal more to us which gives us a deeper and deeper understanding about "What is really going on down here." In A Spiritual War Of Ideas, it is foolish to withhold critical information because we need everyone working on Understanding, Simplifying, and Spreading the Critical Information as fast as possible to make the world a better place.  Here are some critical highlighted excerpts from the beginning of this book that we have had in our possession for almost twenty years, but we had only read the introduction of it since we first bought it; we know that this will be the last book that we will introduce in this blog. Comments in parenthesis () are from UnknownFriend7:

from page xviii of the INTRODUCTION (of The Mystery Book)

" . . . But from the beginning, they set their marriage up to run like a business partnership, not a vulnerable heartfelt commitment. They both thought it was smart to maintain a sense of complete independence, so that they could pull out of the relationship if anything went wrong, just as they would protect their bases in a business deal. (Our Fear Based World)
     Unfortunately, however, the very traits that made them successful in their business careers were exactly the traits that undermined their ability to achieve a deep sense of spiritual union in their marriage relationship. As business people, they'd had to develop a tough, untrusting, competitive edge to their personalities, never opening themselves vulnerably to possible attack from outside. (Fear from A Competitive Economic War) In their personal relationship, though, this inability to trust, to relinquish control, to risk the loss of personal limits undermined their ability to make contact with each other on spiritual dimensions.
     Thus they found themselves with full pocketbooks but, at the same time, a terrible sense of emptiness in their hearts. And like so many other couples, they felt there was no escape from their predicament."

This is the straight hustle that most men fall for when they give their hearts to a female completely The Very First Time They Truly Fall In Love (usually as a teenager) and after experiencing that Very First Painful Emotional Heartbreak, they decide to never really surrender their hearts completely to a female again.  Men see the severe emotional pain that this causes women, when they truly fall in love time after time because "love always hopes," (1 Corinthians 13:7) but us men are afraid that we "might not be able to be as emotionally resilient as they are," and therefore, "we might not be able to recover from an intense heartbreak by suffering a mental breakdown." We falsely believe that we can't bear risking this much loss of control so we "protect ourselves" by insulating our hearts from potential harm.  But we now understand very clearly that people are being very greatly deceived when they do this.

UnknownFriend7 remembers this "Fear of establishing a very deep emotional connection to females" happening to us when we were fourteen years old in the ninth grade of high school.  We will never forget this "New Girl" from out of state who was Gorgeous (Voted Ms. Ninth Grade), with a Crazy sense of humor, Sexy--well balanced femininity with a slight tomboy masculinity--basketball player with a very great body, way Cool female who was adorably cute when she acted shy when she would meet new people; so everybody, males and females, just absolutely loved her very much.  We had our Homeroom and English Class with her.  We were in the latter stage of "Mastering Everything" to whip our big brother's ass when we met her, so our Self-Confidence was very high and we've always had A "Center Of Attention" Wild Sense Of Humor, that we picked up from our father and grand-father, that everyone loves being around.  Add being Handsome, Top Of The Class Intelligence, and that "Never Get Excited" Way Too Cool Demeanor we had about ourselves back then while playing on the basketball and football teams, and we had more than enough "Weapons To Use In The Love Game." So we thought.  We learned, the hard way, that the emotional discipline that we were using to "talk shit" while competing against someone to "throw them further into hopelessness" while we were becoming increasingly focused ourselves (to back that shit up) was very easy to us because "competition had become our life" so we were "at home" and very comfortable in a very competitive battle.  But this emotional matter of the heart was completely new and foreign to us.  Deep Emotional Love caught us completely off guard and totally unexpected. (from our childhood experience, Emotional Bonding was not a part of our family life.)

This is how it went down.  We didn't notice at the time that "actions speak louder than words" so her "Very Obvious Body Language" of coming from the back of Homeroom to lean on the short wall right in front of our desk to talk us almost everyday was a sign that she really liked us very much.  We really liked her too but we didn't have time for a romance, so we weren't even thinking about getting involved with her or anyone else, because we were Very Seriously Devoted To Destroying Our Big Brother In A Competition War. (All of our free time was spent practicing for a competition in something. Singular Focus, driven by Deep Anger.) She might have just liked the fact that we were a very cool guy who didn't try to "hit on her" like she was probably used to from all males and she could have just "liked us as a friend" and not romantically as well--but we very seriously doubt this.  We sat alphabetically in our English Class which put her right behind us and she switched seats with us early in the year because she wanted to sit in front of us.  We were just good friends as far as we were concerned and she ended up dating a friend of ours named Phillip who was in the tenth grade; we were totally cool with each other the whole school year and we had no problems with their relationship at all. (With "Hindsight Being 20/20" we clearly see that her switching seats was Second Confirmation Body Language Of Her Romantic Interest to her Homeroom Body Language: She wanted our eyes on her because she knew she was gorgeous. She finally hooked up with Phillip later in that school year after it was clear that I was not going to Make A Move.  She got tired of waiting for us to "Catch Her Throw At Us." We fucked that opportunity up. :-( ) At the end of the year, we remember signing her yearbook with something "very close friend like" (we don't remember this detail) and we also remember her sitting--we'll actually "jumping into"--our lap, and laughing about it, to take a few pictures in English Class as well. (Third Confirmation Body Language: She was definitely Romantically Interested) We were never into looking back on memories at any time during this life in the flesh at all and we planned to buy A High School Yearbook only as a part of our Senior Year Graduation Package; so, in the ninth grade, we didn't buy a yearbook for her to sign.  That summer, we continued focusing on our life's purpose at the time which was "Destroying Our Older Brother In Any Competition Against Us" and we were totally cool with that Singular Purpose Existence until we realized that she must have requested our street address during that yearbook signing, or sometime during the school year, because we received a letter from her in the mail.

Adam:"The details of that letter are none of your business 'Curious George.' You just had to see this straight set-up coming." :-)

Eve: "This crazy ass nigga had better be kidding by setting us females up like this because he knows very well that we all are Insatiably Romantic At Heart!  He is still working on being Set On Fire while being Hung." :-)

OK woman, calm your precious self down and take a few deep breaths.  We have grown to not be that emotionally cruel.  The truth is that we don't remember the specific details of her letter but she was spending that summer two states away from us when she wrote it.  Her letter stated that she really enjoyed getting to know us that past year and it updated us about what was going on in her life.  She also asked us what we were up to and we wrote her a very friendly "We miss you too" type of response and we updated her about our life.  We had never written a letter to anyone before so this was also a very new experience for us as well.  We were still very, very cool until we had about two more correspondences with her--again, not remembering the details--but we both probably expressed more true and deeper feelings that we had started to develop for each other or at least deeper feelings on our part than we had realized that we had for her.  We had unknowingly fallen in love with her, or we had just realized that we were already in love with her, during our writing of those letters.

Looking back, we see that deep in our heart we still had very high hopes of getting involved with her romantically something serious until she wrote to us that she would not be returning to our High School for Her Tenth Grade Year; she would be attending T_ _ _ _ _ High School which was still in the same county as ours.  This was when The Emotional Truth About Our Very First Love was revealed to us and Our Emotionally Cool Disposition was completely shattered by Many Tears Of Heartbroken Pain.  And this is when we learned the hard way that no matter how Mentally Tough a man conditions himself to be in order to survive as "A Warrior In A Battle," The Love Of A Woman will always have direct access to the very tender parts of his heart.  Always, every time.  There is absolutely no hiding from God/Love.  All women instinctively know this and us men very foolishly try to deny this truth or run from it.

This new type of Heartbroken Pain was very terrible for us to deal with and we couldn't stop thinking about her for a good while.  She had to leave us her phone number in one of those letters but we didn't call her because we were shocked by this new "Emotional Revelation" about our self.  If we had been raised in A Real Emotionally Functional Family, either our parents or one of our older siblings, and aunt, uncle, grandparent, or somebody would have told us about "The Difference Between Physical And Emotional Pain." We reasoned that "If we can fall this deeply in love with a girl who was just a friend, then what will we do when we actually have a girlfriend of our own?" This scared us very much so and we decided to "turn our heart way down emotionally" until we were ready to settle down in a marriage because we had learned that "When we fall in love, we fall in love very, very hard." (Our Angry Ego "Driven By Revenge Mode" also had us scared of losing control of part of our Heart/Mind to anyone; the ego always has issues with Maintaining Power And Control.) We didn't call her or keep in contact because we knew we had to find a way to stop thinking about her to fall out of love with her; hearing her voice again would have made this impossible for us to do. (Out of sight, and eventually out of mind.)

Looking back, that was a terribly wrong decision and we definitely should have stayed in love and in contact with her daily.  With what we have learned about love and relationships, we know that falling in love with a true friend makes the best kind of relationships.  She absolutely did nothing wrong in this situation and we mistakenly made our self A Heartbroken Victim Of Circumstance by not staying in contact with her because of our fear of losing our self to someone else. "You don't know what you have until it's gone." :-( If we ever reconnect with her again, we will try to perform "The First Human Skin To Skin Welding" to stay in touch with her like Siamese Twins. (Where there is a will there is a way.) We remember her telling us that Renee was her middle name and she had "a very different type of first name for a black woman" that we don't remember.  This is because she was part Hispanic and probably had a Hispanic First Name so we don't know where she is today.

Writing with pure honesty can be very therapeutic and we must admit that we have had no problem at all in all sections of This Tenth Post with using "we" but we had to go back and correct about five "I's" in the above account of Our First Love. (and a few months later, three more corrections of "me/mine"; and still much later, we decided to leave that one overlooked "I" in The Account.) When you can see things on a page, you can put things together like Detectives mapping out Crimes to catch a criminal.  This is how we can shut Satan down if we can remain faithful to the truth and overcome our "naturally, Fallen Nature, deceitful hearts." This makes Social Networks like Facebook potentially very valuable because you can learn and detect a lot from Written Conversations.  This can happen only if people can be totally honest with themselves and others and without God's Holy Spirit Of Truth there is no hope of defeating The Father Of Lies who dominates People Of The Flesh with Deceitful Hearts who project Very False Images especially while online, making it mostly "Fakebook." (Deceitful Egos trying to impress other Deceitful Egos) So writing about the above "protecting themselves like they do in The Competitive War Of Business" and considering the "Natural Male Competitiveness" allows us to see why men approach relationships with women as "Power Struggles" and we very mistakenly assume that we must have some kind of advantage in a hidden and unknown to themselves competition.  But we are acting from Fear and making Very False Assumptions in our approach to our relationships with women.

After God revealed our life's purpose to us, we also learned that we did not have to be in A Very Big Rush To Get God's Will Done like we thought we would have to be; so therefore "We had time to stop and smell the roses" and we started pursuing a relationship.  And one day while meditating on our bed about "Being Very Emotionally Vulnerable In A Relationship With A Woman" for a few days, we thought about how irrational women can be in relationships by being "Blinded By Love" to the reality of what is really going on with their man and ending up being physically abused--clinging to the "hope of how she wants him to be" instead of "the truth of who he really is." And we became very afraid that "A woman can cheat on us for no reason with another man based solely on her physical attraction to him." We knew this would send us into "An Emotional Rage" if it happened which is proof of "The Intense Passion That We Have For Her" and we couldn't stand "Giving a woman the power to put us in prison or the graveyard" so we turned our emotions down even further.

We now clearly see that we we listening to The Enemy during that Cycle Of Negativity because we have truly learned that (1) A woman will never cheat on a man who is giving her a very Intense And Emotionally Satisfying Romance on the whim of A Strong Physical Attraction to another man. (Never in A Million Years!!!) That is the straight bullshit that men do to women to sabotage a relationship when we become unknowingly scared of "losing our self control in an increasingly emotionally intense relationship" so we "Crash The Car before we Reach The Destination while driving down The Road Less Traveled." (We were Scapegoating and Projecting Our Fears/Evil onto Women. This is the work of Satan in Our Ego, the fear of "losing our Self" which feels very wonderful.) This is because women (and most men) know that (2) Emotional/Spiritual Love is much more satisfying than Physical Attraction/Pleasure Of The Flesh Sex.  A woman will never risk losing the Spiritual for The Flash In The Pan Physical--that's man style because of our much greater physical attraction.  Women are naturally more spiritually evolved than men, and "Our Better Half" will never purposely destroy something that they have been searching for for so long--along with all other women--for no reason; doing something like that would just be The Insanity Of Pure Evil.  Being able to trust a woman's judgement in a relationship in numbers 1 and 2 above--overcoming Fear--is "Trusting God's Ability To Work Through Someone Else As Well As His Ability To Work Through You" which is what we had to learn in our The Previous Spiritual Breakthrough before This Last One.  

John 7:33 Jesus said, "I am with you for only a short time, and then I go to the one who sent me. (34) You will look for me, but you will not find me; and where I am, you cannot come."

We now see why Satan opposes people finding out the truth about God/Love and Our Human Sexuality very intensely; because he doesn't want people to know The Truth that Spirituality and Sexuality go hand in hand and this is why God left Adam and Eve naked in The Garden Of Eden when He created them in their Live Forever Higher Selves.  When people learn The Truth about God/Love and how He allows Righteous Sex before and outside of marriage along with Men Having Multiple Wives while being married, they will be much, much happier about living their life.  And this much needed "Relief Of The Guilt Of Wanting To Feel Good Spiritually/Physically All The Time" will allow people to  be very eager to get involved in Deep Spiritual Conversations concerning our character and this will greatly speed up our Spiritual Growth.  And remember, if Satan wants us to avoid something, that means there is something very good for us there. 

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