Saturday, December 31, 2011


(Post #10  Part 2 of 9)

Stage 3: Skeptic / Individual
"Although individualistic, they are not the least bit antisocial. To the contrary, they are often deeply involved in and committed to social causes. They make up their own minds about things . . . As skeptics they are often scientists, and as such they are again highly submitted to principle. Indeed, what we call the Scientific Method is a collection of conventions and procedures that have been designed to combat our extraordinary capacity to deceive ourselves in the interest of submission to something higher than our own immediate emotional or intellectual comfort--namely, truth. Advanced Stage 3 men and women are active truth seekers."

This stage is the beginning of the real spiritual shit because you start comparing what you read in The Holy Bible to what you see in the churches and you notice that, "Something aint right." so you start asking yourself questions which leads you to search for a deeper understanding of things.

1 Thessalonians 5:19 "Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; (20) do not treat prophecies with contempt. (21) Test everything. Hold on to the good. (22) Avoid every kind of evil."

We never doubted the existence of God, we just started severely doubting The People Of The Flesh who were representing God to us on this earth.  And over the years we have grown into understanding the magnitude of The Undercover Spiritual Hustlers in This Invisible Spiritual War.  "Test everything." means be scientific and investigate to find or verify the truth about things and this is done by asking questions.  If someone becomes nervous or angry because you are asking question then that should be a very big red flag.  How and Why did the person become a Pastor or Minister?  Where does the order of the church service come from?  Where in The Holy Bible does it mention a salary for anyone in the church, or the amount / percentages? (These are just untested Traditions Of Men--expect them to twist and distort the Scriptures in a complicated way to make up something, unlike 2 Timothy 2:15)  And from the Kirk Franklin Fiasco, where does the music come from?  The music doesn't sanctify the words; it is the words that are supposed to sanctify the music.  But Religious Hustlers--the evil spirits--are not about increasing understanding, they are about creating confusion, deception, and distraction. (Proverbs 6:16-19) They had different instruments in biblical times so Holy Music is not A Fruit or A Gift Of The Holy Spirit at all and it is just another of many fallacies in the church.  Musical tastes change but God doesn't change so these are all just Traditions Of Men that are being worshiped as Idols.  Imagine our dilemma when finding out The Truth in 1998

"Kirk Franklin just got through catching straight hell over some fake, lying ass Holy Music so how in the hell are we supposed to tell these motherfuckers that Jesus Christ allows us to drink, cuss, and fuck the shit out of each other without getting killed?  They're gonna nail us to a heavy ass cross, hang us with a rope, and set our ass on fire.(Knowing nothing about The Internet or Blogs back then.)

We then remembered when Moses tried to free The Children Of Israel on his own, he came running back as A Wanted Murderer; and when Moses waited on God to do it through him, he then came back walking on the dry bed of The Parted Red Sea.  So we knew that we should wait on the Lord and we patiently let The Word Of God reveal The Truth through us.  We didn't understand that this is what was going on at the beginning of this blog, we just acted on our faith and "we are still learning, about this power that is in us, as we go."

Stage 4: Mystic / Communal
"Mysticism also obviously has to do with mystery.  Mystics acknowledge the enormity of the unknown, but rather than being frightened by it, they seek to penetrate ever deeper into it that they may understand more--even with the realization that the more they understand, the greater the mystery will become.  They love mystery, in dramatic contrast to those in Stage 2, who need simple, clear-cut dogmatic structures and have little taste for the unknown and unknowable. While Stage 4 men and women will enter religion in order to approach mystery, people in Stage 2, to a considerable extent, enter religion in order to escape from it. Thus there is the confusion of people entering not only into religion but into the same religion--and sometimes the same denomination--not only for different motives but for totally opposite motives. It makes no sense until we come to understand the roots of religious pluralism in terms of developmental stages."
(from page 195, comments in parentheses () are by M. Scott Peck)
 "Stage 2 people are not threatened by Stage 1 people, the "sinners." They are commanded to love sinners. But they are very threatened by the individualists and skeptics of Stage 3, and even more by the mystics of Stage 4, who seem to believe in the same sorts of things they do but believe in them with a freedom they find absolutely terrifying.  . . .
   It is extremely important for teachers, healers, and ministers (and we are all of us teachers, healers, and ministers whether we like it or not; our only choice is whether to be good teachers, healers, and ministers or bad ones) to be cognizant of this sense of threat between people in the different stages of spiritual growth. Much of the art of being a good teacher, healer, or minister consists largely in staying just one step ahead of your patients, clients, or pupils. If you are not ahead, it is unlikely that you will be able to lead them anywhere. But if you are two steps ahead, it is likely that you will lose them. If people are one step ahead of us, we usually admire them. If they are two steps ahead of us, we usually think they are evil. That's why Socrates and Jesus were killed; they were thought to be evil." 

The severe Satanic pride of The Pharisees severely distorted their view of Jesus Christ and they were very incorrectly "absolutely sure" that their "severe attachment to The Letter Of The Law" (Religious Rituals) was superior to His revelation of "The Very Merciful Spirit Of The Law." (Spiritual Love)  This is the stage where we all should be in to return to The Garden Of Eden state of mind.  The Enemy is just working with our naturally flawed flesh and causing us to think negative, be doubtful, and fearful of our brothers and sisters in Christ (in a higher stage) because of our weaker faith from a lack of a deeper understanding.  We can also see that each Stage Of Growth produces an increase in brain integrity, allowing deeper thought and understanding of spiritual principles.  "Like all spiritual things, the deeper you get into it, the better it gets."  We have mostly kept The Truth to our self ("a time for everything" Ecclesiastes 3:1) and may have unknowingly scared a few very close people by not thinking about things from their unenlightened and lower Spiritual Stage point of view.  Jesus Christ was One with His Heavenly Father as stated in John 10:30 and the same unity of The Body Of Christ is called for in 1 Corinthians 1:10 1 Corinthians 12, and Galatians 3:28.

Our Kingdom Mandate
2 Timothy 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

Thinking with integrity, we know that The Kingdom Of God/Heaven is A Global And Historical Family Reunion and there will be no money or division on this earth ever again.  The Kingdom Of Heaven is A Kingdom Of Kings where everyone is a Ruler/Leader.  Everybody will have many stories to tell when we all reunite.  We could not have gotten this work done without the authors of the books that we have referenced and the hundreds of people that they had involved in putting that information into those books as well as the many people who supplied the information to be put into the books through their life experiences.  It's the people that make life worth living and all major human endeavors are group efforts.  The Enemy uses our natural Spiritual Blindness against us to keep us from seeing the reality of this truth.

In the book, "Rediscovering The Kingdom" by Myles Munroe, he tells us that we must shift our minds from a Religious Mindset into A Kingdom Mindset and the previous revelations in this blog greatly increases our understanding of The Kingdom when we read this book now.  So the first fallacy in this book, and in Christianity in general, is about sexual immorality and pornography which has been corrected by this blog.  There is another great fallacy in this book, and taught elsewhere in Christianity, that needs to be corrected because it puts way too much pressure on us as human beings if we believe it.  From Genesis 1:26

"Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

This great fallacy is about God trapping Himself with His own words and limiting His Dominion on earth when He gave us Our Kingdom Mandate to rule the earth.  This grave fallacy is stated on page 61
 "9.  God will not do anything on earth without permission or access from those on earth to whom He gave dominion.
10.  God can do anything, but because He has given us the license, He can release on the earth only what we allow."
(and on page 51)
"Those words are "let them." By these words the Creator God established a law which gives only to mankind the legal authority to exercise dominion and control over earth.
. . .
  . . . This is why God cannot do anything on earth without the cooperation of a human. Man is God's legal agency and access to earth.
     God is and remains absolutely sovereign, but He has chosen to limit His activity or intervention on the earth to that which we, the proprietors, give Him permission to do. The way we grant that permission is through prayer."

First of all, it goes without saying, that anything you make/create is yours and you have the right to do what you please with it. (Matthew 20:15, Romans 9:21We don't make/create our own children, we have God's children by the grace He gives us with our reproduction system to have His children.  We don't have the power to pray for a boy or girl and for what we want them to look like, even getting a sketch artist to draw a picture for us to pray over, and then choose personality traits for the child before sexual intercourse and that child happens.  We have to just accept the child that God gives us.  This misunderstanding puts way too much pressure on our prayer life to make sure we are praying the right prayers all the time.  Our prayer life is so important that God handles this for us through His Holy Spirit:

Romans 8:26 "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. (27) And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will."

The Creator can always do what He wants with His own Creations.  Evidence of this is in Judges 14:1-4 when God put a desire in Samson's heart to use him to make His move against the Philistines without Samson's knowledge or permission.  In the book, Dr. Monroe gives two examples of earthly kings being trapped by their own words but God did not do this to Himself.  We still have a Kingdom Mandate but God did not lock Himself out from interfering in our daily affairs.  M. Scott Peck provides a whole section in "The Road Less Traveled" (Section 4: Grace) about how The Grace Of God acts in our lives to protect us from harm all the time without us even realizing it.

This is a complete misunderstanding of what God meant when He said "let them rule over" in Genesis 1:26(1 Corinthians 14:32) In this verse, God is not choosing to limit His activity on earth to what we allow Him to do.  What He is doing is describing what He has done for us and how He gives us the authority to rule over these living creatures, by His System Engineering.  God rules over us, mankind, and He put A Natural Fear/Respect of Himself in our hearts.  And we rule over all the living animals on the planet, so God also put A Natural Fear/Respect of us in the hearts of all the living creatures that He listed in Genesis 1:26 as well which allows us to rule over them.  So God is actually describing how these creatures will react to us when we encounter them because He has designed their hearts with a respectful fear of us, and that is why they scatter in our presence.  If God did not do this we would have animals attacking us as if we were just Ordinary Parts Of Nature and even insects would not be afraid of us; the would flock together on us like they do on some other animals in nature.  But since He has given us the authority over these creatures, He designed them to be scared us so we can enjoy our lives in peace and harmony. 

And Got Dammit, 
He has done the exact 
same thang with those 
unseen Evil Demonic 
living creatures as well!!
 They scatter in Our Presence which is The Holy Spirit Of God combined with The Word Of God!!! The Lord Jesus Christ, The Word Of God,
combined with The Holy Spirit Of God
 is the only One who can defeat Satan!!!

Oops, those words look like A Handle and A Guard of A Sword Of The Spirit to us.  How the hell did that happen?

Matthew 16:16 "Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
(17) Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. (18) And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. (19) I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." "

As we have covered before, Revelation from The Heavenly Father is the rock that Jesus Christ is building His End Time Church on in verses 17 and 18.  In verse 19"I will give you The Keys To The Kingdom Of Heaven" means "giving someone a very important job to do" which we covered in Post #7 and "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." means that Jesus Christ was talking about our Mind / Body Relationship.  When you Bind "A Behavior on Your Body," (Earthit will be Bound as A Sin in Your Mind (Heaven) and it will be Forbidden by Your Conscience. (Convicted as Guilty) We were charged as being guilty of a sin by The Accuser Of Our Brothers--Satan--(Revelation 12:10) for just rationally wanting to feel good sexually and wanting to enjoy the wonderful variety of people that God created for all of us.  When you Loose "A Behavior on Your Body" (Earthit will be Allowed As Not Being A Sin in your Mind (Heaven) and it will be Allowed by Your Conscience. (Not The Fuck Guilty) We were mentally freed to really enjoy our sexuality by The Lord Jesus Christ who is The Word Of God who lives inside of us and we are beginning to see that this Fire that is burning in Our Mind is The Passion Of Love/The Christ. 

The Mind/Head, with the Gray Brain Matter, is symbolized in Nature by the Dark Gray (Black and White) Rain Clouds and the Body is symbolized by The Firmament Of Air which is Our Torso from our Neck to Waist and The Earth is symbolized by Our Waist Down where The Seeds Of Life are planted in a woman's womb by a man. (Earthy/Funky) A Lightning Strike from the clouds to the ground during a Thunder Storm is symbolic of A Male Orgasm when The Light Of Life transfers from a man's mind, down his spine, and ejaculating sperm, which is like some form of Liquid Light.  This makes The Male Penis some kind of Flashlight of Liquid Light Seed.

Luke 12:32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."
Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
Isaiah 55
  (8) "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 
          neither are your ways my ways,"
               declares the LORD.
  (9) "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
            so are my ways higher than your ways
         and my thoughts than your thoughts."

So the got damn truth about binding and loosing is,"Free your mind and your ass will follow!" Religion has people very distracted by the Symbols / Forms / Idols of Water Baptism and The Communion Sacrament instead of focusing on the deeper understanding of the Ideas / Spirit / Essence of what those symbols means, thus the evil spirits are giving people a very serious spiritual run around in the churches.  Compare The Religious Communion Sacrament to how Our Heavenly Father wants us to Memorize Scripture which is True Holy Communion with His spirit, He has a very different way of thinking than we do.  So if Satan can be a Religious Hustler who sets people up for failure, then got dammit Our Heavenly Father can turn us into Spiritual Hustlers and set us up for some very serious success!  Fuck that shit!  We're gonna hustle and "Redefine The Terms" as well.  Check this Motherfucking Holy Shit out.

Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. (2) Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Lord knows that understanding the truth about these two fucking verses is The End Of Ignorance.  We had to memorize scriptures using index cards to defeat Satan's evil ass and here is how Way The Fuck Awesome Our Heavenly Father's mind is in Improving That System

"If you wanna get some Wisdom into A Man's Head,

attach it to A Woman's Ass." (Opposites Attract)

From The 1995 Movie "HeatVincent Hanna"Cause she's got a . . . .GREAT ASS!!! . . . See when I think of asses--a woman's ass--something comes out of me."

"Let 'em fuck it into each other."

Like we said before, Those Wonderfully Sexy Motherfuckers are Featured In The Kingdom Of Heaven.  Let's keep it very, very real.  You know that talking sexual shit head game you use to make her enjoy the sex better, "Who's ass is this? (Booty Slap!) Who's ass!?  You like that big dick don't cha? etc., etc.," Well that's where The Word Of God should be you Holy MotherFucking, Spiritual Hustler, Citizen Of The Got Damn Kingdom!  You can enjoy being A Playboy or Playgirl Spiritual Hustler very much so because, "I tell ya the got damn truth" 

"Fucking Wisdom into each other
is Holy Communion and 
a Form of worshiping God." 

That wonderful Holy shit looks like some kind of Crown and how the hell did that happen? (This means they both were unintentional.) Talking about redefining some cheesy shit, we really set you up with that, from Post #8

"So taking the teachings of the sermons and bible study classes and assigning them to individuals or small groups and letting them edify others in personal fellowship, being highly interactive with each other, would greatly improve The Wisdom Distribution System Of The Body Of Christ."

That shit had to go from cheesy to pleezy something serious, but it is very, very true either way you view it.  The Kingdom Of Heaven is A Motherfucking Word Of God Spreading, Very Sexual, Wisdom Moving Ministry!  Hell to the got damn yeah!  A ministry is just moving Wisdom from person to person by Word Of Dick Sucking Mouth, Pussy Eating Lips, Pelvic Pounding of Hips, and Clit-Licking Tongue.  "That's some Fucking Wisdom For Your Ass right there!"  This really redefines everything like,
 Proverbs 18:21 "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." 

You get to make him remember your Wisdom Ministry by any Righteous Sexual means necessary, alone or in groups, and don't be bashful, get very scandalously creative with the shit.  Your job is to make the process of learning or review your adopted scripture a very, very pleasurable experience.  Talking about making it easy to spread the word, A Sexual Word of God Love Virus spreading like wildfire;  The Sons and Daughters Of The Kingdom will be passing out Business Cards with their Holy Bible Scripture, that they specialize in teaching (along with other spiritual principles), printed on the back and their Very Sexy Picture on the front with their Name and Number to call for Scripture Memorization Or Review and recommend other Scripture Teachers/Reviews to each other because

". . . I must be about My Father's Business." 
("Hustle, Hustle, Hustle, Hard.")

Welcome To The Good Life
". . . His good, pleasing and perfect will." This is just some motherfucking Spiritual Kenpo Karate where every Strike is a Block and every Block is a Strike, (offense and defense at the same time) so Enjoying Life In The Kingdom is also Spiritual Maintenance Of The Kingdom and vice versa.  Hal-le-got-dam-lu-jah.  So The Word Of God and The Gospel Of The Kingdom Of Heaven will spread like fire because we have an Insatiable Sexual Appetite for each other.  As The Kingdom Of Men find out that they get to inherit The Kingdom Of Women Sexually and vice versa, it's gonna be on a popping, making the body do-what-it-is-supposed-to-do in A Holy Global Glorious Human Party/Freaknik Celebration Of Life.  So The Citizens Of The Kingdom know that The End Time Church Body Of Christ get to use Their Bodies To Worship Christ.

Porn Again Christians
Genesis 2:25 "The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame."

We have been watching Pornography with A Very Clear Conscience since we were a teenager because we were searching for The Truth, so the truth about that shit has been redefined as well.  It's just people who are mostly sinfully enjoying their sexuality and we know we are supposed to enjoy it righteously.  The LORD God wouldn't have left Adam and Eve naked after He created them if He wasn't naked Himself.  Sheeeiiitt.  What are we supposed to do in A Kingdom of Love?  In A Kingdom Of Love it makes a whole lot of Got Damn Good Sense that We Fall In Love and We Make Love all the time.  After, becoming The Extreme Majority among the churches, we are eventually gonna take over The Pornography Industry by filming our Holy Communion Worship Sessions so that A Horny Mother Fucker who just enjoys watching "these two Fucking Verses" will also learn or review two bible verses. (We got you again. :-) People remember positive pleasurable experiences much better than negative or guilt bearing experiences so The New Mental Scripture Review Process by yourself and the personal Scripture Learning/Review will be very, very effective.  An uninformed person will not be able to tell the difference between a group of people having Righteous Sex and the current sinful sex of Pornography; they will never be able to figure out on there own that "every dick that goes in a pussy is a married couple" and the rest of that shit is just Holey.  That's some Collective Functionality for your ass.

"Man how do you know so many bible verses?"
"Dude I'm telling you, the teaching and review process is way off the chain."

"It aint gonna be,'How you doing?' cause we'll know. It's gonna be, 'Who you doing?"
"I'm doing Psalms 34:8.  She's the sexiest Scripture I've done so far. OMG!" 

"Nigga what? Since they teaching The Holy Bible like that, I'm gonna Book Of Eli this motherfucka!" (Memorize the whole Holy Bible)

"You remember when we had to attach A Seeding Phrase like 'Please keep this moving?' Sheeeiiiiitttt they gonna have to change that shit to 'Slow it down before you pass out man, damn!' " (The Death Of IgnorancePsalm 69:9 "for zeal for your house consumes me. . .")

"A Nigga didn't wanna to go to those fucked up, 'Hell Fire' preaching churches.  But you caint keep a Nigga out of The Kingdom!  They'll be dying to get in this motherfucker for sure!!  Jesus and Our Heavenly Father got it goin' on something serious!!!"

Like we said before in the beginning, "He really knows what He is doing."
FUCK + FUN = FUNK (On The One)
So, get funky with it

"I'm the Freakiest Freak in this Motherfucker.
 I know how Jesus wants us to love one another."

The Fashion Industry should be mostly Sexy As Hell Lingerie and The Porn Industry is no where near the size it is supposed to be.  Now imagine going into A Community Building Workshop knowing The Truth, and knowing full well that this process is gonna cause all of us to Fall Deeply In Love With On Another and become Sexually Turned Out with Our New Freedom.  Mothafuka say whaaat?  A nigga will come in that motherfucker already way more vulnerable than a piece of wet one-ply toilet tissue.  The most Ignorant Macho Male will really give up some very deep emotional baggage very quickly if he is sitting at a table with very sexily clad females oozing Kingdom Of Heaven Sensuality and knowing The Truth.  A Community Building Workshop will probably evolve to, "Everybody huddle up!  Kingdom on one, let all of that shit go right now.  Kingdom!!! (with a Power Clap--LOL :-) So in that Community Phenomenon state of mind, you just need someone to release the very intense sexual feelings that are in your mind from being In Love In General, so how a person's body looks would be irrelevant because you are making love and focusing on giving pleasure and they would just need to be there for you to enjoy pleasing them.  When you are fucking, you are mostly focusing on getting pleasure and whether you fucking love to Make Love or you just love To Fuckit's all good when it is all God in The Kingdom-hood.  Then again, Being In Love In General will make you feel much better because your mind will be very sexually charged up, so while you are focusing on pleasing someone else, you will feel much better yourself because you can't make someone else feel good without making yourself feel good as well (Physically and Spiritually) which releases your sexual charge and governs the intensity of the pleasure that you feel; so Making Love to Someone Else (really focusing on giving pleasure) makes you feel your best.  Love is so sexy like that.  (True Riches--what goes around cums around.)

Motherfuckin' Role Playing!  You see how the truth always comes out of us.  Sheeeiiiiittttt a Husband is supposed to have more ass waiting for him in his front yard than grass.  He's supposed to have more female butt than grass to cut. 
So where are we gonna get down like this in The Kingdom?  Well these fake ass Religious Hustler churches are gonna go out of business along with those way too tame Strip Clubs. (Redefine everything.)  The only sin really going on in The Strip Clubs are the cigarettes but their minds are very, very far away from The Kingdom Of Heaven and The Flesh has no chance in hell of figuring The Truth out on its own.  So to put it down, with a brand new round of fine females--we need some

Kingdom Of Heaven
 Glorious Lifestyle Compounds

Where the song, "Good Life" by Kanye West will be the main theme song.  This is where we will Minister The Word Of God with some off the chain, very serious sexual freedom.  We're talking about designing furniture and equipment that doesn't even exits yet that allows a woman to be very, very comfortable and makes it easy for a group of men/women to "see how good of a high note she can hit" while "Singing In The Choir" with The Choir being "A piece of Turn You The Fuck Inside Out Sexual Apparatus" and Singing is "Her Erotic Screams Of Passion." There can be a Pound Station that keeps a woman's lower body very stable while some one is seriously pounding her ass so her pussy doesn't move at all which makes it easier for someone else to be very comfortable while eating her very juicy--stay wet all the time--pussy for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  And another station that keeps a woman's legs very comfortably spread--while very gently being massaged--for as much cunnilingus as she can stand; they both will need to be very, very comfortable for extended pleasure.  A man should be able to relax in a very comfortable recliner with a Very Beautiful And God Blessed Dripping Wet Pussy In His Face to enjoy God's Amazing Grace. (we can call this one Pussy From Heaven--hell, it could be that some black men have "nappy hair" because of a lack of various pussy juices in their system.)  And many, many other unknown, specially designed pieces of furniture, equipment, or whatever that is specifically designed for very comfortable sexual pleasure.  Let the new comers try to figure out how to use them, have a wildest Furniture/Equipment Design Contest, Sexual Circuit Training, etc., etc., (Get Way The Fuck Lose With It)
"We gonna learn how to handle these sexy motherfuckers like musical instruments and try to harmonize or synchronize their moans/orgasms." (You'll never see that kind of women's choir in a church building.)

"Before you come to The Compound, make sure you have a very, very dark pair of sunglasses because you eyes will become very sensitive to light from being rolled back into your head for extended periods of time.  That's why we have very dim lighting in these Bat Caves." 

"Peace, and be wild." (with Righteous Abstinence)

We will collectively design and build these Very Glorious Compounds that are designed to really push the envelop of human enjoyment of their sexuality and very, very keep it real, be the fuck who you really are socializing with some "off the chain" personalities.  We all will have some very serious stories to tell about our adventures performing Holy Communion, people's reaction to learning The Truth, and coming up with Kingdom Building Recruiting Hustles--sexy people who know The Truth dropping innuendo invitations to "Get with the program" on those who don't know yet.  We've got a lot of time to make up for and we'll need plenty of sound proofing.  These things will be off the chain with A Gym, Showers, Stages For Sex Shows, Pole Dancing Training Rooms, etc, sexcetera.  Watch how very sexually creative these Wonderful Sexy Motherfuckers really are with all of that hidden freakiness. Oh My Goodness!  We'll need Hair Salons to quickly get A Daughters Of The Kingdom's hair fixed when she leaves The Compound; if she ever leaves the motherfucker.  All of that "jealously from another woman stealing or interfering with your attention from men" and "not trusting a woman because they will steal your man, etc." will be changed to "Collectively Sharing Secrets Of Sexiness" and "Training In Drive-A-Man Crazy-As-Hell-Feminine-Sensuality-And-Sweetness." So now, women get to really "work if for Jesus" something serious. (Men also) The sexier you are, the better The Truth and The Word Of God gets spread and the better the world will be.  Here is A Sexy Soldier, Daughter Of The Kingdom, Heal The World goal you can set for yourself

"Girl, in the name of Jesus, I'm gonna try to make my ass"

"as famous as The Sun."

(Two very tipsy Priests)
"What's that big bright ass light in the sky that makes it hot all the time?"

"I forgot what they call that motherfucker, but I know who ass THAT IS!"
(On a billboard)

New Term Definition
Fucked Up - adj. being in a Glorious Daze.  Completely awed at the Awesomeness Of God to the point of being very zoned out and temporarily dysfunctional.

We were Fucked Up at work one day when we realized that this shit is really about to happen (sharing everything) and we were imagining the possibilities when we saw this Old Testament Type, Extremely Gorgeous, Woman that we had seen a couple of times before at our job but we had not seen her, or that level of beauty, in a long time.  She really was way too beautiful and fine enough to stop time and pile up traffic! OMG!!!  We had to apologize to her husband for the way we were looking at her and thinking about The Kingdom--we were completely Fucked Up.

Its gonna be very hard for a while Citizens, but we have to remember that

Mentally, we are in a completely different reality than those who are still trapped in The Matrix Of Money, Lies, And Truth Distortions.

In God We Trust
Psalms 24:1 "The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;"
Matthew 6:24 "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."

From The Song "Good Life" by Kanye West 2007
"50 told me go 'head switch the style up"

The Kingdom Of Heaven is God's Global Theocratic Government on earth (A Kingdom Of Kings) and until The Lord Jesus Christ returns to establish His Everlasting Kingdom on this earth that will be run by Love From The Heart, instead of money, we are gonna have to deal with the reality of the current world governments that are being dominated by Satan, who is the god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4) His insane obsession with power and control caused him to rebel against our Infinite God and he dominates all our world governments mostly because of the laziness of our flesh and our ignorance and unconcern with the big picture which includes our future.  We, as members of The American Society, don't know a lot of things that we should know (Mental/Physical Laziness and A Very Dysfunctional Educational System) and the most the average Person Of The Flesh is going to do to find out about something is just listen to what someone else says about it; this especially applies to Politics and Religion.  This is trusting without verifying and just going with the current flow.  Here are some recurring themes/signs of evil: Being very deceptive by hiding true intentions with lies (Insidious), causing confusion with lies, hiding its true evil activity with covert secretiveness, causing mass confusion by great complexity, causing people to become angry and emotional so they can't reason correctly, and avoiding anything that is good for people.  A good example of the last two is how they crucified The Lord Jesus Christ for no reason because He was very good for The People. (Matthew 27:11-26)

Satan saw elements of a rise of The Kingdom in the 60's with Black People gaining more self respect nationally by The Civil Rights Movement, the Political Change/Empowerment of The National Voting Rights Act of 1965, and The Free Love Social Movement so he got busy with The Assassins Bullets of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Robert F. Kennedy; taking out the Social and Political leaders of a very positive change in race relations.  So with government, you basically have unknowingly very deceptive people, unknowingly influenced and backed by evil spirits, with unknowingly "coordinated behind the scenes" institutional political power who are not going to give it up without a fight.  So expect The Very Deceived Political People Of The Flesh, who are very heavily influenced by evil spirits, to say anything to try to stay in power.

With "In God We Trust" printed on our money, we have really drawn Satan to attack us because that sentence is a serious threat to his control over the whole world by using the weapon of money.  Because of "In Love We Trust," America has more Violence, Racism, Broken Families, Sexual Hang Ups, and The Worst Educational System, etc. than any other Industrialized Nation because of unseen Demons.  We're also the worlds leading seller of weapons to developing nations.  We have always been under A Demonic Spiritual Siege because of that sentence; and the churches, and certainly not the government schools, are not teaching us much about Spiritual Warfare at all so the average American is very, very spiritually and politically clueless because we are seriously being distracted by a flood of entertainment. (Ignorance is temporarily bliss.) As a society, our institutions are like our parents and when the children's eyes are openedso they can clearly see that their parents are severely neglecting themthen the children have to grow up quickly and take care of themselves.

Satan's modern tactic against countries is Currency Assassination.  Instead of taking out a few people, he kills a country's whole way of life by making its currency worthless which throws it in to extreme chaos.  When it takes $20,000 to buy what $1 used to, while wages stay the same, then your currency has been assassinated and it will not be accepted as having any value by the rest of the world.  This would cause extreme anger in the American Citizens that would lead to mass riots, chaos, and mayhem and it would be the end of American Culture as we know it.  Billionaire Financier George Soros, who is behind very many Evil Disguised As Good Political Organizations, is the man who thinks he has the right to "play God" with people's lives by destroying the currency of some countries.  His network of organizations were completely exposed by The Glen Beck Show in 2010 on The Fox News Channel and the Liberal Demoncrats had his advertisers pulled, which caused Fox to cancel his show because, he was telling people the truth about George Soros' very many ties to The Kill The Dollar Record Setting Spending of The Obama Administration. (Glenn Beck has moved his show Online to see "Soros supports Occupy Wall Street"George Soros became a billionaire in 1992 by destroying The British Pound and now he has set his sights on The American Dollar.  Here is an excerpt from his book, "The Age Of Fallibility: Consequences Of The War On Terror" by George Soros 2006

page xvi (Prologue)
     "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. This is a harsh--indeed, for me, painful--thing to say, but unfortunately I am convinced it is true. The United States continues to set the agenda for the world in spite of its loss of influence since 9/11, and the Bush administration is setting the wrong agenda. The Bush agenda is nationalistic: it emphasizes the use of force and ignores global problems whose solution requires international cooperation. The rest of the world dances to the tune the United States is playing, and if that continues too long we are in danger of destroying our civilization. Changing the attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority." (Who gave him the power to define a stable and just world order?)

In the book, "The Day After the Dollar Crashes" by Damon Vickers, he talks about how to survive after the dollar crashes, causing the end of the world as we know it, and the rise of A New World Order.  Other books and websites cover this subject as well and some advocate storing up months of food and finding A Safe Haven to live away from the mayhem, chaos, riots and very long power outages that will occur after The Death Of The Dollar because The Government will not be able to protect its citizens in this situation.  This is because of all the years of Federal Budget Deficit Increases and a very huge National Debt (Total Debt Owed).  The government hustle to hide the truth about our National Debt is a process called Quantitative Easing which is the U.S. government buying its own money (Printing More Money) instead of getting more loans which a way of hiding very large amounts of our true debt.  We have had QE1 and QE2 which is also called Monetizing The Debt and it is just a delayed devaluing of the dollar; the always lying Politicians promised that they wouldn't do this.  This is like a store Cashier #1 buying a loaf of bread from Cashier #2 (with the store's money) and calling that a sale which is manufacturing fake demand and not increasing sales.  The reason we can do Quantitative Easing is because The Dollar is The World's Reserve Currency and it is The Standard for setting Oil Prices which keeps our gas prices relatively low compared to the rest of the world.  Once The Dollar loses this status, we will have a massive collapse of The Global Economy, mass chaos everywhere, martial law and A New World Order.  We must stop QE3!!!  We are just exposing some of the very evil hustling going on behind the scenes in this world.  Very large systems have a long time delay before they start showing the results of Very Small And Slow Changes that Collectively Become Major changes in the system after a long period of time.  Many people saw The Collapse Of The U.S. Housing Market coming in 1998, ten years before the major results showed up in 2008.  Satan designed this massive economic system to exploit our weaknesses and the collapse of the U.S. Economy will happen soon if Very Radical Changes are not made immediately.  The same long delay principle applies to The Global Environment as well, so if the Evil Disguised As Good, Job Killing Green Environmental Fear Mongering Crisis is as true as The Lying Powerticians claim they are, then we are already doomed because we are reaping what we have sown at least 20-30 years ago in The Global Environment. (See "Ozone Depletion" by CFC's for an example of this.)  Lying Powerticians manipulate people with fear by manufacturing crises with their lying lips and false, paid for, unscientific data in a community of extreme government corruption. 

This is never reported anywhere in the National News Media, but the truth is that America's Annual Federal Budget Deficit is so large that even if our government taxed ALL WORKERS at 100%, we would still have an Annual Budget Deficit because our government spends way too much of OUR hard earned money so "increasing the taxes on the rich" or "increasing taxes on everyone period," which politicians always propose to do, will not work because it focuses on the wrong problem; the problem is governmental overspending.  But cutting spending would cut their power and influence over us.  Have you noticed that our massive budget deficits of billions of dollars accumulate every quarter but every time a proposed cut in spending is "approved," it is for a very large amount--which is a straight lie--that is supposed to happen "over a ten year period" or so.  The Lying Evil Spirits know that people have very short "Political Memories" and will not be "paying attention to the big picture of the future anyway."  If you don't deal with the real source of the problems, which is facing reality, then you can't solve the problems.  We haven't read Mr. Vickers' book but no one could have seen this coming.  We've got something for those lying, hustling Evil Spirits who are the real cause of our financial woes among many other global problems.  We are not afraid to expose these very evil motherfuckers because we have the right stuff in our hearts (The Power Of God) to deal with them, and they know it as well. (1 John 2:14)

A Matrix Of Money 
Luke 16:14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. (15) He said to them, "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God’s sight."
1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

Love/Light is about empowering people with the Wisdom to become Servant Leaders by very effective/intense communication. This leads us into A Community/Holy Communion.  Honest communication (Truth/Light) allows us to figure out/understand and master the "scheme of things" which are organized systems. (A Living Organism)
Evil/Darkness is about making people stay dependent, on The Controlling/Manipulative Others, by taking advantage of our Natural IgnoranceLaziness and it wants us to not communicate with each other.  This leads us into Confused Chaos/War.  Dishonest communication (Lies/Darkness) keeps us very confused and makes us take wild guesses in the blind darkness which is Disorganized Mass Confusion. (A Dead Organism)

So basically, how you feel about and handle money is how you feel about and handle any power that is given to you.  God is watching us to see if we use it to mostly serve ourselves our to serve Him (by serving others who are in need).  Accumulating great wealth tempts people to become completely Self Reliant; they become completely independent of God needing to provide for them financially, Powerful, High Class, and thus automatically Worshiped By Others. (Your Satan Factor) Where there is great wealth, there will be the politics of people trying to please those who control "the wealth/power of money." This is a form of worship of People With Wealth because their egos will always want to control the lives of the people who depend on their money.  God does not want another Heavenly Satanic Rebellion ever again so our Character, Attitude, and Relationship with God is very important when you are placed in a position of power because you will be tempted to abuse your power and influence over people by The Enemy. (1 Timothy 6:9)  It is much easier to Stay Grounded In Love after you ascend to power financially than to try to develop that type of very humble and meek attitude toward God when you are so used to being empowered by money because we are naturally Creatures Of Habit because of Habitual Thought Patterns.

Having a totally integrated and Infinite Mind, God doesn't consider the amount, length of time, or degree of intensity of our "works, emotions, feelings, etc." He constantly considers our attitude and whether we remain faithful to Him.  In Matthew 20:1-16 in "The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard," you can see that the first Workers made A False Assumption that lead to An Expectation (people do both of these all the time which can lead to anger) that they will be paid for their hours worked and that they are "earningtheir agreed upon wage when the man who only worked one hour received "a full days pay." This is just The Flesh being naturally selfish, not integrated, and therefore not thinking about the big picture.  It is impossible to "earn" Everlasting Life so it has to be a gift.  Is God supposed to allow you to live forever at a higher level of ecstasy than someone else because of something you did to "earn that level forever?" Man please!!! That is ridiculous and it has to be given on an all or nothing basis; so when The Lord Jesus Christ returns, your Length Of Time Being In The Heavenly State Of Mind is irrelevant.  Getting to That State Of Mind period is what is important.  We will be judged by Pass Or Fail Standards that only God can set for each of us individually based on the Strengths and Weakness He gave us at birth and the Environment we grew up in; so only God can determine what is an acceptable amount of growth for us in "the amount of time He gave us to live in the flesh," so truly, only God is qualified to be The Final Judge of anyone.  The Flesh always arrogantly assumes that its selfish point of view is correct which was the problem in Romans 14:10 and Romans 14:13.  The second example of God's Fully Integrated Thinking is "The Widow's Offering" in Mark 12:41-44. (Integrated Thinking means always looking at The Big Picture, The Whole Thing, The Righteous Hole Thang :-) )  Jesus determined that she gave more than all the others based on: What percentage of money did each person give of The Whole Amount Of Money they had to live on?  This is why the Corporate Worlds habitual way of thinking is very dangerous to your Soul/Character.  Rich/Wealthy people give away a smaller percentage of their money than everyone else but they think that they are much more generous by focusing on the amount they gave.

"What gives A Human Business Man the right to put a value on another Human's time?" (for earning wages)
"The Market Forces."
"Who created The Market Forces?" (aka Money and The Global Economy)
"The god of this world?" (aka Satan / The Devil)
"Correct.  Now ask yourself who are you worshiping with "your so called money?"
 The god of this world or The Infinite God Of The Universe?"

When you own The Whole Universe, finite amounts are irrelevant, Everlasting Spiritual Characteristics are what matter.  Your Attitude determines how wide your Mental Vision/Minds Eye/Third Eye is open; Please keep it wide open like A Woman's wonderful, soon to be Very Wide Open but always Adjust-ably Tight, Constipation Resistant, Save The World Asshole. ( :-) "switch the style up"--A man's mind is never too far from the "The Very Strong Mental Gravitational Pull" of a woman's ass--especially in The New/True Reality.) 

1 Corinthians 12:22 "On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, (23) and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, (24) while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it,"

Anytime there is A Mass Collection Of Money being made, A Government is being formed.  And where there is any political power or any kind of Government, it will draw evil to attack it because Satan has a severe addiction to power.  Lets look at some of these working behind the scenes Evil Bastards in the light.

Religion with Tithes
A Church is supposed to be A Body Of People who are highly trained to Freely Distribute Wisdom that Empowers More People to improve and maintain human relationships.  We fully know the truth about those Religious Hustler Spirits in the churches who are violating 2 Kings 17:12 "They worshiped idols, though the LORD had said,"You shall not do this." among other things." And also, where in the fuck is the Christian Church Version of A Social Security Program that is described in 1 Timothy 5:3-16?  It's is unaccountably going towards making those hustlers financially rich.  Those fucking Forms of Saltine/Oyster Crackers and Libations are really supposed to be "Fucking Scriptures In Bodily Form Worshiping God In Holy Communion." They want you to stay in those buildings (with very little or no Community Outreach Programs) to keep collecting your "Pressured And Non-Biblical Fake Fees--Tithes--That Support A Very Fake Faith." They use The Naturally Flawed Flesh along with The Built In Respect/Fear Of God against people big time and keeps them in spiritual infancy.  If we don't read Our Whole Holy Bibles, we'll never know The Hole Holy Truth and be scared to ask questions and see through those Evil Counterfeit Motherfuckers disguised as good.  Shit is getting worse everywhere and nobody's asking questions? Man Please!!!  You should always ask question (Stage 3:Skeptic/Scientific/Individual) because if things are bad and getting worse then we need to Fix And Improve Things; and if things are very good we should ask questions so we'll know why and have The Wisdom/Understanding To Maintain Good Things.  Always remember that evil will try to scare you into being an easy to manipulate child who is scared to think for themself (Dependent) and deter you from what is good for you. (Controlling)  Love is always empowering people with very disciplined freedom.  If they avoid The Light of questions (or become angry) then they are hiding something dark in the darkness.

Labor Unions with Union Dues
You never hear anything about Doctor Unions or High Technical Skill Unions, its always the "averaged skilled" Labor and Teacher Unions in the news.  Unions are always bad for business and the evil spirits are hustling people in average or low skill trades to "esteem themselves as more important than they really are" big time. (Romans 12:3) Calm down people, once The Joy And Sexiness Of Community spreads to everyone, these uptight motherfuckers will calm down considerably and not give a fuck about who's earning what.  Everybody will be very happy in Orgasm Central and A New Scripture Everyday will totally change their life's focus.  Through Community and The Kingdom, we'll take care of each other very well and a very healthy economy will make it much easier to do.  Unions are anti-economy because they are anti-business.  Unionized companies go out of business quickly because they can't compete with non-unionized competition; "a fair wage" goes to "no wage and dependence on the evil hustlers of the union dues." Union Representatives hustle people into believing that they have "there best interest in mind" like Satan did Adam and Eve.  Their true intention is to kill business and commerce and therefore stressing lives. 

There are two major problems with Unions. 1) They stir up "dissension among brothers" violating Proverbs 6:19 by creating The Conflicting And Divisive Mentality Of Class Warfare: Us vs. Them, Labor vs. Management, Poor vs. Richetc. that is based on the Scam Of Exploiting Our Greed/Laziness disguised as Fairness For The Little People.  People get caught up in this nonsense by Falsely Believing that "Life is supposed to be fair Economically and Emotionally" which is a fallacy; so Satan uses a big lie to trap you into another smaller lie.  Satan didn't think it was "Fair" for The Infinite God to Rule His Own Universe with his crazed, distorted, and insane mentality.  You don't become the owner of a successful business by working 40 hours a week, you have to pay some Business Degree Education "Dues;" some Trying To Find A Market For A Business "Dues;" and some more Worked Very Hard To Save Up Or Qualify For A Loan For The Starting Capital "Dues;" some Took A Big Risk and Failed Multiple Times "Dues;" and maybe some Failed To Find A Successful First Store Location, but Kept Trying "Dues;" and the most important, Lost A Lot Of Irreplaceable Time With Your Family For The Sake Of Your Business "Duesbefore you find something that is successful, only becauseyou had to Work 80 Hrs. Per Week For A Long Time To Get It Going "Dues."  After Someone or Their Earlier Relative has done all the very, very stressful and very hard Foundational Work which is paying The Very Necessary and Proper Dues, then the evil spirit hustlers move in to manipulate Naturally Lazy People Who Only Think About Themselves In The Moment (who are ignorant of all The Foundation Labor because they don't care) to demand their "Fair Share" of the profits that they think they are entitled to because of their increased sense of importance (Pride) with Union Dues.  After they collect enough money from Union Dues they will make more demands for the "Ignorant Entitled People" and eventually destroy the formally successful business that existed because of all the Founding Work Sacrifices.  
John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
People Of The Flesh can't think with this kind of Integrity because The Flesh is naturally evil like Jesus Christ said.  People Of The Spirit always think with Integrity.  The reason Business People make those kinds of Founding Work Sacrifices is because they know that even their great, great grandchildren will reap the benefits of their much earlier Sown Seeds Of Mental/Physical Labor and they provide many other families with jobs to live on and this makes all the hard Foundational Work worth it.  
2) They foster laziness and low performance which violates Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, . . ." A radio talk show host who once worked for A Labor Union, was told by his Union Representative one day to,"Slow down. You're working too fast and you're cutting into Our Overtime.Teachers Unions pressure State Governments to give teachers Tenure which is permanent long time employment regardless of their job performance.  If your true intention is to Dumb Down The Masses, then you give teachers Tenure to retain bad teachers which fosters low performance.  This is the worst thing you can do for already lazy People Of The Flesh, if the flesh is not pushed to perform by some kind of competition, it will naturally do the minimum in everything.  There is only one very large major American company, that we know of, that really, really needs a Union (but the company fights against it big time over here in America) because it severely exploits its workers and the taxpayers, and The Workers of all this company's other locations in foreign countries are all Unionized.

The Federal Government with Taxes
Ecclesiastes 7:7 "Extortion turns a wise man into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart."
First of all, we ask that you go to and enter "The Effect of Income Taxes on Economic Growth" in The Search Box and read all the 5 small pages to get a very good and rational understanding of why A National Government is very necessary for any country with Economic Activity.  The difference in being a Child and an Adult in any subject is knowledge gained from experience in that subject and reading really expands your amount of second hand experience quickly and allows you to gain wisdom/understanding in that subject. (Engaged in a war of ideas but don't like to read? Then happy dying. The Flesh is weak and The Spirit is strong. Fast for increased Spiritual Strength.) Satan's first job is to shut down our most important life goal of Gaining Critical Wisdom.  He has done this in all The Churches, Schools, and Colleges by distracting us from Critical Wisdom and keeping us deeply involved in many of life's other pursuits.  Our Kingdom Mandate requires us to institute God's Government on earth and we will begin taking action in a later section.  Remember, "You know that you believe something in your heart when you act on it." because with our deceptive hearts, we state our ideals with our mouths but we live by what is truly in our hearts which is evidenced by our actions.  A Community is a Group Of All Leaders which is exactly what A Kingdom Of Kings (Leaders/Rulers) is as well.  We had to use that "Porn Again Christians" subtitle because it was just too perfect for that section, but to paraphrase Dr. Myles Monroe in "Rediscovering The Kingdom,"deceived Christians sitting in pews practicing religious rituals is not The Lifestyle that God wants us to live." So when we come out of those deceived church buildings (physically) we have to develop A Kingdom Mentality Of Leadership, that the Community Phenomenon will bring out of us, and come out mentally as well so that we can really enjoy physically Spreading The Word Of Truth which will very effectively change all the negative headlines and statistics for the better.  Attending those very deceived churches, while knowing The Truth in your heart, will just piss you off very much as you watch A Very Severe Fraud being perpetrated on the masses of people.  This has been happening for so long because The Flesh always wants something for doing nothing:
2 Thessalonians 3:8 "nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. (9) We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. (10) For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” "

Hell, as of 2003, a lot of our states had laws prohibiting oral and anal sex, even between married couples, which outlawed The Kingdom and evil has to be prevented from continuing to interfere more and more in our personal lives like it always wants to do through government.  We are gonna have to change our National Cultural Mindset that will allow us to build those Kingdom Of Heaven Glorious Lifestyle Compounds either in Residential or Business 
Zoned areas.  We will know that The Truth has penetrated American Culture deep enough when we see This Significant Sign Of A Serious Cultural Change:

"When you see this on The Cover of "Newsweek" and "Time" Magazines

A picture of UnknownFriend7's Big Black Dick deeply penetrating A White Woman's Big Phat Ass while she is bent over with A Holy Bible opened on her lower back with this caption on the magazine cover


"This Glorious Shit is ri-dick-u-lous! 
Thank God Almighty we are Free at Ass!!!"

We have a lot of work to do to achieve that goal, so lets get to it.  All national governments are Demonic Havens of power and the evil spirits controlling them are using all of our Fleshly Flaws against us extensively.  Talking about not being able to see the big picture, we are giving Insanity free reign over our lives in our Democratic Republic by hoping that these lying People Of The Flesh Politicians, controlled by evil spirits, will do what is best for us.  Man Please!!!  In A True Democracy, The People rule completely; so we wouldn't have Congressional Representatives, The People would vote on every issue themselves and our winning votes would become The Law.  So America is not a Democracy, we elect people to represent us because our life is way too complex and our population is way too big to take all of those National Votes on specific issues.  We have A Democratic Republic--we elect Congressional Representatives--that has A Fatal Flaw in its Constitution that we are about to realize The Hard Way if we don't take action.  This is a parable of the fundamental problem with our federal government: 

We are paying always Lying Politicians our earned cash money (Taxes) to go into a Super Wal-mart and buy things that we need to live. (Government Services) They keep a portion of our cash money as their salary first and foremost (being paid to be terrible at governing) and then they spend the rest by depositing the cash in to a Bank Of America Credit Card Account.  They are only supposed to spend the amount they deposit but, with no penalty for not doing so, the Bank Executives (Lobbyist, Earmarks, and Local Constituent Greed, Evil Spirits) entice them to exceed their Credit Limit every Fiscal Quarter which runs up a massive National Debt with interest. (Living for The Moment) The vast majority of the Spiritually Childish Citizens really don't understand how a National Credit Card Account works so we really don't care about our National Credit Rating.  So we continue to pay these Lying Politicians to severely mismanage our money and they continually vote to give themselves a pay raise for not doing their job of buying Good Things for us while staying on a budget. (They are Above The Law) They also pass some laws that apply to the citizens but don't apply to them like that 2009 Health Care Bill. (They are A Law unto themselves.)  They have been overspending our cash money and running up Credit Card debt in a Super Wal-mart for decades resulting in a very HUGE National Debt with very quickly accumulating interest.  So essentially, we have to borrow money from Foreign Countries to pay on our very large National Credit Cart Account because Satan is trying to kill Our National Currency, with "In God We Trust" printed on it, through the Lying Politicians.  When the Foreign Banks stop lending to us and our National Credit Card interest rate goes way up we will not be able to pay the interest on our HUGE National Debt resulting in a collapse of The American Economy. (The Death Of The Dollar) This will then cause a collapse of The Global Economy which will cause everything to have to be reset financially with A New World Currency and A New World Government that will come with it, aka 
A New World Order.

So with our natural lack of unity, lazy, ignorant, and selfish flesh with its inability to see the big picture we have this current very big political mess that has come to a head. (reached a crisis.) So our critical problems are

1) A Mandatory Balanced Budget should have come with The Constitution of this country along with built in punishments for governing officials who fail to do their jobs.  This is The Fatal Flaw in our Constitution.

2) The People Of The Flesh Members of Congress all define their job as, "My job is to get as much money for my district as possible." (To please my constituents and retain my power.) It is a Giant Political Grab Bag and no one is focusing on the future and The National Debt.  This is because The Flesh only sees myself (power) right now (immediacy) and does not prepare for the future by seeing The Big Picture.

3) The reason the politicians have never passed and will never pass A Balanced Budget Amendment is because evil manipulates our government with Lobbyist, Earmarks, and a general lack of financial responsibility. (Power Addiction) We need A Mandatory Balanced Budget Amendment that stipulates "The Last Money spent in each quarter will be The Congressional Payroll.  Any Overspending will be deducted from The Congressional Payroll until every cent is repaid to the people and this will just be salary that Congress has lost for not doing their jobs and they will never be repaid this money.  Two consecutive quarters of over spending should result in the people directly responsible for the overspending going to prison for "violating the public trust."  This will redefine each Congressman's job to, "My job is to balance The Federal Budget." They should be scared to spend our money instead of blatantly violating the public trust like they do now with no consequences like they have been doing for many years.

4) When you don't have to work for something, you don't appreciate it as much and therefore you will not take care of it as much as well.  This is a Universal Lesson Of Life that applies to The Demonic Fallen Angels, Adam and Eve, Lying Politicians with our Tax Money, People who Don't Work or Volunteer but still receive Entitlements, and teenagers who take much better care of things once they know how much they have to work to pay for them, etc. etc..  This makes all governmental positions of power an extreme set-up for Fleshly "Live For The Moment Waste Of Taxpayer's Money and The Abuse Of Power" and this is exactly what we've been getting from The Demon Controlled Powerticians.  Corporations have to compete with each other to remain in business so the have to be efficient while staying on the cutting edge and still maintaining a budget.  Our government essentially has no competition (Who's gonna move to Canada or Mexico because of poor Government Service?) so this encourages waste of taxpayer's money big time and the "wait 6 months or more" very poor service.

5) The only people who can change the rules and make themselves have to be much more responsible with our money are the elected Powerticians of The Political Parties.  They haven't done so in decades and they never will impose this much needed self discipline for the good of the people.  They are very spoiled from years of being on a power with perks spending spree and it is much easier to start over with new people because old habits are hard to break. 

So the solution to our Fatal Constitutional Flaw is we just need a Major Political Cleansing because

"The People shouldn't be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of The People."

From the movie "Heat": "They dumped us. What? The dumped us."
(We Need A Political Constitutional Colon Cleansing)

Since our current laws have allowed members of Congress be very irresponsible with our dollars for years with no penalty and it also allows them to pass laws that they do not have to abide by themselves, then The Citizens Of The Kingdom United in The Phenomenon Of Community will just have to take back our government from these evil behind the scenes Demons and Let God Rule because, putting your money where your mouth is

"In God We Trust"

This is a chance for all of those who want to "Vote for Jesus" to make a difference.  Citizens Of The Kingdom Of Heaven in Community will change the very corrupt laws and let Love rule in America.  How we will do this is fairly simple and straight forward; it pretty easy but This Behavior Change does not come natural to us at all.  (Like A Daughter Of The Kingdom said to Deceived Dude during his rehabilitation:-) "It aint hard; it aint hard at all dude.  What's the hold up?"

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