Saturday, December 31, 2011


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(Post #9  part 3 of 4)

Romantic Love of only one person at a time which limits us to emotional and physical love of only that one person at a time.
a.k.a. Completely Closed Relationships  

John 8:31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  (32) Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:34  Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. (35) Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. (36) So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

If you have read and understood from the beginning of this blog then:

Welcome to the motherfucking
 Kingdom Of God!

God allows an individual to be tested by Satan, who is the ruler of this current Kingdom, before He gives that individual The Wisdom Of A New Kingdom. (Just like He did with His Son The Lord Jesus Christ.)

Now I get to finish hooking you up to the truth about The Kingdom Of Heaven.  One day I joked with a single male coworker of mine, "What you need to do is introduce your girlfriend to your wife and let them become best friends so you can have another lover--that's some Player-Player shit." That deceived world fantasy is truthfully some Kingdom Of Heaven shit.  We are supposed to be free to love everybody intensely emotionally and physically.  In The Kingdom Of Heaven we all get to be a Player-Player-Playa-Playa-Playah.

First of all it is a state of mind that produces an environment.
Mark 12:34 "When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, He said to him,“You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And from then on no one dared ask Him any more questions."

When Jesus Christ said, "not far from" He was talking about a mental/spiritual journey to a state of mind and not a physical journey to a physical location.  He was specifically talking about how close the man's Wisdom was to The Kingdom Of God/Love state of mind since he had "answered wisely." Since God is Love, The Kingdom Of God = The Kingdom Of Love which is a place where love rules.  I am mostly using God/Love in this post to remind you of that.  Now that you know the truth about God/Love, your spirit may have been rejoicing with tears of joy because of 
1 Corinthians 13:6 "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.And with the true vision of the love of God ruling in your heart, your mind has become a place where God/Love rules which places you in The Kingdom Of God.  Once you know the truth, you will never be satisfied with the lies again, if you ever where satisfied.

The environment that the Kingdom Of God produces is The Kingdom Of Heaven, which is a place where everyone is in The Kingdom Of God.  When that "place" grows to encompass the whole earth, we will have Heaven On Earth just like in The Lord's Prayer when Jesus Christ prayed, "your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." We were never promised "To go to Heaven and live with God after we die." as many people have been deceived into believing, which is proof of there being very widespread biblical illiteracy, but that is simply not written in The Holy Bible; Heaven is coming to earth.  Until then we will have "pieces of Heaven" instead of the whole earthly kingdom, which Our Lord Jesus Christ will establish when He returns again.  From "Rediscovering The Kingdom" by Myles Munroe page 83:
    ". . . Whenever Jesus mentions the "Kingdom of God," he is referring to the actual rule of God in the spiritual realm. When he says, the "Kingdom of heaven," He is talking about its "headquarters" and the heavenly invasion upon the earth, or the transfer of power from the spiritual realm to the physical."

from page 84:

   "The Kingdom of God on earth, therefore, is God's authority within the heart and spirit of man, and the Kingdom of heaven is when that authority impacts the human earthly environment through His designated representatives."

This makes the Satanic oppressive racism and Black People True Identity Deception much more sinister because Genesis 49:10 says: 

"The scepter will not depart from Judah, 
   nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
until He to whom it belongs
 shall come 

   and the obedience of the nations shall be His."

scepter - n. 1. A rod or wand borne in the hand as an emblem of regal or imperial power. 2. Royal or imperial power or authority; sovereignty.

The Lord Jesus Christ will fulfill Genesis 49:10 as prophesied in Revelation 19:15 and from Hebrews 7:14, He descended from the tribe of Judah.  So Satan really has The Power From Heaven disconnected because he has people believing that the Antichrist Jews of today are God's chosen people and His true chosen people's identity hidden from themselves along with their understanding of God's true goodness and grace.  This really redefines and emphasizes the phrase "Black Power" that Satan has been so afraid of as evidenced through him using mostly white people to oppress us--from his leftover hate of us that caused slavery--with racism in the national media, the courts, and the business world of the global economy to keep our self esteem as a people way down.  All pride is not evil and there has to a balance in everything.  From "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck page 285:

   "Pride has its time and place. There are times when and places where pride is not only normal but necessary. And other times, for groups as well as for individuals, when it is sick and destructive.  . . . In particular, pride is a healthy and necessary part of the process of identity formation. Individuals and groups are engaged in the work of forming and refining their identities throughout their life spans."

from page 286:

   "When a group is doing the work of developing an identity, the matter of pride is also very much in evidence. The example most familiar and dramatic is that of the struggle of black Americans, particularly during the sixties, to develop an effective identity. Before that time blacks largely lacked an identity of their own--many going to ridiculous extremes in an attempt to adopt a white identity, even to the point of efforts to straighten their naturally curly hair. But then, suddenly and properly, almost overnight, all that changed. The curly hair was allowed to grow out. The "Afro" was in. African history was searched . . .
     This was good. It is a matter of respect. It is good that we should respect ourselves, just as it is good that we should respect others. In order for us to respect ourselves we must have some dignity and the kind of pride that goes with dignity."

So the struggle of black people in America is perfectly symbolic of humanity's struggle with Satan.  It is very nice to know that although we as a people have some issues, even some very serious issues, a lot of our image and behavior is a result of being specifically targeted by an Evil Son-Of-A-Bitch for termination.  That's a huge relief and it really touches your soul.  The deceptive invalidating splinter that is being placed in the back of everyone's mind that "something is wrong with us" can be replaced with "something is purposely happening to us big time." This especially applies to black people.  The Lord knows I really do like and respect white people.  A very close white girl, former co-worker and now lifelong friend of mine, that I ate lunch with every day for 5 years, said this to me one day during lunch at work and I'll never forget it: "You have a white personality." Mutha fucka say whaaaaat!?  (I now pronounce you "Ultra Nigga"--Thanks Martin (Luther King) because I don't sound even slightly white on a good day and I really, really don't speak proper English like a news anchor--I sling slang all the time.  Where is my Academy Award for THAT shit?)  I know most white men to be very generous, brave, and have a strong sense of hero-like duty by being policemen, firemen, rangers, soldiers and the like.  You can't find a black version of Patrick Tillman in the USA or Africa--leave the high paying celebrity of the NFL to go risk your life for your country.  That's some extreme Founding Father type patriotism. (We like "looking good" way too much to even think about doing something like that.)  And collectively, I think white women are by far the most feminine and sweetest creatures on the planet which makes them very like-able.  But upon deeper analysis, if black women had the luxury of having generation after generation of two parent, highly functional families living relatively privileged lifestyles where college degrees, business ownership, high level executive business positions, and governmental positions of power and wealth are the norm rather than the very rare exceptions, then they could relax from their adapted persona of having to be a female warrior, on the front lines with their men, in this Spiritual War and would be free to be their naturally very feminine and very sweet selves as well; just like white women who can easily submit to their men who are "always running things", because of the security they are constantly surrounded by and can take for granted (probably never noticing this) in a system that is designed to exalt white people and is supposed to cause them to think they are superior. (A very well hidden Systematic Superiority Deception)  So we realistically have to view white women as an example of how all women could/should be.  Most of our  society is a set-up for failure/hustle and we are being pitted against each other like pawns in a chess game.  As I heard a white radio talk show host observe, "If Casey Anthony had been Kenisha Anthony (a black girl's name) we would have never heard anything about her daughter or trial."  It fucks with your head (and severely suppresses your "inner Patrick Tillman") knowing that the only way we as a people will make the national news is when we are looking very bad which is supposed to give us, and everyone else, a very distorted mental image of who we are and now we all fully know the deal with that lying, biased, straight set-up bullshit.  That same very subtly controlled by evil, invalidating media will not air commercials daily about The Cure For All Diseases or The Community Building Cure For All Social Problems because this would put many people, including many in the government, out of work and this would not protect the too big to fail Global Economy that has us all competing in economic warfare.  No one likes being used, including God, and this has to sting for the white people who where totally unaware that they are being used like this.  We all are trapped in this Global Matrix Of Money, Lies, and Deceptions and will be so until The Lord Jesus Christ returns to establish The Everlasting Kingdom Of Heaven on earth.  Getting angry at Satan only plays into his evil schemes. (Ephesians 4:26-27) There is no use in getting mad, we have to get motivated.  We have to "Make these Demonic evil spirit haters our motivators."

We especially have to remember that we can't fight Satan at all on our own--like I learned it post #7--and we have to rely totally on the power of God just like our Lord Jesus Christ did when He was in the flesh.  If you really want to piss Satan off, you have to tap into the power of The Holy Spirit and exhibit Love and Self Control when you are supposed/expected to get angry.  So the second Kingdom Of Heaven concept is the Emotional Control that the Self Control Fruit Of The Holy Spirit can provide when it is practiced and developed.  If you just love people for a reason, then you can be manipulated into becoming unloving towards people at times because you are expecting some "respect and worth loving" behavior from people--Loving people because of their works toward you. (from the Flesh) But if you love people for no reason, like we are supposed to which is called Perfect Love, then you flip the script and really make Satan angry because you are constantly living in God's Holy Spirit--Loving people because of The Grace Of God that is in you. (from the Spirit see Matthew 5:38-48) This is exhibiting the Radical Love of God and also how we make great strides in Advancing The Kingdom Of Heaven.  Jesus Christ's whole life in the flesh was a Spiritual Tour De Force of this, especially at the end in Gethsemane.  After being arrested for no reason, sentenced to death for no reason, severely tortured for no reason (for our sins, He had none), and then executed for no reason by being nailed to the cross, instead of becoming extremely enraged because He was totally innocent and suffering an extremely severe injustice, He uttered this sentence of Radical Love with great sincerity while in extreme physical agony on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34This probably caused Satan (a pure Spiritual Being so this is impossible) to shit on himself in a complete rage.  This type of Emotional Control only comes from God's Holy Spirit being in total control of a person, we as human beings do not have this kind of power.
Proverbs 25
(21) If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
          if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
(22) In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,
          and the LORD will reward you.

John 14:23 Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and WE will come to him and make our home with him."

I remember practicing this type of Emotional Control Of The Holy Spirit in early December of 1997 when, in hindsight, my second Spiritual Battle to learn The Truth About God started.  At work one day, a white coworker and very good friend of mine, who I liked very much, (a way-outside-the-box-thinking, crazy motherfucker from Texas) said some extremely outlandish shit about Jesus Christ to me out of the blue.  I knew that this was not normal human thinking at all (something very evil) so, because of God's Holy Spirit in me, I instinctively knew to react to him with love instead of getting angry.  I think this is what triggered the spiritual experiences that lead to my baptism by fire.  A couple of days later, another white coworker very good friend said some very harmful things about me to everyone who worked in the shop while I was experiencing very manic brain activity and "acting strange" which was supposed to make me very angry but I also knew this was way out of his normal character (something evil) and I instinctively reacted to him with love and forgiveness instead of anger or rage.  This was my second witness or conformation. (Deuteronomy 19:152 Corinthians 13:1) Then after a few months of meditating on and memorizing scriptures, and after defeating Satan's third attack on my sanity, I was baptized by fire after which I felt a second presence of God in my mind (God The Father) in addition to The Anointing Of The Holy Spirit I had received earlier.  I wonder what will happen after we get enough of God's chosen people to do this?  A possible Major Power Of God Re-Connection.

If you think deep about this, when we are invalidated (emotionally injured deeply) by the hidden evil in someone, that evil somehow unconsciously transfers to us in that moment when we become emotionally vulnerable in the presence of that evil.  When someone brings that issue or situation up in the future, we will react with that same hidden anger that the invalidation caused, which is like a hidden spiritual land mine, until we deal with that sensitive issue properly.  But when we become more and more emotionally vulnerable in the presence of love and acceptance in the Community Building Phenomenon, all the hidden evil (mostly irrational anger aka Demons) in us is transferred out of us, and we are spiritually healed and freed to then naturally become one in mind/spirit which is a very, very loving and joyously sexy state of mind.  This also means that Demons (Negative Emotions / Irrational Anger) keep us from connecting deeper to The Holy Spirit Of Love and Spiritual Breakthroughs help this process.  So deep spiritual injuries and healings both occur when we become emotionally vulnerable, which is like being spiritually open to connect deeply with each other in that moment, and I think this is when a spiritual transfer happens--positively or negatively.  This also works on the positive side as well, so our deeply touching acts of extreme kindness towards someone can transfer and inspire that person for a lifetime.  We all are involved in Emotional Intercourse with each other, which most people are clueless about, and this is what helps give our words (and deeds) the power of life and death.  Psychology has come to realize that your EQ (Emotional Quotient) is more important than your IQ (Intelligence Quotient) because it maintains peace and relationships.  Unresolved feelings of hidden anger (Demons, Hang Ups, Issues, etc.) are like spiritual hooks that Satan can grab at just the right time to make a normal situation quickly escalate way beyond rationality into some evil nonsense.  This is why Jesus Christ said in John 14:30 (NKJV) "I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me." The hidden and unresolved anger (Demons) can be activated by Satan at the right time, along with others, to cause "an accidental bump" or "a stepping on the shoe" to emotionally escalate and get out of control quickly which sometimes ends with a nonsensical murder.  This is why Ephesians 4:26 says, "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry(27) and do not give the devil a foothold."

If something or someone really angers or upset you, it is best to vent that anger immediately or as soon as possible on something like a pillow, or punching bag, or an imaginary person.  This is better than storing it up and letting it become worse.

From "Raising The Dead-- A Doctor Encounters the Miraculous" by Chauncey W. Crandall IV, MD page 191

‎"God calls everyone into the work of restoring the world through Christ's cross and resurrection. He calls everyone to respond to the world's evil with His love, which allows, at times, for miraculous healings as signs that God will ultimately defeat death itself."

Responding to evil with God's love is the key to winning Major Spiritual Battles in this Spiritual War and this becomes much easier to do once you know that you've got "a world full of sexy people that you can look forward to getting to know much better physically" in the Kingdom Of Heaven which automatically lifts your spirits and hypes your mood all the time.  There is some very slick shit you can do to make this much easier that I've found in the booklet "You And Your Emotions" by Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr., M.D. and Allie Hendricks, M.A. where he teaches you that from page 12:

"By your thoughts, you choose how you feel and your actions usually follow your feelings. Your thoughts cause your feelings.
    Is it now clear that facts and events do not cause your emotional feelings? It's what you think and believe about facts and events that cause your emotional feelings. This is true about all of your feelings--your anger, nervousness, joy, love, sadness, loneliness, depression, calmness or whatever.  . . .
(pg. 24-25
   You might be wondering what rational thoughts are. Well, Rational Thoughts have Five Characteristics

1) They're true (i.e. based on objective reality).
2) They lead you to protect your life.
3) They lead you to get what you want quickly.
4) They keep you from feeling the way you don't want to feel.
5) They keep you out of the trouble you don't want--with police, your boss, spouse, etc. 

   Rational Behavior Therapists teach people how to think rationally so they can feel better.  Remember you have to think better before you'll feel better without alcohol or drugs." (And believing lies prevents you from doing this.  The second best book on the planet, "The Purpose Drive Life" by Rick Warren in Chapter 23 pg. 182 says the exact same thing, "The way you think determines the way you feel, and the way you feel influences the way you act.")

He teaches you how to do a RSA (Rational Self Analysis) to improve your thought process during some of your life events which is basically what Jesus Christ has been doing through me from the beginning of this blog on a grand scale for some of our Major False Beliefs about Christianity.  But the very slick spiritual hook up is doing REI (Rational Emotive Imagery) because even if you think and behave rationally, you will probably still get angry sometimes even when you don't want to.

(from page 66 in the Chapter "The Rational Use Of Your Imagination")

    "That's because you can change your mind and physical behavior much faster than you can change your old habit of emotional feelings. The best way to get rid of an old habit of emotional feelings is to practice not having the old feelings at the times you usually have them. So Irrational Ralph (a booklet character) needs to practice making mistakes without getting angry at himself. The best and safest way to do that is to do daily mental practice--everyday repeatedly. Imagine yourself making your old stupid mistakes without getting angry at yourself. The imagine yourself doing what you want to do without making a mistake.
     By doing both types of mental practice everyday you will get rid of your habit of self-anger about mistakes. You will also be practicing how to act the way you want to without making mistakes. If you do that three or four times per day, everyday, you will stop feeling bad when you make mistakes and you will also cut down the total number of your mistakes." 

I've heard of doing visualizations for simple tasks but I didn't know this could apply to controlling your emotions in bad situations.  This is basically mental practice and preparation for the worst while hoping for the best.  Talking about winning a spiritual battle before it is even fought, hell this is some Nuclear Spiritual Ninja shit!  Collectively, we can brain storm a lot of bad situations, from experience or imagination, and practice controlling our reactions and behavior by faith in those situations which is like a nuclear spiritual preemptive strike at our enemy.  So if any of those events or something similar actually occurs it will be like a "Deja Vu" and you will know what to do.  Someone said, "If you are prepared, then you should not be scared." or get angry, upset, shocked, horrified, caught off guard, knocked of balance mentally, set-up, etc. because by faith you would have already been there and done that mentally.  By faith, thoughts become things and one of these "things" can be the spiritual characteristic of having Emotional Control In Very Bad Situations.  This is exactly what we do when we teach children and adults how to react or survive in life threatening situations by role playing preparation.  This is also what the Lord has taught me to do since the age of twelve about extreme and abusive racism.  I've been fully prepared mentally for years to handle this extremely invalidating type of situation and we just have to expand and master this technique of robbing the enemy of his power to make us become very emotional and therefore not think clearly:

An angry Aryan: "Look at that dumb Nigger, Spade, Spook, Boy!"

Me (very calmly with a smile): "Thank you Mr. White Man sir.  How can I help you?"

Normally this would provoke an unprepared black person to be enraged to the point of a very serious aggravated assault or even murder on a bad day and they would leave this situation handcuffed in the back of a police car.  Racial media sensationalism would probably follow.  A very well prepared Spiritual Ninja would walk away from this situation laughing along with everyone else who witnessed that situation.  

Psalm 37
(12) The wicked plot against the righteous
             and gnash their teeth at them;
(13) but the Lord laughs at the wicked,
             for he knows their day is coming.

I remember The U.S. Army used to have commercials that sung the words, "Be Prepared" all the way through them.  This is very crucial for The Spiritual Army Of The Lord as well.  

Psalm 4:4   
   In your anger do not sin;
     when you are on your beds, 

   search your hearts and be silent.

Things happen for a reason and bad things also don't happen for a reason.  This principle applies to physical safety and spiritual safety as well.  That fully covers racism and now lets move on to the third and final Kingdom Of Heaven concept which will cover understanding the other worldwide insidious conflict which is The Battle Of The Sexes; it will also cover Community Maintenance, and the Problem Of Reentry into an unchanged society.

The Rainbow Children

Matthew 18:3
And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14
Jesus said,"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Since the Garden of Eden, females have been whipping our male asses something terrible in the proverbial (well known) Battle Of The Sexes because Satan preys on excessive pride and he has been using the fragile male ego to fuck up the world completely.  He always attacks those who are in power, and since God placed men over women as part of Eve's punishment, we are his natural targets.  Women are, by nature, very loving, nurturing, and are always thinking about other people in all situations which makes them more humble and relationship oriented; and therefore they are spiritually superior to our natural competitive male nature.  Women are always considering factors that men would normally be totally unaware of in their decision making process and this is why they are sometimes slow to make choices or always changing their minds; they are always trying to please as many people as possible and sometimes too many people. (a precious fault) With our much more analytical, and able to maintain focus better, minds (Chess superiority) we should be able to realize their overall spiritual superiority ("My better half").  We also should be able to recognize that we are being targeted by Satan and we therefore should still be able to show a much better appreciation of God's very wonderful helpmate gift to us and still combat our enemy in this Spiritual War.  But without God's Holy Spirit in a man, he will lose this spiritual battle badly and be deceived into hurting his helpmate emotionally and physically.  So unfortunately, there is way too much domestic violence in the world which is mostly from men against women and children, both of which are physically weaker.  This is a very, very serious set-up of men by Satan who knows he will burn for ever and is trying to get as many people as possible to give him "a run for his money."  Men are about to learn that, since God put Adam over Eve, then

From a spiritual standpoint, testicles are very, very heavy.

Psalm 82:3 "Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed."

Luke 12:47 "That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. (48) But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."

James 3:1 "Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."

There is biblical theme of "those who suffer now will rejoice later and those who have it good now will suffer later" because things are not what they seem in this world at all.  Knowing what I know, if I had a choice, I would much rather be a child who died of starvation somewhere like in Africa who will get a free pass to The Kingdom Of Heaven that Jesus Christ will establish upon his return.  God expects more from those who are in a position of leadership and therefore they will receive more punishment for their mistakes and failures.  

When Adam and Eve ate from the Forbidden Tree, we went from using about 95% of our brains, which is our unconscious mind, to about the 5% that is our conscious mind.  This also caused us to switch from being one with God, nature, and the universe (A Community) to becoming self conscious and therefore self aware.  I learned this from "Further Along The Road Less Traveled" by M. Scott Peck 1993.

From the very crucial book mentioned below that was written by two women;

   "Our society is in a deep spiritual crisis, a crisis that is the result of having taken the wrong path thousands of years ago. We are experiencing the consequences of the internal disconnection from our own hearts that began even before the birth of Christ. 
     The natural human state is a heart that is filled to the brim with love and light, so full that it overflows and pours out love and light with every breath. But so many of us are far away from that natural state, so far away that all we feel is a sense of emptiness in our hearts.  . . .
. . .
     The survival of our planet depends on all of us understanding and experiencing that we are all one. (A Living Organism) When we can look at other human beings and feel a sense of unity, then we can no longer violate each other physically or emotionally.  . . ."

That is Satan's grand set-up, causing us to "violate each other physically or emotionally" with Wars and the many hidden Invalidations of a dog-eat-dog world that is led by men.  Unlike women, men put each other under extreme peer pressure in groups to conform to Satan's ego induced false ideals of being very macho, or to have the over the top masculinity of "Real Men," or being "A Street Thug." This is the exact opposite of the necessary mental quality of being emotionally vulnerable in a group setting which causes all the women there to fall deeply in love with all the men there and vice versa which is what all men really want anyway but don't know it because they are being greatly deceived.  So all the emotional abuse, pimp slapping type of violence, and the tears from a woman crying because she is left to be a struggling single parent will be counted against the men on Judgement Day big time.  A man is the head of a family whether he is there or not so all the struggles that the mother and children endure unnecessarily, because of the man's absence, will be counted against him.  Very unfortunately, very many ignorant men will sincerely wish they had cut their genitals off completely before puberty on Judgement Day.  So not only are we missing out in this world on the very joyous lifestyle we are supposed to be living, and on Judgement Day we will suffer much more than the women until we die for the last time, but worst of all, we will miss out on a life of everlasting ecstasy which is what will hurt the most.  Satan is hopelessly and eternally fucked and he has most of the men in this world very deceived into valuing casually having sexual intercourse with many women and bragging to other men about how much of a player they are by how much pussy they have fucked.  Looking at the big picture, Satan has you fucking the women while he is fucking you into that extremely tormenting eternal fire with him and his demons.  That evil motherfucker has men (who carry the seed of life so the responsibility is all on us) totally ignorant of and trivializing the fact that they are doing something that God has given them the power to create a life with and that life you create will affect many other lives in the future. ("You are Gods.") Instead, you are very selfishly only focusing on your own pleasure at that moment which is an extreme example of The Flesh vs. The Spirit way of "thinking about myself right now instead of the big picture and the future."  Now if it was the case that the more pussy you get, the better getting pussy will feel for you in the future, the shit would at least make better sense.  But that's not the case at all and the truth is just like Richard Pryor said, "Aint but two pieces of pussy you are ever going to get--your first and your last." All you are going to be able to say to God on Judgement Day is, "It felt good to me at the time." Many will have to learn the hard way how fucked up that "living for the moment" state of mind was.  It is a very fucked up deal of "only remembering two experiences" but having to pay for all of the ones you didn't even remember.  I wouldn't be a damn bit surprised if this is going to be the case for your punishment though; the penalty might get worse and worse each time you do it.  This is just like someone who uses drugs to temporarily escape reality from the emotional pain of their problems and have to come back to the reality of the same exact problems plus an additional one of a drug addiction which is insane.  Like I've said before, the best thing in The Universe by far is "The Love Of God" and the worst thing in The Universe by far is "The Wrath Of God." Everyone will answer to their Maker whether they know it or not and you chose which side of Him you will deal with by the way you live your life.  Remember when cell phone video became very wide spread and people where being caught doing all kinds of fucked up shit before they realized that public privacy is now very scarce?  Well, the "And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered." of Matthew 10:30 and Luke 12:7 means that behind each of your eye balls, your life is being recorded in very great detail.  Every time you go up or down a flight of stairs, you subconscious mind counts the number of stairs.  I'm just doing my job of trying to get as many people as possible to avoid this potential situation at the end of their judgement:

"I've got to spend years in this excruciatingly tormenting shit before I die for the last time and the fucking clock is slowly ticking off seconds." 

And as usual, this especially applies to black men because we are the spiritual Michael Jordans of the planet.  What do you think The Team Owner is going to do to A Player who at age 35 is supposed to be winning his 6th NBA Championship but instead is still playing at the level of being cut from his High School basketball team based on the state of the black family today?  If you read through this ministry and still end up in that tormenting flame, I will not take it personally at all.  I'm just doing the Lord's Business and He knows that I really will not give Satan, his Demons, and Those Who Chose Not To Live Forever a second thought as I inherit The New Universe and Eternal Life with God's many other Everlasting Children. (Revelation 21:1)  After all is said and done, God is just bringing His Everlasting Children to life in this Universe and it will be like the rest never happened.  What really makes all this out of control sinful flesh shit extra sad is that in addition to the above three ways you are being totally fucked by Satan, his extremely insidious, "adding insult to injury" is that the pleasure that you receive, from your "surely gonna come back to haunt you illegitimate fucking that you wont even remember," is no where near the amount of pleasure you are supposed to receive when you do the shit right and don't have to pay for it later with torment.  That total-mind-fuck-set-up shit is way beyond ridiculous and I'm through with that Sad Addicted Crackhead bullshit.  (The Problem in the flesh is always Choice and thank God for the Self Control of The Holy Spirit.)  

Now hopefully you can rationally do some serious soul searching with these two passages of scripture, Matthew 5:29-30 and 19:11-12, and make some sound decisions if God's provisions for the flesh for single and married people are still not enough for you.  In a nutshell, if you can't control your dick, then you should very wisely cut your heavy testicles right the fuck off (becoming a Eunuch "You-Nick") for the sake of inheriting The Everlasting Kingdom Of Heaven. (Matthew 5:27-30)  It's as simple as "giving up very small and very temporary pleasure for the sake of inheriting very, very large and eternal pleasure" which you still might have problems believing in because of your lack of faith in this "body of death" flesh that we are living in that causes us to just "live for the moment" and naturally have a very self-centered nature. (Romans 7)  Life is hopeless without God's Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you.  Good luck and may God bless you.  Now back to The Kingdom.

The final Kingdom Of Heaven book, that the Lord lead me to read right when it came out and very early in my search for the truth, is called "Healing Your Aloneness--Finding Love and Wholeness Through Your Inner Child" by Erika J. Chopich and Margaret Paul 1990.  This book is so spiritually juicy that, with my second copy and second time recently reading it, I have still highlighted every whole page of the first six chapters with the exception of four pages that only had partial highlights.  It teaches the reader about the concepts of our mental Inner Adult and Inner Child which is consistent with the theme of our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ that I have used in each of The Three Sections of this post.  Since The Fall Of Man, our NEW natural state of mind is the disconnection between our Inner Adult and Inner Child which the book defines as our Ego or Our False Self--People Of The Lie--which is the source of all of our spiritual problems.  When the two parts are connected, we transform our Ego into Our True Self (People Of The Truth) which the book calls our Higher Self and this is the same mindset that we achieve in The Community Phenomenon.  It also shows you how to process and re-parent yourself into wholeness.  So this book solves the Problem Of Reentry into a cold hearted society and the problem of Community Maintenance by showing us how to stay whole within individually.  From page 3 of the book "Healing Your Aloneness";     

    "All of us have two distinct aspects of our personality: the Adult and the Child. When these two parts are connected and working together, there is a sense of wholeness within. When these two parts are disconnected, however, because of being wounded, dysfunctional, or undeveloped, there is a sense of conflict, emptiness, and aloneness within. 
. . .
    The Inner Child has a full range of intense emotions--joy and pain, happiness and sadness. The Inner Child functions in the right-brain modes of being, feeling, and experiencing, as opposed to the Adult who functions in the left-brain modes of doing, thinking, and acting, but who also has a full range of feelings. "Doing" relates to the external physical world and to performing an action, while "being" refers to existing on an internal, emotional, and spiritual level. "Doing" is an outer experience while "being" is an inner experience.
. . . (pg. 4)
    The Child is the instinctual part of us, our "gut" feelings. The Child has sometimes been referred to as the unconscious, but it is unconscious only because we have paid so little attention to it. The unconscious becomes readily available to consciousness when we wish to learn about it. Our Inner Child contains our feeling, memories, and experiences form childhood, which can be remembered when we seek to learn form our Inner Child."

This "unconscious 95% of our brain Inner Childis what Jesus Christ was referring to in Matthew 18:3 and 19:14 among other places in the Gospels when He said, "change and become like little children."  This is also referenced in the Old Testament verse of;

Ecclesiastes 3:10 "I have seen the burden God has laid on men. (11) He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

This eternity is the Higher Self of The Community state of mind that Adam and Eve were created in The Garden Of Eden before they sinned.  In this Oneness state of mind, you know very, very well that, "You are your brothers keeper;" so when Eve was deceived by Satan, Adam was right there with her and agreed with the deception as well and that is why he didn't stop her from sinning.  From "Rediscovering The Kingdom" by Myles Munroe pg. 87

"You will not surely die...For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." In this he represented God as knowing both good and evil. In His omniscience, God understand the nature of evil, but in His perfection He does not know evil experientially.  . . . As a result of satan's ploy, Adam and Eve developed a distorted understanding of the knowledge God had given them. They succumbed to the devil's manipulation and trickery to become "like God," although they were already like Him."

So we were hustled into being our false selves and we have been living a lie ever since.  Eve ate first but they both were deceived into wanting to know what evil was and we all have really learned the hard way ever since that God always has out best interests in mind and that "evil is not worth knowing."  Psychologist have know for a while that the subconscious mind is where all the good stuff is.
(from pg. 10 The Loved Child)
    "When the Child feels loved, it is the natural Child within us. It is our aliveness, enthusiasm, and sense of wonder. The love Child within us is so special that the briefest contact with it opens us to the absolute delight of just being alive. The loved Child is energetic and filled with passion, playfulness, and curiosity, and is always receptive to new ideas and experiences. The natural Inner Child is our creativity, intuition, and ability to trust. When the Inner Child was loved as a child by its caretakers, or has been lovingly re-parented by the Inner Adult for a long time, it is soft, sensitive, flowing, and very loving. Within the loved Child lies our understanding of the inherent equality of all people and the unity of all being. The loved Child is wise and knowing in a holistic, nonlinear way, which means drawing conclusions through a totality of multiple and simultaneous experiences and impressions, rather than through step-by-step logical and linear thinking, which is the realm of the Adult.
     The Child, being conceptual rather than linear, contains our ability for deep emotional and spiritual connection within ourselves and with others. It is the loved Child that can tell us what we feel and want based upon what feels right or wrong to it. It is the loved Child part of us that knows what is best for us, what feels good or bad to us. It is these feelings that give us accurate information about what makes us happy or unhappy. People who are out of touch with their Inner Child are out of touch with many of their feeling and have no access to this source of knowledge.
     Our society has long diminished the importance of feelings, worshiping logic while downgrading the wisdom that comes from feelings, touting the left brain while ignoring the right. And this has created a terrible imbalance--the power of logic without the power of wisdom. Wisdom is the accumulation of all our experiences stored as emotion. When you cannot feel what is true, then you cannot utilize your wisdom.
(from pg. 19)
    The Adult is the logical, thinking part of us. The feelings of the Adult come from thought, as opposed to the Child, whose thoughts come from its feelings. The Adult is concerned with doing rather than being, with acting rather than experiencing. We can conceive of the Adult as the yang, the masculine, or the left-brain aspect of ourselves and the Child as the yin, feminine, or right-brain aspect. We can think of the Adult as the conscious mind, the linear-thinking intellect.
     The Adult is the choice maker regarding intent and actions. . . ."

So you can see that men are naturally left brained Adult and women are naturally right brained Child.  Satan has mostly been using the false self ego of men to attack and violate "The Kingdom Of Heaven" women and children mentally and physically in this left brained male dominated world.  The reason married men are so protective of their teenage daughters is because they remember how they were as teens themselves and how, sexually, they were driven to prey on all women in general at that age along with their buddies.  They will also see how protective Our Heavenly Father is of his very precious daughters and little children.

It is hard for me to decide what information to present to you from what I have already highlighted as important which is basically the first six chapters.  So here are a few more very highlights:
(from pg. 28-29 The Higher Self)
    "We believe that it is the connection between the loving Adult and the loved inner Child that is the Higher Self. The connection and balance between the two--The Adult/Child, the God/Goddess, the masculine/feminine, the yin/yang--constitute the Higher Self.
      We define the Higher Self as our wholeness, ability to love, and sense of personal power--who we truly are, our true identity. It is who we are when we are connected to the universe, and we believe this universal connection occurs when we establish the inner connection between the Adult and the Child. The Higher Self is who we are when we are most authentic, genuine, and compassionate. When we are in the connected state of the Higher Self, we are filled with love, empathy, and forgiveness. It is the wondrous state that enables us to draw upon our wisdom, the wisdom that comes directly from the universe.
      The Higher Self is the essence of power, the generative, nurturing, life-giving, and life-sustaining creative element within ourselves and in the universe. It is from the balance between the Goad and the Goddess, the masculine and the feminine that all life springs forth. It is nonviolent, it never takes life, it never destroys, it only gives life and love, and is, therefore, the essence of peace. 
(from pg. 33 Beliefs Versus Truth)
     Any belief that causes us anxiety, hurt, or fear is a false belief, and anytime we are anxious or hurt, we are operating from a false belief. Our sadness and grief come from seeing and experiencing the truth about a situation, but our hurt, anxiety, and fear come from our false beliefs. As children, most of us adopted beliefs that aren't true for us, and so they cause us pain. . . . If a belief causes us pain, then it is a false belief. If what you believe to be true hurts you, then believing it does not work for you, and it is important to recognize that it is an ego belief and therefore erroneous, since all of the ego's beliefs are erroneous. The Higher Self does not have beliefs, it is only aware of the truth, and so what we know from our Higher Self never causes us to hurt. Part of the growth process involves identifying our ego beliefs and correcting the ones that cause us pain.
      We establish the beliefs that make up our egos when we were very small, sometimes even at birth.
(from pg. 37 Ego Feelings)
      The ego is based on the false belief that the Inner Child is bad, wrong, unlovable, basically defective, insignificant, unimportant, and/or inadequate. From this core shame-based false belief come all of the other false beliefs of the ego.
(pg. 39
      It is the job of the loving Adult to tell the truth to your ego, as well as to learn why you believe and feel as you do. This is how we are healed from our false beliefs and from the pain of our past. When the loving Adult demonstrates his/her love by telling the truth, then the ego, as manifested by the unloving Adult and the unloved Child, is gradually transformed into the Higher Self.
      Since total internal connection is enlightenment, and we personally do not know anyone who has achieved enlightenment, the voice of the ego may always be with us, but we have the choice to be controlled by it or to move into the intent to learn. This becomes easier when we realize that the ego always lies. It thinks and feels in a distorted way, and the truth is, we no longer need to be ruled by its beliefs; but being human, our task is to deal with it. However, the last thing the ego wants is for us to grow and become internally connected, because it fears its own loss of control or death. So as we start to grow, to lovingly connect with the Child within, the ego exerts even more power, throwing more lies at us, telling us that if we continue to reach for our freedom and connection with our Inner Child, we will surely get ourselves into deep trouble or die ore end up alone. However, as we become more aware of the loving and nurturing power of the loving Adult, we can use this power within ourselves to transform the fears of the ego into the truth, the love that is within us. We can learn to rely on the loving Adult within us to lovingly re-parent the unloved Inner Child, thereby healing the pain and fear of the ego.
(from pg. 47 Defining Connection)
      We all yearn for deep emotional and spiritual connection to another person. Connection is the feeling of wholeness and unity that we have within ourselves when we are in harmony with the Inner Child, and the feeling of oneness we have with others when each person is open to his or her own Child and therefore open to others. Connection is an unbroken circle of love energy that occurs between the Adult and the Child, between the Higher Selves of two or more people, and between an individual's Higher Self and the universal God/Goddess energy. Connection with oneself brings a sense of peace and joy. Connection with others and the universe is a feeling of intense peace and joy. In fact, it is the most wonderful feeling we can ever experience. It is what love is all about.
(from pg. 48 Connection with Others)
     Women often have a sense of connection in their friendships with each other, yet feel frustrated in their attempts to connect with the men in their lives. This is because our culture has discouraged men from owning their feminine aspect, their Inner Child, just as it has discouraged women from owning their masculine aspect, their Adult.
(from pg. 51 Sex and Connection)
     Sex from the Higher Self is always a very sensual experience. When couples make love from the Higher Self, they do not have to be taught. When they naturally express their loving feelings for each other, everything between them flows. People have sexual problems when the fears and beliefs of the ego enter the relationship and they make love from their abandoned Child. The moment the sexual energy changes from giving to getting, there are problems. Even if a person is in a giving mode while making love, but in a taking mode in the rest of the relationship, this will be reflected in the sexual relationship. But when both people are open to each other from their Higher Self, and when they have established the love/energy connection, then their sexuality will flow naturally and freely. That is why trying to solve sexual problems by changing behavior rarely works. It is only when the intent changes from getting to giving and a true connection occurs that sexual problems are truly resolved."

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