Saturday, December 31, 2011


(Post #10  Part 5 of 9)

Emergency 911
1 Corinthians 9:11 "If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?"
John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease."

A partial list of the benefits of Sowing Seeds Of Wisdom:
 1)  The Cure For All Diseases
 2)  No Burning In Hell For Eternity
 3)  A Much Better Understanding Of Spiritual Warfare
 4)  No More Child Molestation, Child Pornography, Child Abuse
 5)  No More Domestic Violence, Rape, Divorce
 6)  No More Social Problems Period (Murder, Gangs, Violence, Drugs, Crime, Racism, etc.)
 7)  No More Teen Pregnancy, Abortions, Marital Unhappiness (very, very good for pre-teens)
 8)  No More Carrying The Burden Of Guilt From Major False Beliefs
 9)  The Truth and The Kingdom Of Heaven Glorious Lifestyle (Much better relationships)
10)  Fulfilling The Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20

From The Movie "Heat":
Charlene Shiherlis: What else are you selling?
Sgt. Drucker: All kinds of shit. But I don't have to sell this and you know it, 'cause this kind of shit here sells itself.

From "A World Waiting To Be Born" by M. Scott Peck 1993 page 250
   "It will be recalled that in chapter 8 the essence of contemplation and contemplative prayer was designated as emptiness. There it was explained that the reason for the contemplative to empty himself was not to have a permanently empty mind but to make room for the new to come in. So I just spoke of Jesus emptying himself of ambition so that he could be, depending upon how you look at it, either full of godly authority or an empty vessel for God's spirit and wisdom. In any case, another moral of the story is the the civil manager must ultimately empty himself of ambition. This is tricky. Those who have a vocation to power are naturally ambitious people. God would not call someone to leadership without giving him at least some taste for power. But before he can assume a position of leadership with full civility, the manager must refine this taste mightily. Defining ambition as the thirst for power for oneself, for one's own sake, he must then strip it away until all that is left is the thirst to be of service to others. Only then will the manager have become a true Servant Leader.
. . . (from page 251)
The point of civility, however, is power for the opportunity to be of service."

In The NKJV of The Holy Bible, the word "selfish" appears in front of the word "ambition" every time.  In the 1984 NIV it is 5 out of 7 times with one of the other two being about Paul's ambition to preach The Gospel of Christ in new areas.  We all our suffering from being surrounded by "Egos that think they know what they are doing" with their God given life (A Failure To Yield) but they are totally deceived by a superior enemy.  When we empty ourselves enough to become very meek, we are actually "Yielding to God's Holy Spirit" by getting our egos out of the way so "The Love Of God" can come through us.  We can't do things for God or towards God to make Him love us more (like Religious Rituals) because His love for us is already infinite.  We just have to get our ego's out of the way to let His love come through us, which will make us a "John DoeVersion Of Love, a "Jane DoeVersion Of Love, and a "What-Ever-Your-Name-IsVersion Of Love.  God has an infinite number of personalities and we would all just be Variations Of The Theme Of God's Love.  Because of the grace of God, we have had the luxury of knowing our life's purpose at an early age and otherwise we are very sure that UnknownFriend7 would have been very caught up in our own personal selfish ambitions something serious.

"Niggas (The Ignorant) are in a state of emergency.  The Death Side, a mirrored image of where we are today:"
A very deceived group of people who don't know Their True Identity in an Invisible Spiritual War Of Thoughts/Ideas; who attend a very confused and divided group of churches that don't know The Truth about Spiritual Warfare or The Kingdom Of Heaven which are the only subject any church anywhere should be preaching/teaching about; this keeps them away from God and their families destroyed.  Since they have no Spiritual, Political, or Economic Power, they are very content with letting A Demon Controlled Government rule over them because basically, they have had very little hope in their institutions.  They are constantly being discouraged from reading, by an unseen enemy, in a war of ideas that can program their minds to be very highly functional Spiritually and Physically.

"The Life Side, a vision of where we need to go.  So sign your Death Certificate:"
Very Spiritually Powerful Citizens Of The Kingdom who are inspired Jesus Freaks who refuse to let anyone rule over them except God!

Since the enemy is addicted to power and ruling "The Powers That Be" of the government, mass media, our institutions, etc. we will launch a counter attack with A Grass Roots People Movement.  The longer this stays out of The Mass Media, the better.  Let God guide you in spreading this message and what ever you do, please don't let your ego entice you to try to free any minds from The Matrix Of Lies And Deceptions yourself, let The Word Of God do it by letting them read this blog themselves.  You can't tell them verbally all the details involved in this message and they wouldn't listen long or well enough to remember all of them anyway.  They need to know where The Truth is and have their own personal copy of it so they can re-read, reference it, and study it to get the ideas into their long term memory.  We have personally tried to tell people The Truth our self years ago but it didn't work because we were "a nobody" and The Truth is too Radically And Shockingly Different from what people already believe so their minds probably will not accept The Truth from you.  Everyone is different and what makes each of us finally believe in The Truth can vary from person to person.  The Lord Jesus Christ made us and He knows how to free our minds.  If a person can't read well enough on their ownthen find someone to help them read it and immediately send them to and work with them so they can learn.  Illiterate people are really being robbed of their full human potential and enjoyment of life.

We will continue to read and focus on The Spirit Dimension of our humanity so our "Special Work" for God has not ended, we are just getting started with this blog.  The Very Great Beauty Of A Kingdom Of Heaven Glorious Lifestyle is that it gives all of us The Gift Of Each Other and it really, really Opens Up The Relationship Market something serious.  We all will have to compete for who we choose to spend our free time with in this Limited Time we have In This Body Of Flesh in The Womb Of Life, and this Changes The Love Game Tremendously.  Open Market Competitions are very good for Companies in Business and Holy Jesus Freak People In The Business Of Love as well.  You will have to keep Your A Game very sharp and Continuously Evolving to Keep Your Addicted-ly Loyal Customers from being stolen by The Competition For Your services.  This is The Way of life that we are supposed to be living and it is A Very Glorious Lifestyle that is brought to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ who showed us The Greatest Love Possible by:

Humbling Himself from being 
A First Order Spiritual Being
in The Holy Trinity Of The God
to being A Third Order Flesh Being
who suffered greatly for our sins and
offered His Body As A Living Sacrifice by  
having His Body Of Flesh totally devastated to
the point of separating His Flesh from His bones
so that we can live with Him forever in Eternity and
offer our bodies as Glorious Living Sacrifices to edify each
other and Maintain His Kingdom while we let His Light Of Love
shine in our hearts so those outside will see it and Glorify His Father.

God is just way the fuck too good and we cried like a motherfucker as we paused and paused while we slowly wrote Those Most Precious Words We Have Ever Seen Printed Anywhere that happened to start out in the Form A Volcano that we completed and it is about to erupt with A Very Serious Passion Of Love!  You fully know the deal with how that shit and this whole blog happened.  Man please!!!  (We knew we were supposed to end this on The Theme Of Passion and this is how God manifested it through us and the idea of "Shaping Words" in this blog was not ours at all.)  Make very the fuck sure that you keep this in mind as you train Spiritually and Physically for The Kingdom Of Heaven Lifestyle.  You have got to know what is coming next and we don't even have to say it.  As rule #1 before anyone does any "Getting Down In The Glory Of The Kingdom Of Heaven Lifestyle Sessions," all those involved are To Verbally Acknowledge This each and every time so that this thought will become as natural to people as breathingmake very the fuck sure that you "Remember The Volcano" and discuss "The Reason For The Lifestyle."  If you live everyday being very focused on The Love Of God / The Word Of God / The Lord Jesus Christthen it will be easy for you to die for The Lord Jesus Christ, if necessary, and stay very focused on His Love which would be a guarantee for you entering real life--Everlasting Life.  Talking about being prepared, instead of "being scared to die in troubled times," you will be "waiting for An Opportunity To Live" and get out of The Womb Of Life into Eternity.  And got dammit

This is by far
our favorite and
the most important point
of this blog!!!

John 7:18 "He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him."

Hebrews 2:14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— (15) and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

1 Corinthians 13:4 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. (5) It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. (6) Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. (7) It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
(8) Love never fails."

If you have forgotten to give your life to The Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as your personal Lord and Savior then make sure you do so now by just praying this simple prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ I believe that You died on the cross for all of my sins that I am asking You for forgiveness of, and I accept You as my Lord and Savior.  Please fill me with a hunger and thirst for Your Love and Wisdom."

Then immediately tell someone that you have been born again (Spiritually) and are saved. ( From the consequences of sin which is death. )  If you have just done this, then welcome to the Family Of God my Brother or Sister in Christ, and I'll see you in ETERNITY!!!  Hallelujah!!!  (Go to "" after you're done with this blog and make sure you read "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren and The Holy Bible (New Testament) immediately.)

The truth is you get to live A Glorious Lifestyle in this womb of life without feeling any guilt and you also get to live forever in a brand new Spiritual Body.  You won't find a better life deal anywhere than this and you really, really have got to be absolutely crazy about The Lord Jesus Christ by now for sure!!!  The best thing you can do for Him to show your appreciation is to bring as many of His Lost Sheep home to this salvation into Everlasting Life just like someone did for you.  Don't pay The Grace Of God back to the person who told you about this, "Pay It Forward" 2000 (A movie starring Kevin Spacey and Haley Joel Osment.) to someone else who doesn't know.

Here is an excerpt from the book the Lord currently has us reading, "Breaking Demonic Strongholds: Defeating the Lies of Satan" by Don Nori Sr. 2010 page 61 and a possible hint about some of the content of our next blog if it is the Lord's will for us to write another one:
     If you cooperate with God, He will clearly show you His will for your life. The moment you say "yes" to Him, God will lead you to your life's most sacred and eternal adventure. It is an adventure that He has dreamed for you from before the beginning of time itself. It will require all your gifts, skills, faith, and determination. But this dream will be the fulfillment of all you have ever desired in this life and the next.
      However you must also understand that if you search for God's will from a selfish perspective, you will not find it. Instead, that selfishness will allow the enemy to put many good-looking road blocks in your way. We all know what these are. The titillate the flesh, feed our pride, and offer the sense of invincibility and power. The trickster tempted Jesus in this way. Even though Jesus always had pure motives, His motives were put through the fire."

Love always protects and here is an example of the enemy's many different tactics.  Just in case you don't understand the difference between "The Lust Of The Flesh" and "The Passion Of The Spirit," the very big difference is between the intent of our motives aka our purpose for our actions.  The Lust Of The Flesh is undisciplined sexuality and it will always go straight for "the penis in the vagina" in seeking to get the maximum pleasure for itself and it comes from the purely evil and selfish ego motive of "pleasing myself right now at all costs at to hell with the big picture and the future." This type of mentality could lead to date rape, an unwanted pregnancy, an abortion, a child raised fatherless, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc..  As this attitude increases intensity, it could lead to a person's mentality becoming increasingly deceived, distorted, and very irrational by becoming a serial rapists, a serial killers, terrorists, Satanic Worshipers, etc..  This undisciplined and very selfish mentality is what caused Satan to rebel against God in the first place and it is very incapable of disciplining itself because it is not concerned with others.  The Passion Of The Spirit is very disciplined sexuality that makes sure that "no child will be conceived out of wedlock." It always respects The Love/Life Force that gives us The Power To Produce Life/Love and "it always thinks about The Big Picture and the future.Sex is a very spiritual form of communion with Divine Love and mastering the technique of Bee-cum-ing "an empty vessel for God's spirit and wisdom" with "the thirst to be of service to othersis the key to becoming An Incredibly Wonderful "International Lover." This is from a book we have had for a very long time that we just know it is time for us to read because we have always loved words and we are just hopelessly addicted to them:
   "Even though human sexual relating is obviously a communion with divine love and creation, all too often in our culture sexual passion has been seen as diametrically opposed to spiritual awakening. The ways of the flesh have been castigated rather than lauded, and subjected to antagonistic attacks by religious leaders.  . . . sexuality in our own culture has been abused as an enemy of Mystic Communion rather that its Intimate Companion.
. . .
We reach the peak of sexual communion when all thoughts, all techniques, all manipulations drop away, and we merge with the universal creative power that lies beyond our individual being.(We did not forget the title. :-)

So there will be more Wisdom to cum if it is the Lord's will for us.  We are learning that Spiritual Discernment--the capacity to connect to, listen to, and obey The Holy Spirit is teachable so more than likely, there is much more to cum.  Another very sinister hustle by the enemy is to use intense, heartfelt passion, to bait "a very love starved" woman into a very abusive relationship.  If there is enough evil in a man, it will use the emotions of an intense romance to lure a woman into a very insidious trap to then very manipulatively cut her off from her family and friends so he can mentally and physically abuse her.  A discerning woman will know the true intent of his heart and avoid such a man or at least instantly detect the warning sign of The Spiritual Warfare Tactic of Cutting Her Off From Her Support System and she will have the discipline to override her emotions with her spiritual judgement no matter how strong his very romantic set up is.  The Closed, One Person At A Time, Relationship Market makes it easy to perpetrate this kind evil fraud and a man may be doing these things to the woman he loves against his will because of "A Demonic Stronghold" is hidden in his spirit that causes him to react to a perceived personal attack--from his impaired judgement because there is a miscommunication going on some where in his mind (Major or Minor)--which causes him to do things against his will so he does them unintentionally.  This is the exact same type of thing that happened to us recently.  One morning during a very calm discussion with our much, much more emotionally stable than she used to be wife--she takes no medication at all, from her recent spiritual growth--when we were very calmly saying emotionally hurtful things to her--very unintentionally--while just "trying to help her understanding of our situation as a married couple."  She said during our very calm conversation"I don't know who I am talking to right now." but we didn't believe there was anything wrong with what we were saying--very emotionally impaired judgement--and that afternoon, when she recalled some of the hurtful things we said to her, we had to apologize again and we realized that "Some Demons are not emotional and violent.  They can be very calm while still being evil." This answers the above question about our lack of emotion issue, which is the biggest problem in our marital relationship, and we definitely have more Spiritual Work and Blog Posts to do because as we learn, we will freely share so you can benefit from our learning.  This goes to show you that you don't have to be "Chosen For A Special Mission" for God to use you, you just have to be very honest and "keep it very real" with a will to help people anyway you can.  Here is the rest of page 61 of "Breaking Demonic Strongholds"
    "Allow the Holy Spirit to check your heart. This is a most difficult task, for it requires complete honesty. No one sees what happens within the secret place of prayer.
      Be honest enough, hungry enough, and principled enough to allow God to tell you things you many not want to hear. If you don't allow God to show you what needs to change, those faults begin to seep through your soul. The discerning will see the real you before anyone else does, and your deception will take hold among those who cannot see the real you. Amidst these dangerous circumstances your fleshly desires will take hold. Many personal kingdoms are built on this sandy ground."

We bought the book considering that statement about all of the churches being a Satanic Stronghold concerning The Truth at the end of Post #9, and we also need it for our self as well.  Life is always full of surprises.  Their is some serious emotional baggage left over from our childhood that we have to deal with.  We have to balance our Spiritual Discernment with our Natural Realm Sensitivity To Emotions because we had been focusing on the first one while completely ignoring the second one,  which impairs our humanity and scares people at times because it is very, very hard for something to hurt us emotionally with our calloused heart or whatever it is.
Satan has really been after UnknownFriend7 and his wife by pitting us against each other before and during Our Facebook Fiasco because we are a really, really are a big threat to his crumbling kingdom of this very deceived world because we are: 1) Two black writers with very Demonically Troubled pasts.  2) We got together based on our spiritual, not physical, attraction.  We fell in love from the inside out.  3) We both agreed that marriage is about Spiritual Growth before we got married and we continually engaged in very deep and spiritual, "Save The World Discussions" as our wife put it, after we got married.  And 4) We still enjoy going to strip clubs together with absolutely no problem on her part which is very remarkable for a woman.  She is honest enough to admit that she is not gay but she likes looking at other women.  The Truth is that being jealous of your spouse looking at another person is a straight hustle evil scam and our wife has never been like that since we have known her.  Our next blog will be a team effort if it is the Lord's will and our wife does not know what is in these last two posts because we can really, really keep a secret.

1 Timothy 3:4 "He (an Overseer or Bishop) must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect. (5) (If anyone does not know how to manage his own familyhow can he take care of God’s church?)"

The crucial and very major revelation in this blog, concerning our sexuality before and during marriage, goes way, way back to the very early Old Testament times which was way before The New Testament was written.  So with our own personal hangups, that causes us to not function very well in our own immediate family, combined with A Conflict Of Kingdoms, because we "knew The Truth," we always thought about things from our own perspective and could not see or manage all the dynamics of The Spiritual Warfare involved in this transition to The Truth by having a published public ministry.  Those who are not spiritually mature enough to know how to separate/discern the Wheat from the Weeds that Jesus Christ spoke of in "The Parable Of The Sower" in Matthew 13:24-30 will fall for the enemies attack on The Messenger so he wants you to automatically disregard The Message because he doesn't want you to develop your Spiritual Discernment so you will just have to rely on your fleshly emotions and feelings, causing Church Politics of the flesh, instead of Spiritual Growth.  As far as we know now, there will always be good mixed with bad until we are all perfected in A New Spiritual Body and you have to do the work of separating the good from the bad yourself--develop your own Spiritual Discernment--and not "just sit in the pews and let a preacher tell you who God is and what He expects from us." This whole civilization is based on A Marital Lie and we have given you ways to Connect To God Directly for yourself in this blog so you will not have to rely or be totally dependent on anyone for your salvation.  We are not trying to "take care of God's church," and through The Phenomenon Of Community, we are encouraging people to "let go and let God" so God can take care of His own church and then people will not have to rely on imperfect men who Satan can set up as targets to deceive people because "It is all good only when it is all God."  Empowering people with knowledge of The Truth and encouraging them to empower others with it is also called "Blessing people to become a blessing" or "Inspiring people to become an inspiration." This is also how a fire spreads, one ember lighting (enlightening) another one until everything is on fire for The Lord Jesus Christ.

(One month break taken from writing right here.)
Red = The Blood Of Jesus
We had another major breakthrough during this post and we are pretty sure that The Lord lets us experience The Impaired Judgement caused by the Demonic Spirits to give us very personal insight into the enemy's tactics like He has done with us in the past.  This one allowed us to gain major understanding in the Male / Female relationship dynamic that we will cover in our next blog that will include "Why men don't listen to women?" in relationships.  Men are being very seriously hustled big time and we'll get into the details later in another blog--this very fucked up Man's World is a straight scam. (Worldwide Sinister Male Superiority Complexes) That Thug, Macho, Mean Masculinity is a set up for failure which lands way too many men in prison, especially black men.  We will not lose our masculinity, it is just way off balance; so once men, especially black men, are free to engage the Feminine Side of their mind and master The Soft Power Of Love that everyone automatically responds very positively to because we were made by Love for Love, then this scam of Spiritual Warfare--including The Battle Of The Sexes--will be over with for sure.  It is already over because God won This Battle from the beginning.  The male ego really, really has this world fucked up and The Age Of Man Ruling Over Man is coming to an end.  The Holy Bible tells us that this will not be pretty at all.  So life is gonna get much better before it gets worse; and then it will get much worse before it gets Way Better For Good.  Whatever happens, as The Lord wills, we will continue to be your Spiritual Head Hunter who is always seeking ways to combat the enemy and improve your life which improves our world and our life as well.  So make sure you subscribe to UnknownFriend7's Facebook page and allow yourself to receive SMS text messages from us in the future because:

We got your Back
your Front
your Left and your Right side.
Your Top, your Bottom
your In and your Outside.
Preparing you to die 4 Him
if They threaten to shoot cha.
We got your Past
your Present
and your Everlasting Future.

Click here to continue

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