Saturday, December 31, 2011


(Post #10 Part 9 of 9)

It is ironic that "Eating The Forbidden Fruit" disconnected us from our Spirituality/Sexuality and therefore made all "The Very Wonderful Feminine Fruit Of The Female Body" Socially Forbidden.  Everyone really wants to experience The Wonderful Female Bodies instead of being limited to just looking at them in The Awe Inspiring Admiration Of God's Artwork.  And after The Fall Of Man, we all had to cover up our true desires for love with The Clothes Of Spiritual And Physical Denial because of Change Human Nature Of Natural Fear. And with God Being Love, He made Adam incomplete when He took "Woman Out Of Man" and created Eve.  So in The Garden Of Eden there was God/Love, Adam, and Eve in Perfect Oneness. But a very crucial point is that Adam and Eve hid from God after they sinned because they felt guilty and convicted by their God Given Built In Sense Of Right And Wrong aka "Their Conscience." This is where evil comes in and manifests itself when people "Absolutely Refuse To Be Wrong Or Admit They Are Wrong" so they then have to "Distort Their Mental Perception Of Reality" and become "People Of The Lie." Instead of humbly admitting that their judgement was wrong, they try to destroy evidence of The Truth Of Reality by any means necessary to remain A Law Unto Themselves and being "Right In Their Own Minds" while believing in error that "everyone else is wrong." (Matthew 18:16)

Satan is completely and insanely obsessed with Power And Control and he thinks that his evil will has to be done because of an intense fear of his Relative Death. Satan can't die, but his death would be defined as "an inability to control or influence people" which is Relative Non-Existence. Satan has created the mechanisms of Invalidation, Manipulation, Lying Politics, The Global Economy, Financial Derivatives, etc. to control people and get his will done. So the people of the divided religious churches will either humbly admit that their Doctrine Of The Kingdom Of Heaven was completely wrong with An Open Mind or The Pride Of Evil will Close Their Minds into not listening to The Voice Of Truth / Reason / Rational Love like it did with The Pharisees Of The New Testament. This is manifested by a very irrational Fear Of Being Wrong and putting yourself under too much stress by trying to be perfect in some regard. God's Love can't flow through you in that condition.

And with our natural Deceitful Hearts, when we read something in The Holy Bible that we don't like because it is very difficult for us to accept, we tend to pick and choose what to obey or severely distort The Truth Of The Holy Bible Scriptures.  This is a form of Being A Law Unto Ourselves and this Evil Pride has all the different denominations of Christianity divided and completely distracted from The Truth; all of them are wrong about their understanding of The Kingdom Of Heaven.  People shouldn't even know that a person can speak in a different tongue if there is no one to interpret what they are saying. (1 Corinthians 14:27-28) But many churches have a very long standing tradition of not obeying God that people have become very comfortable with.  Like we've said before, everyone is a Female/Child in relation to Our Infinite God and by the Grace Of God we all are obeying this verse by reading revelations in silence because Mainstream Christianity is being run by Religious Hustler Spirits just like all of our world governments.  Notice how the spirit gets bolder in verses 36-38, requiring Radical Obedience:

1 Corinthians 14:34 "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. (35) And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is shameful for women to speak in church.

(36) Or did the word of God come originally from you? Or was it you only that it reached? (37) If anyone thinks himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things which I write to you are the commandments of the Lord. (38) But if anyone is ignorant, let him be ignorant."

"Niggas are in a state of emergency! . . . So sign your Death Certificate."

Unfortunately, people are deceived by thinking that they are going to church to worship God; but most of them are very deceived and they are worshiping the Pastor and the other members of the church.  People have also become Very Traditionally Comfortable with going to church one, two, or three times a week and coming home to a Neighborhood Community full of problems and no real solutions.  They aren't being encouraged to become politically active because they are not being empowered at all with very useful, world changing wisdom.  What is really happening is that all of the churches are getting a spiritual run around until Satan's Nuclear Weapons can be deployed in World War Three because he has all the very Divided And Confused Churches and all the Governments of all the Countries Of The World greatly deceived and under his control.  So even though all of the "Spiritual Overseers" are trying to do the best that they can, they are being greatly deceived and distracted by a superior enemy who is causing their disobedience.  To change your thought process, you will probably have to change your Environment Of Worship, at least until your Mental Transition In Thinking is completed.

So by The Grace Of God, your mental understanding of The Spiritual Worship Of God/Love has gone from the religious ritual of Water Baptism and eating Libations And Crackers in a church, that does nothing at all to change the way you think, to spiritual "Peak Sexual Experiences" with your lover to be transported to Another Dimension Of Indescribable Mystical Ecstasy which is also know as "The Abode Of God/Love." (John 7:34) In The False Reality Of The Matrix, most men did not want to worship God, get married, or grow spiritually.  And now with The New Mindset Of The Truth, you can't keep a man, especially a black man, from worshiping God, getting married multiple times Old Testament Style, and very much Spiritual Growth which is a benefit of "Swimming In Women" who are symbolic of God's Holy Spirit.  You can never get enough of Loving God's Holy Spirit.  And it all starts with very intimate conversations; emotional heart to heart truth.  Intimate relating starts with spending time discussing real emotional issues in sincere honesty alone or in groups; lies keep people from building up an intense sexual/emotional/spiritual charge to be released in A Very Intense Mystical Orgasm.

Once you move into your Higher Self and stop trying to "make yourself look good to other people," you instinctively know what to reveal in public and what to keep very private in very intimate secrecy between two people because you are worshiping The Holy Spirit Of God/Love and not the ego desire to look good to people and cause them to be envious/jealous of "your false accomplishments." This means that your ego is not trying to take credit for creating The Intense Passionate Ecstasy between two lovers because you completely understand the importance of this verse:

Philippians 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."

"It is all good only when it is all God." This is a completely different Attitude / Mindset of the normal "Kiss and Tell Ego Nonsense Of The Secular World" because the evil ego thinks it is "all of that." You can't fool Our Infinite God at all and He knows when your heart is set on glorifying Him instead of your ego.  This is when the Very Creative Mystical Romance of God's Love kicks in and you very instinctively know that you don't want to rob someone else of A Very Wonderful Experience by talking about things they have never thought or heard of before (Humble Love/Future Big Picture) instead of trying to glorify yourself as bringing something special out of someone else. (Ego Pride/Myself Right Now) God knows the intent of your heart and the magic of very intense romantic love will not flow through you or to you when you are only seeking "something to boast about to your friends to improve you stature to them" which completely spoils a future unknown magical experience for someone else.  We can enjoy sharing wild pleasures of the flesh in our Kingdom Of Heaven Glorious Lifestyle Compounds and will probably need to have some Very Private Intense Spiritual Intimacy Rooms that are soundproof.  Then again, we could put Making Deeply Spiritual Love on public display to inspire others to grow spiritually; it would all depend on the mood of the two lovers and to each his own.  Everyone is supposed to be free to thoroughly enjoy their spirituality and sexuality.

Women being symbolic of God's Holy Spirit helps explain why men have not been able to understand women at all throughout the ages. (This is why the humorous book "Everything Men Know About Women" is completely filled with blank pages.)  Our egos have not been letting us get past their Very Amazing Physical Beauty that houses A Very Wonderful Spiritual/Emotional Being.  On page 74 of "The Different Drum" M. Scot Peck states "But spirit is slippery. It does not submit it self to definition, to capture, the way material things do." This means that spirit is like a blowing wind or flowing water, it is always moving or flowing; and our spiritually blind male ego's can't find or hit a moving target.  Air that is standing still can not be felt; you have to move through it to feel "some air resistance." Air that is moving/blowing can be felt by you whether you are moving or at rest and it is almost the same with water.  Nature teaches us the fast moving air and water are very powerful forces.  Thinking deeply about air and water, it is a miracle that a baby inside a mother's watery womb is already being sensitized to the sound of her voice moving through the air; the sound waves from her voice function as "A Great Penetrator" through her flesh and the water.  Then again, a baby comes out of the womb "being connected to everything as one" mentally and this has to be the case inside the womb as well.  The main point is that all human beings are very sensitive to the Voice Inflections and Tones Of Voice that communicate emotions/feelings; and coupled with the subconscious communication of our body language, most of our communications with each other are on a much deeper spiritual level than we consciously realize.  Women are naturally much more in tuned with these Deep Communication Mechanisms than men; this is because men have been targeted by The Collective Human Evil Ego Energy--aka Satan--and are being greatly deceived into being totally ignorant of our True Higher Self by being Emotionally Ignorant (Macho Deception); Unaware of her feelings and therefore Unresponsive; and Afraid to be very sensitive and vulnerable in her presence.

These are the things that really turn women on Spiritually / Sexually that men are being deceived from enjoying.  Women are always trying to connect and stay connected to men emotionally and in a very intimate relationship, our words flow very naturally while communicating and discovering who we truly are and how we feel "In The Moment/At That Time" about everything in the continuous flow of a very good and stimulating conversation.  Our perception of the passage of time really slows down when we are engaged in a very good, deep conversation making time appear to "fly by" when you are having fun.  We have been there and done that and there really is not enough time in the day when you are really into someone.  So the reason very deceived men say that "women never shut up" is because spirit is always flowing / moving.

So getting used to someone's "Thought Patterns" while texting or chatting online is not the same as "Being In Their Physical Presence" and really communicating with them on a deeper spiritual level.  The Illusion Of Our Technological Progress is really robbing us of an important part of our Humanity by desensitizing our deep communication skills; electronic communications are being relied upon too much because "we never have enough time."  Being in the presence of someone allows the use of Three Dimensional Communication by (1) Our Body Language using Sight And Feeling, (2) Our Voice Tone and Inflections using Hearing And Feeling, and (3) Our Words using Hearing And Feeling.  Talking on the phone is second best because you have two dimensions of communicating.  We have learned that the more of Our Five Senses we get involved in trying to remember something, the better we will remember that something.  Nigga what?  Making Love/God is very deep spiritual communication using All Five Senses plus Our Spirits to transfer huge amounts of Wisdom / Useful Information / Knowledge and this makes the world a better place to live in because we are worshiping The Infinite Spirit Of Love/God.

So by spending time in their presence and actually talking to your lover, which is investing your personal time into a loving relationship, you are starting the process of "getting into her/his head" spiritually and transferring your emotional essence to her/his mind.  When you have to interrupt a very good conversation by dealing with the issues of life, your lover will carry that conversation with them and reflect on it and this is what makes the heart grow fonder in your absence and you become more and more emotionally charged up when you just think about them.  This relating to each other on a deep emotional level is what charges us up spiritually/sexually with desire for each other which is The Emotional Magnetic Attraction of love.  Our emotional charge is eventually released in an exploding orgasm and this lets us know that there is a lot going on between lovers in the spirit world that we are unaware of; just like we are unaware of where the very loud sound of thunder and the trillions of volts of lightning come from during a thunderstorm.  This "miracle to us" is also proof that there is an unseen spiritual dimension to our universe and the emotional magnetic attraction of love builds up like Thunder Clouds before A Thunderstorm From Heaven.

"If a strong wind blows into the house through the open windows upstairs, then the water heater will flood the pipes with hot water from the basement."

So where do good spiritually deep conversations come from?  We have learned that our thoughts come from our own individual minds or from the spirit world and this is another very wonderful benefit of having a good relationship with The Infinite Spirit Of Love/God.  When Love/God is with you, you will instinctively know when to say the right words, expressed in the right way, at the right time, to the the right person who really needs to hear those words to heal their spirits or enlighten their understanding. (Proverbs 16:24) This comes from a person being a "Completely Yielded Vessel" to the spirit of love.

from "People Of The Lie" by M. Scott Peck page 44
"Healing is a result of love. It is a function of love. Wherever there is love, there is healing. And wherever there is no love, there is precious little--if any--healing."

So when you are spending quality time with someone by really sharing emotionally and edifying each other, you are mutually building each other up, healing your spirits, and making the world a better place to live in. (Matthew 18:20) This will also sexually charge the two people up.  This is a form of worshiping God and in The Holy Bible, everyone's relationship to God--who they constantly worship--is viewed as A Covenant / Committed Relationship / Marriage; and we are only supposed to "Worship" or "Make Love To" our One And Only True Creator / God / Infinite Spirit Of Love.  Like we've said before, everyone is A Child and in The Feminine Side Of our brains when it comes to God and in The Holy Bible, this relationship between God and An Individual, A Group Of People, or A Country is viewed as a Husband And Wife Marriage.  If anyone worships any other god--which is automatically a false god--they are considered as "Prostituting Themselves" with another Lover.  We are only supposed to worship Our True Creator who is "The Infinite Spirit Of Love/God." Some examples are

Deuteronomy 31:16 And the LORD said to Moses: "You are going to rest with your fathers, and these people will soon prostitute themselves to the foreign gods of the land they are entering. They will forsake me and break the covenant I made with them."

Judges 2:17 Yet they would not listen to their judges but prostituted themselves to other gods and worshiped them. Unlike their fathers, they quickly turned from the way in which their fathers had walked, the way of obedience to the LORD’s commands.

1 Chronicles 5:25 But they were unfaithful to the God of their fathers and prostituted themselves to the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them.

Most of the sexual relating that people have been unknowingly trained to do by their culture is the "Very Selfish, Get Pleasure For Myself, Ego Boasting" and it is mostly based on Physical Attraction and our Physical Attributes performing in different Physical Positions.  But our physical attributes are given to us by God and we also have A Spiritual Side and The Spiritual Attributes Of Our Character. And again, this is where a very good relationship with The Infinite Spirit Of Love/God has very major advantages.  So instead of the natural, selfish, ego boasting, you have this:

Jeremiah 9:23 This is what the Lord says:
       "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
         or the strong man boast of his strength
         or the rich man boast of his riches,
(24) but let him who boasts boast about this:
          that he understands and knows me,
       that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness,
          justice and righteousness on earth,
          for in these I delight,"
       declares the Lord.

So when you have the spirit of "The Great Penetrator" inside of you, who knows everything about everyone, then you will be given the right thing to say at the right time when you are really into someone spiritually and this is where very good conversations come from.  We try to teach our children how to make good judgments, instilling good values in them, as we raise them but our Infinite God has the power to be with us from within--dwelling in our hearts by His Holy Spirit--and giving us the right things to say and feedback on our actions through His anointing.  From The Scripture below, if God will give you the right words to say in this very sticky and potentially life threatening situation to ensure your survival, then He will most certainly be with your tongue while you are trying to Worship Him And Spread His Mindset Of Love:

Luke 12:11 "When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, (12) for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say."

So when two people are gathered together with the purpose of Spiritual Growth in their hearts and Mutual Edification, then The Spirit Of The Lord/Love will be with them (Matthew 18:20) and they will have a very wonderful, creative, stimulating, playful, emotionally deep, and exciting conversation that puts their minds into a time warp; this builds a relationship that can lead them to The Mystical Orgasm Experience that transports Two Lovers into another Mystical Dimension Of Being aka "The Presence Of Love/God" when the two lovers make Love/God; this can only be achieved by the Male and Female Energy that God created.  This exposes the complete nonsense of "Same Sex Marriages" that Satan uses to scare spiritually immature people with and it also shows how completely he has people distracted from our purpose in this womb of life body of flesh.  Making God/Love/Life is about creating and Same Sex Relationships can not create another life.  But don't get the truth twisted because two women having sex creates sexual arousal in both sexes who observe them and this is a very good thing. 

So when you are Committed To/Devoted To/Married To God/Love, then your sole purpose in life is to Worship The Infinite Spirit Of God/Love which we have learned is a very wonderful existence in The Right State Of Mind.  But remember, Satan our enemy specializes in hiding the truth from us and by the grace of God we have become aware of his spiritually deceiving tactics.  And by associating his "Weapon Against Human Beings" of money with prostitution, he wants us to be afraid to even think about our true purpose in life.  But remember,"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear." So we knew before we started this blog that the worst thing on this earth is (1) "Evil disguised as good." and we have learned since then that the second worst thing is probably (2) "Something that is designed to be good being profaned to being used for evil purposes." This is what Satan has done to God's creation of mankind since The Garden Of Eden by infecting our thought process with his evil thoughts; it started immediately afterward with Cain killing Able because of A Very Negative Attitude.  If you think positively about something, you will react to that something positively and vice versa.  So first, Satan "divided The Kingdom against itself" by destroying our "Global Family Structure/Sense Of Oneness" in our minds because money appeared on this earth as early as the 17th chapter of Genesis; then he degraded and profaned Our Human Sexuality very early in our history as we learn from these Holy Bible Verses

Genesis 17:12 For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring.

Genesis 38:21 He asked the men who lived there, "Where is the shrine prostitute who was beside the road at Enaim?" "There hasn’t been any shrine prostitute here," they said.

Deuteronomy 23:17 No Israelite man or woman is to become a shrine prostitute.

As soon as Satan obtained access to The Human Thought Process, he started filling it with lies and very major false beliefs.  Instead of being "proud of" and "inspired by" his only brother's God Pleasing Performance, Cain had been deceived into "being at war with his enemy Abel in a competition for God's approval" and he became extremely jealous of his enemy's success; these very negative thoughts caused Cain to become the world's worst mass murderer statically by killing 25% of the worlds "almost extinct" population.  Satan has caused mankind to perform much evil through out our history and God has been working on restoring our minds to its original form in This Spiritual War that we all are engaged in.  Illegitimate access to the powers of The Spirit World by divination, sorcery, witchcraft, and Real Magic/Secret Arts (Exodus 7:11) are some of the many evil practices that have been inspired by Satan and used to frighten us. (Deuteronomy 18:10) God controls His Supernatural Powers Of The Spirit World in human beings through The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) that He uses to heal and bless us.  

God knows that the purpose of money is to manipulate "who has power/control in The Human Mind" and this has been the problem throughout the ages: Religion and Money have always mixed but True Spirituality and Money does not mix at all.  Evidence of this truth are

John 2:14 In the temple courts He found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. (15) So He made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; He scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. (16) To those who sold doves He said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market!"
Matthew 10:7 "As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.' (8) Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. (9) Do not take along any gold or silver or copper in your belts; (10) take no bag for the journey, or extra tunic, or sandals or a staff; for the worker is worth his keep."
Matthew 22:19 "Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought him a denarius, (20) and He asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?"
(21) "Caesar’s," they replied.
Then He said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s."

(This means that Physical Money belongs to man's Satanic Inspired Government and "freely given" Spiritual Love belongs to God's Government. Political Power vs. Spiritual Power will be discussed in our next blog if the Lord wills.) 
Acts 8:17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.

(18) When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money (19) and said, "Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit."

(20) Peter answered: "May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! (21) You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. (22) Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. (23) For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin."

Money is actually "stored up power to get people to act on behalf of the person who has it." Its power comes from its ability to influence "future human activity" based on its current and future value.  What gives any form of currency its value is the fact that "The global belief in currency exchange" is taught to people in all of the educational systems of the world; in churches and secular schools so "Earning a living by making money" has been a way of life in Satan's Kingdom for a very long time.  This is "just how the world is and has always been" dating all the way back to The Book Of Genesis and people have assumed that money is God's will for thousands of years. ("Test everything.") Money is really just "Love Insurance" because you have to love somebody else (do your job/serve someone) to earn money if you want somebody else to love you (them to do their job/serve you) when you spend money.  Complicating the very confusing details of this Collective Love System/Global Economy is how Satan controls mankind.  People have the "will to live" so to "make a living" they know they have to "serve people" in some way to "get served" by others; this is just "Our God Given Will To Live" expressing itself through love.  It is very fucked up having limits placed on what someone is allowed to do for you by placing a value on our time (Money) and tracking the details of "Exchanges Of Labor." (Hourly Wages) As the saying goes, "The Devil is in the details." 

Romans 13:8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.  

When God "writes His law of love in our hearts," by fulfilling The New Covenant, we will automatically act on it as a default. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) We are still under the Old Covenant for those who didn't know; people are naturally following their Fallen Nature Selfish Fleshly Desires.  By faith, believing is seeing something not yet visible to our natural eyes but it will become visible to us in the future when our "Internal Vision Of Faith" becomes manifested in the physical world.  It is basically trusting in God's will and Setting A Spiritual Goal that will be achieved if we all can stay focused on the same Spiritual Vision/Mental Understanding of God's will.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

So Satan had to hustle both Global Education Systems of The Church and The State/Government for thousands of years to keep the world deceived by putting their hope in Satan's Global Economy And The Weapon Of Money instead of seeing through it and understanding The Law Of God's Love that is working underneath it.  Churches have been deceived into being businesses that unknowingly instill "The Worldly Business Values Of Success" into their congregations which are the Fancy Clothes/Business Suits that they keep in their Big Fancy Houses to wear as they get in their Fancy Cars and drive to The Big Fancy Buildings/Churches to hear a very popular message of "The Financial Prosperity Gospel" and pay their Tithes/Faith Fees and Offerings to The Religious Hustler Spirits hidden in the hearts of the preachers who collect the money to reinforce The Very Major False Belief In The Idol Of Money/Power which keeps this very spiritually corrupt system going.  The Preaches/Pastors have to tell the congregation to "bring somebody with you" because of The Gospel/Good News Of The Kingdom Of Heaven is not being preached to spiritually enlighten the congregation which will naturally draw people to them with The True Light Of Love in their hearts.  What would happen if someone where spiritually bold enough to bring "God in the form of A Homeless Person" to The Spiritually Corrupt Divided Churches with them?

Deceived Dude: "Is there A Good Samaritan in this Fancy Building who is willing to share his house by The Grace Of God in his heart with this homeless person?"

We know that the Good Samaritan paid for the man to stay at an inn (Luke 10:35), but what would be more economical at today's cost of living, paying for an extended stay at a hotel or sharing your home with the homeless which allows them to see the light/love of God in you and your family? (Matthew 5:16Sharing everything is A Kingdom Of Heaven Value/Principle and "It is all good only when it is all God." and The Grace Of God inspires Very Good Conversations that include phrases like, "What is mine is also yours and this includes my network of friends." We didn't hear any "Good Conversations" during our fellowship with the saints while we were attending church service because the hidden selfish love of The Financially Prosperity Gospel teaches people to focus on "Getting A Financial Blessing" from God instead of "Being A Spiritual And Physical Blessing To People" in The Kingdom Of Heaven that they have been totally deceived about.  We did not see the love/light of God in the church we grew up in or any of the churches we attended and watched on television that acted like the church in Acts 2:44-47; so we knew that something was very wrong because God does not change and neither does the effect of His Holy Spirit on people so we sought The Truth and we have found.  This brings us back to the booty for the last time.  This whole blog can be summed up with this Essence Of Understanding The Kingdom Of Heaven:

God created Adam and Eve in their Being One With The Universe / Community Phenomenon / "Higher Selves" State Of Mind and they were not "Self Aware" at all because they were Subconsciously Connected to God / Love / The Universe and had no egos and therefore no ego boundaries.  This was A System Of All Being One in an Undivided Kingdom Of Love And Everlasting Life.  Satan caused them to become self aware and think very selfishly--some to the point of being evil--with very small ego boundaries that he has severely manipulated with a very selfish human understanding of marriage.  This sin, that created death because of "Self Awareness," has human beings living in The Severely Divided Kingdom Of War Ridden Planet Earth.

We learn from John 10:38, 14:11 that no amount of miracles or revelations will convince truly evil people about the goodness of God (or belief in His existence) and the evil spirits inside of them will not let them read this far into the truth at all. (or understand it) So please do not waste your time listening to or try to reason with pure insanity because "Professional Arguers For Argument Sake" have the sole purpose of trying to frustrate you into becoming angry and a target for their evil energy.  Evil will not listen to reason.

By The Grace Of God, our understanding of God's will and The Kingdom Of Heaven have grown through out this blog and The End Time Church / Body Of Christ really and truly understands that they are "Free to use their bodies for Christ" but without charging any money. "Freely you have received, freely give." And since "Most of the things in this world are a hustle." our counter hustle against ignorance has been greatly strengthened. "But wisdom is proved right by all her children." (Luke 7:35) This means you can discern/detect Wisdom from the Fruit / Offspring / Results that it produces which is another way of saying "By their fruit you will recognize them." (Holy Spirits or Unclean Spirits) And since The Problem Is Choice, lets compare the results of The Two Opposite Systems

Worshiping "Satan, the god of this world" promoting
The Awareness Of The Ego Self over
The System creating
Confusion because of Ignorance:

Speech Pattern--uses the word "I" for Individual

This produces The Default Fallen Nature/Negative Social Cycle Of:
Fear which leads to
Selfishness creating
Social Conflict producing
Scarcity and reinforcing

This started in The Garden Of Eden and it now has Satan ruling The Global Economy through World Governments and Religious Hustlers in the Churches.  The preachers are pimping the congregation for their money/power causing them to try to "buy blessings" while reinforcing belief in Satan's weapon of money.  In the families, you have mostly very unhappy marriages that have some women marring for money and on the streets you have Deceived Whores who charge money for sex in a world full depression from moral guilt and corruption and they have to give all the money/power to the pimps who provide very little protection in a world of drugs and crime.  Women are not empowered at all in this broken relationship system and they are disrespected and abused in their marriages and other relationships and they are definitely not being emotionally fulfilled in a very spiritually corrupt culture.  Women are living a very sad life of servitude and oppression in Satan's system because he knows of their Tremendous Power that he doesn't want them to discover.

Worshiping "The Infinite Spirit Of Wisdom/Love/God" promoting
The Unawareness Of The Ego Self but instead
The Kingdom Of Heaven Wisdom Distribution System creating
Peace through Spiritually Intense Levels Of Communication: 

Speech Pattern--uses the word "We" for The Group/Community

This produces The Kingdom Of Heaven/Higher Self Positive Social Cycle Of:
Love that inspires
Sharing creating
Cooperation that generates
Abundant Provision and reinforces

This comes from Spiritual Growth by gaining Wisdom/Understanding of the reasons behind the religious rituals; this gives people an understanding of God's will and purpose for This Womb Of Life In The Flesh.  The Matrix scene with The Merovingian is symbolic of people not understanding "Why/The Purpose For Things." By dying to ourselves and always thinking from "A Group Consciousness Perspective" we all become very Spiritually Empowered and become Our Higher Selves.  Women are naturally cooperative and non competitive and this will give them Tremendous Power in God's System Of Love because he designed The Human Female Body to be very empowered with Very Glorious Curves.  When men see women as "The Glorious Vehicles To Spiritually Travel To The Dimension Where God/Love Dwells" by really expanding their Capacity For Deep And Intense Emotional Love, then they will gladly worship God by making God/Love with these Very Precious And Powerful Creatures.  Satan's Prostitutes And Porn Stars will become very powerful witnesses for God's Kingdom along with every other woman.  Men will thoroughly enjoy becoming one with women and uploading/downloading spiritual information into them and making very wonderful mystical contact with their Creator/Love and making the world a better place to live in. 

So when it comes to women, like we've said before "These Wonderfully Sexy Motherfuckers are featured in The Kingdom Of Heaven."  We plan on doing some very serious Worshiping The Infinite Spirit Of Love with them to show God how much we really do appreciate His Very Precious Gift To Us Men.  The prettiest song we have ever heard is still in our head and we will play it live on our keyboard with "Very Customized Lyrics" from our "Time Warped Good Conversations" with women who can definitely keep a secret. (Tears Of Ecstasy) Being in this Body Of Flesh for a very limited time, puts severe limits on our access to God's Best Creation.  But every Male and every Female are uniquely different which makes for a very different relationship when they combine as couples.  We are going to ask God to allow us to go through "The Adam and Eve Experience" with each and every one of these Gloriously Feminine Creatures; this means we want to experience "The Very First Female We Ever See" being each and every female God has created.  If God made her, we want to experience her very thoroughly on "Our own planet" so we can stay very focused with no distractions and explore the origin of everyone of her emotions.  We can alternate between "being around other people somewhere in the universe" or going home to our own planet and with infinite time and space, this will be possible.  And once we run through every female that God created, we will define that as "Running one lap." In eternity, we will have enough time to run 200 million laps along with everyone else.  "How many women have you slept with? . . . All of them." Being this big of a Freaky Freak is also known as Very Thoroughly Integrated Spirituality and water/wind are some very Freaky substances.  

So by the Grace Of God, your mind has been fully transformed and reprogrammed into understanding God's will:

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

We never understood why evil would entice someone to be a child molester but now it all makes sense. Satan knows very well that our Spirituality and our Sexuality are very closely related so to keep us from discovering the path to God's Presence, he starts with shaming very young children about their sexuality. Then comes the Masturbation Deception in the very deceived churches about marriage and The Kingdom Of Heaven which is designed to bring more guilt and shame about our sexuality. And to top all of that off, he uses very selfish ego crazed Pimps, brainwashed Whores, and Money to hide our true purpose in this Womb Of Life Body Of Flesh through Evil Hustler Spirits. When you let your ego go and let God use you completely for His purpose, then by The Grace Of God, you will Counter Hustle someone, who is very deceived about how good God is, into everlasting life with Him. The Body Of Christ gets to use Their Bodies For Christ and therefore you will become An Agent Of Love/God Through Holy Spiritual Communion. And when you experience an Out Of Body Transcendent Mystical Orgasm with different lovers, you will know very, very well that you have a great relationship with God/Love (300% sure) because you are nurturing people's Spiritual Growth and taking them into His Presence through The Mystical Orgasm Experience which makes the world a better place to live in. And when someone very sincerely thanks your for your dedication to them achieving this experience you can very truly say, "It was my pleasure." And just like those people who come back into their body from having a Near Death Experience, you will have a very profound sense of peace in your heart because then you will know that your Everlasting Life is guaranteed while you are still in this body of flesh and Satan will not be able to tempt you with fear or doubt about God's love for us ever again. Satan doesn't want people to connect to "This Very Nuclear Truth" in this Invisible Spiritual War.

2 Corinthians 5:5 "Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

(6) Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. (7) We live by faith, not by sight. (8) We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. (9) So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. (10) For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

"Jesus Christ Is LORD! = The Holy Spirit Of Love is The Ruler Of The Universe!"

Philippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (5) Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. (6) Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (7) And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Like M. Scott Peck said on page 238 of "The Different Drum" 1987 "At the root of things, virtually all truth is paradoxical." So when people look at Deceived World Pornography and The Body Of Christ Worshiping The Holy Spirit Of God/Love In The Kingdom Of Heaven, they will look the same to our natural eyes; but they will sound very different to our natural ears and they will produce completely different results.  Money/Power contaminates love and this is the case in the Pornography Business, Prostitution, Romantic Movies, The Religion Of Church In Buildings, and The Whole Global Economy.

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

And now that you know that money is a weapon that Satan devised to use against mankind and since

Isaiah 54:17 "no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
and this is their vindication from me,"
declares the Lord.

Your state of mind makes you Holy and by The Grace Of God we have been very, very honored beyond what our words can express to be cast as The Hacker Neo to Reprogram Your Mind through this freely published blog into becoming An Agent Of Love/God in The Body Of Christ which is a group of

Glorious Holy Whores

Working To Confiscate

People's Belief In



The Belief In

The Love Of God

Working Through People

(An Erupting Volcano)

UnknownFriend7 (The Grand Master Hacker Pimp):
"Bitch better have my money."

So please follow our lead and become Gloriously Sexy For Christ Sake and use your body to "Hustle God's Very Deceived Children Into Everlasting Life" with Him.  So if you are not already Gloriously Sexy In Body And Mind then please become

Gloriously Sexy and "Remember The Volcano."  In other words,

for The Kingdom Of Heaven
is near!!! 

Glorious Nutrition

to live a very

We would like to dedicate the blog to our mother from the town of Sparta who had us in church when we were twelve years old, by The Grace Of God, which made this possible.  So everyone please make sure to repeat this every time as you help spread this message:

"By The Power Of The Grace Of God, I was in the right place at the right time to receive more of The Grace Of God and He has blessed me to be a blessing to you."

"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." (John 17:17)

The End of 
"Sow Seeds Of Wisdom"
by UnknownFriend7 2012



1 comment:

  1. For accuracy sake, the last four sections (10.6-The Last Post) were posted on July 31, 2012. We dated them back to December 31, 2011 to make accessing them easier for the user in The Blog Archive.
