Saturday, December 31, 2011


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(Post #9  part 4 of 4)
Peace and Be Wild

Galatians 3:26 "So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, (27) for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. (28) There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

From "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck pg. 257-258
". . . does communication lead to greater or lesser understanding among human beings? If communication improves the quality of the relationship between two or more people, we must judge it from an overall standpoint to be effective.  . . .
      The overall purpose of human communication is--or should be--reconciliation. It should ultimately serve to lower or remove the walls and barriers of misunderstanding that unduly separate us human beings one from another.  . . .
      But the principal purpose of effective communication needs to be borne in mind. If it is not, the communication becomes task-avoiding. When people confronting each other with their differences lose sight of reconciliation, they begin to act as if their purpose in being "together" is merely to fight with each other. The reality, however, is that the proper task of communication is to create love and harmony among us. It is peacemaking.
     The rules of community-making are the rules for effective communication. The essence of what occurs in a community-building workshop, for instance, is that participants learn these rules. Since communication is the bedrock of all human relationships, the principles of community have profound application to any situation in which two or more people are gathered together. Peacemaking and reconciliation--community making--is not just a global matter; it is a matter of concern withing any business, any church, any neighborhood, any family.
(page 238
     There is another test for integrity, which may not be quite so easy to comprehend. If no pieces of reality are missing from the picture, if all the dimensions are integrated and colored in, then in all probability you will be looking at a paradox. At the root of things, virtually all truth is paradoxical."

So like I've said before, men and women are half of a whole being and when we balance and unite the Masculine and Feminine in all of us we become our true Higher Selves.  So the masculine emotional control of "The Purpose Drive Life" by Rick Warren pg. 109 "God often removes our feeling so we won't depend on them. Seeking a feeling, even the feeling of closeness to Christ, is not necessary when we are to obey God even when doing so does not feel right.  And the feminine emotional wisdom from "Healing Your Aloneness" by Margret Paul and Erika Chopich pg. 10 of "It is these feelings that give us accurate information about what makes us happy or unhappy. . . . Wisdom is the accumulation of all our experiences stored as emotion. When you cannot feel what is true, then you cannot utilize your very necessary when you are being invalidated by being put into a Double Bind (From "Nasty People" by Jay Carter) and you can't use your power of reason to get out of it; you have to rely on the wisdom of your emotions to escape the situation because you only know that you feel bad when around a very clever and very evil One Percent Extreme Invalidator.  M. Scott Peck taught in "Further Along The Road Less Traveled" that "there are no easy formulas to live life by that work in all situations" that people used to ask him for all the time because the flesh always just wants to do the minimum amount of mental and physical work. (He died in 2005.) We just have to do the necessary spiritual work of being fully present and alert so you can evaluate every situation in depth by using your judgement.  We need our whole being Higher Self / Masculine And Feminine sides to function properly in all situations.

Time to keep it real and get explicit. While this type of freedom is probably very new to you, mentally and verbally, my mind has been this free for a long time.  It might take you some time to adjust to the new reality of The Truth and the accompanying freedom.  You are now free to "get down like this" verbally and physically when you are ready to enter The Kingdom.  Like Morpheus said,"Free, your, mind!" and only The Lord Jesus Christ--The Word Of God--can do that.  My purpose in this final section of this post is to show you that the same God who revealed all of the previous stuff to me--and all the stuff after this--STILL LOVES US VERY MUCH even when we talk and think very explicitly like this. (Purple Language)  My mind is at great peace knowing this and, by the grace of God, I'm trying to transfer this peace to your mind.  Forgive me if you feel offended or very insulted because of This Explicit Truth; it will probably take some time for your mind to adjust to the new reality.  I have learned that people who have been sexually abused as a child and have not healed from it will probably have a hard time with this section because they are conflicted about their sexuality.  It is impossible to deceive God, you can only deceive yourself and other people--People Of The Lie Most people are still very deceived and still hiding from God, mentally and physically, just like Adam and Eve did in The Garden Of Eden after they disobeyed God.  I'm just trying to show you that this Severe Spiritual Bondage comes from Satan's Counterfeit Good which is just "evil disguised as good." And remember from 1 John 4:18 that "you should not have any fear in your personal relationship with God/Love." When I said in Post #1 that, "I was very surprised by what was and was not in The Holy Bible when I read it for the first time." part of my surprise was how explicit The Old Testament is.  I said explicit not graphic which is painting a detailed picture of the events.  The Old Testament paints a very accurate picture of the good and the evil that is in all of us.  If they made a movie about The Old Testament, it would have to be rated XXX.  Even if they remove all the sex from the movie, it would still have to be rated XXX because of the horrific and explicit gory violence in it.  I had a feeling that those half bibles of "The New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs" were hiding something before I read The Holy Bible.  So the truth is that "God always keeps it very real with us" and it is Satan that has people feeling very unnecessary guilt.  We have to be very careful with this new level of freedom though because we are in the extreme minority now, and I'll address the problems that this level of spiritual growth into The Truth can cause in the presence of Deceived Belivers in the beginning of the next post.

So let’s run what we’ve got so far.  We now really know that Sexuality and Spirituality go hand in hand and that’s why God created Adam and Eve with no clothes on because clothes get in the way of expressing / making love, which is what they would have been doing all the time in their Community / Higher Self state of mind.  What we’ve been taught by Very Deceived Mainstream Christianity about our sexuality has been very contrary to this truth because our spiritual growth and understanding has been slowed down greatly in the churches by our enemy.  Now imagine a couple who has somehow made it to their wedding ceremony being completely obedient to the sexual lies that are being taught, with both of them having never masturbated, not even once.  Talking about some very horny completely virgin motherfuckers, both of them would be fantasizing all the time about some much needed relief of the sexual tension that has been building up since puberty. (Dude: “Don’t be inhaling and exhaling at me like that, you know that turns me on.”) They would be very sexually frustrated and irritable so they would have to get married as soon as legally possible, on an 18th birthday, to relive themselves of their guilt from always fantasizing and to stop exploding on people from their extreme sexual frustration.  Consummating a marriage on a honeymoon is supposed to be the very first time that a man and woman experience that very intense level of spiritual and physical pleasure from making love that is designed to create a very strong bond between them. (“. . . your First and your Last.”) Now by nature, after the bride relaxes and becomes comfortable enough with sexual intercourse to loosen up her very excited, tight, and dripping wet pussy, she will be good to go for a long time.  But dude?  Man dude gone need some prayer, even in this hypothetical, jacked-up because of no jacking, situation to keep his ass from having a heart attack or something.

(In a Preacher Like Voice)
“Lord we come to you tonight on behalf of this bride’s very long awaited consummating pleasure. We don't want this woman robbed of an experience that should rightfully be hers so we are doing an intervention for insurance because of an extreme lack of experience. So Good Lord we ask that you please bless this dick. Lord give the dick the ability to make Love, some Joy, and let it be at Peace.  Lord give it some much needed Patience, some Kindness; it has already been doing a whole lot of Long-Suffering. But most of all Lord we ask you to please, please give the dick some very much needed SELF CONTROL Lord! We bind the Demons of Premature Ejaculation right now Lord!  Lord please send Cupid and the spirits of Romeo and Casanova on steroids to help this poor man out because this deceived motherfucker has been set up for failure something terrible!!  Whatever you do, Lord please, bless his dick.”

Deceived Dude:(while crying) "I knew I was in trouble when it got so hard that it started hurting.  She tried to soothe my pain by holding it very gently, and when she kissed it, it just exploded."

After some serious therapy and rehabilitation, Deceived Dude might reach some level of sexual respectability someday with his mentally traumatized ass; he would probably suffer from erectile dysfunction after something like this.  Can you imagine how angry and frustrated the bride would be after doing all of that severe sexual suffering for all those years only to be very disappointed by deceived dude's dilapidated dick? (The preacher should have very wisely given the bride a Dubious Dildo :-) Deceived Dude might become angry at all women from this extreme nonsense when he should rightfully be mad at himself for being deceived this severely.  That lying by denying our sexuality shit has been fucking up men, women, marriages, and male/female relationships for the longest time.  From Presidents to Preachers to Teenagers under the bleachers, everyone has been set up for failure in relationships big time with the absolute lie that, "I'm only supposed to be involved with only one person at a time." straight bullshit.

Now lets run it with the truth starting from puberty.  Start with the feeling of intense Joy you feel from being in your Community / Higher Self state of mind.  You would naturally feel very good already from knowing deep down in you spirit that you are surrounded by people who love you very much and would die for you and they would have proven this to you repeatedly by their actions.  This natural high would make illegal drug use stop completely and also stop alcohol abuse as well--alcohol sales would either remain the same or increase from The Increased Christian Freedom.  After being told the truth about Jesus Christ being cooler than a motherfucker and how He really wants us to enjoy our sexuality, a child would easily give their life to Him and become saved well before they reach puberty especially after they see how well everyone is getting along because they are very happy in the truth about The Real Jesus Christ and Our Heavenly Father that was revealed by The Holy Spirit Of Truth.  So as soon as a child hits puberty, they can immediately start enjoying thier sexuality in The Kingdom while practicing Righteous Abstinence that would really work and put an end to teen pregnancy.  So contrary to the present parental dread of puberty, (especially with girls) you could have older teens coaching and mentoring new teens about enjoying their sexuality responsibly.  In The Kingdom Of Heaven, teaching people how to become an expert at pleasing someone sexually is just as common as teaching them how to read. (Collective Sexual Functionality is a part of Collective Functionality) So as soon as a young, horny motherfucker "gets it up" with his first erection of puberty, he can and should have three pair of female lips right there with him to attack it immediately and help him "get it down."  Now aint that some shit, a struggling wanna be player can now actually say something like this in all honesty, 

"I always wondered how in the hell I was gonna get three pair of female lips on my dick at the same time without them being sloppy drunk, and got dammit now I know that The Lord Jesus Christ already took care of that shit for me.  Man that's got to be the most blessed shit I ever heard of, son of a bitch!  This shit moves Jesus way the fuck past cool man, DAMN!"  

So all the girls and boys would go from being naturally happy to being "very happy as hell" with the freedom to tear into each other like they really want to because Righteous Sex is also paradoxical Abstinence from "The Baby Making Act" at the same time, and it is the only thing that guarantees no new children will be conceived.  And now if the teens use condoms, this should be a cause for great concern because it means that either they are not immune from all diseases or they are committing fornication.  If you think deep about it, when you are wearing a condom, you are not really getting any feeling from the flesh that you put it in anyway, you are getting the feeling of the condom rubbing against that flesh.  If the condom breaks inside her vagina, you risk suffering the consequences while at the same time being robbed of the pleasure which is very foolish when you can put the motherfucker in her asshole and have some tighter flesh rubbing against that same condom with no risks of pregnancy.  Some women might be thinking, "Anal sex, eeww that's so nasty." (and why is he using the word pussy?) It is nasty, and so is oral sex as well as sexual intercourse but they all feel good.  It's all nasty because the flesh is naturally nasty and most women really get caught up in the deception that they are naturally clean.  We have to wash all the time to avoid our natural state of very stinking breath, under arms, genitals, and everything else; you know, the way homeless people smell, that is the natural, funky state of the flesh and we wash to be socially decent and to avoid being very repulsive to our own selves. (If only we could wash our spirits as often as our bodies--Heaven On Earth.)  Men keep it real sexually and The Good Lord Up In Heaven knows very well that a man absolutely loves the way a woman's Pussy Ass Vagina naturally smells a good three hours after she has washed it very thoroughly and put on all kinds of lotions, perfumes, and powders trying her best to avoid the true, slightly funky, and very sexy smell of That Very Wonderful Life Hole that God specifically designed to Tease Us and Please Us--Thank u Jesus.  Most women also get caught up in further deceptions by wearing all kinds of fake stuff daily to look more pleasing to people and most women behave differently in certain situations to also try to please as many people as possible.  It is easy to lose touch with your true self when you do all of this daily for years. We all have a tendency to deceive ourselves and avoid reality because of Jeremiah 17:9 

"The heart is deceitful above all things
   and beyond cure.
 Who can understand it?"

It is the same thing spiritually and Satan really exploits our tendency to deceive ourselves and has the people in the churches very deceived by thinking, "The Holy Spirit keeps me spiritually clean and I'm not supposed to be thinking sexually nasty thoughts." Pastor Rick Warren really hit the nail on the head on page 213 of "The Purpose Driven Life"

"Hiding your hurt only intensifies it. Problems grow in the dark and become bigger and bigger, but when exposed to the light of truth, they shrink. You are only as sick as your secrets. So take off your mask, stop pretending you're perfect, and walk into freedom."

In "People Of The Lie" by M. Scott Peck he talks about how people have a tendency to lie to themselves as well as others.  We can fool ourselves and we can fool others but we can't fool God because He is infinite and He knew the truth about you before He made you.  In addition to Hebrews 4:12, The Holy Bible reveals to us that God just wants us to "keep it very real" in Luke 18:9-14 and John 2:24-25.  So you can fool people and even yourself by saying "Vagina, Lovely Ladies, Making Love, etc." but God knows the true intent and motivations of your heart and that you really want to "Pound the Pussies of those Sexy As Hell Motherfuckers to death" because that is how He truly made you with that kind of passion burning inside; He just wants you to be very honest about who you are, what your are, your sexuality, and to be disciplined with it by respecting the Life Creating Ability that He gave us.  So the truth is that the very honest people admit that they are a Freaky Freak and they are free because God made the flesh freaky and you are supposed to be a Freak.  Being a Freak means that you enjoy physical pleasure very much and this is the case for everyone.  We all enjoy any kind of pleasure period and that is why The Entertainment Industry will always be the biggest industry worldwide by far.  Life in the flesh is supposed to be enjoyed very much so and if we would just accept the reality of our physical and spiritual nastiness then we can be free to really enjoy our Nasty But Holy Life. (With God as my witness, that pun was not intended at all and it completely caught me by surprise--discovered when I re-read it! :-) 
ROTFLMAO "Nasty Butt Hole-y Life" That some very accurate and funny shit!)

A typical Woman at work: "Don't touch me, I don't know where your hands been."
While last night she was doing very, very freaky stuff with her tongue on multiple partners but feels very guilty about it.  Man please!!!

That's enough about conflicted consciousnesses.  So with Sexuality and Spirituality going "dick in hand," let's get back to the booty.  From puberty, teenagers and adults would be free to sexually indulge in The Great Sea Of Humanity minus those who are close relatives.  Women will have free access to both sexes.  Talking about Girls Gone Wild, its gonna be wonderful watching The Jesus Freaks Come Out because when a girl gets pregnant her body will eventually tell us publicly what she has been doing privately. (While the set-up absent father is in the most trouble with God.  Once an un-intended child is conceived, all of the three choices available to a young girl are hard to deal with and most opt to raise the child as a single parent because it leaves the least amount of guilt on her conscious.) That typical woman at work shit will be flipped to, "Girl, why you always licking my hands?  You don't care where they've been do you with your freaky ass?" Freedom is gonna be off the got damn chain and from #1 The Great Sea Of Humanity you would choose some #2 Recurring Lovers that would stay in rotation with some of them becoming #3 Boy or Girl Friends (women can have both) who you really vibe very well with.  And from your #3 Collection Of Steady Vibes you would one day choose #4 A Spouse of the opposite sex to marry and have children with while keeping all the rest.  Your Spouse and your Collection Of Ass (Significant Others and Lovers, that can change at will) would all be great friends and you will always be free to swim in The Great Sea Of Humanity whenever you encounter someone who is, "Way too sexy to not experience at least once." With a great variety of "men with very good characters" to choose from, women would be free to make their choice of handsome spouses with big dicks, you know, we'd have Survival Of The Dickest. (This would never be stated by women, it will just happen.)  This would make everyone, minus the close relatives, Friends With Benefits and everyone will be very happily married (Level 4 Sexuality) or single (Level 3).  And also, on their wedding night, this will allow a Husband to provide a "Potential Pure Pussy Pounding, Pelvis Popping, Performance" of memorable love making to his Wife because of his very well built up penile stamina from all the "Wedding Consummation Performance Enhancement Services" provide by his Collection Of Ass as opposed to Deceived Dude's sad performance.  This would also cause people to live together in Communes instead of single family homes or apartments because both spouses in a marriage would want all the people they love to live with them or very close to them.  Children would be used to very happy mommies and daddies having boyfriends / girlfriends (and still be protected from the erotic noise) and between the two parents with their separate Collections of Ass (and their families), there would be a waiting list of people who would want to keep the infants / kids for a while instead of trying to find a babysitter.  Loneliness would be a thing of the past.  Every time you hear about people living in Communes in the media it is always a man who is the leader of A Cult with multiple children by many wives which is another example of evil always trying to hide and discredit The Truth that would make us very happy.  And as for the spiritual growth that results from being involved in relationships, when you have a group of people all telling you the same thing that they have noticed about your behavior with them, you would just have to face the reality of The Truth and everyone would grow much faster.  Presently, in this one person at a time lie that we are living in, you can say to yourself that your spouse / girlfriend / boyfriend has something wrong with them when they come at you alone, which you are more likely to believe and be deceived.

Since the beginning, in the Garden Of Eden when Adam "blamed" Eve, history tells us that collectively, women have never been given the proper respect they fully deserve; but in The Kingdom Of Heaven, these Very Precious And Very Wonderful Creatures are featured.  With Satan's help, men in all countries have been collectively abusing way too many women mentally and physically and treating them like shit and the only reason most of them haven't given up on us is because of Genesis 3:16 ". . .Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you.If it wasn't for the grace of God keeping their hearts addicted to us regardless of our collective trifling dog behavior in A Fucked Up Game that was based on a lie, then men still would be living by the flesh and wouldn't know how to act towards women and most women would give up on men by turning to other women who would appreciate them much better; and since they have what we need, something would have to give and Judgement Day would be even more fucked up for most men than it's gonna be now.  We all know very Good-And-Damn-Well-In-The-Sam-Hell that God really, really gave Power To The Pussy like a motherfucker!  Lord knows that shit is the shit and all men who have experienced The Goodness Of God between a woman's legs are immediately very well the hell pussy whipped like a motherfucker for life.  God designed women so beautiful that even they are attracted to other women themselves and The Truth is really gonna change The Game for the better something terrible; especially for women who had to constantly deal with the relationship stress of trying to mold and manage A Wild Dog Player into a respectful mature human being in A Fucked Up Game that was full of Very, Very Stiff Competition And Temptation everyday and everywhere.  You have to be very strong and very brave to keep putting your heart out there emotionally under these conditions by giving it completely to some else and therefore being very vulnerable to the heartbreak of rejection or betrayal.  Men usually only do this once, their first time, and never become that emotionally vulnerable again because of the constant, terrible, emotional pain.  Women primarily define themselves by their relationships and feel incomplete as a person without being involved with a man because of Genesis 3:16 by the grace of God; they have collectively endured a tremendous amount of straight bullshit emotional anguish because of their "drive you crazy kind of love" they have repeatedly given us which has landed some of them in prison for life.  God did not punish all men by designing the pussy to feel less intense because some men refuse to discipline themselves by getting some Self Control so basically many men and women have suffered, and still are suffering, because God is so good and the flesh is naturally undisciplined which means: 

All men collectively have a lot of making up to do by showing Our Creator how much we appreciate His Very Wonderful Gift He has given us and for all the very bad deal, kill a woman's spirit, emotional short circuits we have done to them in the past.  We need to collectively shift into and stay in "Make Up Romance / Sex Mode" immediately towards all women.

Practicing very freaky Righteous Abstinence will change the nature of the sex game big time.  So when we as a society drop that very unfair "A Man who enjoys many women is a Player" (Positive View) but a "A Female who enjoys many men is a Whore" (Negative View) straight bullshit, we will free their conscious up to "Release Their Inner Ho" and our "Straight Ho Asses" will be very delighted to give them much more than our natural neck breaking "Visual Attention" that they desire and need.  The issues of an unwanted pregnancy and over population that causes a very morally wrong abortion to be necessary was the reason for that double standard that was designed to keep women in check.  Men are very, very addicted to women and have always absolutely loved "very loose women," and we always will; that socially acceptable, very hypocritical "fuck whores but marry ladies" double standard shit will end along with that "How many men have you been with?" bullshit that causes them to Lie For Love while it has be cool for us to "lose count." Man please!!!  Everybody on this motherfucking planet is a "Straight Ho" which means we absolutely love physical pleasure because that is how God made us, people who deny this are People Of The Lie!  Just watch the Freaky Truth come out of all these Fake Ass In Denial Motherfuckers.  My mother always said, "What's in a person will eventually come out."  Women are much more creative than men and with the new freedom to really enjoy and play with their sexuality: Advantage Women--Very Big Advantage.  With the ability to "Flirt 'til it hurts so good" this will be the new daily reality for a woman:

"I'm not Sinning, I'm just Winning This Spiritual War.
 Jesus Christ set me Free to be this Hole-y"

1) Her Husband pleasing/pounding the #1 Hole. (The Natural Funk: Husband On The One) 
    A) or Someone with a Dildo and their Tongue on her Clit.
    B) or A Woman with a Strap-On.
2) A Lover pleasing/pounding her #2 Ass Hole.
3) Deep Throating another Lover in the #3 Hole.
4) A pair of lips on her left Tit.
5) A pair of lips on her right Tit.
6) Stroking an On Standby Penis with her greasy Left Hand.
7) Stroking another Standby with her greasy Right Hand. 
8) Receiving a very pleasurable Left Foot Reflexology Message.
9) The same thing at the same time on her Right Foot.

After giving The Sons Of The Kingdom the delight of listening to the wonderful sounds of A Daughter Of The Kingdom experiencing "Very Deep, Intense, Explosive, Soul Touching, and Much Better Than Music Orgasms" from being "Maxed Out" everyday by people who love and respect her very much (and most of all with God's approval), she also would be Romanced and heavily Pampered to Messages, Hair Styles, Shopping Sprees, Mani/Pedicures, Dinners, Parties, Vacations, etc. all the time by men and women with "Very Devoted To Her Absolute Sheer Enjoyment Of Life" Heavenly Attitudes.

"Girl, I just saw a class of Very Sexy As Hell Men being taught Advanced Pussy Eating Techniques by some gay and bi-sexual women.  You should have heard how good they where making those women feel!  Life for women every where is about to become too good!! OMG!!!"

Once again,
Welcome to The 
MotherFucking Kingdom Of God, 
where The Passion of Love burns 
and we go at it hard!

To all Sons Of The Kingdom: Focus on this in your mind.  Imagine every woman that you see with her eyes rolled way back into her head in Sheer Orgasmic Ecstasy while she is crying many tears of joy.  This should be our collective goal for all women every where, we want them all to say something like this:   

"Every where I go, I'm surrounded by people who love and respect me very much and I can feel it in my heart.  Everyone just wants to make me feel very good spiritually and physically.  They keep all my needs, wants, and desires very satisfied and people treat me like Very Precious Royalty everywhere I go.  It just hit me, how wonderful it is to be inside this female body right now and I'm crying because I AM so overjoyed."

We need all Daughters Of The Kingdom to cry at least ten Tears Of Joy / Ecstasy for every Tear Of Sorrow they have cried from dealing with us men under Satan's influence; which is to say Sons Of The Kingdom need to Taste as many Happy Tears from women as they can.  This is my second favorite thing about this blog:

Very much needed 
Female Appreciation and Reconciliation
with men. 

We black men as God's Chosen People, with our fractured family and angry women asses, have really got some very serious making up to do.  Everything about a woman, spiritually and physically, is God saying to men, "I love you very much so!" and we really need to appreciate His precious gift to us and love Him back by loving His Gift To Us with some very deep, emotionally intense, and very serious passion.  He designed those Wonderfully Sexy Motherfuckers with an Amazing Heart that automatically reciprocates more love towards us than we give to them.  You can't beat that Amazing Grace, Extremely Wonderful Shit at all, but what we can do to show Him our deepest gratitude is to:

Kingdom Son Manifesto

Make a very deep commitment within each one of ourselves to collectively devote our lives to making sure that A Daughter Of The Kingdom feels very loved, cherished, and very secure by showering her with too much attention whenever she is in our presence, and to also make sure she absolutely looses her voice from her Very Intense Erotic Screams Of Passion when we focus very intently on showing her how passionately we feel about her emotionally and physically.  After her heart experiences this multiple times and The New Female Reality of being A Daughter Of The Kingdom dawns on her, she will then cry Tears Of Joy from being overwhelmed by The Love Of God that has finally showed up in our collective hearts which will cause us to Celebrate This Very Precious moment like a Last Minute Super Bowl Winning Touchdown!!!  Then we will line up to Kiss / Taste one of her Very Precious Tears Of Joy to take Some Of Her Essence with us. (A Baptism Of Love) Then we can put our minds at ease because we will know in our hearts that we have finally focused on The Right And Most Important Thing which pleases Our Creator and keeps Him off our ass on Judgement Day and this also tells that "Forever-Burning-Son-Of-A-Lie-Evil-Bastard" to go straight to The Hell that he has created for himself.

A Dedication 
To all Daughters
 Of The Kingdom From All
 The Sons Of The Kingdom.
 "I sincerely promise you
that from now on,
every time I hit you
it will be with my lips."
(Spanking not included:-))
"May you need an IV Solution
to keep you hydrated from
 all your Tears Of Ecstasy."
"Spending an Eternity
with you is almost
long enough."

XoXoXo = Hugs and Kisses
XiXiXiXi = Hugs and Dicks

The mistreatment of women in civilizations by men throughout history is a result of men and the societies in general losing The Invisible Spiritual War against Satan and his Demons.  The Child / Feminine side of all of us is where all the good relational stuff is and the collective weak male ego dominating and abusing women in the world is symbolic of this.  Satan is just an insane, out of control, and extremely evil Ego and the Lord has given me A New Baptism for us to use to defeat his evil ass.

The Heaven On Earth Baptism
Mark 3:24 "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."

Jesus Christ also said the same thing about a house and Satan's army of Demons so anything divided against itself cannot stand.  After The Fall Of Man, the natural state of the flesh has been 1) Mental and Physical Laziness, 2) Selfishness, and 3) Ignorance of How Our Behavior Affects Others which is Seeing The Big Picture. An inability to stay focused on the big picture is called Spiritual Blindness.  These weaknesses are being exploited by Satan big time to create this very chaotic and war ridden world, and I will examine some of the major exploitation in the next post.  The flesh naturally Compartmentalizes knowledge/information and The Holy Spirit Integrates it.  To Compartmentalize knowledge is to mentally put it in separate mailboxes so that the information does not relate to other information.  This creates barriers to communication and also puts us into different "Modes" which helps us to deceive ourselves.  An example is that most people have a "Sunday Morning, Best Behavior, Good Christian Mode" who love God, His planet, and all of His children and a "During The Week Mode" like a Business Mode that dumps toxic waste into a nearby stream along with many other Self Deceptive Modes Of Behavior.  The flesh, being naturally lazy and ignorant of it's selfishness, will not examine itself in the first place and if it does, it will be a very shallow self examination and will only consider it's "Sunday Morning, Best Behavior, Mode" when it decides that "I'm basically a good person." This is one person living in different realities and behaving differently in each one without realizing it.  You can call it a "Multiple Reality Disorder" and The Ego will not take any responsibility for this "Dog-Eat-Dog, Cut Throat Competition To Make A Living" world that it has created because it can't see the big picture and only thinks about itself at any given moment instead of the Integrated Thinking of The Holy Spirit which causes us to think about everyone in the system and the future.  The male, dominated by Satan, ego focuses on exalting itself over others by trying to be worshiped as a "Big Baller / Shot Caller" which causes Spiritually Blind people to Idolize "My Self Wearing My Fancy Clothes," "My Stuff," and "My Accomplishments."

The Holy Spirit causes us to think deeply with integrity and to combine all knowledge / information together so we can discern patterns which gives us Spiritual Sight.  The Integrity Of The Spirit allows us to humbly integrate The Ego/Self into A Very Large/Functional System which is A Living Organism.  Thinking with integrity allows us to realize that four people talking to each other, while sitting at a kitchen table, is actually way more than four people because each one of us is a collection of experiences and relationships that we have had with other people.  The older the four people are, the bigger the total number of people who are really sitting at the table.  If you consider the table, chairs, and all the stuff in the kitchen that is a part of the bigger house, then you can also see many, many more people who constructed, built, designed, and invented all of that "stuff" which even includes the shoes and clothing they are wearing.  So the reality is that we do not exist for or by ourselves and being selfishly self-centered is a complete fallacy.  If you carry out the insanity of an ego that has mentally snapped by developing a completely selfish attitude of, "I don't want anybody to do anything for me at all, I can do everything for myself." then you would have the complete nonsense of A Naked Person In A Jungle starting a civilization over which would be like one third of a bootleg Garden Of Eden.

The main point of this post and life itself is that, "Concerning Living Entities, everything is much better in harmonious groups." and this is why God exists as The Holy Trinity of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit (Our Heavenly Father was never lonely, He created because He wanted to.) and also why Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Now with the collective male ego making the world a very fucked up place to live, The Citizens Of The Kingdom are gonna have to let their egos die which is The Death Of The Self On Earth which allows us to function as one, therefore this is also The Birth Of The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.  Now always remember that you will always be a very unique individual who should be free to choose what you want to do with your life and the protection of that kind of freedom is always worth dying for.  Love does not force you to do anything and you should always be free to join or leave any group no matter how good it is for you.  What we need to function properly in this world is the Soft Individuality Of The Community Phenomenon and not the Hard Individuality of this Ego Driven, Severely Divided, And Crumbling World.

I saw elements of this new baptism confirmed in "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck on page 239"Indeed, the more I strive toward integrity, the less I find myself using the word "my." And also in "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren on page 167"That's one reason God puts us in a church family--to learn unselfishness. In community we learn to say "we" instead of "I," and "our" instead of "mine." You are gonna have to be in an Everlasting Spiritual Body to see The Recording of my life in the flesh if you want to know the details of how God revealed this stuff to me and "What was the outlandish thing your co-worker said about Jesus Christ that you just knew was extremely evil?" so don't even ask me about that stuff while we are still in the flesh because that information is "Classified Until Everlasting Glory." I will tell you that those motherfuckers in Heaven are a damn trip (have a wild sense of humor) and they set my ass up something terrible.  The New Baptism was revealed to me through the introduction of the rapper Ice Cube's, O'Shea Jackson, Album Entitled "Death Certificate." But first, let me clearly define a very appropriate term that applies to everyone on the planet earth who is in a body that is made of flesh. 

Nigga - N. An ignorant person.     

Thanks to "Satan who deceives the whole world" (Revelation 12:9 NKJV) and our Collective Ignorance of The Invisible Spiritual War that is going on all over the world--and it is the true source of the wars, violence, racism, and the great controversy associated with that word, especially here in America--therefore all human beings on this planet have been certified as being Niggas by Satan and his Demons.  If you look up the word "Nigger" in a dictionary, you get something like, "A slang noun that is a very offensive reference to a black person or any dark skinned person." People are never given an explanation of why Satan wants that word to be offensive because giving you an understanding of how evil works is the beginning of the end of it's power to harm you.  This is the essence of Spiritual Warfare, hiding Wisdom and Understanding that can empower people to function much better in this world.  Not knowing something that you really need to know, are supposed to know, and should know to live in peace--which is ignorance--allows evil to thrive and stay hidden while purposely keeping people confused and in conflict.  Evil, Ignorance, and Division work together to oppose Love, Very High Communication, and Unity.  The reason the word "Nigger" is very offensive to most black people, when it is used by a white person, is because when blacks learned about their oppression by white people--unknown, yet still inspired by Satan--during Slavery and The Civil Rights Movement, the term "Nigger" was created by Satan to tag the strong negative emotions (passionate flames) from their condition as a people At That Time so they can be reignited in the future.  Satan inspired the white people Of That Time to constantly use that word in a very disrespectful way to inflame the strong negative emotion of Black Hatred Of White People that he knew he could use in the future to create more chaos in the minds of people (Fired Up, Heated Emotional Discussions) whenever this time period is taught.  With our flesh being naturally selfish and living for the moment, White Fleshed People are not collectively crafty or evil enough to create A One Word Term that triggers A Mental Time Transfer To The Past and Ignites The Negative Passionate Emotional Flames from the Injustice Of The Past that can cause a black person to "Blow Up" (Spiritual Warfare) and become very angry, irrational with impaired judgement, and out of control because they have not let go of the past.  We all are engaged in Collective Intercourse - N. An interchange of thoughts, feelings, etc. down here when we communicate with each other using our words and body language in person or when we use some type of media like TV, Newspapers, Magazines, Cell Phones, or The Internet.  It is impossible to change the past, so getting upset over something that you can not change or control is not rational at all.  You can't control what happens to you but you can and should be able to control your reactions to what happens to you if you bear The Holy Spirit Fruit Of Self Control.  You bring the negative emotions, from the long dead conditions of the past, with you in the present and carry them with you to the future when you don't forgive the white people of that time deep in your heart, bury and let go of the past, which lifts a great burden off your heart.  You give evil the power to continue to hurt you as long as you hold on to those negative emotions and anger from the past because of a false belief in your heart that, "Life is supposed to be fair." Ecclesiastes 9:11-12 tells us that life is not fair.  You can't control evil and the people who are unknowingly affected by it, but you can accept the reality that evil is gonna try to hurt, anger, and severely disrespect you through ignorant people to try to make you become out of control because that is what Satan does all the time.  It aint right but it is very real, so on this Spiritual Battlefield, it is very wise to accept that reality and Disarm Evil Of The Weapon Of The Word Nigger--Or Whatever--by mentally preparing to "just be a Nigga / Nigger or whatever" for peace sake. (Inner and Outer Peace) It's a choice between trying to please Spiritually Blind people who live in the moment with their pride of "Not Being Disrespected By Anyone" which will land them in the hospital, a prison, or a graveyard or trying to be meek and humble which pleases your Lord and Savior who you will have to answer to on The Day Of Judgement.  Rationally, there is no choice.  Ignorance cooperates with Insanity to maintain Chaos.       

Here is the baptism:
"Niggas (The Ignorant) are in A State Of Emergency. The Death Side: a mirrored image of where we are to day. The Life Side: a vision of where we need to go.  So sign your Death Certificate."

(Print Your Name Here)
Certificate Of Death
On Earth
on this Month Day, Year
I - - - - - -> We
Me - - - - -> Us
My - - - - - -> Our
Mine - - - - -> Ours
MySelf - - - - -> Ourself
And Birth Into
The Kingdom Of Heaven
(Sign Your Name Here)

This change in speech and thought pattern will awaken our minds to The Truth of everyone being a part of The Big Picture which makes us aware of Group Consciousness.  It makes our minds stay focused on Group Consciousness and always think with the Integrity Of Community because
1) You are never alone, The Holy Spirit is always with you. The power of "we."
2) It makes you always speak for the small group that you are in and rely on. (Love Cell)
3) It makes you think about and speak for the large group, The Body Of Christ.
4) It makes you think and speak for the largest group, Humanity As A Whole.

A severe, life threatening crisis causes our minds to snap out of our natural "Ignorant Daze" and we instinctively start acting like we are supposed to and we immediately become a community. Unfortunately, when the crisis is over so is the community and most people don't even notice the changes in our behavior. (Spiritual Blindness) It is sad that we normally can't see this crumbling world as a whole as a huge crisis.

This fills the "Hole in the Mind" of not being able to see the truth of the big picture being "All People are part of a Much Larger System," which is a Living Organism.  Our minds will then be made whole, which is a mass spiritual healing.

We will sign our Death Certificates together in small ceremonies when WE become more wide spread instead of the current, very small minority of People Of The Truth that WE are now.  When you do this, like I've done before, you should become at least mildly depressed because it comes with a death of something.  WE can also begin to practice our new speech / thought pattern when WE are among ourselves because those who are outside will think that WE are crazy for talking like that.
WE aint crazy.
I is crazy. ("Collective Slight Insanity")
In The Lords Prayer, Jesus Christ never used the word I.  Instead He used the pronouns of Our, Us, and WE.  I will also use it all the way through the next post.

Pastor Rick Warren states on page 64-65 in "The Purpose Driven Life" that
"Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship.  Like a diamond, worship is multifaceted.  . . .Worship is a lifestyle."

Let's integrate that shit with The Truth and get back to the booty.  Motherfucker say what?  Enjoying The New Reality Of The Kingdom Of Heaven Freedom Of Righteous Sexuality is very truthfully an act of worshiping God!
"I" can please a woman.
But from the above mentioned, 9 Holy Motherfuckers on one woman,
"WE" can drive her ass The Fuck Crazy, completely losing her self control in Extreme Ecstasy!!
WE can worship God with her Very Sexy And Insatiable Ass all day and every day while knowing deep in our hearts that WE are still gonna live for ever!!!

9 on 1 Sexuality
9 Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
9 Fruit Of The Holy Spirit 
9 Inches Of My Very Wide Hard Dick
9 th Post Of A Black Male MotherFucker
And that's some Life On The Line Truthful Shit.
I'd also like to Dedicate My Blessing to the Relief Of Female Constipation.
Women shouldn't have to worry about dealing with any more Stuck Up Shit.

With Husband Jamming On The One,
The Kingdom Of Heaven in 2011
(2 m0re Ho1Ho1es, a dick in each one.)

A Very Glorious Kingdom Of Sexual Fun.
So get very comfortable with this word


And on that note ask yourself this question: How far is mainstream Christianity from revealing to you knowledge of The Truth about The Kingdom Of Heaven?  This makes all of the religious churches a Satanic Stronghold against knowledge of The Truth.  So just in case you haven't noticed, The 1999 movie "The Matrix" was based on a true story, and from reading this post, your mind has just been freed from A Global Matrix Of Money, Lies, And Truth Distortions into The True Reality Of The Kingdom Of Heaven because The Holy Spirit Of Truth and UnknownFriend7 have worked together as One.  So know you know The Truth that Drinking, Cussing, Collective Consciousness, and MotherFucking (Wife, Girlfriends, Lovers, and All The Others) can cum together righteously in One sentence along with A Clear Conscience and Everlasting Life because The Power Of WE has set your mind free and revealed to you so you can now see that:
God Is Good, God Is Great, and God Is Way The Fuck Awesome!!! 

As far as I know, I was the 2nd mind to be freed from The Matrix.  These last three Section Titles were a tribute to my Very Favorite Recording Artist by far, Prince Rogers Nelson, who probably learned The Truth at least 13 years before I found out in 1997; so I know he had to go through some very serious Spiritual Warfare shit to find out The Truth like I did.  "WE worked hard, so you won't have to!"

This purple motherfucker is way ahead of all of us
and his spirituality starts on the Controversy Album. (1981)
Especially see the lyrics from the Albums LoveSexy (1988) and Graffiti Bridge. (1990)

From the song "Erotic City" by Prince (1984) 
"If we cannot make babies, maybe we can make some time
Thoughts of pretty u and me, Erotic City come alive
We can fuck until the dawn, making love 'til cherry's gone
Erotic City can't u see, thoughts of pretty u and me

All of my hang-ups r gone
How I wish u felt the same

We can fuck until the dawn ('Til the dawn) (Until the dawn)
How I wish u were my dame (Baby won't u call my name)"

From "The Rainbow Childrenalbum by Prince (2001)

From the end of the Song "Rainbow Children"
"The Wise One who understood the law that was handed down from God long ago, held fast in his belief that the Lord would bring him another one who loved him so."

From the Song "1+1+1 is 3"
If u ain't got no place 2 stay
Come on baby 'round this way
Stay with me baby
But let me tell u how it's gonna b

There's a theocratic order.
There's a theocratic order now.

This is how it's gonna b
If u wanna b with me
Ain't no room 4 disagree
1+1+1 is 3

Take your time and think it thru

If this is what u wanna do
I ain't really that hard 2 please
Cuz 1+1+1 is 3

From the song "The Everlasting Now"

Don't let nobody bring u down
Accurate knowledge of Christ and the Father
Will bring the Everlasting Now
Join the party, make a sound
Share The Truth, preach the good news

Don't let nobody bring u down
The Everlasting Now

To all the Daughters Of The Kingdom: "I'm sorry my 9 was so long butt I hope you enjoyed it.  It was my pleasure to share my blessing with you." Xi Xi Xi Xi

XoXoXo = Hugs and Kisses
XiXiXiXi = Hugs and Dicks

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