Saturday, December 31, 2011


(Post #10  Part 3 of 9)

Ignorance Empowers Evil
The Satanic evil spirits who are ruling this world are mainly just severely exploiting The Flaws Of The Flesh: our laziness, selfishness, ignorance, tendency to deceive ourselves, and our inability to focus on the big picture which is called "a lack of group consciousness."  In chapter four of, "A World Waiting To Be Born," by M. Scott Peck, he calls this "lack of group consciousness" "The Hole in the Mind" which The Heaven On Earth Baptism corrects and fills which immediately starts moving us toward The Collective Mentality Of Community.  Satan rules the world through national governments that regulate business in A Global Economy which creates a "Dog Eat Dog" economic competitive mentality.  This severely divides, stresses, and scares people of, "the worst case scenario," possibly becoming homeless or a beggar; this makes some unknowingly very scared because they already have to depend on government handouts in the form of Entitlement Programs.  This is where most of our budget deficit comes from, Government Entitlement Programs which will increase greatly with all the Baby Boomers retiring and have to depend on The Social Security Program, Medicare, and Medicaid Programs.  Our Social Security Program is not like a "Savings Account" where you can only take out what you put in, it makes the current working generation take care of the retiring generation and there are way more Baby Boomers that will be retiring than Current Workers to take care of them, so Social Security will be bankrupt very soon.  Do you wonder where all the excess money being poured into The Social Security Program by The Baby Boomers went while they where working for all of those years?  Well it wasn't saved for the future, it was spent by the very Liberal (with other people's money) Demoncrats to manipulate people into believing that "expansion of Demon Controlled Government is necessary." 
An excerpt from "How Evil Works" by David Kupelian page 6

"Power-hungry demagogues have always used basically the same methods: they demonize "the rich," claiming they obtained their wealth by exploiting and stealing from the downtrodden; they stir up racial or tribal hatreds at every opportunity; (class warfarethey blame convenient scapegoats for problems they themselves have caused; and they promise universal peace and happiness if we'll just give them unlimited power over us."

This has "The Class Warfare" that the current President, Barack Obama, talks about all the time written all over it.  His "very great concern" for the middle class is just an attempt to stay in power; lying politicians will say anything to do this.  The classes of people are 1) The Under Class - who are usually very dysfunctional so they don't work because they can't get or keep jobs, 2) The Lower Class - who are slightly functional and can barely keep low paying jobs 3) The Middle Class - who work jobs that pay by the hour or a salary, (most working people) and 4) The Upper Class - who own small business or corporations and create jobs.  So by the act of constantly mentioning "The Middle Class," the President sounds like he is "actively looking out for a large group of people," but what other choice does he have?  The much smaller Lower Class or the even much smaller than that, Upper Class?; so he really doesn't have any other choice but if you don't give it any deeper thought, "it sounds good" but he really is just stating the obvious and trying to get credit for "actually doing something" which is a political, manipulative hustle.  Another Class Warfare hustle he does is to "demonize the rich" with very generalized manipulative statements like, "The rich should pay their fair share of taxes." This causes the listener to assume that the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes. (These Lying Evil Spirits know that Naturally Lazy People won't do the research so very, very few find out the truth that the rich are already paying almost all of the taxes.) Lying Demoncratic Powerticians always hustle people like this because if he truly wanted to enlighten you, he would be honest by saying something truthful with specifics like, "This is how I define rich people (Specific Detail), this is their current tax rate which I think is unfair (Specific Detail), and this is the tax rate I think they should be paying (Specific Detail), and here is my plan to get them there." (Detailed Plan Presented) All of that would still have to be verified by the listener but at least you would have something to verify, so you can test the integrity of your leaders, instead of trusting their very political "Generalized Hope Statements That Just Sound Good" knowing that they have no plan behind those empty political words (False Realities) to make them happen.  This would be true and honest leadership but Powerticians are coached to just "sound good" during election years and press conferences to hustle people.  Politics has degenerated to "The science of deceptive language manipulation" because they actually test "phrases and keywords" to determine their effectiveness on the masses.  Herman Cain was not a Politician at all and therefore he was a serious threat to Satan's Governmental System Of Evil Manipulation Of The Masses.  Watch how much blame Barack Obama accepts for America's problems. (very, very little or none at all) "By their fruit you will recognize them."

The Demoncrats always appeal to "the laziness of the flesh" and they politically instill a "false sense of entitlement to others people's earned wealth" in people by proposing to make life "Fair" by spreading the wealth around through the power to Tax Progressively of the Demon controlled government.  (The more you make the bigger the percentage of your earned money they take.) This is another very huge lying Satanic hustle because remember first of all, Satan's insane ass doesn't think it was "Fairfor God to rule His own universe, and he always lies when he proposes to make life "Fair" or "More Fair" through the lying politicians because Ecclesiastes 9:11 tells us that life is not supposed to be fair, ". . . but time and chance happen to them all."  Who is gonna make their naturally lazy flesh go through all the trouble, stress, and sacrifice of starting a business just to earn an average salary?  That's very crazy from a secular business world standpoint but it would be very noble from a spiritual standpoint.  So if you define Rich People as "those who control very large sums of money" then you will either let the Rich People--Business People--who actually earned the money control most of it or you will let the other Very, Very, Extremely Rich People--Government--who didn't earn the money control it through taxes and spending.  We have learned The Universal Principle Of Life very well which states that, "You treasure and take care of things much more when you have to work for them."

Government specializes in wasting tax payer's money big time because they take it for granted.  Government Officials have this mentality about Budgets: "We have to find a way to spend all of our budget so they won't cut it." This fear of a loss is the hidden delusional laziness of the flesh not wanting to be forced to work smarter/efficiently.  Businesses have to stay on the cutting edge, with training and technology, to satisfy customers and stay in business--the stress of "staying alive"--in a constantly changing competitive environment; they have to perform to stay in business in the real business world because efficiency produces profits for the business owners and stock holders while government officials take the tax payer's money for granted and are extraordinarily wasteful with a very long tradition of budget deficits that they don't feel the least bit guilty about (Comfort Zone/Tradition/Custom/Norm) because their is nothing noble in our naturally lazy flesh that is evil, like Jesus Christ said, and it has no business ruling/leading.  We are naturally driven to benefit our self (Businesses/Commissions/Incentives) and we are not naturally driven to serve or benefit others (Hourly Wage--do the minimum/Government).  So the government inefficiency comes from basically not being watched and having the power to vote yourself a pay raise while deluding yourself into thinking that you are providing a "vital and necessary service for the good of the people." -- People Of The Lie   

Every time that government proposes to spend money to "stimulate the economy," they are lying and hustling people with an expansion of government because: Government does not create Private Sector jobs!  They never have and never will.  (Evil is empowered by Ignorance -- N. What people don't know but should know because of it's importance.) They only create more government jobs and regulation of businesses which kill jobs.  With our current high unemployment levels, much less payroll tax is being collected so our government should drastically cut spending to reduce the deficit--if they cared--but The Obama Administration is doing the exact opposite which accelerates the deficit increase.  Politicians have mastered the art of "not giving a definitive answer to a question" because they are always trying to stay in power so they try not to commit to any position on an issue (sit on the fence) which leave their options open to change their stance and look like they know what they are doing.  It's called double talk - n. empty, deceptive, ambiguous talk esp. by politicians.  A clear example of The Demoncratic Stay In Power Play was in 2010, when they controlled all three branches of government, but they refused to pass a budget for 2011 (with a lying excuse) because they feared that their very massive increases in proposed spending would result in them losing control of both houses by very wide margins in the 2010 Congressional elections.  The Kill The Dollar spending mentality--of money we don't have--has gotten so bad in Washington D.C. that this is how Demoncrats now define A Budget Cut--"a reduction in the amount of a proposed spending increase." So a smaller spending increase is now considered a cut because spending increases are considered as automatic; this is a very BIG LIE when it is reported to people as such.  The Budget is supposed to be a financial limit on the power of our government to influence our lives.  And with power being insidiously addictive, all the overspending is a result of Politicians being addicted to power which causes them to "do what is popular," in a very corrupt system to stay in power, instead of doing "what is right and best for the people in the future." So concerning our very fleshly corrupt Powerticians, the rational ideology should be Conservative which states that, (since the Temptation To Abuse Power is so great) The Government should be as small as possible which should cause minimal damage to the economy and well being of a country.  The Republican Party is the political party that represents Conservatives and there is no "True Conservative Party," just a party that represents them.  Evil always invades its enemy and the fact the we have had many RINO's--Republicans IName Only--who are just undercover Demoncrats is evidence of this warfare tactic.  Satan has succeded in infiltrating these lying bastards a long time ago and all Republicans are RINO's; they are just undercover Demoncrats.  Republicans overspend just as much, or more, of the taxpayer's money as the Demoncrats which is how they lost all three branches in 2008 to them in the first place.  This is another example of evil working on both sides of all issues as a team.  Satan is a very serious infiltrator and counterfiter so we must always "Test Everything!"(1 Thessalonians 5:21) by always asking questions.  So politically our choices are 1) A Citizen Of The Kingdom, 2) any other Political Party (besides Republicans or Demoncrats), or 3) the worst case scenario, an Independent.  If you think this is too radical of a political change then imagine the results of the same old same old, "business as usual," The Demoncrats blaming The Republicans and vice versa, status quo that we've had for decades:

The Dollar Crashes and America goes Bankrupt.  If we had good governmental Leadership a long time ago, we wouldn't be dependent on foreign oil, foreign food,"Made In China," or anything else.  What will happen to our Very Severely Oil Dependent way of life when a gallon of gas costs $3,000 or more?  How can you deploy The World Strongest Military without any money to support them? (It's being deployed way too much.) We manufacture very, very little in America and are completely dependent on other countries for almost everything making The Dollar Currency Exchange Extremely Vital to our survival.  We are not independent at all because we also have A Very Humongous Trade Deficit with the rest of the world.  So we would go from being The World's Only Super Power to A Third World Nation in A New World Order because of Satan's hatred of "In God/Love We Trust." That's way the fuck too radical of a terrible change!!!  So with A Congressional Disapproval Rating Of 85%, our time as Citizens Of The Kingdom has come.

("Niggas are in a state of emergency . . . so sign Your Death Certificate.")
Calling all Angels!!!!
Calling all Warriors!!!!
We really, really, have got to
Dump All Of Those Demon
 Influenced Lying Politician 
Bastards!!! Herman Cain
is the only Non-Politician
who is campaigning 
for The President
of The United
States Of

That shit looks like the tip of An Arrow because we fully intended to MAKE THAT SHIT HAPPEN FOR SURE!!!  Herman Cain is a very honest, practical, down-to-earth, straight forward, and highly educated businessman with a proven track record of turning companies around and creating jobs because he knows how to get The Right People focused on The Right Problem.  He has stated very early on in the Republican Presidential Debates that, "You will learn this about Herman Cain that if I don't know the answer to a question, then I'll tell you I don't know the answer and I will get back to you when I do find out the answer." That is some very much needed honesty which we really need in the government to get to the reality of the situation and clear out all of the lying Demon influenced corruption.  We learned from listening to his radio talk show that the Demoncrats S.I.N. when you try to debate the issues with them which means they

S = Shift the Subject which is trying to Distract you from the real issue. 
I  = Ignore the Facts which means they will not listen to Reason.
Name Calling which means they try to make you Emotionally upset so you will not Reason correctly.

These are some of Satan's very real Demonic Tactics in Spiritual Warfare because like we've said before, evil will not listen to reason because it knows that The Truth is good for us.  We call them Demoncrats because their Political Ideology of using the power of the government to force "Wealth Redistribution" with a very complicated, very expensive, constantly changing, and Dollar Killing Progressive Taxation System using the IRS is just a straight scam and co-operation with evil.  God is The Creator of Free Will and He tells us that life in the flesh is not supposed to be fair in Ecclesiastes 9:11.  But the Demoncrats in co-operation with Satan think "they know better than God" and "can make Life That He Created" more "Fair" by using Lying Political People Of The Flesh to manipulate people with the power of Demon Controlled Governments.  If you think that you should have the right to "take someones earned money and give it to someone who has not worked for it" by using the force of government through your power to vote, then you are very pridefully putting your will above God and stating that you know better than His Judgement just like Satan did when he tried to overthrow God with the help of his Demons.  This very evil attitude makes them very accurately called Demoncrats who demonize the rich to hustle the poor and middle class.  The lying spirits--Demons--in the Demoncrats are always gonna come up with all kinds of lying excuses to hide the truth that their behind the scenes Tax and Spend Liberalism, with other people's money, is an attempt to Kill The Dollar by collapsing the system.  You can forget A Mandatory Balanced Budget Amendment, Entitlement Reform, Border Control, Simplified Tax Code, Efficient/Effective/Cutting Edge/Run-Like-A-Business Government, etc., etc. because the Demoncrats are truthfully trying to Collapse The Global Economic System to create A World Government in A New World Order by Killing The Dollar.  Like we said in Post #8, "Satan always wants to centralize power into fewer and fewer people through the authorities and governments so he can eventually control the whole world through one person.We are just exposing these Evil Spirit Demonic Bastards and showing you what is really going on behind the scenes.  This is just Freedom Of Speech which they--Evil Spirits--have been attacking through Demoncrats as well for a very long time.

Herman Cain is also a Cancer Survivor and believes that God saved his life for a reason.  He said that he would not still be here under Obama's Healthcare Plan, he would have died of cancer, so he prayerfully considered a run for the Presidency.  He doesn't even know that we are working for him in this blog--yet-- which is an example of the forces of good working together as well.  Do you remember the promises of "Hope, Change, and Unprecedented Governmental Transparency?" Everybody really, really wanted and needed jobs in a better economy from the 2009 beginning but the focus was on passing a very long and impossible to understand Healthcare Plan at all costs, without reading it, very late on a Sunday night using political strong arm tactics until it was passed.  That was some scary change (A Forced Through Bill) and transparency. (Backroom Deals)  Evil always has to disguise itself as good while perpetrating a straight hustle.  The Speaker Of The House at the time, Nancy Pelosi, had the audacity to say, "We need to pass it so you can see what's in it." But once you pass it, you get to feel the effects of what's in it.  Many business immediately had to drop coverage because it was just a hidden government takeover of our healthcare system that makes up about 17% of our economy.  If they wanted you to see what's in it, they wouldn't have been in such a rush and given us plenty of time to read it before the vote.  It was rushed to take advantage of Obama Mania that had swept the country; he was very, very popular and could do no wrong back then.  Man please!!! This is like saying, "Sign this contract so I can tell you what you have signed." Change we can believe in was actually change for evil to deceive in.  If "they" really cared about the U.S. Economy, "they" would have rationally made small, very careful, and gradual changes to the healthcare system while closely monitoring the effects of the changes to avoid destroying the economy.  But since "their" goal is to destroy our economy, "they" inspired the Unread, Hidden In Extremely Complicated Language, Very Massive, Supposedly Good For Us, Forced To Pass Immediately, Evil Disguised As Good, Healthcare Bill.  Now that its time for re-election to stay in power we have a second "Jobs" bill that the government can't create in the private sector.  If government could just pass a bill to create jobs, then we would would always have very low or no unemployment.  Evil just exploits the Ignorance that it fosters through Dependency on a very poor Information Distribution Systems which is just a straight hustle.  You can read more about Herman Cain: Click here for A True Conservative Use Of Governmental Power

(We are intentionally leaving this section like we originally wrote it and that fact that "The Powers That Be" very intentionally lied on Herman Cain to shut down his campaign is very positive proof that: In Spiritual Warfare you defend against the biggest threats.  When Satan wants us to avoid something, it bears witness that it is something good for us.  Evil is threatened by and scared of good and Herman Cain is the biggest threat to The Very Evil Political Establishment.)

And the moral of this story is, like Prince said in the song "The Everlasting Now"
"I knew this dude, he was very cool, he used 2 rule, until he went 2 school.
Not a normal school, that breeds a fool, but the one that teaches, men aren't fit 2 rule."

True Riches
Matthew 6:20 "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. (21) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
James 3:16 "For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
James 4:3 "When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures."

So the most insidious Satanic hustle is the lack of Spiritual Understanding / Wisdom being taught in the religious churches.  The big hustle is to keep people from experiencing the true love of God which will inspire them to focus on what is really important in life and really, really take care of each other so they won't need to depend on Businesses and Government Social Programs to supply their needs.  Once you shut down access to The True Love Of God you can seriously manipulate people with Governmental Politics Of Fear, which fosters Dependency on Government, Businesses, and Jobs in The Global Economy; then you can stir up Class Warfare and Chaos by manipulating  the masses through the mass media.  This False Reality World that is filled with Fleshly People Of The Lie is a straight hustle scam by A Global Control Freak.

We are born in this fleshly Body Of Death with a law of sinful evil (Romans 7:14-24) that is designed to take us back to the ground from which we are made of. (Death) We also have A Spirit in us (Job 32:8) and we all are given A Measure Of Faith (Romans 12:3) that we can nurture for our Spiritual Growth. (Life) These two are in conflict with each other (Galatians 5:17) and you will either feed one or the other (Galatians 6:8) because you can't feed both at the same time.  Its like a Teeter-Totter/See Saw, when one side goes up the other side must go down.  It all comes down to our Attitude/Mind's Eye/Spiritual Vision that is stated in Matthew 6:22

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. (23) But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

Evil works with our flesh to shut down our Attitude/Mind's Eye/Spiritual Vision (our Third Eye) to only think about ourselves at a particular moment which causes severe dysfunction in a system.  The flesh is incapable of exercising the discipline of Delaying Gratification for a better future, which is required by The Spirit Of Love that always thinks about the big picture, it only lives for the moment.  Too much Pride and Selfishness causes the mind to start reasoning incorrectly, and since we do not change things we are proud of, we start becoming a law unto our own selfish will and will not listen to the reasoning of others. (Divide/Cutoff) This means Evil Demonic influences have moved in attacking the mind with a very negative attitude and evil thoughts.  Destruction is Satan's goal and it can start with the very irrational temporary escape from the constant emotional pain of your problems by taking mind altering drugs that get you "Very High." Then you will come down from that High and crash back to the earth with the exact same problems plus a possible drug addiction.  If the negative thoughts are allowed to linger, then the mind becomes depressed which is a Survival Mechanism alerting you that something is very, very wrong with your thought process.  If the depression becomes severe enough, then Evil will eventually win this battle by causing you to commit suicide.  Don't ever become comfortable with the thought of your own physical death because this is exactly where Satan wants you and everyone else.

The above paragraph describes an Egoist - n. a self-centered or selfish person.  The Loving opposite of an Egoist is an Altruist - n. a person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.  This is the secret of true happiness because you can't make someone else feel good without making yourself feel good in the process.  Love/Life is sexy like that.  This is also the True Riches of Life as well because becoming a blessing to someone else causes you to become a blessing to yourself as well.  We remember laughing very hard (when the Lord revealed to us for the first time) at the fact that The Global Economy is A Giant Satanic Hustle Fallacy and The Truth is and always has been that Mankind Is A Global Family, it is just a very extremely dysfunctional family.  With the Compartmentalization Of Information in the brain and people being naturally Creatures Of Habit because of Habitual Thought Patterns, then the mental trap of The Matrix Of Money in people's mind is not funny at all when viewed in this light, its sad.  People are really, really believing in the wrong things something terrible.  And with deceived preachers on YouTube videos "dancing on money at the alter," this behavior unknowingly just really, really reinforces the mental mind trap of addiction to money instead of The Love Of God The (1)Mind/(2)Torso/(3)Below The Waist analogy of the Human Body to The (1)Clouds Of Heaven/(2)The Firmament/(3)The Earth of Nature is true on a spiritual level as well.  This puts our True Riches/Wealth in the Thought Process Of Those Around Us.  Imagine if you lived in a world full of Male And Female "Jesus Christ-like Minded" People; you would be way beyond wealthy.  So investing in your neighbor's mindset,"Treasure In Heaven," is your true wealth.  Also, The Kingdom Of Heaven is the whole planet earth when Jesus Christ returns to establish His Everlasting Kingdom and if you are transformed into A Spiritual Body at this time, you will own everything in A World Without Money and eventually Inherit The Whole Infinite Universe.  This will be your Very True Riches as we get to experience what The Creation is capable of in the hands of The Creator.  The Good Book says

Romans 13:8 "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law."

Michael Jeffrey Jordan is worldwide symbol of excellence--"He is the Michael Jordan of Cooking, Business, Acting, etc."--and he realized, with the help of his great coach, that he had to grow in His Team Leadership Role to win his first championship.  This was the Mental/Spiritual growth of Defeating The Selfishness Of The Flesh because he realized that no matter how great he was, he couldn't win an NBA Championship--Playing A Team Sport--by being a very great Individual Player.  And being The Consummate Warrior that he is--when there is a very strong will to win, An Existing Way will be found or A New Way will be made--he realized that he had to change his Approach To / Way Of Thinking About / Understanding Of Winning A Basketball Game / NBA Championship by "Making Those Around Him On His Team Play Better." He had to switch his mental focus from His Very Great Individual Stats to Winning Team Stats (Team Rebounds, Team Defense, and Team Assists).  We all have to do the same to win A Kingdom Of Heaven Spiritual Warfare Championship.  Our Winning Team Stats are our Community, City, County, State, and National Headlines.
If you have 5 People OF The Flesh Standing In A Circle who can only see themselves and are completely ignorant of everyone else around them, then they would have to be constantly spinning around trying to watch their own backs which will cause them to become dizzy, off balance, very stressed, and confused.  The more Circles Of People the greater the "Stress From The Anxiety Of Attacks By Enemies." This system is The Insanity Of The Selfish Flesh.  Compare this to the same 5 People Of The Spirit Of Love Standing In A Circle who are trained to watch out for others and to completely ignore themselves.  They would be very stable, confident, relaxed, and very happy because of The Multiplication Of Force that Love working through groups of people provides.  Everyone has peripheral vision (side sight) so they all would have Four Pairs Of Eyes watching them at all times.  The bigger the circle the better they are protected and the more Circles Of People the greater the "Peace From The Love And Protection Of Friends." This system is The Rationality Of Love.  Which system are we mostly using?  Note that the The Rationality Of Love starts with at least two people and to completely ignore yourself when you are alone is not wise.  And again, if we give The Under Class a Quality Of Life Index of 10, The Middle Class a 60 and The Upper Class 100, then what will the Quality Of Life Index of One Class Under God be?  At least 1,200 or more.  Its all one big, evil ass, Satanic Hustle that we're gonna counter with A Big, Holy Ass Hustle.  The "Rat Race" of making money should be "The Cat Race" of making Love/Life.

If there is no anger in our hearts,
    then there will be peace in our homes.
But The Flesh can't see The Big Picture.

If there is no fighting in our neighborhoods,
    then there will be peace in our cities.
But The Flesh can't see The Big Picture.

If there is no violence in our counties,
    then there will be peace in our states.
But The Flesh can't see The Big Picture.

If there is no destruction in our regions,
    then there will be Peace In Our Country.
But The Flesh can't see The Big Picture.

If We Trust In Love,
    then there will be Peace In Our World.
But The Flesh can't see The Big Picture.

College Dropout
Proverbs14:12 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."
Proverbs 4:7 "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom
                      And in all your getting, get understanding.(NKJV)
Matthew 6:24 "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. (25) For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. (26) What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" "

OMFG!!! = Oh My Fucking God!!!
If we had not experienced this spiritual journey first hand, we wouldn't have believed that this type of shit was even possible.  Wow!  When we look back at our Very Major Educational System Change it always breaks us down to very humbling Tears Of Joy something terrible.  The Lord knows very well how much we absolutely loved programming computers, using the very analytical mind that He blessed us with.  When a woman grows a baby inside of her womb, by the mysterious and miraculous power of God, that is a very wonderful thing.  But when you program an non-living machine to imitate your own thought process, then you are slowly bringing "a dead machine to life" so to speak on a whole different level.  So when we decided to Seek The Truth starting with The Holy Bible, we reasoned that,"There is nothing good in this civilization that we will not be able to do when Jesus Christ returns and sets up His Everlasting Kingdom on this earth." So we knew we would be able to "Program Computers" later on this earth and we decided to put our career on hold to seek the Lord's will for our life.  We had no idea how extremely amazing God really is at that time and that He would eventually use us to "Re-Program Super Computers" from our selfish fleshly thinking that leads to Death to unselfish Spiritual thinking that leads to Everlasting Life.  Talking about some Very Very Amazing, Beyond Wonderful, Grace--Man please!!!

That shit was more like The Mental Trap Of The Global Economic System Dropout and Knowledge Of The Truth Educational System Drop In, and a very serious blessing in disguise.  Since we were born again at age twelve, that was just The Holy Spirit leading us back to God and there is no telling what we would have been doing in The Artificial Intelligence Industry.  Although we were no where near the person we are today, we were thinking back then that by "putting people out of work," we would force society to have to confront the very serious social issues that Advanced Technologies will eventually cause.  Which is what they are doing today anyway because our technological advances are mostly being selfishly applied towards our own destruction or to keep us very distracted from truly loving each other.  Everything is becoming more advanced except the way we relate to each other, which is slowly deteriorating, and this gives us The Illusion Of Progress Being Made.  But how we relate to each other is the most important thing there is in life and this is God's function, to govern all human relationships because, God is The Holy Spirit Of Love and He is supposed to be "In The Air Between All Of Us."  Reconciliation And Forgiveness is required to heal our selfish fleshly human hearts which will free our minds to love each other and this is what Matthew 15:23-26Chapter 18The Four Gospels Announcing The Kingdom Of Heaven, and what The Community Building Phenomenon is all about.  Reconciliation And Forgiveness with The Intent To Help People will automatically bring God to the situation. (Matthew 18:20)

The Power Of The Written Word
2 Thessalonians 3:17 "I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand, which is the distinguishing mark in all my letters. This is how I write."

God engineered The Human Mind so well that we don't realize the marvelous capacity of our minds to process ideas, thoughts, and words which paints a mental picture/vision of things.  Talking/Communicating is just as natural as breathing for us.  Using a very conservative estimate, there are approximately 250,000 words in the English Language. (some estimate over a million) Multiplying that conservative number by itself you get 62 billion, 500 million possible two word sentences. (62,500,000,000) Very many of those words have multiple meanings so the number of different ideas those two words can express is even much greater than that number.  We are just talking about using a very conservative estimate of a two word idea and with most sentences using more than ten words, our thought possibilities become endless very quickly without us realizing what is going on.  Thousands of words are added to The English Language every year.  The General Explanations at the beginning of the Oxford English Dictionary states

"The Vocabulary of a widely diffused and highly cultivated Living Language is not a fixed quantity circumscribed by definite limits... there is absolutely no defining line in any direction: the circle of the English language has a well-defined centre but no discernible circumference."

and John 6:63 states "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life." His spoken words, which are symbols of ideas, are spirit and they are life.  The words Jesus Christ spoke are from and make up The Spirit Of Love which is The Light Of Men and Life because John 1:4 says, "In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.So, reasoning from the scriptures, ideas must be some kind of living energy that come from the Invisible Spirit World.  It is all about communication and The Positive Good Spirit Of Love/Light/Life is battling The Negative Evil Spirit Of Hate/Darkness/Death in The Physical World Of An Idea Energy Matrix.  So effective communication enlightens and brings the hope of love, positive feelings which energizes us while not communicating keeps people in the dark, isolated, and anxious causing negative emotions that saps our energy.  So the flesh, being naturally flawed, is on the side of evil by default.  Love, Humor, and Positive Words have a positive affect on our Spirit/Mind/Emotional Energy as in 
Proverbs 12:18 "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Proverbs 12:25 "An anxious heart weighs a man down,
but a kind word cheers him up."
Proverbs 15:13 "A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit."

Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

And this must also be true for Negative Words and there negative affect on our Spirit/Mind/Emotional Energy.  Therefore your Testimony/Written Word/Character must be your Spirit/Covenant With God/Essence because The Lord Jesus Christ is The Word Of God and He said in John 21:22  
   "Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me." (23) Because of this, the rumor spread among the brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?"
(24) This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true."

So The Disciple John will remain alive until Jesus Christ returns by the power of his Written Testimony/Recorded Voice/Spiritual Essence in The Holy Bible.  So by writing down his testimony, John The Disciple became a "ministering spirit" like the angels (Hebrews 1:14) and "his voice speaks to us" from his written account of his life events on the pages of The Holy Bible.  This is what makes the written word such a superior medium because writing a thought down immediately puts it into a form of long term memory.  Spoken words remain in the air for very small fractions of time and will remain in the mind very temporarily unless they are reviewed--if they where even listened to in the first place.  Spoken words are the primary wisdom distribution system of Sunday Sermons and this needs to changed to The Written Word.  The written word is a permanently recorded voice that speaks to the reader every time they look at the word on a page with the ability to read.  You can't look at a word without reading/hearing it because it automatically speaks to you.  This is what makes reading books so valuable in Spiritual Warfare.  To collect information from the actual people, you have to be in their presence to hear them speak or use some form of live communication and this would have to happen during their life time and the accuracy of the information would be dependent on the accuracy of their memory.  But if everything was written down immediately by people, then you would just have to collect the written testimonies which would be much more accurate and would transcend space and time.  So writing down our positive thoughts/ideas immediately adds something good to Our Collective Human Knowledge Base because our minds can wonder and get lost very quickly in The Infinite Universe Of Thoughts/Ideas aka The Spirit World.  By The Power Of The Written Word, we can bring the Unseen Thoughts/Ideas of The Spirit World into the Seen Thoughts/Ideas of The Physical World in the form of A Written Word or A Drawing.  This is how "thoughts become things" once they are added to Our Collective Long Term Human Memory Of Written Words/Drawings which we can focus our eyes on visually/mentally (capturing the idea) until we make them happen.

We can get living a very joyous and peaceful life down to a science through The Power Of The Written Word combined with The Multiplication Of Force that The Holy Spirit Of Love provides by commanding us to work unselfishly--UnFleshly--together as one in groups and spiritually integrating all of our wisdom.  All we have to do is just train each other to unselfishly share everything which will change our culture to a culture of God/Love.  As we help train each other how to Discern Good From Evil and also unselfishly Spread The Good Thoughts/Ideas Of Love to each other with A Righteous Sexual Edification Ministry, we will be bringing The Unseen Kingdom Of Heaven to The Seen Kingdom Of Earth.  This is just more Collective Functionality on a grand scale.  So by The Grace Of God, we get to change this very fucked up world by "Righteously Fucking Our Way Into A Better World" which is some very glorious shit.  So by these very major improvements to Our Wisdom Distribution System we get to enjoy, improve, and protect life much better--doing all three at the same time.

1) The Heaven On Earth Baptism -- This has evolved in this post by taking the WE of The Body Of Christ/Holy Spirit Reference to an even higher level which allows us to function mentally and physically on earth like the angels in heaven.  By losing your name--The Death Of The Self--inside The Kingdom/Body Of Christ and becoming A Ministering Spirit/Scripture From The Holy Bible, you are essentially becoming like our Lord Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit Of Love aka The Word Of God, who became flesh and made His dwelling among us.  Our Lord Jesus Christ was A Holy Ministering Spirit Of Love who came to us in the form of Immaculately Conceived Human Flesh so we wouldn't be scared of Him. (John 1:14) The Spiritual Words / Holy Scriptures / Wisdom / Testimony in Him that he spoke as recorded in The Holy Bible must form some kind of Light Energy Of Love (John 1:4-5) that we can't see with our natural eyes; this light can only be seen with revealed Spiritual Vision into The Spiritual Universe by God.  Revealed Spiritual Vision can happen figuratively as in Our Mental Vision / Mental Awareness / Conscious Mind being made aware of knowledge that we were formerly unaware of because we lived in our Subconscious Mind like in Genesis 3:7 or being made aware of previously unknown knowledge like in Genesis 21:19 which is called a revelation; this can also happen literally as well allowing our eyes to actually see into the normally Unseen Spirit World that we are surrounded by as in Numbers 22:31 and 2 Kings 6:17.  So by combining these verses you have 

John 1:4 "In Him was life, and that life was the light of men."

John 6:63 "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life."

Matthew 6:22 "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. (23) But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

In The Holy Bible, Light is a symbol of Spiritual Wisdom and Darkness is a symbol of our natural, Body Of Death, Fleshly Ignorance.  Your Spirit / Character / Worldview Attitude / Life Testimony is the only thing that will survive after your death for The Day Of Judgement.  So by Enlightening each other through The Real Holy Communion Ministry, The Body Of Christ will be Sexually Edifying each other to become more Christ-like by adding more Love/Light to each other.  The Kingdom Of Heaven is a very "Erotic City." We will be Spiritual and Physical blessings to each other and this will allow us to thoroughly enjoy life and all of God's Very Wonderful Creativity something serious.  Talking about really enjoying "God's pleasing and perfect will" and living "A Purpose Driven Life."  Nigga what?  This is a very serious Death Of Ignorance and people are gonna be like, "Man fuck that sleep shit! I got things to do for the Lord!"  And you really, really got to absolutely love this redefinition something serious.  OMFG!!!

1 John 4:16-18

(16) "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
    God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.

(17) In this way, love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like Him. (18) There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

Nigga what? That Evil-Son-Of-A-Bitch aint got a damn chance in hell or on earth because we gonna be slinging Righteous Sperm And Pussy Juice all over this motherfucker!  This will be The Life Force/Our Very Strong Will To Live expressing itself something serious.  Man please!!!

2) Free Wisdom Distribution -- Our Scripture Name will be the basis of our New And Improved Ministry and since we now understand The Power Of The Written Word, we just have to Collectively move the Wisdom off the pages and into people's minds.  Since everything is much better in groups, all we have to do is form Nonfictional Spiritual Book Clubs and collectively decide on A Ministry Action Plan For Moving The Wisdom from the pages to The Body Of Christ.  We can get very, very creative with our ministries and share teaching techniques.  Our individual and group ministries will evolve and it probably will not feel like we are learning anything because The Experience will be so enjoyable, but we will always be edifying each other by leaving A Very Positive And Memorable Experience/Testimony Of Love where ever we go.  When you have a Wonderful Encounter with someone and you both exchange or reinforce Wisdom with each other, then the world has become a little better place because of your Holy Actions.  We will enjoy having some very deep, very interesting, and very stimulating discussion about life, wisdom, love, and our New Ministries with lots of laughter and excitement.  Intelligence and Humor are very closely related and men and women love both of these qualities in each other.  So Kingdom Son's just remember Our Manifesto and truly devote yourself to edifying Those Very Blessed Curves and you will Experience First Hand how much Our Creator Truly Loves Us.  Just imagine how very wonderful they will make life for us when A Daughter Of The Kingdom has it like this everyday

"All four of these very sweet, very sexy, and handsome guys walking with me are Sons Of The Kingdom."
"The one walking in front of me matches my shoes."
"The one behind me matches my outfit."
"The one on my left goes well with this banging hair style."
"The one on my right is my husband who matches everything."
"They always protect me, take great care of me in every way, and won't let me pay for anything."
"They are always referring other Kingdom Sons to me who would absolutely love to do the same for me.  God Is Way The Fuck Awesome!"

3)  A Collective Spiritual Notebook -- This is by far the best legacy we can leave future generations.  This begins to bring the Love/Relationships side of life up to the Scientific/Technology level of functionality by building on spiritual principle that have already been learned.  

Ecclesiastes 1:11 "No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them."

This is because, throughout the generations, people have not been overcoming the natural selfishness of the Live-For-The-Moment Flesh as individuals and as collective groups.  This only happens at Stage Four.

Fire In The Mind and Inspired Writers
Job 32:8 "But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding."
Romans 8:14 "because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God."
1 Corinthians 2:11 "For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God."

We were only working part time in 1990 and had been desperately seeking God's will for our life by reading 7 chapters of The Old Testament and 7 chapters of The New Testament per day, along with other books.  When we were born again at age 12, we noticed a big increase in our intelligence--we graduated High School with honors--but we still didn't like to read at all.  That changed big time when we were saved and Anointed in 1990 after dropping out of college.  We didn't know that we were being guided by The Holy Spirit in our selection of books at that time.  When the Lord gave us our assignment, we were stunned and we immediately realized that we could not do it on our own or by our own power.  So we knew WHAT God was going to do through us but we didn't know HOW He was going to do it at all.  As you can see from this blog and The Holy Bible, God is always full of very wonderful surprises (1 Corinthians 2:9) and most of the things in this post are brand new to us as well.  So during our first writing in September of 2009, we had no idea that God had placed His Fire In Our Mind that we feel so we can write for Him.  The mental vision evolved into "Who Do you Love?" over a three day period from the habit we had developed of "constantly meditating on ways to help people" (Philippians 4:8) which was God/Love doing His thing in us and through us. (Philippians 2:13) The Lord just had us sharing our Knowledge from some of the reading we had done and integrating it into The Big Picture of the new Wisdom/Understanding of Global Spiritual Warfare that He had revealed to us as we wrote it.  This is just another example of God being with A Child Of Israel in The Form Of Fire on our Spiritual Journey through knowledge/understanding and leading us out of The Mental Slavery/Bondage of Money In The Global Economy just like He was with The Children Of Israel on their Physical Journey out of The Physical Bondage of Slave Labor in Egypt in The Form Of Fire.  (see The Book Of Exodus) By writing down The Thoughts given to us by The Fire In Our Mind--A Light Source, we are actually transferring The Light In Our Mind to a Free Public Forum for others to read.  Positive Communication / The Transfer Of Truth is The Transfer Of Light and Spiritual Enlightenment and Negative Communication / The Transfer Of Lies is The Transfer of Darkness and Spiritual Deception.  No Communication at all is also Spiritual Darkness.  The act of putting Positive Communication/Testimony (Light) on a Free Public Forum by The Spirit Of Truth in us is a method of Transferring Light from one mind to many other minds to enlighten the world because "The eye is the lamp of the body." (Matthew 6:22)

Colossians 1:12 "giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light(13) For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves,

From "A World Waiting To Be Born" by M. Scott Peck page 73

"There are a number of ways to define sin. "Missing the mark" is the most common one in Judeo-Christian tradition. Disobedience to God or our Higher Power---as we may disobey, reject, a calling---is another.  But the most useful definition for me is that of the mystical author Charles Williams. A central thesis of Williams was that we all live in what he called a "Web Of Exchange." Sin, he held, is any blockade of this web, anything that unnecessarily prevents exchanges from being made." (Barriers To Communication--aka Demons)

This Web Of Exchange is also what we referred to as The Collective Intercourse Of Communication in Post #9.  Human beings are very "Social Creatures" by nature and when we are happy and in good spirits, we freely and joyfully communicate our experiences, knowledge, wisdom, and love with laughter as we seriously vibe with each other in a party-like atmosphere.  Satan wants to kill "The Testimony Of Our Life/Our Spirit Inside Of Us" by either physically killing us (with war, violence, or suicide) or by "killing our spirit" which destroys our liveliness and causes us "to avoid or be very quite in social situations." These type of people are "dead inside" and walk around like robots with no personality.  So evil always wants to protect its cancer like affect on society by causing people to: 1) Avoid Contact / Communication 2) Be very Quite and Not Communicate when in contact with people and 3) If it is finally compelled to communicate, it uses The False Communication Of Lies which still keeps communication from happening.  These three tactics apply to our mental communications with our self as well and this can cause us to not examine our motives and actions and this can eventually lead to a person becoming evil--People Of The Lie

From The Movie "Heat" 1995
Neil McCauley:"How do you get this information?"
Kelso:"It just comes to you. This stuff just flies through the air. You just have to know how to grab it. See, I know how to grab it."

So you might be wondering how does this happen?  Where is This Blog coming from?  God gives us the Ideas and The Overall Outline which is like the skeleton of The Mental Vision / Picture and He gives us the freedom to fill in the details and express the ideas while remaining faithful to the spiritual principles He has taught us.  Sometimes, He also helps us fill in the details as well so it is still a kind of mystery but we just know in our heart what to write as our thoughts about things become more and more clear, because He has given us The Spirit Of Wisdom, and we understand things better from meditating all the time.  We feel The Fire In Our Mind when we are meditating and writing about helping people.  So this is positive proof that some or many of our thoughts come from The Invisible Spirit World.  Everything in The Invisible Spirit World is not good, there is some extreme evil there as well, and when we feel The Fire In Our Mind we know it is very, very good because it is God.  We are always meditating on "Thinking about new ways to help people and do good in the world" which freezes Satan out of our minds. (2 Corinthians 10:5) You can't avoid thinking about something, you just have to think about something else; so you can avoid thinking negative by focusing your mind on something positive.  To avoid thinking about evil, just simply develop the habit of always thinking about good.

So our main problem in this Dark Age is that we are not really overcoming the natural selfishness of the flesh especially in the religions churches where it should really be happening the most.  The most serious problem that The Worship Of Idols causes for us is that, in our minds, it places limits on Our Infinite God who is spiritually everywhere at all times.  By focusing our minds on Forms/Structures (like Money and Church Buildings) we can become mentally trapped into dependency on only one Very Overworked Leader for leadership.  The Spirit Of God/Love takes on no physical form to us and we as groups of people, functioning collectively in Community, should flow like Water and The Wind by being very flexible mentally.  This means we should forget about Titles and Job Descriptions because everyone becomes empowered to do everything like when The Flow Of Leadership moves around in the group during the problem solving discussions of a group in Community.  Titles and Job Descriptions provide an organization with a structure just like our Skeletons give our Physical Body a Form/Structure.  A Community Group Of All Leaders has no Form or Structure like Water and The Wind (A Spirit) and it is Amorphous - N. lacking definite form; having no specific shape; formless. (Spiritual) This is a very radical departure from the normal, selfish, People Of The Flesh way of thinking which we have let go.  It is just like Morpheus said in the movie "The Matrix" 1999--"Free, your, mind."  Our minds have to be freed from this small minded, straight lying, bullshit we are being hustled into living by evil spirits:
Satanic Strongholds
1)  "Being in a very close relationship with only one person at a time."  This is our biggest spiritual problem because this really, really stunts our spiritual growth and our happiness.  Overcoming this stronghold will take care of the rest of the listed strongholds and this one is the key to shutting down a civilization.  The Kingdom Of Heaven Big Picture Truth is "The more the merrier." We all are supposed to be free to enjoy God's creativity with our sexuality.
2)  "As an adult, MY job is to take care of MYself or MY Nuclear Family." (Husband,Wife, and Children) This "Dog Eat Dog" Severely Divided Kingdom is crumbling faster and faster.  The Big Picture Truth is that you are part of the almost Seven Billion people currently inhabiting the planet--The Human Family--and your Whole Family traces all the way back to Adam and Eve and we are all in this together.  Everybody is responsible for everything in A System Of Civilization which makes it A Living Organism.
3)  "Only Teachers are supposed to educate our children." The Government controlled Public Education System is our biggest problem by far.  The scientific based Theory Of Evolution leaves people very clueless about Spiritual Warfare and Maintaining Relationships.  The Teachers Unions make it almost impossible to get rid of bad teachers and Government does nothing on the cutting edge or efficiently like Private Sector Businesses have to do to stay in business.  Our students have to compete in A Global Job Market where companies can hire and relocate people with superior mental academic and professional skills.  The Big Picture Truth is that everyone is a teacher and our culture must change to put an emphasis on setting very high educational standards (Spiritual and Academic) for all of our children that starts with the parents well before they reach kindergarten.
4)  "Only Preachers are supposed to tell us who God is." This is not stated out loud but it is truly believed by many, many people sitting in the pews of the churches.  When a pastor stumbles by some publicly revealed bad behavior, people get very upset at him or her because they are completely dependent on "The Pastor Leading Us To Heaven" so if God doesn't approve The Pastor, then He won't approve us either.  A lot of Pastors have been very distracted by evil spirits to become "Professional Bible Handlers" and if you apply your self to it, you too can create very long and dramatic sermons with very little Spiritual Substance but plenty of entertaining jokes and stories.  This Ego Hustle used to frustrate us in church because it took a very long time for The Pastor to tells us "The Same Theme In A Different Form" and we were not learning anything new--A Spiritual Stall Tactic / Filibuster.  The Big Picture Truth is that everyone is A Minister Of Spiritual Truths in The Kingdom Of Heaven.
5)  "My Education stops when I'm out of High School, College, Church, or Sunday School." Again, this is not stated but really believed by most people.  All you can do down here is live and learn and this is another example of being addicted to Forms/Structures.  The key to The Spiritual Progress of Advancing The Kingdom Of Heaven is waking people up to the fact the we are engaged in A War Of Ideas in A Web Of Exchange with a much more effective Wisdom Distribution System.  The New Big Picture Truth is Live, Learn from your experiences and others, and make sure that we Share as much Useful Information as possible in our World Wide Web Of Exchange.

Writing things down is an attempt to gain understanding of something that you want to place in Our Collective Human Knowledge Base.  You are effectively doing research when you write things down, which allows you to stay focused on them in the long term, while you gather other related information.  This is an attempt to get a better understanding/Wisdom (More Clear Mental Vision) of something. (Research) A good example of people not being able to see A Very Detailed Big Picture mentally is Tracking Our Monthly Spending Habits.  Doing this from memory is currently impossible (unless you don't have steady income) so it is necessary to track our spending by saving receipts and writing down purchases.  Collecting and Organizing this information gives you a Mental Picture/Vision of your monthly spending habits (from Post #1) and then You Can See where your money is going by noting and adding up the different categories.  This can be Charted and Graphed over a yearly time period and you can then Notice Major Trends.  So without tracking (by writing down) your Spending Behavior, there is no way for you To Mentally See Your Habits And Trends so you can Notice or Focus On A Particular Strength or Weakness.  The Big Picture of your Monthly Spending Habits were essentially hidden from your mental vision until your behavior was written down, collected, and organized which REVEALS to you a mental picture of your "Big Picture monthly behavior." This is second nature to Business / Financially Oriented people and it is very strange to many others--but we all have to live with each other.  This same principle apples to our Non-Financial Behavior as well when authors do years of research and collect information about our human behavior, and then through much work with a team, they write and publish a book in an attempt to Increase Our Mental Vision / Understanding / Wisdom about life and How Our Minds Work.  This makes a lot of non-fictional written information a kind of revelation, even keeping a personal daily journal, because it gives you the ability to See/Understand and focus on things that you could not see before about your thought process, your relationships, and human behavior in general.  Some revelations are more important than others though.

We have learned more spiritually from M. Scott Peck than any other Non-Biblical author and our major shift in the direction of our life, that lead us to become a writer, was was very similar to his.  He is always revealing new and very deep spiritual insight about how our minds work and that is why we refer to his writings the most in this blog.  From "A World Waiting To Be Born" by M. Scott Peck pages 90-91:
  "Far and away the most common question I am asked at lectures is, "Dr. Peck, would you give me the formula so that I know that what I am doing is right?" It comes in a thousand different guises: "How do I know when to blame somebody or blame myself?" "How do I know when to intervene with my child and when to leave him alone?" "How can you tell when to get out of a bad marriage or when to keep working on it?" "How do I know when to challenge my boss?" "Just where is the dividing line between being sacrificially loving and masochistic?" "Where do you draw the line between trying to help someone and being codependent?" Note that these are all questions that pertain to issues of civility. And lest it need be endlessly repeated, please remember the answer: "You don't know. You can never know for certain. But just asking the question is likely to bring you much closer to the right track. Only there are no formulas. Every situation is different. Consequently each and every time you will need to ask the question all over again."
    So the guidelines offered for the discernment of revelation are merely guidelines and not formulas to relieve you of having to go through empty desserts of uncertainty. Still, there is a sort of formula for the discernment process in general, although hardly a very consoling one. I have previously written an abbreviated version of it in discussing "the emptiness of not knowing." The unconscious is always on step ahead of the conscious mind in the right direction or the wrong direction. It is therefore impossible to ever know that what you are doing is right, since knowing is a function of consciousness. However, if your will is steadfastly to the good, and if you are willing to suffer fully when the good seems ambiguous (which, to "M. Scott Peck", is about ninety-eight percent of the time), then your unconscious will always be one step ahead of your conscious mind in the right direction. In other words, the Holy Spirit will lead you and you will do the right thing. Only you won't have the luxury of knowing it at the time you're doing it. Indeed, you will do the right thing precisely because you have been willing to forgo that luxury.
    If you are unclear about what this formula means, you might want to consider its opposite and remember that most of the evil in this world---the incivility---is committed by people who are absolutely certain that they know what they're doing."

So you have to "do the right thing" by faith which is what we did when we started writing this blog.  When we started, we didn't understand how selfish the flesh really was, what The Fire In Our Mind was for, The Power Of The Written Word, etc., etc. we just obeyed God's command by faith.  Like little children who live a life that is mostly about playing everyday, we really are better off not knowing a lot of things (Forbidden Fruit/Romans 16:19) and God reveals things to us on a "need to know basis." We think we want to know everything but we really don't because emotionally, we couldn't handle knowing everything at all.  Only God is qualified to be God.  If we would have known what was at stake during Our Third Test by Satan in 1998, we certainly would have passed the fuck out from the stress and pressure.  We were just simply trying to keep our sanity by using The Word Of God.  God really knows what He is doing and it becomes easier to trust Him as you grow spiritually.

The often repeated request for "A Formula to live certain parts of our life by" is our mental laziness expressing itself by not wanting to do the required mental work in all situations, which is what we used to do all the time and are still working on it.  That last part about "people who are absolutely certain that they know what they're doing." applies to The Federal Government, The Religious Churches, and to UnknownFriend7 when we got married with an unknown Superiority Complex.  We had more spiritual problems / issues than we could have ever possibly realized when we got married.  Our most major spiritual break through, that we revealed in Post #7, happened after years of our wife nagging us about "not being fully present in all situations" because we were very incorrectly living by a formula in many situations very arrogantly thinking we had it all figured out.  We finally learned and realized that we had to be fully present and attentive to people in most situations in order to do the required mental work of listening carefully, being observant, and aware during our interactions with people.  Living by A Formula is a deception because very many false assumptions will be made when you do so.  This is a form of becoming mentally stiff but love requires us to stay very flexible like The Wind and Water.  The most common assumption that people often make without realizing it is, "That person has not changed in some regard since the last time I interacted with him/her." This is usually a correct assumption but it can be very wrong when someone grows and makes a personal change because then, they don't have the ability or the time to notify everyone they know about their personal change. We have a very strong craving for reading and studying nonfiction books, and God has given us the ability to understand some very deep spiritual insights about life. (Wisdom) But we can also be Perfectly Stupid And Emotionally Insensitive in some situations where The Correct Emotional Support Or Behavior would come very naturally to the average person--making us some kind of Modified Spiritual Savant or something at times--and instances of this Personal Flaw Manifesting Itself (aka Demon) is becoming very, very rare with our increasing awareness of it.  This is an example of "A Barrier To Communication / Demon" being exposed by "The Light Of Awareness / Enlightenment" to be defeated.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses, no one has a monopoly on God, and we will always need each other very much so.  You might have a hard time believing that "what comes very naturally to you"--your Second Nature--may be very difficult or almost impossible for someone else, but that's just how life is with it's great complexity.

All of our conflicts come from Satanic inspired misunderstandings between people--barriers to communication aka Demons.  Very widely held False Beliefs are called Spiritual Satanic Strongholds, and A Major Advance Into New Spiritual Territory causes a Conflict Of Kingdoms and the birth pangs of growth.  The subtitle of the book "Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy?" by Gary Thomas 2000 must be true because we all were designed to live in The Kingdom Of Heaven which makes us truly very happy. "Opposites Attract" pairs our strengths with the weaknesses of our spouse and vice versa to achieve balance and it fosters spiritual growth which makes both people become much more open, loving, and functional to society.  Satan specializes in using our weaknesses against us and he opposes Major Spiritual Advances so The Conflict Of Kingdoms explains The Kirk Franklin Unholy Music Fiasco and Our Facebook Fiasco As A Couple--N. airing our marital problems on a public forum. (our wife always posted first, we just responded) to those who know us personally.  The Enemy had us thinking the worst about each other and bringing out the worst in each other as well.  Much of our spiritual growth was achieved because, for most of our life, we didn't care about what most People Of The Flesh thought about us because we always stayed focused on pleasing God.  We were too one dimensional and childlike simple in our thought process and didn't understand the Political Dynamics of having a ministry on a public forum like Facebook while being in a marriage that is based on Spiritual Attraction and not Physical Attraction like most marriages.  So while the enemy had our wife "acting up spiritually"--which very severely repelled us--we were "acting up physically" in response to her--which severely repelled and confused her--and we were too ignorantly bold and friendly at times with other women on Facebook that we were attracted to spiritually as well because we were very selfishly thinking from our own point of view of knowing The Truth and not thinking about everyone else's People Of The Lie perspective.  We think this causes a conflict because some or most Level 2 People, who are unknowingly very focused of Forms, might have problems with separating Message (Essence) from Messenger (A Form) which is very Second Nature to us.  Our wife, like most women, is an expert at dealing with these types of dynamics that we are still kind of clueless about.  Oops!

What Ya Bizness Is? . . . . . . . Bodybuilding
Deuteronomy 8:18 "But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today."
From The Song "Good Life" by Kanye West 2007
"And if they hate then let 'em hate
  And watch the money pile up, the good life."

The assault of our understanding of The Holy Bible, The Severe Distraction From The Gospel Of The Kingdom Of Heaven by the Divided Churches, and The Control Of All Governments of the world by "The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of The Air" can be called Satan's Air/Mind Attack.  He also has a Ground Attack as well.  He really has our spiritual/mental health fucked up with wars, terrorism, violence, crime, and Very Deceived And Mostly Unhappy Marriages and he also has our physical health messed up as well with the drug hustling Medical System we described in "Who Do You Love?"  There are many published books on this same subject as well as a lot of other serious Federal Government corruption in other areas.  Satan's Ground Attack extends to The Food and Nutrition Industry as well, and he really has our Mind-Body Connection shut down.

Publishing a book, whether it is Fictional entertainment or Educational Non-Fiction, is mostly an attempt to help people in some way and relative very few books are probably a harmful scam.  When you survive a life threatening experience, despite the Systematic Government Corruption of our Industries, you can really get inspired to help people by exposing and revealing some of the severe evil that is going on.  In "Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About" by Kevin Trudeau 2004, the first chapter is titled "I Should Be Dead By Now."  Death can be a very serious motivator.  Kevin recalls when he had a heart attack, and after a few days of being examined by three of the top heart specialists in America, he was diagnosed with a fatal and incurable deformed heart.  All the doctors could offer him, at 21 years old with a very short life expectancy after this diagnosis, was experimental drugs and risky surgery and both had very little promise.  His strong will to live motivated him to seek the truth in other countries and notice that if his "American Pride" had been too high and he was "pridefully absolutely certain" that America had the best Medical System in the worldhe would have died because of his excessive pride; his mind would have become stiff and "closed to new ideas" and therefore he would not have continued to seek and thus he would not have found.  He found a cure because he was still "humbly open to new ideas."  His condition ended up being diagnosed in only a few minutes by a doctor with an Energy Detecting Machine in another country.  This was the doctor's response when Kevin told him that he understands that his condition is incurable:

"Yes, in America it's incurable, but there are natural treatments in other countries that can reverse this problem in a matter of weeks. Unfortunately the FDA has not approved these treatments. So, yes, in America it is incurable."

He was cured over 27 years ago with an all natural, inexpensive, painless, and quick treatment that is still illegal in America today.  Here is what happened after he finally convinced the exact same American doctors to re-examine him:

"I was so excited to share with them information about the treatment I had received which had cured my problem. Certainly these doctors would want to know about an all-natural medical treatment that could cure the incurable! Imagine my shock when I was told that the treatment I received could not have cured my disease but, rather, I must have been misdiagnosed in the first place and never had the heart deformity to begin with. I could not believe my ears! These medical doctors would not accept the factsI had a severe mitral valve prolapse—the pictures confirmed it; and now I do not have a severe mitral valve prolapse—the pictures confirm it."

This was his "Welcome to the real world." moment by dropping him out of The Matrix Of Money because evil will not listen to reason.  The American doctors would either have to humbly reevaluate their False Belief and accept his newly revealed truth or very pridefully hold on to their False Belief--that A Severe Mitral Valve Prolapse is incurable--and therefore they must distort reality to fit their false belief which is what they did; (Distorted Reasoning) or they just flat out lied to him if they did believe him to protect their Medical System from the potential loss of profits from a newly discovered cure.  In the book, he goes on to expose the FDA, FTC, Drug Companies, The Media, The Members of Congress, etc. (People Of The Flesh in Power) as being severely corrupted and working together because, as he repeatedly states in the book, it is always about the money. (Control)

Kevin Trudeau and other authors have revealed that our food is hustled big time to make us addicted to it, fat, and unhealthy to make deceived business people more money when it should be left in its Natural Form like God created it to give us the most health benefits.  Fitness and Nutrition expert, Jack LaLane, lived by the simple truth he discovered, "If man made it, don't eat it." and he knew that our overly processed foods (for profits not health) was the source of our many health problems.  The Monsanto Company is the worlds leading producer of Genetically Engineered Seed (GE seed) and it is a very big and Insidious Evil Disguised As Good hustle that is really hurting people all over the world.  Like most things concerning Scientific Medicine, Scientific Food, and The Political Science Of Governing, Satan has mankind very deceived by pridefully thinking that we know what we are doing, although we did not make ourselves, and the truth is that we really don't have a clue about what we are doing and what is really going on.  Satan and his Demons have the major advantages in this Spiritual War of being Invisible, Having Superior Intellect, Being Very Highly OrganizedRuling The Kingdom Of The Air with Evil Thought Inspirations, and Working 24/7 because they don't sleep and this is how Satan makes: Most of the things, in this very deceived world, a hustle.  They have gotten deceiving human beings down to a science and "We are still here!!!" like Morpheus said in The Matrix only because of The Grace Of God.

So by The Grace Of God, we have presented the case for the "everything looks like it is okay" to the natural mind in This Global Matrix Of Money Deception that we are all living in and now it is time to present the resistance.  We will always be here because God loves us and He will never run out of Grace!  The title of a book We saw on a shelf one day sums it up perfectly: "Fear Not Tomorrow, God Is Already There: Trusting Him in Uncertain Times" by Ruth Graham 2009.  Our choice to color The Book Title References in purple at the beginning was just a random choice and not intentional at all but it worked out to have a very deep spiritual significance at the end--and that's "How The Heaven That Happened!" You might have noticed that we have put a period in a lot of places where the average person might have put one or more exclamation points and we think this is because of The Baptism Of Fire and the resulting emotional discipline and control.  This also makes us impartial to personal feelings and we only consider the spiritual aspects of a person or situation.  It could also be from The Calloused Heart that the Lord told us we had developed from our childhood that is still healing.  It could also be a combination of these or something else that we don't know about.  We are not as sure or assuming of some things these days, having grown spiritually throughout this writing process ourselves, which is another example of this Universal Spiritual Truth

"When we help others, or even attempt to help others, we are really helping ourselves directly or indirectly." Love is sexy like that.

This is because we are all connected some how in this World Wide Web Of Exchange and we feed off each others spiritual energy.  Everyone has a conscience and when you continue to do things for people, without expecting anything in return except a little gratitude, people will know in their hearts that they "owe you" and will eagerly wait for an opportunity to help you in some way and return the favor without you having to ask them.  This is how we function under normal conditions and evil pride can distort our reasoning process and mess this system up by making people think that the world "automatically owes them something" (a sense of entitlement) which is just an irrational excuse to get angry and they will always blame the system or other people instead of taking responsibility for themselves by adjusting their Thought Process/Attitude.  They will not be humbly grateful or show gratitude because of their excess pride and a sense of entitlement so they don't think they "owe anyone anything" even after someone has done very many things for them.  A negative attitude like this is just a set up by Satan to keep the person angry and frustrated so his Demons can move in on the negative emotions.  Our naturally evil flesh can not See/Understand this and it will irrationally and selfishly "live for the moment" and treat someone very terribly--because of unknown and unresolved internal issues--which helps create a "Dog Eat Dog" culture; and then it will irrationally have the audacity to get very angry when it is straight shitted on by someone else because that person has been trained by the What Goes Around Comes Around Culture that The Flesh--that can't see the big picture--has help to create.  That's some spiritually blind crazy shit.  People Of The Flesh in Satan's Airways are People Of The Lie.

But there is a spirit in man that can connect to Our Creator who sees everything in The Big Picture.  So in an attempt to help our financially struggling and very, very sweet female cousin, the Lord lead us to A Company that has been specializing in Health, Nutrition, and Wellness since 1980.  The Founder of the company really wanted to empower and inspire people to change people's lives starting with their own.  This had God written all over it and when we went through the training we quickly saw that The Real Stars in this company are The Products and The Training System the company has developed over time which sets people up for success when they just follow the directions of those who have lovingly prepared The Way for them because they have been there as A Mentor.  This is The Systematic Way of doing things that The Lord has been revealing to us in this blog and the exact same model Our Heavenly Father used when He sent His One And Only Son to mankind in the flesh to show us The Way (Spiritually/Mentally) to The Kingdom Of Heaven and sent The Holy Spirit To Coach/Mentor us after His Son returned to heaven.  This company really has The Physical Health Of The Body, Weight Management (Lose, Gain, or Maintain), and A High Energy Level down to a science.  We realized after our training in the company that the reason the sales of energy drinks are recently growing rapidly is because our food has been robbed of its proper God Given Nutrition because of all the Chemicals and Pesticides used in the Food Industry along with a lack of proper crop rotation has severely robbed the farming soil of its nutrients. (Leviticus 25:2-7)--Deprived soil produces deprived food--Spiritually and Physically--and this applies to The Deceived Churches and The Farming Soil Of Mother Earth.  This is Satan's Ground Attack and God always has something for his evil ass.  Here are some excerpts and quotes from The Company's web site about The Founder

“Introducing balanced nutrition to millions of people in the world is a dream come true for me.”— Mark Hughes, 1956-2000 
Mark Hughes passed away in 2000, but his vision for changing people’s lives – helping people manage their weight, regain their health and find financial prosperity – continues to thrive.

“You can’t stop a good idea from taking hold and spreading.”
The extraordinary vision and commitment that inspired Mark Hughes to found Herbalife began when he was a young man. In 1980, Mark launched Herbalife by working as the first Distributor selling the nutritional products.

As more and more people tried the products and experienced positive results, the business quickly expanded. Mark developed a network of Distributors who shared his vision, were passionate about the products and excited about the business opportunity.

“Through your efforts, people are discovering new worlds of opportunity and an eternal hope for the future.”
Speak with people who met Mark and they will tell you how he motivated them to commit themselves to reach greater heights personally and professionally. He inspired people from all walks of life through his faith in people’s ability to change lives, starting with their own. Mark believed that one person can truly make a difference and that difference is a healthier world.

“I am convinced the future will be brilliant beyond compare.”
In honor of Mark’s pioneering work in weight management and nutrition, Herbalife helped establish the Mark Hughes Cellular & Molecular Nutrition Laboratory at UCLA in 2003, dedicated to nutrition research.

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