Saturday, December 31, 2011


(Post #10  Part 6 of 9)

Hopefully now that you can clearly see that this Spiritual War Of Ideas is very real and we are all in this hidden Battle Inside This Womb Of Life together.  Most importantly, please remember that Flesh and Blood Human Beings are not your enemy (False Enemies), the unseen Satanic Demons who are ruling them behind the scenes are your True Enemy.  You have to stay focused on what is not seen and "live by faith not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7) to keep a very positive mental/spiritual attitude.  God very lovingly keeps those very evil bastards out of our sight, hearing, and touch so we can keep our sanity.  He is "testing everything" in This Womb Of Life before we are Born Into Eternity with Him and His remaining Faithful Angels who have already been tested by Satan during his rebellion.  Satan is an Evil Alien Life Force who has been on this earth a very long time and he has the art of Deceiving Human Beings down to a science and we will help get Combating These Evil Spirits down to a science in the next blog if The Lord wills.  Hopefully as you can now see, all of the leaders of our Institutions are greatly deceived as well as The Global Mass Of People who live by them.  Deceived people do not know that they are believing in the wrong things.  To keep the proper perspective of Flesh And Blood not being your True Enemy In This Spiritual War always remember these four things by repeating them daily:

1) Satan and his Demons rebelled against God--The Infinite Spirit Of Love--in the Spirit Realm Of Heaven against God's will.
2) Satan, the "Accuser Of Our Brothers," is deceiving Flesh And Blood People against our will.
3) Satan is deceiving Flesh And Blood People without our knowledge of being deceived.  
4) Satan, The Inventor Of Evil, is responsible for our "Fallen Nature" and all the evil in The Universe.

Now remember that God judges the intent of our thoughts so if you place all the blame on Satan (or anyone) as an excuse not to perform well, you will only be fooling yourself.  This just helps you keep a positive perspective in The Spiritual War we are engaged in.  Satan is the Evil Spirit Of Very Deceptive Insanity and he has no respect for anyone or anything at all. Spiritual Warfare is all about Positive and Negative Energy from our Attitudes, Emotions, and Thoughts in this system of A World Wide Web Of Energy Exchange from our Spiritual Communications with each other. The Emotional Charge is what gives our words "the power of life and death." Our main problem is that, just like little children, we can be distracted very easily from staying focused (Spiritual Vision) on these Four Keys To Maintaining A Positive Mental Attitude. (Matthew 13:9) You know that you believe something when you act on it. (James 2:17,26) You act on these Four Keys by not getting angry or upset at your fellow human beings because you understand (have Wisdom) that "they just have a lack of understanding about Spiritual Warfare" and you have to believe that "when they know better, they will do better." Living by this understanding will allow you to have "Compassion For The Uninformed (Positive Energy like Jesus Christ had on The Cross in Luke 23:34) instead of getting frustrated at their lack of knowledge (Negative Energy) They don't already know better because The Enemy has our current Spiritual Educational System (Churches and Schools) very dysfunctional everywhere concerning what we all need to know about Spiritual Warfare. They will know better when we take responsibility for what our fellow man knows and Sow Seeds Of Wisdom to get The Kingdom Of Heaven Wisdom Distribution System up and running in as many places as possible (Establishing A Culture Of Love) because we understand that we are all in this Spiritual War together and everyone is responsible for Wisdom Distribution because we all are Teachers, Healers, and Ministers. You have now been Empowered by The Living God To Replicate Your New Mentality--like Living Fruit On A Tree.

From "The Invisible War" by Chip Ingram page 84
   "The fact is that the average Christian in America is strikingly similar to the non-Christian in the way we talk, act, and live. The level of honesty among Christians and the level of honesty in American culture at large are not much different. Why? We're deceived.
     We don't know we're deceived, of course. I don't know many people running around saying, "I'm a deceived Christian. I don't really know what's going on. I get suckered every day in every way." When we're deceived, we're deceived. We think we're right on target. We're convinced we're doing the right things for the right reasons and with the right motives. Eve didn't bite the forbidden fruit while thinking to herself, "This is really going to be bad news." She thought she was making a wise decision, and the first bite probably tasted great. God had made it, after all. But she ate it based on lies, and she didn't even know it.
     We tend to believe a lot of lies."

And Chip along with the rest of the world will learn this wonderful truth when they Get With The Program:

"I was a Deceived Sinner and then I became an even more Deceived Saint.  When I was enlightened by The Truth, I learned that I am truly free to do many more things in The Kingdom Of Heaven than I did when I was a Deceived Sinner and I still get to live forever.  Hallelujah!"

Life is full of "surprising twists" and it is a wonderful journey as well.  This whole blog has been brought to you and us as well by The Grace Of God so please don't get puffed up with pride now that you know The Truth and always remember what The Lord Jesus Christ said about those who are very greatly deceived, and don't know that they are believing in the wrong things, when He was on The Cross

Luke 23:34 "Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." "

They really need deliverance from their unknown burden of a head full of lies in The False Reality Of The Matrix Of Money.  Later in the book, Chip Ingram lists The Five Specific Times You Can Expect Spiritual Attack and we are doing all five of them by writing this blog so we were expecting Satan to do what he does--even through our wife--because we know that we are truly a serious threat to his evil kingdom and we saw it as a validation of our purpose.  Here is the list:

Five Specific Times You Can Expect Spiritual Attack
1) Spiritual Growth
2) Invading Enemy Territory
3) Exposing The Enemy
4) Breaking with the World
5) Blessings to come

By Sowing Seeds Of Wisdom you will really be combating the Enemy big time by doing all five of these as well so here are four very effective combat scriptures that you can use against the Enemy by committing them to your memory and saying them with very bold confidence when you feel that you are under spiritual attack until you get The Kingdom Of Heaven Very Effective Wisdom Distribution System up and running in your area to remember many more Mind Stabilizing Scriptures.  We know that God is infinite because He was not created and Satan and his Demons are created/limited beings so

1) 1 John 4:4 "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

2) Matthew 10:28 "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."

3) Psalm 37:12 "The wicked plot against the righteous
                              and gnash their teeth at them;
                  (13) but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
                              for he knows their day is coming."

4) Matthew 8:29 What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?(their day is coming)

Number four is The Enemy admitting to being a defeated foe and we stated that "writing the next blog with our wife" by faith because as of now she admits that she has some serious demonic strongholds to deal with herself.  We tried to let her read Post #9 before we published it and she couldn't even get through the God Is Good section because The Truth was hurting her too much.  She also has gotten very, very nauseated when only drinking The Very First One Of The Recommended Beginning Daily Dosages that eases people into The Cure For All Diseases very gradually; which means her body is very, very toxic which produces bad health.  This applies to everyone who takes The Stuff and a major part of your body's toxicity is your thought process.  We went up to The Maximum Recommended Dosage and came back down with no problem at all two major spiritual breakthroughs ago. 

And about This Stuff being "A Scam" on the internet: By buying the book, you are paying for 1) The Correct Way To Use The Stuff From The Source and 2) The Truth About The Medical System Scam which is crucial to your understanding the scope of This Invisible Spiritual War.  Just like all spiritual things, This Stuff is very dangerous if used incorrectly and information has a way of "deteriorating and becoming very inaccurate" when things are passed along by word of mouth.  We're in this big spiritual mess mostly because The Laziness Of The "Do The Minimum" Flesh that "trusts without verifying" and we are fighting Demonic Barriers To Communication aka Lying Evil Spirits.  This is why we don't reveal The Cure to anyone by mouth--they need to read the words and get more information about The Big Picture to learn and know the truth about things for themselves even though The Flesh always wants "a shortcut hook-up."

We know when the enemy is speaking through our wife--just like she can recognize him speaking though us--and we will need some help with our wife, especially from those who know us personally.  Our passion for females is very, very spiritually motivated and the enemy keeps her very focused on the flesh, just like he does with everyone else, and denying our spiritual side.  The enemy always attack those who are the biggest threats to his evil kingdom as we have told our wife many times.  She is a very beautiful person inside and out and at the young age of 9, when she noticed that "people need love because they are usually mean," she resolved to "try to make everyone smile." Most nine year olds are "too focused on having fun" to even notice how adults are treating people and she also had been experiencing some very oppressive evil for years at the time she made her resolution.  This "Very Loving Spirit--by The Grace Of God," that was supposed to be "angry at the world" by then because of the very oppressive evil, was seen by Satan as a very serious threat to his evil kingdom so he has really been focusing on her.  Responding to severe evil with love is what The Lord Jesus Christ did while He was in the flesh.  We'll get into the details about this in a later blog, if the Lord wills, and we are very curious to see how wonderful our wife truly is.  She is a very well rounded person and she has been spiritually strong enough to point out our "serious issues" that we didn't want to see (like all married men) and she has really been a great blessing to us.  God really knows what He is doing. 

And on that note, we've definitely got to end this blog by going back to the booty for sure.  The world has always been fascinated with the female body, like it should be, and especially with the female ass that probably keeps the earth spinning on it's axis.  We noticed that in Genesis, God's very first act of creation in This Physical Universe was to create visible light that did not have a light source on The First Day. (Genesis 1:3-5, Job 38:19-20) He didn't create a light source to divide day from night until The Fourth Day. (Genesis 1:14-19) So the way we see it, God Himself had to be The Source Of Light in Genesis 1:3.  And when God created Man and Woman on The Sixth Day (Genesis 1:24-31), He breathed The Breath Of Life into Adam to bring him to life (Life from A Non-Living Body; Dead implies "previously living."), but He created Eve from Adam (Life from Life) so she was already alive when she was created.  So since God is Love / Light / Communication and Love is Life, then when God created Woman, He created A More Glorious Form Of Love/Life/Communication Spiritually and Physically.  (A Brighter Light so to speak.) And since God is "The Alpha and Omega" (Revelation 1:8) of all things--in The Spirit and Physical World--then the way we see it, God's Glorious Love has been with man In The Form Of A Woman (Our Glorious Helpmate) from the beginning.  So in The Physical Universe, the first thing God created was A Glorious Light and the last thing He created was A More Glorious Form Of Light / Life. (Woman) So once again, we think that the enemy chose the woman to attack in The Garden Of Eden because she was his biggest threat by being the "weaker vessel" from a "Physical War Perspective" by having less Physical Strength and less Mental Toughness that soldiers need on The Battlefield; but she was the stronger vessel from "A Spiritual War Perspective" by having a much better loving and humble character and also being focused on relationships rather than accomplishments like all women naturally do.  We think this whole evil civilization was a set up by Satan from the beginning and that is why women have been treated badly throughout the ages in many cultures by Satan through men, and still in parts of today's world, while clearly being "the much better class of people."

So to help make up for the years of female under-appreciation, we're gonna use our analytical mind to invent an sex kit to help a man physically please a woman better so that people can enjoy the pleasures of the flesh more.  We're not gonna reveal the name of it, you will have to just trust us, and it will be sold in a link at the end of this blog if it is the Lord's will. (Mysterious Sex Kit by UnknownFriend7) People are naturally curious by nature and everyone loves a mystery; this is why movies and books sell so well.  The great variety of Fascinating Female Beauty is one of the wonderful blessings of life and Satan can really confuse the masculine/feminine dynamic of our brains and cause some men to intensely crave the attention you get from having "Glorious Female Beauty," by becoming Cross-dressers/Transvestites, without having to suffer emotionally like real women do because of their genuine feminine greater mental sensitivity to things; they also don't have to pay their "Monthly Feminine Dues" like real women do. (They want The Glory without knowing The Hole Story.) This is just Satan inspiring the flesh to want something for nothing again like he always does and mocking God's Greatest Creation, and

"They can,
fake The Top,
butt they can't fake The Bottom.
The Hips with The Mother Lips
they aint got'em."

You will hear the above lyrics somewhere in a very funky tune--with The Purple Line seriously harmonized--because the next phase of our "Special Work" for The Lord is using our musical talent to write and sing songs to Glorify His Name also.  The Lord let us know years ago that having all this Spiritual Wisdom in our head does not do the world any good; talking about and discussing these ideas in conversations is a good thing and writing them down to be immortalized is even better.  You have to do both to change the culture of a country to "A Culture Of Love." The publishers of the books that we have quoted text from get the priceless benefit of living in a better world which fulfills their purpose in writing the books and they will also benefit financially from the increased book sales--a Win Win situation.  The Fire Of The Lord has been with us while He had us writing This Freely Published Blog on our Computer Keyboard and we know that He will be with us as we Jam On The One for Him on our Musical Keyboards and Drum Machines.  We just have to record and publish the many different song ideas that we've also had in our head for a long time just like we did with The Spiritual Ideas we've had in our head before writing this blog.  So when you hear a song that just starts with only Finger Snaps and then an added Kick Drum or High Hat Cymbal Pattern, then you will know that a song is coming by UnknownFriend7 playing The Different Drum while building A Rhythm Track for The Cumming Funk.

The Lord lets us know that this is His will for our life in the future by Activating The Anointing Presence Of His Energy Within Us so that we can feel Him when He hears us singing for His Glory while thinking about being on stage.  This has happened to us many times and this is God's way of saying "This is going to happen." because He is a timeless being and He owns the Past, Present, and The Future of all things.  This essentially is The Future confirming what is going to happen for you.  Developing a very close relationship with God to the point of feeling His Intimate Indwelling Presence is the goal of Spiritual Maturity and this is the biggest difference between us and the average, deceived, church going Christian.  We received The Holy Spirit as a pre-teen and although we didn't know it, we were Born Again.  But we did notice a change in our intelligence and maturity level which made us "the type of person who gets along with everyone all the time." So our first presence of God, The Holy Spirit, was not felt inside of us but we did notice a change in our behavior and intelligence.  When we received The Anointing upon our Salvation and Holy Spirit Baptism, and then we received The Fire In The Mind from our Baptism By Fire, we now have all Three Presence Of The Holy Trinity inside of us; two of which we can feel inside of our mind, at different times, as A Living Presence Of Energy.  We hope that you continue with us on our journey into gaining more understanding of The Unseen Spiritual Universe that this Physical Universe is superimposed on as we discover more about The Ways Of God and discover more about what this power inside of us is capable of doing.  

(A Four Month Break from writing was taken here.)

The Traditional Marriage Hustle

The good Lord up in Heaven would not let us finish this without having another Major Spiritual Breakthrough.  We re-learned, from an experience at work that confirmed what we were unknowingly doing to our wife for years (our previous breakthrough), that we had to forgive our parents for the very negative childhood experiences we had experienced to release The Negative Spiritual/Emotional Energy--Demons--that were holding us back (blocking communication) from further Communication with and Understanding of The Holy Spirit Of Love.  We will share the details in the next blog if the Lord wills.  This forgiveness allowed us to change our Negative Attitude Of Hidden Anger toward our parents, especially towards our dead father, to a Positive Attitude Of Gratitude because, after forgiveness, we could then see more of God's Grace working in their lives and ours.  This Major Spiritual Breakthrough allowed us to Gain New Spiritual Territory Of Understanding / Wisdom which allowed us to add The Four Keys To Maintaining A Positive Attitude Section to the above and to finish this final section.

We had also finished reading "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas 2002
during the break and we highly recommend that everyone (Married, Separated, Divorced, Engaged, and Single) read this book with at least one member of the opposite sex.  Our most recent Major Spiritual Breakthrough allowed us to see more clearly through Satan's Marital Deceptions and gives us further insight into how our minds work.  Satan uses Unverified Assumptions the most to deceive us and we now see that Spiritual Breakthroughs are necessary to go into New Areas Of Thought  Mentally about Different Subjects In Our Minds.  Remember that all of our Primary Spiritual Warfare Battles are in each of our individual minds concerning our understanding of The Holy Bible that reveals God's will for our lives. (Matthew 4:1-11) The Word Of God is truth (John 17:17) and from "The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck page 44 "Truth is reality. That which is false is unreal."; so Satan fights to keep us from truly understanding God's word which keeps us in The Collective False Reality Of A Deceived World--aka The Matrix Of Money, Lies, and Deceptions.  This sheds new light on how serious this very true statement from that book is

pg. 195 "the universe makes sense--that is, it follows certain laws and is predictable; but human beings are poor examiners, subject to superstition, bias, prejudice, and a profound tendency to see what they want to see rather that what is really there;"

We can now see much better how bad our Fallen Nature is and how delusional we all have become after this last breakthrough; also how Spiritually Sick (Matthew 9:12) and how much a "slave to sin" (Romans 6:16) we have become collectively as members of humanity.  Let us start with showing you how God works to keep us humble and in touch with true reality instead of using our Fallen Nature biases and prejudices that we naturally have in abundance in A False Reality that we build mentally from our False Beliefs; many of our biases are unknown to us as individuals.

(1) Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God(9) not by works, so that no one can boast."

(2) Philippians 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."

(3) Romans 12:3 "For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you."

(4) From "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck page 73
"The flow of leadership in community is routine. . . . For it is a situation in which it is the spirit of community itself that leads and not any single individual."

Created living beings have a tendency to want to be worshiped in some way (our Egos) by other created living beings and this is why Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:1 "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them." The desire to be worshiped was Satan's downfall and he specializes in making Idols Of Men by tempting us to try to impress each other.  But our (1) Salvation, our (2) Acts Of Righteousness, and our (3) Measure Of Faith are all Gifts From God that cannot be earned so we have nothing at all to boast to each other about; all the glory for doing any good should only go to God who is the only being in the universe who is qualified to be worshiped. Even in The Phenomenon Of Community, (4) Leadership Flows from person to person to keep The Grace Of God moving in the group so that no one individual or a group of Spiritually Mature Individuals can have anything to boast about or also try to monopolize power. (Jeremiah 9:23-24) God spreads out his power to keep us humble and out of the trouble that Satan put himself in. (Proverbs 14:12)

Taking credit for God's work that He does through us is where we go wrong as human beings (a common Old Testament Theme) and this had to be how Satan deceived himself. We become "A Law Unto Our Own Selves" when we stop listening to the voice of reason that God built into each and everyone of our minds and when we also stop listening to the voice of reason from others--we become Self Delusional by thinking that we are right and everyone else is wrong we may even isolate ourselves from others to maintain this delusion. (Matthew 18:15-17) This is how evil works. Some or many of our "logical conclusions" are just assumptions that we haven't verified and when we close our minds to reason we get into trouble. Excessive pride in our own mental judgments causes us to "Have A Closed Mind To Challenges From Others About Our Self Delusional Beliefs" and we may get angry when people try to do so which can cause us to perform acts of evil. (Evil defending its Mental Territory) This can be very mild and subtle or very severe and obvious. Thank God for The Holy Spirit Of Truth that causes us to "Test everything."

So Satan assumed that he should be God and rebelled with his demons, Adam and Eve assumed that Satan was telling them the truth and were greatly deceived, Mainstream Christianity assumes (in error) that all spirits are immortal and we will burn forever, most people assume that masturbation is a sin, etc., etc.. Since we all are Creatures Of Habit because of our Habitual Thought Patterns (they become almost subconscious), many of our Traditions and Customs go unchallenged mentally and these False Beliefs become strongholds that get passed from generation to generation. These unrealized transfers of False Beliefs makes us become "A Law Unto Ourselves" over time because we all unknowingly assume that "the majority can't be wrong, especially for all of these years." This is nothing new according to The Holy Bible

Mark 7:5 "So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, "Why don’t your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with 'unclean' hands?"

(6) He replied, "Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:

" 'These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
(7) They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men.'

(8) You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men." "

(9) And He said to them: "You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! (10) For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother,' and, 'Anyone who curses his father or mother must be put to death.' (11) But you say that if a man says to his father or mother: 'Whatever help you might otherwise have received from me is Corban' (that is, a gift devoted to God), (12) then you no longer let him do anything for his father or mother. (13) Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that."

The Idolatry of "Trying to be pleasing to other people" and the "manipulative group dynamics of peer pressure" really kicks in around Puberty for boys and much earlier for Girls.  This transition from "play most of the time" Childhood to "work most of the time" Adulthood, during our teenage years, happens while we don't know who we really are or who we are changing into yet as individuals; and we think that deep down in our hearts we all instinctively know that "this world is not right" and we think this is why teenagers/young adults rebel and "try to be different for Difference Sake" to express our reluctance to make the transition. So it is no coincidence that this is usually when children start to cuss daily in school among themselves. As we have shown you in Post #9, all the Cuss Words / Vulgar Uses Of Language in All Human Languages are not sins against God which is A Very Major False Belief, they are simply--Satanically Inspired For Guilt Sake--Traditions Of Men and another weapon that Satan uses to divide people. We have already really opened up Traditional Marriage from The True Biblical Perspective in Post #9 and remember from Post #8, "Lies that affect marriages are the most destructive because happy marriages are the foundation of happy families that produces happy children. Happy marriages are the building blocks of a country." Here is the result from our last Major Spiritual Breakthrough and Constant Meditation that puts The Worldwide Traditional View Of Marriage even more so up there with The Very Major False Belief that masturbation is a sin

Genesis 2:24 "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."

Since this verse comes so early in The Holy Bible, we all have made some unknown (or just un-discussed) and very serious False Assumptions about marriage from it for years.  We are encouraged (not commanded) to live with our parents until we get married, that is easily understood.  Our assumptions have to start in Chapter 4 of Genesis when we read

Genesis 4:1 "Adam lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain."

Genesis 4:17 "Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. . . ."

Genesis 4:19 "Lamech married two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah."

When people read verse 19 "so early in The Holy Bible" we have to assume that "God allowed Lamech to have two wives, this early in The Holy Bible, to speed up the population growth of the human race and ensure our survival." We assume that God is making an exception to The Traditional Marriage Law to deal with the Early Biblical Times like He had to with Adam and Eve's children; the brothers and sisters having kids with each other.  We may or may not notice that we even make this assumption.  We (UnknownFriend7 and The Holy Spirit) remember very well reading about men having more than one wife in The Old Testament when we read the whole Holy Bible those five times and we have just realized after this Last Spiritual Breakthrough that we have been making this same "population growth" assumption to "continue believing in our distorted view of marriage that God designed it to be only between one man and one woman." (Remember that 1981 Prince song, "Controversy"? Expect more to cum with The Truth.) Many people remember Solomon and his 700 wives and 300 concubines which lead him astray from God. (1 Kings 11:1-6) But we have just learned that A Spiritual Veil blocks our understanding/comprehension of The Holy Scriptures (our Wisdom) until A Spiritual Breakthrough is made.  What we do as human beings, with This Demonic Stronghold of a very long held Tradition Of Man that we believe as A Command From God, is to unknowingly mentally distort our understanding of The Holy Bible Scriptures (True Reality), with some kind of excuse/rationalization, to make it fit into our False Belief Tradition Of Man because we are unknowingly very, very biased toward our False Beliefs (The False Reality aka "The Matrix") instead of Rationally remaining Loyal To The Truth Of The Holy Bible Scriptures.  This also shows us how very strong our "Trance-Like Self Deceptions" are because of this truth from page 95 of "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck: "In fact, we humans seldom go into any situation without preconceptions. We then try to make the experience conform to our expectations." (This is the possible source of The Veil.) So here is the Marital Kicker Revelation from our Last Spiritual Breakthrough

The Problem Is Choice

In Genesis 4:1, Adam didn't have a choice for a wife, but by the time of Genesis 4:19, Lamech had a choice for a wife (just like Cain had) and he freely chose to have two wives.  Adam was in a very unique situation and the way cool thing about serving The Infinite God Of Love is that He can allow us to actually Experience the things we have read about in The Holy Bible.  So we will just absolutely have to "ride" The Adam & Eve Experience by The Grace Of God.  Being an Adult Male in A Brand New World that was specifically created for human beings gives Adam A Level Of Innocence And Awe that can never be matched.  After seeing God's great creativity from naming all of the animals and then being presented with Eve, God's Last And Most Beautiful Creation, had to really, really be a very serious Shock To All Of His Male Systems something serious.  He had to be "Very Visually Whipped" by everything about her and then the awesomeness of The First Touch Of Her Softness that led to The First Baby--man please!!!  That is some Very Seriously Romantic Shit that just has to be Experienced To Be Understood.  So imagine this as The Very First Preciously Innocent Conversation

Eve: "Nigga, I told yo' dumb ass about looking at those damn animals. I don't care what you called them. [with a serious Black Woman Neck Roll] You know I'm all that so don't you ever take your eyes off me again!"

Adam: "Man, what the hell !? Woman, you done just totally fucked up the damn moment. LORD God she is ridiculously fine and extremely beautiful but she has a very terrible attitude. Can I get a White Girl please?"

They were created in their Higher Selves, being One With The Universe, so any kind of conflict was impossible and The Magic Of Romance just automatically flowed between them all the time.  Growing up with girls and then going through puberty to really start to like them is one thing, but nothing can compare to Adam's experience with Eve.  And as it goes with all physical things, the novelty of The Physical Beauty Of Women eventually wore off and men began to marry two or more of them.  Because of Electronic Computer Technology, today we can easily search the word "wives" or the phrase "two wives" and get an instant list of Bible Scriptures to study that makes things easier to see and understand.  So The First Part Of The Veil that covers The Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 3:14-18 was about Righteous Sex Before Marriage, and this is The Second Part. Like we said before, we remember very well reading about men with more that one wife in The Old Testament and coming up with a good reason/excuse for this, but this revelation really dazed us for a while because we don't remember reading (or at least understanding) these verses at all in The Holy Bible those five times; so it must be A Second Part Of The Veil

The Right of the Firstborn

Deuteronomy 21:15 "If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons but the firstborn is the son of the wife he does not love, (16) when he wills his property to his sons, he must not give the rights of the firstborn to the son of the wife he loves in preference to his actual firstborn, the son of the wife he does not love. (17) He must acknowledge the son of his unloved wife as the firstborn by giving him a double share of all he has. That son is the first sign of his father’s strength. The right of the firstborn belongs to him."

So after The Breakthrough and more Constant Meditative Prayer, the Lord revealed The Truth to us about His purpose for marriage; we had it right with our wife before we got married; marriage is about Spiritual Growth, especially for the male, which "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas really confirmed.  Deuteronomy 21:15 gives a man the right to have two wives and there is no Old Testament verse that prohibits a man from having more than one wife.  There is also no Old Testament verse that limits how many wives a man can have and it was the Foreignness Of Solomon's wives that lead him astray from God, not the number of them. (1 Kings 11:1-6) And just like with masturbation, if Polygamy was bad for us, God would have prohibited it. Monogamy is just A Tradition Of Man along with "being joined in Holy Matrimony" by a Preacher, Wedding Rings, Marriage Vows, the expensive Wedding Ceremony And Reception, Wedding Gifts, and The Honeymoon. In the Old Testament, the only thing a man had to do to get married was to choose a wife and break the veil of her hymen with his dick aka "Consummate The Marriage;" after that they were married until death which meant they were obligated to take care of any children they had together. (Deuteronomy 22:13-21) As much as we love all women, we know they are not perfect and The Modern Wedding Ceremony is "The Brides Day" to give the couple (especially the bride) a very expensive memory, an event for people to talk about for a while (the longer the better--and the more they are worshiped), many pictures and a video to show and tell their future friends. The dress code for everyone attending the wedding is all about people trying to look good and get attention from other people during and after the event. All of this is catered to the human ego and the couple is supposed to live "Happily Ever After." This is really just a Major Set-Up For Failure and it is designed to reinforce The Very Major Worldwide Deception that most people seriously believe in

Major False Belief: "God created marriage for mankind and people are having their own children."

This False Worldview allows people to be greatly deceived by the One Man Per Woman Relationship Deception that is based on "Fear Of Being Cheated On" all the time especially when you have totally given your heart to someone emotionally; the extreme vulnerability being proof that you are very much "Romantically In Love" with that person. This also causes some people to try to build a relationship that other people are jealous of (Ego Flaunting) and the fear of married couples having to avoid getting close to single people. This One Person At A Time Ego Romance causes people to absolutely loose their self control at times and commit "Crimes Of Passion" because it is a severely insidious False Worldview Manipulation designed to maintain relationship chaos. It's all an Evil Spirit Straight Hustle Set-Up For Failure.

But The Kingdom Of Heaven True Worldview Of Marriage "Allows A Man To Be A Man" (we always do, sinfully, anyway) and it also "Allows A Woman To Really Enjoy Being A Woman." The integrated "share everything as a team mentality" will increase Male Spiritual Growth in relationships very much so once people switch to this True Worldview Of Marriage

The Truth About Marriage: "God created marriage, and everything else, for His glory and people are having God's children."

The key to the Traditional Marriage Hustle was to hide a man's Child/Feminine side from himself by denying that it exists or shutting it down with a bunch of extreme macho bullshit that turns women on (physically) and keeps them confused at the same time. (Spiritually/Emotionally) But once a man learns The Truth about Our Heavenly Father by The Lord Jesus Christ, he can see with a very clear conscience that "God allows a married man to be swimming in women" with 7 wives, 12 girlfriends, and 31 lovers that can potentially transform into 50 wives with more girlfriends, lovers, and the freedom to engage in the Way Too Sexy Others that he encounters.  The essence is being involved in multiple relationships is "when a very happy man" spends a lot of time with "very happy women" (with girlfriends, boyfriends and lovers), who are devoted to his happiness and well being, and he constantly sees how they engage and bond with each other emotionally like very close sisters who are best friends, he will very easily be open to deep conversations about emotional sensitivity, thoughtfulness, nurturing, etc. that the human Feminine/Child Side naturally has and will very easily be open to Spiritual Growth which would happen much faster when they all gently tell him the truth about himself.  This same principle apples to women as well with their Masculine/Adult Side.  Being surrounded by The Grace Of God Through Wonderful Women will inspire him to be extremely grateful for his Glorious Lifestyle and The Higher Self of very Inspired Spiritual Romance will kick in and he will express his gratitude to each and every woman in his life something serious with very wonderful creativity.  Life on earth will then become The Very Serious Party/Celebration Of Love that it is supposed to be aka The Kingdom Of Heaven.

We think that the reason God allows married and single men to be "Swimmin' in women" (like water) because women are symbolic of God's Holy Spirit.

Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

John 14:26 (NKJV) But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

This would explain why God didn't create Eve from the ground; He took her "out of man" and being "our better half" men are very incomplete with out women in their lives (and vice versa) and the more the better for our Spiritual Growth.  The word "Counselor" is used in the NIV of The Holy Bible and women are superior to men when it comes to relationships and they are always "Counseling"/Nagging us to become better people, which we fight against big time, as an expression of their love for us.   Relationships are supposed to be about Empowering / Building Up / Edifying Each Others weaknesses and in men our Feminine/Child Side is weaker and in women their Masculine/Adult Side is weaker.  The Balance Of Power Higher Self is what we all need to "get back to" but currently, Satan has us mostly dealing with Power Struggles In Relationships.  When people are Empowered by having Many Other Choices for Companionship, The Love Game changes for the better for everyone.  This Balance Of Power in The Human Mind is barely happening in this False Reality, One Person At A Time, Straight Hustle Bullshit Lifestyle that Satan has manipulated us into living; because of our greatly Deceived Churches and Governments, we have many Mega Ton Nuclear Warheads poised for human destruction on this earth.

From "Further Along The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck page 25

"As I said above, the word salvation means "healing." It comes from the same word as salve, which you put on your skin in order to heal an area of irritation or infection. Salvation is the process of healing and the process of becoming whole. And health, wholeness, and holiness are all derived from the same root. They all mean virtually the same thing."

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