Saturday, December 31, 2011


BACK to Post #9

(Post #9  part 2 of 4)

char·ism [kar-iz-uh m] noun
2. a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people.
pal·at·a·ble [pal-uh-tuh-buh l] adjective
1.  acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste; savory: palatable food.
2.  acceptable or agreeable to the mind or feelings: palatable ideas.

From the M. Scott Peck book listed below:

"In his book The Scent of Love Keith Miller proposes the reason why the early Christians were such phenomenally successful evangelists. It was not because of their charisms--such as the gift of speaking in tongues--and not because Christianity was such a palatable doctrine (to the contrary, it is about the most unpalatable doctrine there is) but because they had discovered this secret of community. Generally they did not have to lift a finger to evangelize. Someone would be walking down a back alley in Corinth or Ephesus and would see a group of people sitting together talking about the strangest things--something about a man and a tree and an execution and an empty tomb. What they were talking about made no sense to the onlooker. But there was something about the way they spoke to one another, about the way they looked at one another, about the way they cried together, the way they laughed together, the way they touched one another that was strangely appealing. It gave off what Miller called the scent of love. The onlooker would start to drift farther down the alley, only to be pulled back to this little group like a bee to a flower. He would listen some more, still not understanding, and start to drift away again. But again he would be pulled back, thinking, I don't have the slightest idea what these people are talking about, but whatever it is, I want a part of it.

This might have seemed to me merely like one author's romantic imaginings had I not myself witnessed the phenomenon in action. I have led community-building groups in the most sterile hotels, yet desk clerks and barmaids will stop me or other members and say, "I don't know what you people are doing in there, but I get off duty at three o'clock. Can I join you?" " 

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (Remember Jesus Christ is The Word Of God)

Our Glorious Father In Heaven

Hebrews 12:9 "Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!"

From "The Different Drum--Community Making and Peace" by M. Scott Peck 1987 (Comments in Parentheses "()" are by UnknownFriend7):

bandy -- verb 
1. to pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take; trade; exchange: to bandy blows; to bandy words.

pg. 59 "In our culture of rugged individualism--in which we generally feel that we dare not be honest about ourselves, even with the person in the pew next to us--we bandy around the word "community."  We apply it to almost any collection of individuals--a town, a church, a synagogue, a fraternal organization, an apartment complex, a professional association--regardless of how poorly those individuals communicate with each other.  It is a false use of the word.

If we are going to use the word meaningfully we must restrict it to a group of individuals who have learned how to communicate honestly with each other, whose relationships go deeper than their masks of composure, and who have developed some significant commitments to "rejoice together, mourn together," and to "delight in each other, make others' conditions our own."  But what, then, does such a rare group look like? How does it function? What is a true definition of community?" (The church of Acts 4:32-35 was one.)
pg. 60 "Community is another such phenomenon. Like electricity, it is profoundly lawful. Yet there remains something about it that is inherently mysterious, miraculous, unfathomable. Thus there is no adequate one-sentence definition of genuine communityCommunity is something more that the sum of its parts, its individual members. What is this "something more?" Even to begin to answer that, we enter a realm that is not so much abstract as almost mystical. It is a realm where words are never fully suitable and language itself falls short." (This Spiritual Realm is God The Father.)

from The Introduction on pg 17: 
"In and through community lies the salvation of the world.
Nothing is more important. Yet it is virtually impossible to describe community meaningfully to someone who has never experienced it--and most of us have never had an experience of true community." (Most of us have never even heard of such a phenomenon. -- People Of The Lie in Spiritual Warfare)

pg. 234 "Community is integrative. It includes people of different sexes, ages, religions, cultures, viewpoints, life styles, and stages of development by integrating them into a whole that is greater--better--than the sum of its parts. Integration is not a melting process; it does not result in a bland average. Rather, it has been compared to the creation of a salad in which the identity of the individual ingredients is preserved yet simultaneously transcended. Community does not solve the problem of pluralism by obliterating diversity. Instead it seeks out diversity, welcomes other points of view, embraces opposites, desires to see the other side of every issue. It is "wholistic." It integrates us human beings into a functioning mystical body." (The Church / Body Of Christ)

This should be the singular focus of our time.  We need as many people as possible skilled at bringing groups of people into the phenomenon of community.  God The Father has to be experienced because words can't do "experiencing Him" any justice.  After reading the book, you can start doing it yourself or learn to do it from watching the professionals by participating in multiple Community Building Workshops by clicking on "The Foundation for Community Encouragement" link in the paragraph below.  We all need to be skilled in the science of group behavior.  I describe community as "Our Heavenly Father pressing the reset button on our corrupted spirits." I had no idea that there was such a thing as Community when I started this blog, I just did what I was told to do.  I learned about it after I posted #7.  Some of this stuff was revealed to me years ago, some of it I have recently learned from reading or revelation, and some of it comes to me as I am writing it.  This is the cure for all of our social problems by a mass spiritual healing: child abuse, child molestation, domestic violence, rape, murder, suicide, robbery, drug abuse, gangs, assaults, war, etc..  

From "A World Waiting To Be Born--Civility Rediscovered" by M. Scott Peck 1993 pg. 277

"As and educational foundation, it is the purpose of The Foundation for Community Encouragement (FCE since 12-1984) to teach the principles of community--that is, the rules for healthy and civil communication in groups. We did not arrive at these principles in a vacuum. Just as over the past sixty years we have developed a military technology to annihilate ourselves from the face of the earth, so--unbeknownst to most--we have quietly and unobtrusively developed a technology of peacemaking that we call community building. Various pieces of this technology have come from such diverse sources as Christian monasticism, the Quakers, Alcoholics Anonymous and the Twelve Step programs, the sensitivity group movement, the Tavistock Institute in Great Britain, and the work of management consultants. 

One reason we often refer to the principles of community as a technology is because they are analogous to software. Software is a system of rules that are fed into the hardware of a computer to teach it how to operate effectively. The principles of community are similarly a set of rules that can be given to a group of human beings to teach them how to work effectively as a group. Any group of people wiling to submit themselves to this system of rules will quickly learn to function together with remarkable efficiency and civility.

A system of rules to which one submits may also be called a discipline. Depending upon the circumstances, I shall be referring to the principles of community as either a technology or a discipline. In any case, it is something that must be practiced."

To give you a better idea of what the phenomenon of community is here are some highlights taken from different pages of "The Different Drum--Community Making and Peace" by M. Scott Peck 1987:

pg. 61 "The facets of community are interconnected, profoundly interrelated. No one could exist without the other. They create each other, make each other possible. What follows, then, is but one scheme for isolating and naming the most salient (outstanding) characteristics of a true community. 

Inclusivity, Commitment, and Consensus 
Community is and must be inclusive.
The great enemy of community is exclusivity. Groups that exclude others because they are poor or doubters or divorced or sinners or of some different race or nationality are not communities; they are cliques--actually defensive bastions (fortified places) against community.

Community, like marriage, requires that we hang in there when the going gets a little rough. It requires a certain degree of commitment.  . . . Our individualism must be counterbalanced by commitment.

In the genuine communities of which I have been a member, a thousand or more group decisions have been made and I have never yet witnessed a vote. I do not mean to imply that we can or should discard democratic machinery, any more than we should abolish organization. But I do mean to imply that a community, in transcending individual differences, routinely goes beyond even democracy. In the vocabulary of this transcendence we thus far have only one word: "consensus."

There is, in fact, more than a quantum leap between an ordinary group and a community; they are entirely different phenomena. And a real community is, by definition, immune to mob psychology because of its encouragement of individuality, its inclusion of a variety of points of view. Time and again I have seen a community begin to make a certain decision or establish a certain norm when one of the members will suddenly say, "Wait a minute, I don't think I can go along with this." Mob psychology cannot occur in an environment in which individuals are free to speak their minds and buck the trend. Community is such an environment.  (Extreme "Keep It Very Real" Freedom Of Speech)

An important aspect of the realism of community deserves mention: humility. While rugged individualism predisposes one to arrogance, the "soft" individualism of community leads to humility. Begin to appreciate each others' gifts, and you begin to appreciate your own limitations. Witness others share their brokenness, and you will become able to accept your own inadequacy and imperfection. Be fully aware of human variety, and you will recognize the interdependence of humanity. As a group of people do these things--as they become a community--they become more and more humble, not only as individuals but also as a group--and hence more realistic. From which kind of group would you expect a wise, realistic decision: and arrogant one, or a humble one?

No community can expect to be in perpetual good health. What a genuine community does do, however, because it is a contemplative body, is recognize its ill health when it occurs and quickly take appropriate action to heal itself. Indeed, the longer they exist, the more efficient healthy communities become in this recovery process.

A Safe Place
There is no such thing as instant community under ordinary circumstances. It takes a great deal of work for a group of strangers to achieve the safety of true community. Once they succeed, however, it is as if the floodgates were opened. As soon as it is safe to speak one's heart, as soon as most people in the group know they will be listened to and accepted for themselves, years and years of pent-up frustration and hurt and guilt and grief come pouring out. And pouring out ever faster. Vulnerability in community snowballs. Once its members become vulnerable and find themselves being valued and appreciated, they become more and more vulnerable. The walls come tumbling down. And as they tumble, as the love and acceptance escalates, as the mutual intimacy multiplies, true healing and converting begins. Old wounds are healed, old resentments forgiven, old resistances overcome. Fear is replaced by hope.

So another of the characteristics of community is that it is healing and converting.

A Laboratory For Personal Disarmament
It may seem strange in our culture of rugged individualism that this transformation begins to occur precisely when we begin to "break down." As long as we look out at each other only through the masks of our composure, we are looking through hard eyes. But as the masks drop and we see the suffering and courage and brokenness and deeper dignity underneath, we truly start to respect each other as fellow human beings. (Satan has people believing that The Holy Spirit has people "too blessed" for this to be admitted to in a church service.  The atmosphere is unrealistically "too positive" which is another hustle.  People are suffering in silence about tithes and true spirituality. See Ecclesiastes 7:15-18)

Yet the reality is that every human being is broken and vulnerable. How strange that we should ordinarily feel compelled to hide our wounds when we are all wounded! (We are trained to be People Of The Lie)

Vulnerability is a two-way street. Community requires the ability to expose our wounds and weaknesses to our fellow creatures. It also requires the capacity to be affected by the wounds of others, to be wounded by their wounds. . . .There is pain in our wounds. But even more important is the love that arises among us when we share, both ways, our woundedness. (See Ecclesiastes 7:2-4. Again you won't see this in a church service because of the hustle of an environment that is too positive so people are not free to express deep wounds and keep it very real.)

(Psalm 34:18 "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.")

A Group That Can Fight Gracefully
In genuine community there are no sides. It is not always easy, but by the time they reach community the members have learned how to give up cliques and factions. They have learned how to listen to each other and how not to reject each other. Sometimes consensus in community is reached with miraculous rapidity. But at other times it is arrived at only after lengthy struggle. Just because it is a safe place does not mean community is a place without conflict. It is, however, a place where conflict can be resolved without physical or emotional bloodshed and with wisdom as well as grace. A community is a group that can fight gracefully. (I, UnknownFriend7, do not do this well at all at times and I'm working on this serious flaw.)

A Group Of All Leaders
. . .for another of the essential characteristics of community is a total decentralization of authority (power). Remember that it is anti-totalitarian. Its decisions are reached by consensus. Communities have sometimes been referred to as leaderless groups. It is more accurate, however, to say that a community is a group of all leaders.

One of the most beautiful characteristics of community is what I have come to call the "flow of leadership." It is because of this flow that our community in 1983 was able to make its decisions so rapidly and effectively. And because its members felt free to express themselves, it was as if their individual gifts were offered at just the right moment in the decision-making process. So one member stepped forward with part A of the solution. And since the community recognized the wisdom of the gift, everyone deferred to it so that instantly, almost magically, a second member was free to step forward with part B of the solution. And so it flowed around the room.

The flow of leadership in community is routine. For it is a situation in which it is the spirit of community itself that leads and not any single individual.

A Spirit
The members of a group who have achieved genuine community do take pleasure--even delight--in themselves as a collective. They know they have won something together, collectively discovered something of great value, that they are "onto something." Beyond that the similarity ends. There is nothing competitive, for instance, about the spirit of true community. To the contrary, a group possessed by a spirit of competitiveness is by definition not a community. Competitiveness is always exclusive; genuine community is inclusive. If a community has enemies, it has begun to lose the spirit of community--if it ever had it in the first place.

The spirit of true community is the spirit of peace. People in the early stages of a community building workshop will frequently ask,"How will we know when we are a community?" It is a needless question. When a group enters community there is a dramatic change in spirit. And the new spirit is almost palpable. (touchable) There is no mistaking it. No one who has experienced it need ever ask again "How will we know when we are a community?"

The "atmosphere" of love and peace is so palpable that almost every community member experiences it as a spirit. Hence, even the agnostic and atheist members will generally report a community-building workshop as a spiritual experience. How this experience is interpreted, however, is highly variable.

In the latter frame of reference the spirit of community is not envisioned as a purely human spirit or one created solely by the group. It is assumed to be external to and independent of the group. It therefore is thought of as descending upon the group, just as the Holy Spirit is said to have descended upon Jesus at his baptism in the form of a dove. This does not mean, however, that the spirit's visitation is accidental or unpredictable. It can fall upon and take root only in fertile, prepared ground. Thus for those of Christian orientation the work of community building is seen as preparation for the descent of the Holy Spirit. The spirit of community is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit(A real encounter with The Holy Spirit Of The Lord changes people big time. This is in great contrast to the hustle of a choir in a church service just singing the words, "The Spirit Of The Lord is here!")

This does not mean that community is solely a Christian phenomenon. I have seen community develop among Christians and Jews, Christians and atheists, Jews and Muslims, Muslims and Hindus. People of any religious persuasion or none whatever can develop community. (Because it comes from The Creator of The Human Mind.  They have even brought groups of hardened prisoners into community.)

The wisdom of a true community often seems miraculous. This wisdom can perhaps be explained in purely secular terms as a result of the freedom of expression, the pluralistic talents, the consensual decision making that occur in community. There are times, however, when this wisdom seems to my religious eye to be more a matter of divine spirit and possible divine intervention. This is one of the reasons why the feeling of joy is such a frequent concomitant (comes with) of the spirit of community. The members feel that they have been temporarily--at least partially--transported out of the mundane world of ordinary preoccupations. For the moment it is as if heaven and earth had somehow met. 

From the chapter "Further Dynamics of Community:"
Community Exercises
Consequently the style with which groups in my workshops are led toward community is noteworthy for a certain purity and absence of "gimmicks." Still, there are some things classifiable as "exercises" that may often facilitate the process.

Silence.  Silence is the ultimate facilitator of emptiness. After a break in a typical workshop we begin the new session with three minutes of silence.

Stories.  The best way to learn is through experience. . . .The next best way to learn is through stories, whose meanings may be particularly useful for leading groups toward community. (Actual Life Experience is gaining 1st hand Knowledge/Experience; listening to the stories of other people's Actual Life Experiences is gaining 2nd hand Knowledge/Experience and this is why reading spiritual nonfiction is so important--it multiplies your life experience.)

Dreams.  Dreams may also be very elegantly pointed stories. Only in this case the story is created by or through the unconscious of the individual to meet the needs of the moment.

Prayer, Song, and Liturgy.  While I hardly understand the metaphysics involved, I have repeatedly been impressed by the apparent power of group prayer, particularly at times of crisis in the process of community development. Consequently I often suggest that members pray for the group as a whole. "Suggest" is the operative word. To mandate it would be a violation of respect for the religious diversity of the group. Requiring nonbelievers to pray is inappropriate.

Confronting Reentry.  Such concluding rituals are one factor in dealing with the problem of reentry. Even in the earliest days of the sensitivity-group movement, leaders recognized that it was often painful--sometimes downright traumatic--for people who have effected a change within themselves to reenter a society where nothing has changed. For those who have experienced community it can be very lonely to return to a society where there is precious little, if any, community. Thus it is the responsibility of community-building leaders to see to it that people are as well prepared as possible to return form the mountaintop to the narrow valleys still governed and confined by very different rules."
(But once you know much better from experience, the same old same old will no longer do.  A solution for this problem is provided later in this post.)

(End highlights taken from "The Different Drum--Community Making and Peace" by M. Scott Peck 1987)

From "A World Waiting To Be Born" by M. Scott Peck 1993 pg. 296:

   "Much has been said on the subject of consciousness, but it has all been examined from the standpoint of the individual. What about the group? Is there such a thing as Collective Group Consciousness?
     This question has tantalized almost all of us who have had the opportunity to repeatedly witness groups entering the stage of community. This shift in group process at such a time is so dramatic! Group decision making, previously clumsy, becomes profoundly efficient and wise. The individual members speak more concisely. The group is in a kind of harmony. It has developed an effective rhythm of its own that is so striking that even the members themselves are surprised by it, surprised by what has happened to them, as if it were not entirely their own creation.   
    At these times the individuals in the group are functioning in such perfect sync it is hard to believe their consciousness has not changed. In fact, many of them feel that they are somehow thinking differently within themselves, yet they simultaneously have the feeling that they are participating in something much larger than themselves---as if they had become part of a group mind, of a kind of living organism (A Bride for The Bridegroom) much greater that the sum of its parts.  

    For these reasons, I myself do believe that there probably is such a phenomenon as Collective Consciousness---that under the right conditions we human individuals can join together to form a larger system that is capable not only of something like thought but of a kind of thinking that is wiser than that of ordinary human mentation (mental activity). But I can't prove it. I'm not even sure that it could be proved. Then again, no one has yet tried.  . . ."

M. Scott Peck describes community as "nine dimensional consciousness" with space/time being the first four dimensions and from page 294: 

"God, for me, is the ninth and final dimension. It has been recounted how when a group enters the stage of community, the members may sense the presence of God in the room. It is possible to have an abstract kind of faith in an abstract kind of God, but such faith is shallow. Deep faith can come only from personal experience of Her actual presence. This experience is simultaneously gentle and earth-shattering, earth-shattering because God's position in our minds then moves from belief to knowledge, from theory to conscious fact. People do not have to be in community to experience the presence of God, and the secular-minded may spend years in community without ever having such an experience. (because there is no presence of God's Holy Spirit in them) But community is the way that groups and organizations can welcome God, and when sufficiently welcomed She usually shows up "for all those who have eyes to see." I have fallen into the hands of the Living God in many ways and places, but community has been the most frequent and consistent way and place He has leaped into my life and into my consciousness."

People Of The Truth

People in community are People Of The Truth and are very, very loving; they are like Adam and Eve before they disobeyed God.  I've always felt that people in church services would be better off just breaking up into small groups and having a "lets keep it very real session" and then comparing group results.  Pastor Rick  Warren covers some of the key elements of community on Days/Chapters 16-21 of "The Purpose Driven Life" (I can't say enough about this very wonderful book.) and M. Scott Peck just takes them to a much deeper level.  Ever since The Fall Of Man our minds have been corrupted with lies and "barriers to communication" that we must empty ourselves of to transition from the "rugged" to "soft" individualism that community requires. "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck lists the most important barriers and I strongly suggest buying a hardcover edition of the book, because you will constantly use it as a reference, and highlight passages of important information diagonally from the beginning to the end of what you want to stand out on a page. (more efficient highlighting) The arms race with Russia when the book was written in 1987 has changed to modern day rogue nations trying to acquire Nuclear Weapons Technology.

On page 229 of the book, Morgan Scott Peck defines people with "a hawk" psychology that is "a control mentality" that feels that it is both necessary and possible to live in a world in which all contingencies can be controlled, a world in which there are no risks.  "Theirs is a psychology of fear and distrust, and their resultant behavior, typical of that motivated fear, is rigid and one-dimensional." This rigid and one-dimensional thinking applies to many things in our society.  Excessive fear is a sign of evil and this is what motivates people who only trust The King James Version of The Holy Bible and distrust any other version, even The New King James Version without giving it a try.  Their inflexible and rigid thinking will not allow them to listen to the voice of reason.  That excessive fear is a straight hustle--the evil spirits want you to trust only one book that is difficult to understand and easier to confuse you with, otherwise you might find the truth that they try to hide by spreading fear and distrust of other versions of The Holy Bible and would especially want people to fear other spiritual books.  This excessive fear is just another hustle to keep people greatly deceived.

Evil is all about power and control and in Spiritual Warfare you have to control the mass media to control the flow of information.  This is why you don't see commercials about The Cure for all diseases or the benefits of Community Building Workshops in the mass media.  People who work for the mass media will deny being in collusion with each other by saying something like, "We don't have meetings to discuss Information Control with all the other mass media." which is true but they don't realize that the hidden evil spirits are controlling them all in the same way in The Invisible Spiritual War; so they all are still unknowingly unified indeed, without having any meetings.  Money is designed to give people the power to control other people and power is addictive so you have a world run by business people and politicians with unknown power addictions because evil is insidious like that. (adj. operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect.) This is the problem that Jesus Christ had with the rich man in Matthew 19:23-24; God requires us to humble ourselves and develop a close relationship with Him that is based on faith in His abilities to provide for us but financial riches causes people to be proud and self reliant on the power of their wealth--two opposite systems.  We do not change things that we are proud of. (which causes inflexible thinking) Giving up the power and security of wealth and becoming vulnerable would require faith in God and the power of wealth is anti-faith and anti-vulnerability; this is why it was so hard (meaning "impossible") for a rich man, with his no faith way of thinking, to enter The Kingdom Of Heaven because "without faith, it is impossible to please God." (Hebrews 11:6) You know that you believe something when you act on it because with our mouth we "state our ideals," which is easy to do, but we live by and act on what we truly believe in our hearts; saying that you believe something without acting on it is a self deception. (James 2:26)

The only civil use of power is to use it empower others which is the mark of a true Servant Leader.  The institution that needs community the most is our federal government.  M. Scot Peck used to work for our government and on pg. 311 he says, "Such is the overall pattern of communication within our government. As communication goes, so goes community. The rules by which our government operates, not only in relationship with other governments but also within itself, are the rules of anti-community. There is no community within the government. It is pervaded by an atmosphere of constant competitiveness, hostility, and distrust." (Government and Corporate America are overrun by evil.) If you encounter any hostility while trying to introduce the idea of community among the churches, then you will know what you are dealing with--we can always start new/real churches.  M. Scott Peck also said that the Christian Church and the Federal Government are two important institutions that are very resistant to change. (even for the much better)  This means that the collective group of evil spirits are VERY PROUD of the current severely divided and dysfunctional Christian Church and Federal Government that they have created.  People Of The Truth have no problem with bringing about the much needed change of unity, giving God The Father all the glory, and empowering people once they understand that God Is GreatPeople Of The Lie want to maintain division and keep the power to control people by money and resisting the truth.  "By their fruit you will recognize them." Having a positive attitude and giving people the benefit of the doubt is one thing, but don't avoid reality and accept people as they truly are once they have firmly chosen their side in this Spiritual War.  People who resist obvious change for the better (Unity) and want to keep things the same, presently divided--using any excuse they can imagine--will stick out like a sore thumb as being supporters of evil and the division it creates.  (Divide and Conquer Warfare, see Proverbs 6:16-19. This is usually 5% of people or less who try but can't stop or break up the community phenomenon as you will learn when you read "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck.) 

(If you're not alone already, please do so now for the sake of not spoiling the full effect of this for those who will follow you in reading this. This is between Our Creator and each of His Creations.)

God Is Way The Fuck Awesome

Guts And Glory

Matthew 18:7 "Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!"

Prayed before writing this: "Lord Jesus Christ if I am trying to deceive anyone with any part of this blog, please take my life right now and keep me from doing any harm to anyone.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

If I had any evil intent in my heart with this blog and everything up to this point was an evil set-up, I would not be writing this part and my family would be collecting my life insurance policy because we all instinctively know that God is supposed to be taken very seriously and not to be played with.  Also, if I really had any evil intent, I certainly wouldn't be telling you about it because evil has to hide itself because it is not good for anyone.  That prayer was for those who Satan may still have struggling with the goodness of God because of the firmly entrenched lies in their minds after reading this last part and especially if they have not read these posts in order.  I would not have written this section unless I had full confidence in God's ability to protect me from those that wish to do me some serious harm for telling people the truth--Blacklisted. (Psalm 127:1)  It is amazing how people can be deceived by Satan into believing that they are helping The God of Love/Life by killing someone which is ridiculous. (John 16:2)  Evil people will not listen to reason because they are hell bent on the destruction of anything that is good for people but they will never admit this to you with their mouth, using all kinds of excuses to make people avoid the light of truth, but you can clearly see it in them by their actions.  The worst kind of evil people always hide by being disguised as very religious people.  Pure evil people believed that Jesus Christ (who was absolutely perfect in the flesh) was evil in Matthew 27:62-64.  There are always risks involved in warfare but you are completely safe under God's protection.

It is impossible for me--as a linear time constrained man--to set you up with this because 1) I didn't design the human mind or the process that heals it and 2) I didn't write The Holy Bible.  I am only showing you things mentally that have been revealed to me and I know very well that I couldn't have just stumbled across this information on my own, and hopefully you can see that I was guided to it by The Holy Spirit for a purpose just like the collective authors who where inspired to write the books of The Holy Bible.  Empowering people with deep understanding gives evil no place to hide.  All wisdom and truth ultimately comes from God and only He should get the praise and glory.  We are all supposed to be conduits for God's Love and Wisdom which means we all should be wide open and allow God's Love and Wisdom to Flow Through us.  Evil people are not comfortable around People Of The Truth at all, they will either convert or flee.

The System Engineer

I'm surprised that The Community Building Technology is still not more widespread after being available for more than twenty-four years, then again, we are engaged in Spiritual Warfare.  Maybe it needs this additional driver - n. something that creates and fuels activity, or gives force or impetus.

I will start these final truth revelations of this post by telling you how I came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as divorce according to The Holy Bible.  The truth can be found by reasoning from the scriptures. (Acts 17:2) You may have noticed that, in everything I've taught you, I have been very simple with the biblical explanations; I have not used complicated explanations using many bible verses from multiple books to explain a concept like some pastors do.  If you want to enlighten people you keep explanations of your concepts short and as simple as possible so that everybody can understand you.  (This is completely unlike that 2,700 page Health Care Bill that was passed by Congress in 2010 without being read (Ignorance) and was found very, very difficult or almost impossible to understand when it was read (Darkens/Mystifies/Confuses) by teams of people for clarification after it was passed which means something is very deliberately being hidden from us.--"By their fruit you will recognize them." Something that is supposed to be very good for us would not need to be hidden like this and when your help deliberately causes chaos, confusion, and more problems it is evil--just like Satan when he "helped Adam and Eve's understanding" in the Garden Of Eden and destroyed our Paradise On Earth.)  If an explanation of something from The Holy Bible is very complicated, it is probably a made up deception.

As the engineer of a system, God makes certain choices by the way He designs the system.  For instance in James 2:5 God chose the poor in this world to be rich in faith when He designed the faith building system of fasting which is not eating physical food.  Those who die of starvation have more faith than anyone with access to food and will automatically be resurrected when Jesus Christ comes to establish His kingdom on earth.  They are very blessed and don't know it. (James 4:6) So it is obvious that God wanted a woman to be a virgin until she is married because he designed the vagina with a hymen as proof of her virginity. (Deuteronomy 22:13-21) The cloth in Deuteronomy 22:17 is the hymen, and if she was a virgin her husband was not allowed to divorce her as long as he lived and had to pay her father a fine for giving her a bad reputation if he accused her of not being a virgin Deuteronomy 22:19.  If she was truly not a virgin, she received the death penalty in Deuteronomy 22:21.  This punishment for a woman not being a virgin, having committed fornication/sexual immorality, had been eased to a certificate of divorce by the time of Deuteronomy 24:1-4.  So the only reason for a divorce in The Old Testament was the woman not being a virgin, and Jesus Christ abolished this only reason in Matthew 5:32; the word "except" should be "even" meaning "even for sexual immorality/fornication." 

The word "except" keeps the command the same as it was in The Old Testament and in The Sermon On The Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus Christ was making everything more binding and not leaving things the same.  In Matthew 5:21-22, He was telling us that murder starts in our minds when we are angry at our brother for no good reason or just being angry in general.  And also, in Matthew 5:28 Jesus Christ was again addressing the source of adultery, our thought and fantasy life in our minds.  If a man looks at a woman and fantasizes about her, and the more he becomes comfortable with this thought, then it could just be a matter of time before this "desire conceives" and he makes his fantasy come true with her, especially if he has easy access to her which is very dangerously playing with the fire of desire. (James 1:14-15)  Jesus Christ was saying "cut of your body parts" if you don't have enough Self Control over them in Matthew 5:29-30.  Self Control is a fruit of The Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Jesus Christ was also saying you can not divorce your wife even if she was not a virgin when you married her in Matthew 5:32.  It is the same thing in Matthew 19:8 meaning from the beginning God never intended there to be divorce which is what he meant in John 4:17-18.  Jesus Christ was saying to the woman that "in her mind" she has had five husbands, but "in His mind" she still has only one husband because her First And Only Husband was still alive and therefore "the man you now have is not your husband."   These corrections in Matthew would make it agree with Mark, Luke and the rest of The New Testament which says there is no such thing as divorce to God period.  And this is also stated in these two verses:

Romans 7:2-3 NIV
2 For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law of marriage. 3 So then, if she marries another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress, even though she marries another man.

Like I said, according to The Holy Bible, there is no such thing as divorce. The only way to get out of a marriage is The Death Of A Spouse. (A Woman's Hymen is extremely crucial so bear with me.)

The best way I can explain why misunderstandings like this frequently happen is from pg. 95 of "The Different Drum:"

"Expectations and Preconceptions.  Community-building is an adventure, a going into the unknown. People are routinely terrified of the emptiness of the unknown. Consequently they fill their minds with generally false expectations of what the experience will be like. In fact, we humans seldom go into any situation without preconceptions. We then try to make the experience conform to our expectations. (This is the danger of the horoscope hustle.) Occasionally this is useful behavior, but usually--and always in regard to community-building--it is destructive. Until such time as we can empty ourselves of expectations and stop trying to fit others and our relationships with them into a preconceived mold we cannot really listen, hear, or experience. "Life is what happens when you've planned something else," someone wisely put it. But despite this wisdom, we still do not go easily into new situations with an open--and empty--mind."

So although an open mind is hard to achieve, I've always know that it is much easier to deal with people and situations when you truly accept them for what they are and not project your expectations onto them.  So when I found out that a College Degree is no guarantee of a certain lifestyle from people in various industries coming to my college on Career Day; and soon after that I found my grandfather after he committed suicide by hanging himself; and a month after that my father died from lung cancer; so mentally, I popped out of this system of things and started seeking the truth about life on this earth with an open mind.  And as soon as I ran across the fact that a man continues to produce sperm until he dies, I instinctively knew that was "The Life Force manifesting itself" and alarms started going off in my head about Reproduction System Design.  I reasoned that, "If we keep making this stuff and our body can only hold so much, but we're not supposed to masturbate to release it, then something has to give when you are not married.  I figured that's what a Wet Dream is for, your body is just maintaining itself.  So a Wet Dream must come from God who designed us.  We have Built In Porn for system maintenance." When I explained this to my younger brother, who had been very, very religious for years and also had severe mental problems, he told me that, "You should let God empty the sperm and not do it yourself."  I knew not to trust a word from his evil, always lying, first hand Exorcist-Type-Experience providing self--I just wanted to see what he would say being a product of the religious system of things.  So sexually, main stream Christianity tells us men that we are supposed to wait to essentially "pee a very sticky mess on ourselves" during our sleep one night to keep us from filling up with sperm which didn't make sense to me.  I figured, "If God didn't want us to release our sperm, He would have made us stop producing it when we get full of it just like He designed the blood in our circulatory system to stop being produced when our body is full of blood." But we never stop making sperm until we die so I continued to seek God while masturbating to porn with a clear conscience because that so called sin did not make sense to me at all.

After I read The Holy Bible the first time, I knew the word or the concept of masturbation was not in there and had been added to The Word Of God like many other things, violating Deuteronomy 4:2 Evil thrives on ignorance and people being biblically illiterate makes it easy for Satan to deceive people because he knows The Holy Bible very well.  People then have to rely on second hand information which they usually don't verify.  So if you think in terms of Spiritual Warfare, our understanding of The Holy Bible is the most important thing and Satan has to provide lies, confusion and distortions in this area.  Remember how he tried to trick Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:5-7? This is the primary spiritual battle so if you are not reading or meditating on The Holy Bible, you are under attack.  What has to be the primary thought Satan sends through the air all the time? "Don't read/study The Holy Bible or spiritual things."(and his evil will is being done on this earth) Everything that is bad for you is not listed in The Holy Bible and that is when you have to use your judgement and understanding.  Human anatomy has not changed one bit since Adam and Eve were created and God protects us from harmful things that He defines as sins just like we protect our little children from hurting themselves because they don't know any better.  Prohibiting masturbation would have definitely been in The Old Testament multiple times if it was a sin because God knows that it has got to be the most performed sexual act on the planet.  And also, God designed the male and female body and He gave a woman a clitoris that has only one purpose: pure sexual pleasure; and everything that He made was very good. (Genesis 1:31)  We are supposed to start with self love physically and spiritually which is very important to our self esteem.   This is the beginning of the nonsense that causes dysfunction in our spirits.  So here is some more straight bullshit that Satan has people believing: "God is a good God Of Love but it is a sin for me to make myself feel good physically." This would mean that physical self love is harmful and this does not make sense, and when God/Love does not make sense, more than likely, you are believing in the wrong thing--lies and distortions everywhere.  By believing in this lie, people are not giving The God Of Infinite Love/Wisdom enough mental credit because it is very obvious that God did not want people to perform oral sex on themselves by the way He designed our bodies as The System Engineer; you just can't reach your genitals with your own mouth except in very rare cases.  If The God of Infinite Love/Wisdom didn't want us to masturbate, He also would have made the skin on our hands and fingers more rough so that it would hurt us to touch our genitals with them or He would have placed our genitals where we couldn't reach them. (If you just read the New Testament, you will be scared to question God's laws or decisions but when you read The Old Testament, you will see that God does not mind being questioned by His creation in a search for understanding and truth. Genesis 18:16-33 And notice that even God Himself verifies the information He receives in Genesis 18:20-21.  God is all knowing and does this as an example of how we are supposed to function.) Even if you over generalize and take out of context Genesis 38:8-10, you still can not conclude that masturbation is a sin; you just have to outright add it to The Holy Bible.  And the way the lying evil spirits are adding masturbation to The Holy Bible as a sin is by deceiving people into believe that "spilling seed on the ground" was also part of Onan's wickedness which is a straight lie.  The wicked part that caused Onan's death was him violating the commandment set forth in Deuteronomy 25:5-10 which has nothing to do with masturbation.  It is another added to The Holy Bible lying spiritual hustle.

If you think about mental/spiritual health, there should be no topics that you are too sensitive to talk about.  If there are that means you have some unresolved issues that needs to be addressed and healed--there should be no mental/spiritual land mines that people can accidentally activate.  As with individuals, so goes it with groups of people and in American culture there are two things that have been taboo to talk about for a very long time, sex and death.  Death makes you focus on the purpose of life and I've dealt with that issue in Post #4.  The masturbation deception is part of the intensified spiritual attack on our sexuality in America, especially in The Bible Belt; this is in addition to the extra violence and racism that we have because of the "In God We Trust."  We as a country have more sexual hang ups than other countries and we are very conflicted and confused which is to be expected from being mostly ignorant about Spiritual Warfare.  Evil inspired child molestation causes us to have a shameful view of our sexuality early on and when you add the guilt of The Masturbation Deception, after puberty, our sexual shame intensifies.  If evil wants us to avoid something, that means there must be something good for us there.

Here are obviously the best parts about the community phenomenon.  From "The Different Drum" by M. Scott Peck 1987" pg. 102:

". . .The transformation of a group from a collection of individuals into genuine community requires little deaths in many of those individuals.  . . .
. . . .

This is an extraordinary testament to the human spirit. What it means is that given the right circumstances and knowledge of the rules, on a certain but very real level we human beings are able to die for each other."

"Ewe. Eye wood dye 4 ewe."--The Greatest Possible Love (John 15:13)

("You. I would die for you.")

pg. 105 "Yet the most common emotional response to the spirit of community is the feeling of joy.

It is like falling in love. When they enter community, people in a very real sense do fall in love with one another en masse. They not only feel like touching and hugging each other, they feel like hugging everyone all at once. During the highest moments the energy level is supernatural. It is ecstatic.

Great power, however, can sometimes hold potential danger. The danger of the power of true community is never the creation of mob psychology but of group sexuality. It is only natural when a group of people fall in love with one another that enormous sexual energy should be released. Usually this is not harmful, but it is wise for communities to be aware of their great potential sexuality in order that it does not get out of hand. It may need to be suppressed. It should not, however, be repressed. And it is wise to remember that the experience of the other forms of love, "phila" and "agape" (brother/sister love, and divine love) can be even deeper and more rewarding than simple erotic or romantic bonding. The sexuality of community is an expression of its joy, and its energy can be channeled to useful and creative purpose."

Channeled to useful and creative purpose is damn right Scotty!
The Truth is we can also Passionately Fuck-The-Dog-Shit out of each other, especially after we fall deeply in love with one another because this confirms a very crucial truth that The Lord Jesus Christ revealed to me in December 1997! 

The Biggest Hustle Out There

"The beginning of Wisdom is A Definition Of Terms." -- (attributed to) Socrates

Since God's Spirit analyzes our thoughts on the idea level instead of the word level, he can not be fooled by our words.  One of the most evil things you can do is use the same words as everyone else but redefine some of them to deceive people.  So if you are being confused, especially in an argument, ask for a very specific definition of the terms.  This type of deception has plagued the world for hundreds of years.  The Ancient Of Days revealed this to me in December of 1997 and I wrote it down as it was being revealed:

Fornication = Sexual Intercourse before marriage only.

Adultery = Sexual Intercourse outside of marriage only.

These two acts of sin have very specific definitions, they only apply to the very specific act of Sexual Intercourse.  They have been greatly expanded and over generalized to cause many, many problems in the world.  This also reveals the purpose of marriage which is for us to be fruitful and multiply by having God's children and raising them in at least two parent families.  This deception had to also include severely distorting the phrase "become one flesh" into the false meaning of "the spiritual closeness that only a husband and wife are supposed to achieve" which is another purely evil straight lie.  Becoming very close spiritually is to "become one spirit." The community building phenomenon teaches us that making a commitment to spend time with a group of people and honestly sharing our deepest wounds--verbal intimacy--causes us to spiritually fall deeply in love with everyone there which produces great love and peace between people and we become one in mind.  Satan then still works to keep his lying view of marriages from achieving deep spiritual closeness as well.  The truth is "become one flesh" simply means genetically producing a child in the marriage.  No matter how wonderful this information is and no matter how much it makes sense, it is worthless without showing where it is in scripture.

This is the 2nd most important point in the whole blog! 

(Remember, my life is on the line about my honesty in this blog.)  Although I had read these two Old Testament verses a minimum of five times when I read the whole Holy Bible, I couldn't reason/see/understand what these two scriptures meant until after I believed in what I wrote down about this revelation (had Faith) and defeated Satan the third time of being tested by him with Matthew 10:28 in June of 1998.  The reason for this is because of:

2 Corinthians 3:14 "But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. (15) Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. (16) But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. (17) Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (18) And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

This means that this deception even affected the people of The New Testament times when it was written.  We live in a strange and mysterious universe and it is what it is.  I know my five times of reading The Holy Bible is nothing compared to the thousands of times it has been read in Theology School and also by many other people on their own. The understanding of these two verses (Keys To The Kingdom) has been hidden from all of us for hundreds of years and it was revealed to me, meaning the veil was finally taken away, in June of 1998.  The First Verse is:

Leviticus 15:18 "When a man lies with a woman and there is an emission of semen, both must bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening."

Three modern translations, 1) the New Living Translation, 2) GOD'S WORD Translation and 3) the Good News Translation translate the phrase "lies with" as "sexual intercourse" which is an inaccurate bias because from Deuteronomy 22:13-21 if the woman was not still a virgin when she got married she would be put to death.  Some other translations use the phrase "seed of copulation" instead of "lies with" which is the same as "sexual intercourse" and is inaccurate for the same reason.  I primarily use the 1984 NIV or the NKJV. (Now there is a 2011 NIV)

By comparing Leviticus 15:18 with Deuteronomy 22:13-21 you can reason that

1)  Since there was an emission of semen involved in this act, that means some female flesh was rubbing against the male penis.

2)  The words "man" and "woman" are used in all of The Holy Bible translations AND NOT the words "husband" and "wife" which would have meant that this act was intended for married couples only.

3)  Since a woman is supposed to remain a virgin after this act, meaning her hymen is to remain fully intact, this means the penis can go anywhere during this act except in her vagina.

4)  So this means that A Biblical Virgin = A Technical Virgin which means a woman who has not had her vagina penetrated by a human male penis.

So the sexual truth is that God gave The Children Of Israel provisions for the flesh by allowing them to have Righteous Sex before marriage WHICH IS: Anything except vaginal penetration by the human male penis between a man and woman.

So therefore: Fornication = Sexual Intercourse before marriage only.

Righteous Sex before marriage.

This means that when it comes to biblical Righteous Sex, men and women are equal because it is abstinence from the only possible baby making act so no contraception is needed because it is impossible for a woman to get pregnant when she practices biblically righteous abstinence from sexual intercourse!  So The Children Of Israel where free to really, really enjoy their sexuality before marriage.  Learning how to program computers in college had me thinking about system engineering and I remember thinking that God should have prolonged puberty until we reach the age of 18 so our mind's maturity can catch up with our body's development more, so I reasoned that, "Maybe God set up our early puberty as a test for us to resist the temptations of the flesh for a long time until we are ready to get married." and I found out that I was very wrong indeed.  The truth is we have been greatly deceived!  God gives us provisions for dealing with our sexuality right after we go though puberty!  So the problem has been that:

The Children Of Israel had full knowledge of The Law but they did not have The Holy Spirit and the Self Control that it provides to help them still not commit fornication even with God's provisions for the flesh.  So God's provisions for the flesh where still not good enough for them and they began committing fornication anyway and thus causing men to divorce the women who were not found to be virgins.  And we have had The Holy Spirit and have not had full knowledge and understanding of The Law which gives us provisions for the flesh and biblically righteous/true/sound definitions for fornication and adultery which seriously affect the quality of our marriages and families--the foundation of our societies. All of our marriages have been set up for failure and that is way the divorce rate is so high for everyone and many people are unhappily married and cheating.

But what about the sin of sodomy which is usually defined as oral or anal sex with a member of the opposite sex?  Since the evil spirits added the sin of masturbation to The Holy Bible to make us feel shameful and guilty about our sexuality, we should definitely expect them to severely distort the definition of sodomy to further hide the truth about our sexuality.  The story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:4-29 is about the wicked men of those cities wanting to have sex with the two male Angels that came to visit Lot while he lived in Sodom and have absolutely nothing to do with men having sex with women.  Lot very graciously offered his two virgin daughters to these wicked men and they did not want to have sex with them and his generous offer only angered the wicked men of Sodom.  Sodomy is a man having any kind of sex with another man only.  Another expanded application and and adding to The Holy Bible lie.  In fact, God does not allow men to lay with other men at all but God does allow women to lay with other women which is something that us men and many women really enjoy watching anyway.  God created women specifically for men and he put a special glory of beauty and sexiness on women that even other women admire and that is why men are way more physically attracted to women than the other way around.  In Leviticus 18, God defines unlawful sexual relations.  He specifically prohibits a man from having sex with his Close Relatives which are defined as his Mother, Sister, Daughter, Granddaughter and Aunt.  This includes Half, Step, and In-Laws of each kind.  So according to The Holy Bible, it is perfectly all right with God for a man to marry his First Cousin. (I'd like to give a shout out to all the people from the great state of Alabama right here. :-) And although there isn't a verse the specifically says "your own daughter," verse 17 prohibits sex with a woman and her daughter or grand-daughter which would cover the man's own daughter of any kind.  This chapter is written from the view point of a man's prohibited close sexual relationships and the converse would cover women because a man would still be involved in male with female sexual relations.  And in verse 22 sodomy is prohibited because it definitely says, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." which is further proof that men and women where allowed to lie with each other and have Righteous Sex, which is The Second Verse, because it does say "as one lies with a woman" instead of "your wife" at the end.  But notice that IT DOES NOT SAY the same thing for women in verse 22 as it specifically does in verse 23 about prohibiting sexual relations with an animal. 

Leviticus 18:22 "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.
(23) Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion."

With these two verses being right next to each other, it is very clear that this was intentional.  So I will not appear to be splitting hairs here, we know that God gave us all a conscience so we all instinctively know much about right from wrong in our heart.  So even though this chapter does not go through the woman and her daughter prohibitions and such, we all instinctively know that this is blatantly wrong because this goes against our human nature.  But women having sex with other women does not go against male human nature at all (whom women where made for) and it is a very enjoyable part of male and most female sexuality and with it being right next to the animal prohibition in The Holy Bible, it is written just like it is supposed to be and calling Gay Women or Bi-Sexual Women sinners would be adding to The Holy Bible and a lie.  Religious Hustler Spirits have people mistakenly assuming that these Sexual Relation Laws apply equally to both sexes which is not true and it is not trusting God by adding our own biased views to His word.  A lot of our "logical conclusions" are just assumptions which can be very dangerous at times; remember people "assumed" we will burn in "hell fire" forever which is a deter people from seeking God straight lie as well.  It is clear that The Holy Bible does not treat men and women equally in some regards (Leviticus 27: 1-7) and this sexuality assumption is another adding to The Holy Bible straight lie.  This same principle is also covered in Romans 1:18-32 about "the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness" and specifically

Romans 1:26 "Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. (27) In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

Notice that verse 26 just says that it is unnatural for women to relate sexually to other women which means heterosexual women will always out number the bisexual and gay women put together because it not natural.  But verse 27 DOES NOT condemn the unnatural women relations as a sin like it does for the men as being "indecent acts" and "their perversion." 
So even though women relating sexually with other women is bibically unnatural IT IS NOT UNLAWFUL according to The Holy Bible.  Religious Hustler Spirits will assume and add to God's Word like they have been doing for centuries and they will get mad at me for telling you the truth.  Don't believe the hype and judge for yourselves.

As for the adultery definition of the second part of the revelation, Leviticus 18:18 is the scriptural support: 
"Do not take your wife’s sister as a rival wife and have sexual relations with her while your wife is living."

(This scriptural reference came to me while I was writing this section.  This whole post and blog was started by Faith and I finally reasoned that I didn't need a scripture reference because of the "Logos/Rationality Principle" (from Post #5) that it used below, which is the most important reason anyway. -- From my personal inner Spiritual Warfare regarding this post.)

As you can see, Sexual Relations is different than Sexual Intercourse which is for married people only and verse 18 DOES NOT prohibit a married man from having Sexual Relations with another woman "while his wife is still living" with whom he can have Sexual Intercourse and Sexual Relations with.  This verse only prohibits him from choosing his wife's sister (who could be married herself) as the rival wife and it DOES NOT prohibit him from having "a rival wife" that he can have Sexual Relations with.

Leviticus18:20 says "Do not have sexual relations with your neighbor’s wife and defile yourself with her." which prohibits the man from having Sexual Relations with his "close in proximity" neighbor's wife (even though she is not a "close relative") while the rest of the chapter prohibits the man from Sexual Relations that are "close relatives" regardless of their proximity. (nearness in space)  This must be stated to comply with the Tenth Commandment of not coveting your neighbors wife.  To over generalize "neighbors wife" to include all wives would not make sense because it would contradict Leviticus 18:18 above which does allow a man to have a rival wife (just not his wife's sister as the "rival wife") and also because of the following rationality and reasoning. (also see 2 Timothy 2:14-26)

The biggest support of The Adultery Definition is using our God given common sense/reasoning ability/sense of reality.  Since God wants us to be fruitful and multiply because He loves children, so He gave us the desire to have them, He therefore made sexual intercourse extremely enjoyable so we would want to do this--Rational System Engineering.  God made men and women very attracted to each other physically and we now know that He also gave them the liberty to have as much Righteous Sex with each other as they wanted to before marriage which gets them used to a very sexually liberated lifestyle.  It would be very foolish to then restrict their sexual access to only one individual because they want to have God's children--which He desires also--and have to stay sexually committed to only that one person in marriage.  This would be a set up for marital fidelity failure.  After having the complete freedom to enjoy God's creativity that provides a great sexual variety of individuals before marriage, we all know very well that our sexual desire for each other does not magically change because we want to have God's children.  We therefore are supposed to get married for the sake of raising God's children in two parent families which God designed children to need.  So from our life experiences of all kinds of people cheating, we know that marriage does not magically change the nature of the flesh at all, and if God wanted us to switch to just loving one person physically after marriage/sexual intercourse--He wouldn't set us up for failure since He always has our best interests at heart because He is a very loving God--He would have designed having sexual intercourse to completely change our physical desire in our minds to only that one person because He has the power to makes choices about our behavior when He designs the systems.  Many people are deceived, by believing that The Holy Spirit does or is supposed to stunt our sexual desire, resulting in many sex scandals and hidden shame in the churches and everywhere else--people are just not keeping it real and therefore staying deceived.  The exact opposite is true: an increase in True Spirituality increases or Sexuality because True Spirituality and Sexuality go hand in hand. (or dick in hand :-) LOL) Biblically single women have unlimited sexual access to both men and women and single men have unlimited sexual access to women.  After living that type of true single lifestyle, and if marriage was supposed to limit you to only one sexual partner, then neither single women or single men would ever get married because of that very irrational law and give up their wonderful sexually liberated lifestyle for the sake of having children and this would put The Creation's Existence at risk!  At best you would have very old men fathering children to keep the human race alive and they would be raised without a father figure who died of old age.  So since God gives us great sexual freedom before marriage, we rationally have to have it during marriage as well to ensure the survival and happiness of the Creation.  It just makes sense (Logos/Rational) and has to be defined as such by default because if it does not make sense, it is not from our very rational God.  Nonsense creates Dysfunction in our spirits and Rationality/Sound Judgement creates High Functionality in our spirits.  ("If you think deep--and keep it real--you can figure out the deal.")  So what is the biggest lying Satanic hustle out there?:

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